Dr Stone Male Reader Insert (...

By JacobKirby456

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On that day every man woman and child on Earth...instantly turned to stone. Y/n happened to be one of most po... More

Part 1 Petrification
Part 2 The Reawakening
Part 3 Prologue of Dr. Stone
Part 4 Ryusui Part 1
Part 4 Ryusui Part 3

Part 4 Ryusui Part 2

562 23 2
By JacobKirby456

Nanami Academy Island

The sailor captain had just been freed.

Ryusui: Hahaaa! After all this time, I'm here and I want everything in the world! And since I returned, it seems the world wanted me as well!

Everyone except Y/n gave extremely weirded out faces.

Nikki: Minami, I think I'm starting to understand what you meant about this guy.

Minami: Too little too late I'm afraid.

Y/n: Yep. The guy's just the same as he is when he taught me lessons. Although the lessons I took won't cut for what we're doing, so this guy's our only option.

Ryusui then sends his attention to the team.

Ryusui: Hmm? Safe to assume you guys are the ones who saved me? I'll have to thank you as best I can. My butler, François will cut you a check. You can write any number you like on it, be it ten-billion or twenty-billion! François! *Snaps*!

With no appearance of his butler confirmed, he looks around and notices his surroundings.

Ryusui: Looks like I'm not in a position to make that happen. *Snaps*! I can tell. It's my sailor's instincts. Civilization's collapsed, which means the Nanami conglomerate and I have lost all of our assets. Am I wrong?

Senku: Nope. You're right.

Y/n: Pretty spot on. We're glad you catch on quick. It saves us a lot of time. Now can we please get down to business, Ryu?

The sailor immediately took one of those words to his head.

Ryusui: Ryu? There's only one person who bothered calling me that.

He looks at Y/n and takes in his appearance.

Ryusui: E/c eyes. Blond, long hair. Slim, strong body. High focus... HAHA!!!! Well, if it isn't my old student! Lillian Weinberg's only child!

He grabs Y/n's arm and gives him hard pats on the back like slaps and Y/n giving a sound of pain every single time.

Y/n: Thanks!...It's...good...to see...you too! Ow! Ah! Stop! Please!

Ryusui: Whoops. Sorry. Now where were we? Oh yeah!

Ryusui: HAHAHAA! What an opportunity! I can't thank you enough for waking me up, Y/n!

Y/n: It wasn't just me. I wouldn't even be here without my team.

Ryusui: Well, I'm still making you take the credit!

Kohaku: *Shocked* Now I see he really does trust Y/n the most.

Senku: No joke there. The dude literally must see amazing things in him to want him to take all the credit.

Kohaku: Well, he is the son of a famous performer.

Ryusui: With the whole world up for grabs, there's nothing stopping me from taking everything for myself!!

Minami hands Y/n some clothes and the captain's hat and he holds them out to his former teacher.

Y/n: Ryu, first thing's first ya know.

Minami: Yeah, why don't you start by acquiring some clothing?

Ryusui: Good call! *Takes clothes* Sorry about that. *Puts hat on* My, how embarrassing. In front of my greatest student and three beauties too.

Magma: What "three beauties"? Are you so out of it, you can't even count straight? Think ya mean two!

Nikki immediately knees Magma in the testicular area. This causes him to shout in pain.

Nikki: *Forced smile* If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!

Ryusui: I don't quite understand what you mean.

Magma was still on the ground, holding his injury.

Ryusui: There are many types of ladies, but they're all beautiful in their own right. Am I wrong?

Y/n: That was one of the lessons you taught me. And surprisingly you're right. Every woman, female, or girl is beautiful in their own way. Kohaku's beauty comes from her strength, sight, caring personality, and will. Minami's comes from her knowledge, memory, will to help, and personality. And Nikki's comes from her strength, will to protect, reflexes, and personality. There ya go, Magma. Everyone has beauty and charm, but you just have to try and find what makes them beautiful or charming.

All three women blushed from Y/n's compliments and knowledge.

Minami: This must be why he has such a sweet mother and why so many girls tried dating him.

Ryusui: Oh, that just got me thinking. Did you ever find a girlfriend, Y/n?

Y/n: Mmm...

He looks at the three females nervously, but one specifically before looking back to his former teacher.

Y/n: Not quite. Back in the old world, I couldn't find any girl that could catch my eye enough to want to date her. But I've still got plenty of time to find someone.

