Korra and Asami

By EriWinters

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*Korra and Asami's life continues after 'Ruins of the Empire'. Korra and Asami are back in Republic City foll... More

1:Finally Home
2:Living Arrangements
4:Simple Life
5:Something New
9:Dangerous Games
10: Connected
11: The Morning After
12:New Ideas
13: Dynamic Duo
14: Confidence
15: Memories
16: Control
17: Promise
18: Hope
19: Distractions
20: Surprises
21: Long Night
22: Clarity
23: Revealed

6:Drunk State

468 8 0
By EriWinters

Asami's mouth was hanging open at the sight of her girlfriend, she was concerned but didn't want to ruin her fun. Korra had already told her she had never had alcohol before but Asami at least thought she would be sensible with the amount she would consume. Asami had been drinking as well and was a little more than tipsy but still had a fairly sound mind.

She was wrong about Korra though.

"Avatar! Avatar! Avatar!"

Everyone was rooting for the avatar as she downed yet another tall glass of alcohol, stumbling on her feet, cheering along with them for what, she'll never know.

Asami was elated that Korra was having fun after their amazing dinner, but it was starting to get out of hand as it usually does at this hour. Without another thought, Asami stood up and made her way to her girlfriend, taking her hand and putting her mouth close to her ear.

"Let's go home," Asami told her.

Korra looked at her with clouded eyes and pouted, "Already?"

Asami nodded, "Yes."

Korra sighed, "Fine."

"No way, the avatar can't leave! She's the life of the party right now!" A man reached out and grabbed Asami's arm pulling her back roughly probably assuming she was Korra in his drunken state, but Asami grimaced in pain.

Korra noticed this and clenched her fist, pulling Asami back to her while punching the air, sending the man flying back with a gust of wind. Amidst her drunkenness, she didn't see the figure out of her peripheral, and he punched Korra hard in her jaw, knocking her to the ground.

Asami gasped, kneeling next to her, examining her face about to drag her to the car when Korra stood up slowly, angrily, and ready to fight.

Korra was dangerous sober when she wanted to be, but drunk? Asami can already see the headlines and none of them appealed to her.

"Korra, don't," Asami stepped in front of Korra, but the avatar gently pushed her aside before using the ground beneath them to form concrete restraints around the man's ankles, before sending forceful air punches his way causing the people around them to run and scramble to leave.

Asami tried to get her to stop, even as the guy started to get dizzy, close to passing out, but she couldn't. Asami's eyes widened and she grabbed Korra's arm tightly, yanking her a bit.


Korra's eyes snapped to Asami's, the white glow of the avatar state shocking her. In only a few seconds, Korra snapped out of it, still drunk and very confused, but Asami didn't wait around, she pulled Korra behind her as they ran to the car, hopping inside.

Asami had scheduled for a driver to come to take them back home since she knew they'd be drinking, but she had never intended for this.


The driver sped off and Asami realized they left just in time because the police and the press just showed up.

Asami sighed and looked over at Korra in disbelief. Korra's head was leaning against the window but she sat up a bit, looking blankly outside. Asami didn't say a word, she was upset that tonight turned out the way it did, it wasn't meant to end like this. She rubbed her temples, disappointed in herself for letting Korra drink that much.

Once they arrived at the house, Asami hastily got out of the car, Korra stumbling behind, both girls upset at the night's turn of events. Asami went to go upstairs but paused when Korra went in the direction of the kitchen which made her roll her eyes.

"What now?" She whispered to herself.

When she walked in Korra was water bending, creating a sphere and turning it to ice before placing it against her now bruised jaw which has slipped Asami's mind until now. Even from here, Asami can see the dark purple bruise forming.

Asami walked up to Korra who was unaware of her presence, placing her hand on the avatar's shoulder but Korra flinched back in surprise, stumbling over her feet and falling to the ground the ice shattering around them.

Asami bent down to her, trying to help her up but Korra shook her head, pushing Asami away, "Please just leave me alone, