Vengeamour: Sinner's Love |PJ...

By WriterK02

251 35 120

"REVENGE" echoed relentlessly in the mind of the man with unique gray eyes. "I am here to catch my prey. Jus... More



18 3 17
By WriterK02

After the conversation, an unusual silence settled between Jimin and Suga, a taciturn exchange that had become customary for the duo. Colleagues and subordinates often dubbed them the "Cold Twins" due to their shared reticence. Jimin absentmindedly scrolled through his mobile, his thoughts lingering on the recent exchange with Suga and the enigmatic voice of a particular woman. A sigh escaped him, the elusive voice haunting his mind. Meanwhile, Suga, seated next to his boyfriend, was engrossed in composing an email on his phone. His gaze shifted to Hoseok, who appeared lost in contemplation. Typically, Hoseok was the chatterbox, initiating conversations to which Jimin and Suga would offer concise replies. 

Sensing something amiss, Suga turned to his boyfriend with a furrowed brow. "Hobi, what's on your mind?" he inquired, breaking the usual pattern, as Hoseok seemed surprisingly subdued. Suga closed his phone with a confident click, then took hold of Hoseok's hands. "Babe, they're going to love both you and your gifts. No need to stress," he assured, sealing his words with a tender kiss on Hoseok's hand. Hoseok, momentarily lost in his thoughts, was brought back by Suga's reassuring touch. He managed a smile, saying, "I know, Suga. It's just something else." Meanwhile, Jimin, seated luxuriously opposite them in the sleek car, observed the interaction with keen interest. Unable to contain his curiosity, he chimed in, "Hoseok, what's on your mind?" Suga shot Jimin a pointed look, silently cautioning him not to pry too deeply into their private conversation.


I looked, both Jimin and Suga before voicing my thoughts, "It's peculiar, guys. I met a girl. I mean, not a girl, but a lady. There's something about her that I can't quite put into words. It's like a feeling of déjà vu, but I can't pinpoint where I might have seen her before." Reflecting on my encounter with the mysterious lady at the jewelry shop. Suga looking puzzled, inquired, "What lady are you talking about?" I proceeded to share the details of my encounter, "I met this lady at the jewelry shop. She was incredibly kind, helping me choose gifts and jewels. But there was something off about her. When I brought up her fiancée during our discussion knowing about her wedding shopping, her demeanor changed noticeably. It felt like her smile was a bit too perfect, almost fake, you know? I can't shake off the feeling that there's more to it." As I expressed my thoughts, the men exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by the mysterious aura surrounding the encounter.

Suga let out a weary sigh, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Hobi, I thought something serious had gone down. Quit overthinking things that aren't our business," he advised, a faint smile playing on his lips. "But Suga, I can't shake it off," I confessed, my worry for the mysterious lady lingering in my thoughts. "Hoseok, as Suga said, it's not our concern. Don't let it consume you," Jimin advised, trying to ease my troubled mind. I nodded, though the concern still tugged at me. "I guess it's not my cup of tea," I admitted, attempting to brush it off. "Hoseok," Jimin called my name, and I turned to face him. "Sorry," he apologized, focusing back on his mobile. I managed a small, appreciative smile. I glanced at Suga, who wore a stoic expression. I could tell it was his doing as Jimin apologised. "What?" he inquired, catching on to my suspicious look. "Nothing much, just wanted to let you know I love you, babe," I said, wrapping my arms around him. Suga reciprocated the hug, his blank expression softening into a small, genuine smile.


As the couple shared a tender moment, Hoseok's words lingered in Jimin's thoughts, a persistent whisper that tugged at his curiosity. The question of who the lady was occupied his mind, and suddenly, a memory flashed— the voice from the mall's parking lot. 'Could it be my Angel?' he wondered for a fleeting moment, then shook his head, choosing to set the thought aside for now.


The prospect of Jimin finally coming home filled me with both happiness and a subtle pang of sadness. It had been four days since his return, yet he chose to delve into matters concerning his enemies first, even displaying an unexpected brusqueness towards Jungkook. The question echoed in my mind – was this a different Jimin? However, amidst the conflicting emotions, one undeniable truth stood firm – he is a family and will always be. "Ryujin, is everything in order? Kimchi fried rice, chicken gravy, fry..." I began listing Jimin's favorite dishes, only to be gently cut off by my wife. "Jin, everything is ready. Don't stress too much. The chefs have prepared all of Jimin's favorite foods, okay?" She reassured me, hugging me. "I know, but he's coming home after five years. It has to be perfect," I replied, holding her close. "Hyung, he'll understand. Don't worry too much," came a reassuring voice, and I turned to see Namjoon smiling at both me and Ryujin. "I know the old Jimin would have. But after the way he acted with Jungkook, I feel like he needs to see that he has a family waiting for him," I expressed, locking eyes with Namjoon, who nodded in understanding. "Hyung, don't overthink it. You know the challenges he's taken on," Namjoon added, offering further reassurance.

