Lost in spells and shadows

By Ehem-MM

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Lady Adelaide Winchester, a direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw, begins her education at Hogwarts in 1971... More

Chapter 1: The begining of Everything
Chapter 2: Midnight
Chapter 3: Lily and Severus
Chapter 4: Sorting and feast
Chapter 5: How to make friends and enemies
Chapter 6:Doodles, murders and sherbet lemon
Chapter 7: How to become rivals
Chapter 8: Bullies and fire
Chapter 9: Halloween
Chapter 10: Influences and jinxes
Chapter 11: Christmas with family
Chapter 12: a project with Remus
Chapter 13: returning home
Chapter 14: some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 1
Chapter 16: let us start with a bang
Chapter 17: the mystery of moonlight
Chapter 18: The mystery begins
Chapter 19: the burdensome reality
Chapter 20: Mystery solved
Chapter 21: Alice's revenge
Chapter 22: The snow day
Chapter 23: The fears we have
Chapter 24: The days of woes and sorrow
Chapter 25: Where the Hyacinths grow
Chapter 26: The bad start
Chapter 27:How to Ignore your friends
Chapter 28: A gamekeeper's tale
Chapter 29: The quidditch quarrels
Chapter 30: Some tranquility
Chapter 31: Broken words and promises
Chapter 32: Learning how to pretend
Chapter 33: The roaring thunder
Chapter 34: A most unfortunate day
Chapter 35: The scars of grief
Chapter 36: The winds of Spring
Chapter 37: Plannings for a Summer
Chapter 38: Straying paths
Chapter 39: Crushes, Friendships and Ice Cream
Chapter 40: Another Beginning
Chapter 41: The Slug Club
Chapter 42: Animagus, Severus' Suspicion, The Moaning Myrtle
Chapter 43: Dating Drama
Chapter 44: Patronus and Protection
Chapter 45: A Wedding and the Surrounding events
Chapter 46: Confessions and Hogsmeade
Chapter 47: A Dare
Chapter 48: Secrets and kisses
Chapter 49: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 50: The True Nature
Chapter 51: And With That the Summer Begins
Chapter 52: Meeting with the Devil (Voldemort)
Chapter 53: Going Back
Chapter 54: A Night with Animagis
Chapter 55: Love, Bruises and Injuries
Chapter 56: A Study Group and Vulnerability
Chapter 57: The Horrible Prank of Sirius
Chapter 58: Questions and Revelations
Chapter 59: Some Happenings in Holidays
Chapter 60: Another Day
Chapter 61: A Night-Out in the Kitchen
Chapter 62: Break-Ups and Breach of Trusts
Chapter 63: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 15: Some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 2

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By Ehem-MM

Summer 1972

When Adelaide woke up, she had a not so good filling in her. She wasn't really happy about going to the wedding. She had seen Bellatrix before, at a party two years ago, and she was a bit..., well, not someone you would not hang out with, if you were sane.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, and soon it was time to get ready for the wedding. "Heidi, i put your dress on your bed. With your accessories. Put them on and get ready now." Her mother said loudly from somewhere outside her room.

Adelaide put her books down and glanced to her bed. The dress on her bed was simple but pretty. It was a very light baby-blue coloured dress that almost appeared as white and reached her knees. It was made of delicate glittery lace that had very small snowflakes at the end of the dress and its straps were made of silk. She put the soft material on with colourless tights. Her mother had also given her very beautiful light blue flat shoes that had ribbons to tie around her ankles. She put a delicate headband that matched the colour of her shoes. She put two books in a small bag to read in the wedding, if possible.

She went outside and saw her sisters in the hall. Elizabeth wore a beautiful long strapless light-pink dress that was made from lace and reached down her ankles. It had beautiful roses embroidered on it with golden and pink threads. She looked stunning, with a pink ribbon around her neck and a delicate pearl chocker around her neck, matching her earrings. While Victoria wore a red dress that had long loose sleeves and off shoulder. The dress didn't fully reach her ankles and she put fake a red flower in her hair, which was put into a bun that was at the side of her head. She looked amazing as well.