Three Females' Thoughts: He sure is nice. I like him.


Kingdom of Science Port

The team had brought Ryusui back to the mainland as they showed him the ship they were working on. He looked at the blueprint that the duo made.

Y/n: So whatcha think, Ryu?

Ryusui: This is impressive, Y/n. I can't wait to have it!

Kaseki: Hoo-hoo-hoo! I just can't wait to see the darn thing finished!

Senku: Whaddya think, Goldilocks? Can you take us across the world?

Gen: I hate to be the one to say it, but this is not gonna appen-hay. *Shakes finger* Our captain's used to fancy yachts and modern navigation tech. How can he apply his vast experience to this primitive vessel?

Y/n: Gen, this is Ryu we're talking about.

Ryusui: Right. Before I answer that question, we should protect the ship and take shelter.

Y/n: Why-*Gasps*. You're right. I feel it too.

Gen: *Scared slightly* Uuh...

Ryusui: Sailor's instincts are always right. The temperature's risen quickly.

Y/n: *Sweating a little* Yep. It's fourteen degrees.

Senku was looking at a thermometer.

Senku: *Surprised chuckles* When you're right, you're right. It's fourteen exactly. When Y/n says it, there's no joke.

Gen: *Surprised and amazed* Huh??

Ryusui: Humidity is up ninety percent and the wind's coming from the south-southwest. Probably a system from Siberia being driven upwards.

Y/n: Yeah, by the Yangtze River air mass.

The weather duo take a look at the clouds not too far in the sky.

Ryusui: Capillatus clouds approaching at roughly sixty kilometers per hour means...

Weather Duo: Some rough weather incoming!

Ryusui: We got a regular May storm! *Snaps*!


They were indeed not wrong. A very strong and windy storm hit their area which forced them to take shelter in teepees.

Suika: They knew exactly what was about to happen!

Ruri: I'm glad we listened to them.

Kohaku: This Ryusui guy is something else entirely! Did he and Y/n use science to do this?

The science duo and other crew members were covering their lumber with a tarp and using stones to hold it down.

Ryusui: We'd be screwed if this storm hit us on the open sea.

Y/n: Definitely. None of us would survive.

Ryusui: First off, this lumber's weak. It's nothing like the timber we spent decades carefully calling in our time. Traveling the world with mass like these wouldn't be wise.

Senku: *Picking ear* Yeah, we figured. And we planned for it.

Y/n: We're making a motor sail hybrid.

Chrome: Wait, we are?!

Ryusui: *Smug look* I see. You were testing me, weren't you guys? Wanted to know if I'd leap before looking. You two are cheeky b*******. Could've used you both in the family business. I should've kept you around, Y/n. But what'll be powering the motors? Not the low-grade coal you use in those furnaces I hope. That garbage is so heavy, the ship would sink from its weight alone! You guys wanna make it to the other side of the planet in one piece? Then we're gonna need some proper fuel.

Senku: *Dramatically confused* We got no idea what you're talkin' about.

Y/n: *Dramatically confused* Sorry, we kinda suck at science so we're lost over here.

Ryusui: Haha! Don't play dumb! You two DO know what I'm after, don't you? You're both smart, you guys figure it out.

Science Duo: *Chuckles*.

Senku: Yeah, we did. It's what the Kingdom of Science wants too.

Science Duo: *Wide eyes* We're finally gonna get some of the good stuff!

They picture familiar looking metal farms in the ocean.

Y/n: It's the ultimate natural resource!

Science Duo: We're drilling for oil!

Gen: *Shocked and baffled* WE'RE WHAAAAT?!?! Where in Japan are we gonna find oil?! And how?! This plan is crazy!!

Science Duo: *Chuckles*.

Senku: You'd be surprised.

Gen: *Normal Confused* Huh? *Blinks twice*.

The duo shows the rest of the group a map of the area that they made.

Gen: Shizuoka?! Eriously-say?!

Senku: Yeah. Eriously-say. It's the Sagara oil field.

Y/n: They stopped drilling there when profits dipped, but it's not like they sucked the land dry.

Senku: We can dig up of the highest quality oil in the world there. The place is like a treasure trove.

Gen: Japan's certainly got a wide variety of different resources, just not a lot of any one.

Chrome: Alright! I may not understand every little bit of this, but you can count on me!

Senku: That's our resource king. You're up!

Y/n: You're the adventurer of the team.