"Hyung," a voice interrupted our conversation, and as the three of us turned, we were met with the sight of Jungkook and Taehyung. A smile spread across my face as I welcomed the couple. "Kookie, Tae, come in," I said, embracing them in a hug. Jungkook spoke up, holding a bag in his hand, "Hyung, we brought Kimchi Fried rice along with Chicken." "Really?" I exclaimed, accepting the bag from Jungkook's hand. Taehyung, eager to see his niece and nephew, inquired, "Hyung, where are the kids?" Before I could finish my sentence, the kids shouted Jungkook's name and sprinted towards their two uncles. "Kookie uncle!!" Both Tae and Kook lifted each kid in their arms, exchanging kisses and receiving the same in return. 

"Kookie uncle, I have a doubt," Nara asked Jungkook, her small fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt as he held her in his arms. Jungkook, with a warm smile, responded, "Sure, sweetheart. What's on your mind?" With wide, curious eyes, Nara continued, "Uncle, Jiun oppa said that today, a mysterious uncle is coming to see us for lunch, but he doesn't know the uncle's name. I think he might be lying. Can you tell me if it's true or not?" For a moment, Jungkook's expression shifted, a hint of surprise crossing his face, but he quickly recovered and met Nara's gaze with a reassuring smile. "Ah, I see. Well, my dear, he might not have known because his also young right, but the uncle he was talking about is Uncle Jimin. He'll be joining us for lunch today," he explained, his smile returning as he watched the innocence in Nara's eyes. Nara blinked, processing the information, and then beamed up at Jungkook. "Uncle Jimin?  Does he like all of us" she questioned looking at Jiun who also nodded his head in support to Nara. 

As the Nara asked, Tae intervened with a gentle smile, "Why are you asking like that? He likes you, and all of us, that's why he's coming," casting a reassuring look at Jiun and Nara. However, Jiun, in a surprising moment of candor, challenged, "But Tae Tae uncle, I overheard Mom and Sana aunty talking about Uncle leaving all of you five years ago. How can he like us when he doesn't even know us?" Jaws dropped in the living room, including mine. Gathering my wits, I inquired, "Jiun, what are you asking?" My seven-year-old son, undeterred, continued, "Appa, I just wanted to know. I also heard that Uncle is Kook uncle's brother. Why did he leave? Did he leave because he didn't like Uncle or us?" The room fell into a stunned silence, and Namjoon finally stepped in for me, saying, "Jiun, what are you asking? Who taught you such things?" "Appa, don't shout, Oppa. He's asking because we heard it at school. One of Oppa's friends mentioned he'd leave the country once he grows up because he doesn't like his brother or his family," Nara explained, coming to her brother's defense against of her father.  I instantly saw Jungkook's face which was filled with sadness and was in verge of cry. I was about to open my mouth to scold the kids for asking such stupid but was stopped by a new voice. 

"I don't harbor any dislike for any of you." I heard a firm voice, and swiftly turned towards the sound. There stood Jimin, an embodiment of regality. He resembled the Jimin I knew from five years ago, yet there was a stark transformation. He exuded an aura of intimidation, dominance, and a seriousness that hinted at a colder, more guarded persona.


Hoseok, Suga, and I drove to Seokjin's hyung's house. You might be wondering why I call him hyung. Well, he's one of those person who's been a constant supporter, wanting nothing but happiness for me, even as my life took a 180-degree turn. I entrusted him with Jungkook's care, grateful that he managed my affairs in Korea while I focused on plotting my revenge in Europe. Hoseok seemed noticeably nervous about meeting them. I sighed, gazing out the window, contemplating how I would navigate the unfolding situation. 

As we approached the house, having parked our car in the parking lot, the voices of children, presumably Jiun and Nara, Jin hyung's and Namjoon's kids, reached my ears. "But Tae Tae uncle, I overheard Mom and Sana aunty talking about Uncle leaving all of you five years ago. How can he like us when he doesn't even know us?" Jiun asked, held by Taehyung. "What?" Hoseok exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the child's words. "Jiun, what are you asking?" Hyung scolded the boy, prompting him to stop, "Appa, I just wanted to know. I also heard that Uncle is Kook uncle's brother. Why did he leave? Did he leave because he didn't like Kook Uncle or us?" The question left me stunned for a moment, memories flooding back of how Jungkook had tearfully begged and bid farewell when I left Korea.


Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he desperately clung to me, his voice trembling with fear and sadness. "Hyung, please don't leave me. We can bring them to justice. Namjoon hyung will help us, and Sana noona is there for support. Together, we can fight this. You don't have to go."I gently held Jungkook's shoulders, trying to convey both strength and reassurance. "Jungkook, do you truly believe in the fairness of the court and the power of the law? After witnessing how people manipulate justice with money, I've lost faith. I have to go, not because I want to, but because I don't see any other way. Stay with Jin hyung; he'll take care of you." Jungkook pleaded, his desperation evident, "Hyung, then take me with you. I have no one else; you're like family to me." In that moment, I couldn't help but acknowledge the weight on his young shoulders. I can't blame a 20-year-old boy for not being strong. He is always like this. Scared and vulnerable. Tears streamed down my face, mirroring his pain. 