"Don't you both look stunning?" Elizabeth said looking at them.

"I was going to say, don't i look too well done? Mama helped me, if it was me, i would have chosen my regular outfit. I am not so thrilled, and my appearance makes me seem happy to be there." Victoria said.

"Now, now girls. Stop talking. Let's leave. We have to go." Their father said, wearing one of his formal robes.

"But, before that, all of you, promise me you won't react if anyone shares one of their hateful opinions. Ok? I am also talking with you, Robert. Do you understand? I myself am not too happy to go, but sometimes you have to, for the sake of appearances." Their mother reminded them. She wore a violet long-sleeved dress that was long and flowy. She also carried an umbrella, to discreetly use as a cane. "Oh, also, we're apparating."

They said their goodbyes to Helena and Edmund and left the house, Adelaide closed her eyes, and after a nauseating feeling, when she opened her eyes, she was in front of the Lestrange manor, in a big garden. The manor was a huge house that was old and black in appearance and had an eerie feeling to it.
"The Lestranges welcome you, missus. This way." A homely house-elf told them guiding them to the wedding. Adelaide felt a bit sad when she saw the tiny house-elf, who was clearly being abused.

They followed the elf and found themselves in a very huge ballroom. No expenses were spared, as Adelaide noticed the lavish setting, there were lots of tables which had silk linings on them with expensive candlesticks on them with lots of food on them. All of the foods were very expensive looking and on crystal plates. The flowers in the ballroom were huge and extravagant.

"When i marry, i don't want it to be like this. An intimate and beautiful design would do." Elizabeth muttered as she was looking around. Victoria snorted: "Well, today might make me become a registered spinster. This is too much."

They were greeted by the father of the groom, who knew their mother well, since they were schoolmates when they were students. They were greeted by an emotional Druella and Cygnus, who was smiling and very proud. His pride was mostly because he was regaining the family honour by his eldest daughter's «proper» marriage.

"When Narcissa marries well, his face is going to be torn apart by his smile." Victoria whispered to them, making them giggle a bit.

"Oh, hush now, we can talk about this later." Elizabeth said trying to fight the urge to smile at Victoria's comment.

"Girls, go where ever you wish, though stay in this room. Go find someone familiar." Their mother said, breaking her conversation with Druella in order to address them.

Narcissa arrived, wearing a dark green dress that was rather extravagant. It accentuated her curves and fitted well. It also dipped a bit too low, showing some cleavage, not so much to be inappropriate but enough to make people look at her. She was looking much healthier than the last time Adelaide saw her and her cheeks were rosy. She hugged Elizabeth and Adelaide then shook hands with Victoria, she and Elizabeth left the other two sisters alone.

"That dress... it is a «putting in a marriage market» dress." Victoria said, her eyes following the two sisters.

"Agreed. And it is quite bold, they usually say not to were a statement dress for a wedding, to not outshine the bride, what do you think Bellatrix is wearing when that dress is not going to outshine hers?" Adelaide replied.

"Hmm, you're right. But look around you. There are at least 30 house elves here. Many more would be in the kitchen. The design, presentation and everything is outstandingly huge. So, they must have also chosen a bold wedding outfit for the bride." Victoria said pointing to a nearby empty table.

"Well, i have brought the third year charms book to review, since i have no interest in talking with any of these people. I'll be sitting there if you need me."

Well, look at Victoria, studying in a wedding in summer. The people here must be horrible and unapproachable.

Adelaide looked around, trying to see a familiar face. It was until seeing Sirius Black at a table nearby that she saw someone she knew, and walked quickly to him. "Hi Sirius. Mind if i sit here?"

"Yes. Yes. I'll be more than happy to have you here than any of those obnoxious people." A scoff was heard from Sirius' side. "Come on, Reggie, i am telling the truth." Sirius said that to the boy beside him. The boy looked younger than him, but was nearly identical to Sirius, though he sat straighter and a deep frown was not gracing his face. He was more at peace here than Sirius.

"Who might you be?" Adelaide asked the boy kindly.

