By Zorrowrites

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"𝑺𝑯𝑬'𝑺 𝑭𝑼𝑪𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑬, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒆𝒆... More



601 31 5
By Zorrowrites

Chapter 3
Ravi Ahuja

I didn't sleep a wink last night. After showdown with a certain fox, my crazy energy had increased a lot and I had to punch a few people before I calmed down again.

I didn't take Sarika to my friends, just out of pity. When did I start to pity? I don't know, but the thought of her getting tortured and interrogated stopped me from taking her to my friends. When did I care about others?

I still remembered her sweet honey lemon smell as I tried to sleep.

But sleep, it did not come.

I don't need sleep to function though, I need adrenaline, I need craziness, I need unstableness. That's why they call me unhinged.

"Ravi, I said something." Vijay snaps at me, his dark black finger raked hair looks more messed up than my mind.

I smile a little,"Was zoning out, my bad."

"I asked you to tell me who your target is."

It's typical of Vijay to spout out orders, the fact today is the hunting doesn't help.

"I'll be taking down Vedant." I say.
Last year not only did that fucker knock me down, he sent me to the ER. I guess he wants to know how crazy I can get.

My other friend cum teammates, speak too.

"I'll be going for Janish." Sidhant, a.k.a. sniper says.

"I'll take down Daksh." Shravan continues.

"And, I'll take down Manav." Vijay completes.

A mad glint passes Vijay's eyes. He doesn't just hate Manav, he despises that guy's existence and wants to remove him from the face of the world.

The 4 of us continue discussing other tactics. For the last 2 years, we've lost to those Feirswood fuckers and I refuse to lose this time.

We've gone for a different approach this time, each one of us has 1 target to take down. Earlier we used to knock down whoever came in our way, this time we'll not.


The knock on my and Vijay's dorm room startles all 4 of us, except Sidhant, you could keep a bomb beside him and he wouldn't blink an eye.

Shravan rises and opens the door, he looks at who it is and lets them in.

My eyes focus on two girls who are jumping and causing commotion. One of them is Shravan's sister, a petite girl with beautiful blonde slick hair and black rimmed spectacles, named Avni Kaur. The other is Shanaya Sehgal, a confident girl with curly black hair and doe eyes.

"Hey, ladies." I greet, they smile at me.

Both of them are carrying many posters and they dump them on the table.

One of them reads "Get unhinged Ravi! "
"Snipe them Sid!
"Manipulate the game, Vijay" which is prolly because of Vijay being called MANIPULATER

"Where's mine?" Shravan frowns. His brow creases and he searches for more banners.

"We couldn't decide what to write." His sister, Avni shrugs.

"You're bad." Shravan comments and flops back on the chair.

"You tell us what to write." Shanaya says and Shravan ignores them.

These 6 are the only people who normalize me being crazy.

"Girls, we are discussing something, leave." Vijay says.

I know why he wants the girls to leave, both of them are Freiswood and both would definitely never tell anyone else. But Vijay doesn't trust Shanaya. Shanaya is the cousin of Manav, the guy Vijay hates with all his heart, if he has one.
"We can listen." Avni says.

Vijay, Avni and Shravan practically grew together, and Vijay and Avni consider each other siblings, even though not by blood.

Vijay doesn't like someone not following his orders.

"Leave." He says with finality.

"We're not telling anyone, you're acting like we're from Freiswood!." Shanaya says, she levels Vijay with a glare.

I don't recommend leveling Vijay with a glare, even if to save your life.

I see Vijay controlling himself, he would lash out at anyone anytime, he's downright cruel.

But I've never seen him control himself.

"Then you get out ,Shanaya Sehgal." Vijay says through clenched teeth," you're the one who can go to her dear cousin and tell him about the plans."

Hurt slashes across Shanaya's face.

"How dare you! I'm in Jursix, and it doesn't matter Manav, my cousin, is in the other house. I'm fucking loyal!"

"Get out." Vijay repeats, not paying attention.

Avni also glares a little at Vijay, for treating her friend like that.

"I'll leave." Shanaya sighs, still looking hurt, and Avni also follows, glaring at Vijay.

"That was rude." Shravan comments.

"Like I care. A Sehgal is a Sehgal, made of the same blood and same personality. "

I decide not to comment.

And Sidhant looks like nothing happened, unmoving as fuck.

After discussing the tactics the time's 11 AM. The hunting starts in the afternoon at around 3, and I'm excited, I like this stuff.