Despite the emotional turmoil, I handed Jungkook's hand to Jin hyung. I turned to Jin hyung, my expression determined. "Hyung, I'm entrusting Jungkook to your care. I'll return stronger than ever, and that perpetrator will pay for his crimes. Let him revel in his false sense of security for now, but I'll dismantle him with the very wealth he hides behind. I won't just summon the Grim Reaper; I'll become the harbinger of his downfall. Please take care of Jungkook and yourself. No matter what happens, I will come back." Jin hyung nodded solemnly, holding onto Jungkook's hand tightly. As I walked towards the airport entrance, Jungkook's anguished cries echoed behind me. "Hyung, please take me with you. I need you, hyung. Please, don't leave me alone."

End of Flashback;

My train of thought was abruptly derailed when Hoseok and Suga simultaneously called out my name, "Jimin." Hoseok's reassuring pat on my shoulders interrupted the emotional storm brewing within me. I blinked back tears, determined to keep them from spilling over. "Jimin, we should head inside before this turns into a bigger commotion," Hoseok suggested, bringing my attention to the gravity of the situation at Jin hyung's house. I silently acknowledged with a nod, taking a deep breath to compose myself. "I don't harbor any dislike for any of you." I declared, my voice ringing out, drawing the attention of everyone around us. 

There was silence in the room when I walked in. Hoeseok was on my right, Suga was on my left, and I entered the room and stood in front of Tae and Jungkook, who were holding the children. I could see the rage on Tae's face and the despair on Jungkook's. I let out a sigh and gave the youngsters a little grin. Knowing that I had heard them conversing, Jin Hyung's wife Ryujin noona comforted me at that moment, saying, "Jimin, the kids were just talking without understanding."  With a questioning expression on her face, the young girl inquired, "Are you that new Uncle who came to see us?" I looked at her and knew that she had to be Namjoon's daughter Nara. "Do you know us?" said the boy, who appeared to be a little older. "How can I not know Jiun, who is Jin Hyung's lovely son?" I quietly responded. When Jiun heard this, he grinned broadly and turned to face Jin Hyung, who grinned back. "Do you only remember Oppa?" Nara enquired in a tearful tone. "Nara, the attractive daughter of Namjoon and Sana. You're five years old, correct?" I noticed the tears in her eyes and smiled. Nara leaped into my arms, gripping my neck tightly. She kissed me and said, "Uncle, I like you."

I cradled Nara in my arms, silently acknowledging her statement with a nod of my head. "Jimin, it's good to have you back," Jin hyung said, approaching me to take Nara out of my grasp. "Uncle Jin!" she whined as she was handed over to Ryujin. "Nara, sweetheart, let's not disturb Jimin Uncle. He just got home," Jin explained, and she obediently nodded. "Come, take a seat," Namjoon gestured towards the couch. I settled down alongside Hoseok and Suga. Jin hyung called out, "Kook, Tae, come over here," summoning Jungkook and Taehyung from their spot in the middle of the living room. The kids had disappeared with Ryujin, leaving just the male members of the household in the room.

"Jin hyung, I'll head to the kitchen; Ryujin noona might need some help," Jungkook stated, avoiding direct eye contact with Jin, as if hesitant to join us. Before Jin could respond, Hoseok stepped in, encouraging Jungkook to stay with us. "Jungkook, come join us," Hoseok looked at me and added, "Jimin, tell him to join us," shifting everyone's attention to me. I turned to Jungkook, who seemed to be intentionally avoiding my gaze, and let out a sigh. "Jungkook, sit." I said, my voice maintaining its usual calm demeanor. Reluctantly, Jungkook turned to Taehyung and mumbled, "Tae, I'll be in the kitchen; call me if you need any help." With that, he made his way to the kitchen. Taehyung, unable to contain his frustration, finally spoke up. "Do you even realize how much pain he's been holding back?" he growled, casting me an accusing look. I lifted my head to meet Tae's eyes, his words hanging heavy in the air. "Selfish," he spat, taking a seat next to Jin hyung.

"Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin, kind of like a brother to Jimin and Jungkook, and the elder in this family," Jin hyung introduced himself to Hoseok and Suga, who were new additions to our household. Hoseok greeted him with a warm smile, "Mr. Kim, we already know the ins and outs of this house and the members connected to Jimin," causing Jin hyung to react with pleasant surprise. "Anyway, I'm Jung Hoseok, and this is my boyfriend, Min Suga," Hoseok continued the introductions, presenting Suga alongside him. Namjoon chimed in with a welcoming smile, "Welcome to Korea," and Hoseok and Suga nodded appreciatively. A brief silence filled the room for a few moments until Namjoon spoke up to break it. "Jimin, don't let Jungkook's recent actions bother you," Namjoon reassured, redirecting my attention. However, before I could respond, Tae interjected with evident anger in his words, "Why should he worry? He hasn't even bothered to care about how Jungkook has been living for the past five years." His frustration echoed in the room, leaving me sitting there emotionless, absorbing the tension.

Before Tae could continue, Jin hyung intervened, "Jimin, I need to have a private conversation with you."

I hope you guys like this. Thanks for reading. Please do comment and share your thoughts and happiness.



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