"I am Regulus Arcturus From the ancient and most noble house of Black." The boy replied haughtily.

Ah, so he is the stereotype of the proud Slytherin. Brilliant.

"And who might you be?" Regulus asked her looking at her proudly.
"Regulus! Don't be rude now." Sirius said, angrily.

"I am lady Adelaide Ruth Winchester." Adelaide mimicked his tone of voice as a joke, winking at them. Sirius laughed.

"Oh, i forgot that everyone here is a pure blood and from an acceptable station of life. I am sorry." Regulus muttered, his arrogant posture dropping.

Adelaide was shocked by his words, but then again he was a Black, a year of spending time with Sirius had made her forget what his family was truly like. Regulus was the norm and Sirius was the exception.

"I am sorry Adelaide, my brother is my mother's pleaser. He parrots my parents' words. Even thought, you know." He sighed.
"Oh, i know. Don't worry."
"Only my uncle Alphard is someone i like from all the people who are invited, i had saved him a sit, too when he arrives. Can you tell your sister to sit on the other chair too?" Sirius said.

"Oh, ok." She looked at Victoria, who was reading her book, "Victoria! Come here. Sit with us." Victoria looked up to her, gathered her things and started walking towards them. She sat beside Adelaide and said: "Hello, Sirius."

"Brother, this is Victoria. Adelaide's second eldest sister. She is in Gryffindor. A brilliant chaser."

"A Gryffindor?" Regulus scrunched his nose.
"Yep. After a hat stall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw."

"My brother will start at Hogwarts next year."
"What house do you want to be in?" Victoria asked him. I think i already know the answer.

"Slytherin. As all the Blacks before me." No surprise for me. Victoria's face was unreadable though she looked rather disappointed.

"What am i then? The neighbour's adopted troll?" Sirius said that half-offended and half-joking.

"Well, in that case, i need to start reading." Victoria muttered, putting earplugs in her ear, opening her book again.

Sirius and Adelaide talked about school. He hadn't even finished any of his homework and was rather shocked by Adelaide's finishing them. "Wow, you are as nerdy as Stephan."

"Don't even bring his name now. I almost forgot you are friends with him."

"Yeah, well he is my friend. Perhaps the only one that mother tolerates beside James and Frank. Even though in her words they are still blood traitors. Though she says Stephan's money almost covers the damage." Sirius mimicked his mother's voice in the end of his words, making Adelaide laugh.

"Are you close with Bellatrix?"

"Me? No. Regulus gets along with her better. She is not that nice. Well, she used to be tolerable but now that i am older and in Gryffindor, i see that she was always bad. Very bad. She can give my mother a run for her money, for being so prejudiced. My mother adores her. Even that is understatement."

Soon, the bride came. Bellatrix looked gorgeous. Her curly black hair in an updo, with diamonds shining in it. She wore a white dress that was tight and had black embroideries of flowers on it. She didn't wear any veil, but it seemed that she had been wearing one, but decided to tear it last minute. Her makeup was dark and made her look more striking. Her lips were painted in a dark maroon. Even though it was her big day, she didn't look too happy, she didn't attempt to hide the reason of her marriage: duty not love. She looked dully at Rodolphus, who looked at her the same way, if not less enthusiastic. They dutifully clapped as the bride and groom shared their first dance.

"Please kill me already." Victoria muttered. "It's just 8! I can't stand this anymore. Clapping for the bully of my friends."

"Don't worry, Toria. Have patience." Adelaide said as she looked at the bride and groom. She began eating from the food on her table. The food was delicious.

"Man, they could at least smile more believably, they seem as if they are in a funeral not their own wedding." Victoria continued.

There were a few other dances, which Adelaide was too young to attend. Victoria grumpily sat on her chair, studying, rejecting any young man's offer to dance. Sirius, Regulus and her snickered at some people's dancing abilities.

"This is the highlight of the night! When you can't have fun, you make it!"  Regulus said, his laughter subsiding for a moment.

"Look, that man's wig is falling off! Someone give him a glue." Adelaide pointed to someone who was moving so hard on the dance floor that his wig was hanging on a thread.