The crowd is big. And the cheers are deafening. We guys haven't even entered the area yet, but the buzz in the air reaches us.

We'll enter when the host calls out our name.

"So, who's excited?" Whoever the host this year is shouts out. I can't see her yet hecause I'm in the backstage with my friends.

"I am." Shravan whispers in my ear.

"Me too." I reply, and he must notice my maniac tone because he backs off and talks to the others.

They know when to avoid me, when the glint in my eyes increases, my tone hecomes higher and I stop smiling.

We know to avoid Vijay when his voice becomes all rough.

We know to avoid Sid when he starts smiling. He rarely looses his calm or smiles.

Shravan's chill and I've never seen him angry.
"So first comes the Jursix team!" The host screams.

We enter, and the afternoon sun pains my eyes. Did I mention I'm a night person?

The host is a grey haired- dyed- girl, who surprisingly pulls off her odd coloured hair, she's young and her voice is high and screechy.

"The manipulator, Vijay Oberoi!" She shouts, there's a deafening scream of fangirls.
"The Sniper, Sidhant Singh!"

Sidhant doesn't acknowledge the applause he gets.

"Then, Shravan Kaur!"

Shravan doesn't have a code name, like the others. He smiles at the crowd, and his blonde hair shines irritatingly.

"The unhinged, Ravi Ahuja!"

Many girls scream, and some boys do so too, I raise a hand, and some random girl says,"RAVI! I LOVE YOU!"

Poor girl, I guess.

The host then starts introducing our opponents, the 4 from FREISWOOD.
"Here comes Freiswood team!"

"The ruler, Manav Sehgal!"

Manav Sehgal enters the arena, his hand in his brown hair, he glares straight at Vijay. He knows how to dominate an arena, the crowd falls silent, tracking his moves,

"Then, Vedant," the host says with no enthusiasm.

And I glance at her.

She didn't show enthusiasm nor did she mention Vedant's code name: The Chaser, once he sets sight on someone, you're dead.

The host is wearing a Freiswood sweater. So why is she not supporting Vedant?

Vedant enters, glaring at the host, who's standing a little far away from us.

I look at Vedant, I'm going to have his head today. If not literally, then figuratively atleast. He glances at me, with a smug smile.

I feel the beast inside of me snarling, asking me to kill him.

I stare straight into Vedant's Grey-blue eyes and suddenly I'm reminded of someone else.

A girl with the same eye-color, a red head girl, I remember the feel of her bouncy skin, pale in the moonlight, her whimpers, her moans, how she felt beneath me, it's sad she happens to be this bastard's sister.

"Then comes in, Daksh Sharma!"

Daksh is a slim guy with a lanky kind of build he enters, with a dimply smile on his face.

There are more screams for him.

I hear her voice in midst the screams, fox's voice.

I scan the crowd and my eyes land on Sarika Vij. Beautiful red hair and glowy look in her blue eyes, she screams,"GO DAKSH!"

Daksh winks in her direction, and she fucking blushes.

Fuck, I want to kill this guy.


Not harm or maim for fun, kill.

It feels bad to hear someone's name on Sarika's lips when last night it was mine. I think, I like hearing my name on her lips.

I look at Sarika, and she glances at me, as if feeling the weight of my stare.

Whatever she sees in my eyes, makes her sit back down and stop cheering. She looks away from me.

"Janish Sachdeva!"

Janish is the least popular of all 8 of us, but still gets some applause.

I feel my gold daggers tucked in my waistband. My choice of weapon. These daggers are just lucky for me.
Sid has gone for bow and arrows, that's where the name sniper comes from.

He never misses a single arrow.

He's skilled.

Vijay is going with a sword, and Shravan bare handed.

It's compulsory for one to go barehanded.

"Ok, now I'm going to go to Hunger games fan mode and say 'may the odds ever be in your favor' and 'let the I don't know what hunting begin!'" The host says.

We go into the maze on the left side of the arena. It's kind of a forest where we fight each other, and knock each other down.

We all have a watch on our weists, anytime we wanna back up amd we feel this is too much, we press it thrice.

The team from which the last person is wins.

There are only a few rules:
1. Don't stop anyone from pressing the watch face.
2. Either knock the person down or compell him to click the watch.
3. Don't kill, or do very extensive damage.

I'm totally in the mood of not only killing but disintegrating people.

Starting with Vedant and if I get the chance, Daksh.

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