
By AustenEli

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This is how it all began the end of the everything. The world as we know it and all the magic every wizard, m... More

The time we met - Chapter One
the sorcerer's initiate - chapter two
the sorcerer's initiate (part 2) - chapter three
The runaway (part one) - chapter 5
the runaway (part 2)- Chapter 6
Brawl of the Bewitched- Chapter 7

your eyes - chapter four

3 1 0
By AustenEli

The blackstone and this whole mission everything..If i regretted anything it was this. I'm sorry that I ever did it.. I'm still mad at everything. Though i'm getting carried away let's continue where it left off, Right?

Vega who was pleased with the answer she was given handed over a piece of paper rolled into the exact way a diploma would look. Inside its contents were the direction to the underworld. Elegance being also pleased gave his farewell. "I'll be seeing you, Vega" he said with a pleasant smile and wink. She waved her hand as if dismissing him and continued to dine on her tea. "Before it's over and I leave though? Is the path ahead dangerous.. for the boy?" he asked with a hint of regret. She looked over and gave him a look that could only be described as a formal apology. The room felt dark as the feeling of loss swept over Elegance. Mel who laid asleep finally awoke and looked around with his eyes half closed. His body laid out like a tired old man after a long days of work. Elegance signaled to him a thumbs up toward himself. He quickly picked himself up and ran beside him. The two began to leave the undercroft and begin their journey to find the stone. "Next stop is the underworld.. heard tales about this place.. thought it was. a myth" Elegance said while he glared at the map. Mel who strolled alongside came to halt once they had left the cabin and walked past the runes laid in the woods. "Well we can get close to it but as far as we know it might be rune protected as well. lets take the teleporter thing again" Elegance said to Mel. The boy pulled the device from his pocket and held it to him. Elegance grabbed it and patted his head as he began to open a portal. On the other side of the portal was darkness. "Well that's very inviting" he said looking down at the scared Mel who's hands trembled. "Listen buddy i'll go first.. but before I do take this" he said holding out a small device that appeared almost ancient. "It's called a flashlight.. before magic humans built these to see in the dark.. I don't need it , though" he said as he walked through the portal. Mel quickly started to fiddle with the flashlight and made it work as he swung it around. He then slowly walked inside and entered. The light barely penetrated his surroundings but the view in front of him was clear. A sign as large as the eye could see was bare in front of him. It read Welcome to the UNDERWORLD.The sign gave Mel goosebumps before he realized he hadn't asked around for Elegance. "D-dad?!" he said loudly but trying not to alert anyone. His flashlight became dim and started to turn off. He mangled with it and it turned on once more. The sign now different than before. It now read DON'T TRUST YOUR EYES spooking Mel once again. This time he yelled for his father. "DAD!" feeling frightened he turned and made sure to check his surroundings. The gate had disappeared. Only a wall made of cement laid behind him and in front of him a changing sign. He chose not to keep reading and checked his corners. The sign had stairs leading downward. Mel felt alone and scared but chose not to meltdown and cry. He was powerful and he didn't have much to fear. His father taught him what he needed to survive. The only problem now was guiding himself into safety. Elegance could take care of himself he was known as the strongest wizard of his era. Even knowing that Mel still worried and hoped his father was alright or that he'd come and help him like he always has. He turned and walked toward the stairs and decided to go down. As he began to go down he felt the stairs move and shift toward different direction. When he looked down the stairs remained the same and nothing had changed. His other senses screamed at him telling him something was off. He continued to ignore everything and continued onward. Once he reached the bottom the room he landed in was dimly lit. Mel saw a hanged figure and another who had a distorted horrific face. "he-hello? .. have you seen a tall man in a suit?" he asked as he inched closer. The other person it seemed also inched closer to him in silence. Mel began to sturdy himself and act as tough as he could. "Who is that? .. hanging there" he said trying his hardest to sound like his father. The figure then began to stop inching closer and the rooms light began to show the hanged figure clearly. His hands were tied to a rope which was being held by something. The bruises on the body looked fresh and his eyes dim looking down at the ground. One eye was completely puffed up and it was eery. Mel gasped and fell to his knees. It seemed real to him but also off it scared him to the very core. The hanged man was Elegance. The shadowy figure giggled as he walked back toward Elegance. Mel shook his head and curled into a ball. The shadowy figure screeched as Mel looked up once again. The shadowy figure then holding a glowing blade began to gut hanged Elegance. Mel screamed at the shadowy figure "STOP IT" he felt himself shake. The figure laughed and as it began to raise its blade once more it stopped. The boy with tears in his eyes was flourishing with an anger that could shake the very planet. The shadow began to walk towards the boy holding its blade. Mel who could not handle his own rage began to release a glowing purple aura. His body convulsed and it began to respond to his own anguish. The room should have been glowing with how much light he just created. Mel couldn't notice it but the room didn't light up. Instead the shadowy figure continued in its walk toward. Mel held his palms out and angrily glared at it. "Die" he uttered before releasing a large beam from his hand that he couldn't control. The beam managed to go directly hit the shadow and everything behind him including Elegance. As it did the beam began to move upwards to the surface and began disintegrating everything it touched. As it began to stop leaking from his hands Mel just dropped his arms and stared at the crater above him. Sunlight peered through and everything was different. The room he was in gone and the stairs behind him also gone. He began to cry silently and held himself before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jolted and turned to see a ghost which befuddled him and made him cry harder. Elegance stood still and held his head low as he held another man in his right hand. "I'm sorry Mel.." he said in a low voice. The feeling of being a disappointment became him as Elegance couldn't help himself also feel angry. The man he held in his hand was being held on from his shirt. "This man excels at illusion magic.. it can be easy to manipulate someone who is inexperienced in this sort of stuff" he said as he grabbed the man by his collar. Elegance wanted to right then and there kill him. He traumatized his son and he couldn't do anything about it. Mel got up and hugged him. Elegance looked down softly and realized he couldn't kill him not in front of his kid. The man would have to face justice in a court of law in the wizard world. It seemed though the underworld was being protected by this one man alone. A powerful illusion mage who could create complex illustrations and settings. Now that he was taken care of though, they could see what the underworld really entailed. Or so he would have thought before the council themselves emerged. Elegance and Mel stared at the council members who came and looked around themselves. "Look at that" one of them scoffed as he shifted his eyes to the large crater above him. The others silent simply opened a portal. "This mission has been cancelled temporarily on the grounds of destruction caused by Melioras Worldbreaker" The leader of the council said. Mel held onto the leg of his dad tightly as they glared at him. "We warned you once of this before.. Elegance, as his guardian you must adhere to the rules that boy must be contained and taken to a court to complete his sentence" The leader spoke. 

Elegance holding the unconscious man in his other hand couldn't believe his ears and what he heard. "You mean to tell me.. Mel is being sentenced" he said in a scruff voice. The leader a bald headed man who was lanky and elderly simply nodded slowly. Elegance threw the man toward them as the council all  bolted backward. The man then smacked the ground in front of them and laid there. Elegance grabbed Mel and held him in his arms. He then created a portal and before stepping through said "You'll try 

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