"The sound of that woman's shoes on the floor is as if a cow is farting!" Sirius said making them all roar with laughter.

They had dinner and Adelaide left the room, before the cake for finding the bathroom. She asked one house-elf for direction, but she wrongly turned too soon and found herself in the gardens. As she wanted to leave, she heard someone speak: "Isn't that Lizzie's little sister, Adelaide?"


Adelaide turned around and saw Bellatrix whose hair was disheveled, it now fell in unorganised ringlets around her head, making her look mad. She had a a glass of red wine in her hand and the way she spoke gave away the fact that it might be her 5th glass, if not even more.

"Congratulations Bellatrix." Adelaide said, a bit scared by her.

"Well, I don't feel happy. It is not something i want to be congratulated on." She said taking a sip of her wine, gazing at her.

"Don't be so amused now. I must say, you are pretty. It won't be far away from you. Marriage and all."

"I am twelve."
"Yes, but soon, in a few years time, many boys would be asking for your hand, courtships and all sorts of things. Especially since you are wealthy, pure blood and magically powerful. There are many rumours about the lattermost." She sipped again, walking closer.

"You will be married and forced to leave all your aspirations behind. All women of great social status who marry, especially in families of great influence, do that. You'll be nothing but what's left of your dreams."

"My family, they won't let me marry into a family that makes me forgo my own aspirations."

"Oh? They might not do that, but it will be expected of you. Imagine falling in love with someone who is from those families, I suppose you are one of those people to choose love. Over everything."

"No, I won't blindly do that."
"Whatever, you might say tonight, you won't know what you would do, for sure. Besides look at your own mother, a woman full of potential, such a shame." She smirked. Victoria used to say Bellatrix loves to toy with everyone.

"Her circumstances didn't leave her much of a choice, the ones in her youth. After it was possible for her, she was physically incapable of doing such."

"Well, see. You are saying it yourself. The second thing is Circumstances. Circumstances happen, that force us to do somethings. Like my whore of a sister, Andromeda ran away, for that mud blood. It forced me to be here tonight." Adelaide flinched at her tone. "If that bitch didn't dishonour our family last year, i would have not married this soon. I would have joined the fight sooner. Making difference sooner. But it is always the elder or most responsible person sacrificing everything, to save their family." 

Adelaide didn't know what she was saying in the end. Fight? What fight?

She finished her wine. "At least Rodolphus isn't bad, we were good friends in school. They always say, it's better to marry a friend, not your love. He understands me and is in the same mindset. We'll do this all together now." She stopped, gazing at the garden.

"You always have to step up for everyone's failures to do their own responsibilities." She spat then grinned at Adelaide.

"I-i need to go." Adelaide said hurriedly, not knowing why she was telling her all of this and frankly, getting alarmed by her words.

"Ha ha! Well, i will see you later Adelaide, perhaps next time i see you, you are already stepping up for everyone. Being forced into things you don't want. Living behind what you want. What you desire." She said wickedly.

Adelaide ran inside, Bellatrix's words circulating in her brain. She couldn't get them out, even when they went back home, when she went to bed, she felt empty and hallow, because a part of her thought dreaded her words because they were a possibility. Of dreams and wishes not being fulfilled. Of potentials not being met with. Because of circumstances and choices.

Her mother was ill, Lord Voldemort was rising, hatred was too much and things were happening too fast and she didn't want to know what happened next.
The rest of the summer, went by in a blur, except the third to the last day. There was a summer festival for wizarding families in a meadow somewhere with  many important people attending as well. This was perhaps one of the rare functions that Helena and Edmund were attending as well. They wore their clothes for the occasion, but before going out, Robert wanted new portraits and photos to be taken of them. Some in the wizarding animated version and some in the normal muggle version. They took the photos in one of the rooms in the villa.

"Victoria, stop fidgeting!"
"Edmund look ahead."
"What the-Mama!"
"Would you just-"

"EVERYONE WOULD YOU BE QUIET FOR A SECOND!" Helena shouted. Then she quietly turned to the stunned photographer, "please, might you take the pictures now?"