The storm died down and it was sunny again. Chrome and the team he put together are about to follow the duo's map to find the oil field.

Chrome: We're new and improved. Let's go Expedition Team!

His other two team members include Kohaku...

Best Eyes

And Ukyo.

Best Ears

The trio wave as they leave.

Chrome: We're probably the three best people who could be looking for this oil stuff! We'll get our hands on it! No sweat! Back in a flash!

Y/n: I can't believe you guys aren't thinking about something important right now! But they're gone already, so I'll let you all discover it on your own. They may encounter a pretty sight.

The trio were somehow able to hear Y/n.

Senku: Hmph. That's just like you. Not even gonna ask what I'm forgetting since I've already forgotten.

Ryusui: So there's one thing I should mention.

Gen: Huh?

Ryusui: Once we have found oil, I'll take you where you need to go. The other side of the planet's no problem for me... But on one condition!

Senku and Gen look at him with slight frustration.

Y/n: Oh yeah. I forgot to mention. He told me nothing in his life makes him work for free.

Ryusui: Exactly. I'm putting my life on the line to protect all of yours. As the captain, I demand the rights to the oil field that we discover!

He imagines an oil farm in the palm of his hand.

Gen: UH?!? You're orrible-hay! So eety-gray!

Ryusui: We're haggling over the cost of your very lives, ya know? If my price is too high, find another captain. And Y/n and I will take our own journey for more lessons.

Y/n: I'm not leaving the team.

Senku: He sure isn't. And you're the only one who has the skills that we need. *Chuckles* So yeah, go ahead and rip us off.

Gen: Hold on. So even if we find the oil field, Ryusui immediately gets ownership over it? He could just hoard it all himself.

Ryusui: Not so much could as will, so...

He gives an immediate evil smile.

Ryusui: *Evilly* If you people want my oil, you're gonna have to buy it from me.

Y/n: Next thing I know, you'll want to bring money back into the world.

Ryusui: *Gasps*! Brilliant idea, Y/n!! Just for that, that field belongs to US! But you guys still have to buy it from us because if one of us says no to free oil then you have to buy it!

Y/n: *Slightly embarrassed* *Nervous smile* He's my teacher. I guess I've got no choice, but to obey...

Ryusui: We're gonna be so RICH!!!!

Kingdom of Science

Ryusui appointed the artist they revived to make a stamp for making their own type of money. He holds two signs saying "Reward" and "Compensation".

Ryusui: HAHAAA!!!

Y/n stands by him feeling slightly amused. The stamp is done and Ryusui repeatedly stamps equally sized rectangular pieces of paper with red ink to reveal their new currency: Drago.

Ryusui continues laughing as the stacks of 🐉100 bills keep increasing. He grabs a large stack of it and snaps in triumph as he is just as rich as he was back in the modern age.

Ryusui: HAHAAA! *Snaps*!

Currency acquired!!

He immediately uses some of it to get people to build him a fancy, yellow house at the top of the Kingdom's main structure that almost looks modern. He even uses some to get people to build Y/n a/an F/c house that joins with his. His favorite outcome of using it was that it led him to being sat in his own lounge chair with some wine, a woman fanning him, and a guy bringing him fruit. He was basically being treated like a king.

He hums with satisfaction while eating an apple before looking to his side and saw Y/n getting a massage from one of the strong men. Ginro, Kinro, and Yo were watching the two males being treated like priests and were extremely jealous.

Ginro: *Crying* What the hell is this?! I'm so jealous of them! Man!

Yo: He just woke up, and he's already rich. He's even made Y/n just as rich as he must've been for having a world famous mother. How in the hell did he manage that? Okay...

He heads over to the captain.

Yo: Yo! Sup!

He shifts his eyes to the left.

Ryusui: Hmm?

Yo: *Nervous* *Sweating* Your name's Ryusui, right? I'm jealous of- or uh, I think you're pretty cool. Can I like join you? I MEAN REALLY REALLY! As a former cop, I should probably teach you how things are done around here.

All Ryusui does is hold out a 🐉100 bill.

Yo: Eh?

Ryusui: This is the Ryusui Conglomerate's new currency, the Drago. Thank Y/n and I for both coming up with the name. You can buy a milliliter of oil with a hundred. Not a bad deal, eh? Think of it as a preorder.

Yo takes the 'money' with confusion written on his face.