Adelaide, had trouble holding her laughter.
"Well, the photos don't look atrocious, good enough for me." Victoria said, after looking at the photos.
"They all look lovely, everyone, please take one of them, the rest are going inside the family album." Their mother said. "Now let's go. It's already 3."

When they went to the festival, it was already crowded.
"Oh, look who's here." Robert said smiling lightly at the man beside him. "Everyone, if you don't know, this is Mr Crouch, the head of the department of magical law."

The man in question wore impeccable robes standing beside a wispy looking woman who had blond hair and bright eyes. There was also a boy, likely their child, beside them. He was identical to his mother.

"Wow, Heidi, his moustache is straighter than the road to my future." Victoria said in German. Making Adelaide laugh so hard, everyone glanced at her. She cleared her throat. Their mother, who understood what Victoria said, glared at her.

"I hope that's a compliment, miss Winchester." Mr Crouch replied in perfect German.

"Oh, umm, Lizzie, i-i see a shop over there. Let's go!" Elizabeth, despite protesting, was dragged by Victoria, who was now a deep shade of red.

"Don't loose each other. We'll meet at the big tent at 8." Their mother shouted after them, balancing herself on her umbrella.

"Well, Barty here, is quite a brilliant folk. Knows a lot more languages than i can count." Robert joked.

"Well, how are you, Annalise?" Mrs Crouch asked.
"Definitely not feeling as terrible as before." Annalise replied "though it's getting somewhat worse.."  her voice trailed off, she glanced sideways, as if remembering she had her other children beside her. Mrs Crouch followed her look and saw the other Winchester children. Her eyes softened.

"Well, what made you finally leave your office now?" Robert said changing the subject.

"Well, my wife begged me, and I can't really say no to her." He smiled a rare moment, looking lovingly at his wife. "Oh, this is my son, Barty." He gestured to his son, as if remembering he had a son. "I believe he is the same age as your youngest daughter."

Adelaide pushed Helena forward, she stumbled but didn't budge and stood at her place. "Helena." Their mother said, looking at her.
"Hi." Helena said so quietly it was barely heard.
"Hello." Barty said, putting his hand forward. Helena looked nervously, Barty looked confused at her action, putting his hand down.
"Sorry. My sister, she is shy with strangers." Adelaide said kindly.

Their parents were talking amongst themselves when Adelaide heard his father shout: "...you must be joking! Legalising the unforgivables if it gets worse? That would be a mess."
When Adelaide heard that, she was shocked.

"It's the best course of action." Mr Crouch dully replied.
"Yes, but is it really? Or is it about something else?"
Their mother said.
"I have no idea what you're meaning, Annalise."
"You would stoop so low to torture them? Besides killing them would be no good, since we need their words and confessions to learn about their organisation. Especially one that is so curated and secret."

"We don't have time for that. Your personal tragedies had softened you."
Annalise frowned at this sentence.

"Children, why don't you go? Heidi, i am sure you'll find some of your friends here. Go."

Adelaide took Helena and Edmund's hands and disappeared in the crowd. She saw William approaching her.

"William! My, finally." She went and hugged him.
"Hi! I am so happy to see you too." She glanced at her siblings. Avery's cheeks were dusted pink. Perhaps because of the wind.

"You two must be Helena and Edmund. Nice to meet you."

"Did you see anyone familiar?"
"No. What about you?"
"Me neither. My friends couldn't come here."

The four of them went to the shops and played multiple games. It was 8 when they went to the big tent. There was lots of music and dancing inside. The music was mostly country and some people were singing live.

"My father is supposed to be here too."
True to his words, Mr Avery Snr, arrived, he quickly assessed the three Winchester children.

"Nice to see you again Adelaide. I was so happy when my son told me you had become such good friends." He said a glint appearing in his eyes, which made Adelaide not so good. Then he looked up, "Annalise, Robert, long time no see."

"Yes, well, it is nice not seeing some people quite often." Robert said sarcastically. They already knew Adelaide was friends with William, but they weren't that happy about it. Annalise hit his leg with her umbrella, and smiled at Avery.