Yo: Huh? *Picking nose* Look around. In what  world would I need oil my guy? Plus what good is money if you can only spend it in one place?

He tosses the bill like it's junk. He then heard Y/n speaking up while he's being massaged.

Y/n: *Relaxed* Hey, Yo. You should look around like you just said. Just look approximately thirty and a half meters ahead of you and you'll see what I mean. Ahhhh. That feels so good...

Ryusui: *Points* Listen to him, he's never wrong when it comes to science or math.

Yo: Huh?

Not too far away like Y/n said were stalls that were selling some of their science food. Suika holds a sign reading "Ramen 200🐉" and Mirai holds a sign reading "Cotton candy 100🐉". Plenty of people were already lining up to have some of these items.

Yo: *Freaked out* WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Ryusui: Y/n, Senku, and their buddies need to raise enough Drago to buy a huge stock of oil. So it seems they're using science to whip up stuff worth buying. *Glares at Yo* Am I wrong?

Apparently, their artist was also selling mangas for one-hundred Drago as well.

Gen: Didn't take long for it to become a legitimate currency, huh?

Ryusui: You sure you don't need it? Last chance~.

Yo: Know what? I changed my mind! *Takes the bill* Thank you mon-ey!

The reporter was unsurprised by the captain's attitude while Senku drew up some plans.

Minami: I hate to say I told you so. But I believe I told you so.

Y/n walked up to them while feeling satisfied.

Y/n: *Satisfied* Bringing currency back into the world was a weird idea though.

Senku: Dude, it was your idea.

Y/n: That I thought of by accident!

Minami: And that "accident" got your teacher carried away. Look at the guy. Are you sure we're gonna be okay?

Senku: *Chuckles* I'm not sweatin' it. At least not yet.

Y/n: Yep. Me neither. I know him to not be the type to raise his prices in process.

Senku: That's good to know. Currency is as much a fruit of science as anything.

Y/n: Mhm. It's a way to measure the value of hard work.

Senku: *Sinisterly* And since you went through the trouble of making it, we might as well exploit this monetary system for all its worth, right?

Y/n: *Sinisterly* Unless you want Ryu to do something stupid, or you don't want an easy way to negotiate for help. We gotta strike while the iron's hot and we've got lots to spend.

Apparently, Yo and two other strong men were sitting in piles of "cash".

Nikki: *Sets a log down*.

Ryusui: Quite impressive, Nikki.

Nikki: Huh?

The captain walks up to her with a stack of Drago, and offers it to her.

Ryusui: I want that strength of yours.

Nikki: *Stares* Ryusui. I don't mind giving you a hand since you're new here.

Ryusui: Huh?

Nikki: But stop. I'm not looking to take your play money, okay? We don't have oil and who knows if we'll find it? What value do these scraps of paper really have?

Ryusui: Heh! An excellent question. *Snaps* The value of currency has little to do with what's backing it or what's behind it. It's all trust! Take Senku. The man brought science to a world that hadn't seen it in thousands of years. And Y/n. Sure he hasn't been back for very long, but that doesn't stop him from working to the goal. He never stopped working with me until he remembered every single word I told him. And let's not forget he still treats the world like he's been awake since Senku has been. We trust that they can find that oil field. And that very expectation is what turns this paper into REAL TREASURE!


The Expedition Team were still on the hunt for the oil field, according to what Senku has told them. Suddenly, Ukyo gets a very faint sound to his ear. It seemed to shock him. The rest of the team noticed his shocked expression.

Kohaku: Hear something?

Ukyo: A waterfall...

Kohaku: Really?

Their best eyes leaps into the nearest tree and makes it to the summit of it. She then uses her incredible vision to do a scan of the area and her eyes land on a white cloud-like substance. Meaning it must be the mist that a waterfall gives off when water collides with the bottom.

Kohaku: I see it!!

They immigrated sprint towards their destination. However...


Their adventurer sticks his hands on the ground in defeat.

Chrome: *Shocked* This is bad...

Kohaku: *Shocked* There's nothing like this on Senku and Y/n's map. Could they have drawn it wrong? And is this what Y/n was talking about when he said "pretty sight"?

Ukyo; *Shocked* I dunno. I may not be an authority on geography, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't here 3000 years ago...

They admire the sight. Just like what it would look like in Y/n's home country.

Ukyo: *Shocked* It's like...

Ukyo: *Shocked* ...a Japanese Niagara Falls...

To be continued

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