"Your sisters are dancing here, well, since it was quite a while since i danced, i might join them as well." Their mother said dragging Robert with her, not letting her husband say another thing to Avery.

After a few minutes of looking at the dancing crowd ,who were dancing in circles in group dance, Adelaide broke the silence, "Well, it seems fun."
"Yeah." William replied.
Then after a few moments he said: "Do you l-like to dance as well?"
"Yeah! Good idea. Let's go." Adelaide dragged William with him, whose cheeks were dusting with pink, "Helena, Edmund, stay where you are!" Adelaide shouted at them.

Adelaide and William danced around to most of the songs, having a lot of fun, sometimes they would stumble at their feet, or putting their shoes on the other's. Adelaide laughed so hard, her stomach hurt.
But after all they got the hang of it. Victoria was dancing with one of her Gryffindor friends, Christian Fawley. While Elizabeth was dancing with a boy her age from Ravenclaw, whom Adelaide didn't know.

After two hours, it was time to return home.
"Well, it was one of the most exciting nights of my life. I had so much fun."

"Mine too." William replied smiling.

"I'll see you in three days."
"Bye for now."

As they were returning home, Victoria said: "my, Adelaide, you look so jolly, you were having too much fun with that boy."
"Toria, i must be the one to say the same thing, too."
Victoria was speechless, then something like blush crept up her neck.

"Well, all of you three were having fun with boys." Helena said crossing her arms, with Edmund snickering beside her.

"Well, now Helena. Go mind your business, and leave your sisters alone shall you?" Their father said.

Adelaide got ready for bed again and started reading a book, a while later her mother arrived,
"Adelaide, i hope you had a lot of fun this summer. I hope you had made a lot of good memories."

"Yes mama."

"Well, this summer was a good summer for me too. I saved as many as memories as possible." She smiled at her.

Adelaide remembered Mrs Crouch's words, she stared at her mother. She looked far tired than Christmas. She had more white strands in her hair and she looked more frail. She was getting worse. How was i so blind? How could i not see it?

But then again, humans always want to remember and see their loved ones as strong and healthy individuals, even when they're ailing, to comfort themselves.

"Mama, are you- are you getting better?" Adelaide asked, she already knew the answer.

"Well, you already know, isn't it? I should not have said those words, in front of you." She sighed. "I- your father and i chose not to worry you. It would not bode well for you. Elizabeth and Victoria are having heavy years at school and they deserve to have some peace of mind. You have just started school. Helena and Edmund are too young."

"So, you are getting worse."

"There is no denying it. But, illnesses such as these aren't easy to fight against. They come and go. Most times they don't get better, you just have to learn to live with it."

Adelaide dreaded what she wanted to ask. There was a tiny question about something so unthinkable that she could not even word it.

"Adelaide, darling, anything can happen."

"Mama, please, try to fight against it. Please. I beg you, try your hardest. We need you to. Don't give up please." Adelaide said her voice breaking.

"Darling, i will. I already I am fighting my hardest. I am trying to."

"Promise me that you'll win against it."

"Darling, i-i don't want to make promises that I don't know if i can keep."

"What am i going to do?" Adelaide whispered, tears filling her eyes. Her mother brushed her fingers on her cheeks.

"You are going to be strong. For me. Try to be grounded. Be good. Do what you think is right. Also, please have your siblings' backs. You all need each other, but i also want you to try to protect them, as much as you can."

Annalise stared in her eyes,

"I want you to be their light in the darkness."

"I promise to do my best."

"I know you will, because i am intending to do the same." She hugged her, and Adelaide hugged her back, the smell of lavender filling her nose.

"Now, let me sing you a lullaby, shall i?"

After her mother left, Adelaide lay awake, thinking about her mother's words, her mind spinning. All the happiness she felt, somehow crashed down. She knew she would feel better tomorrow but now, she felt horrible, helpless. Bellatrix' words echoed in her head. How she pointed that circumstances changed everything. But she knew one thing for certain:

I am going to keep this promise. I am going to be strong, and protect my loved ones.

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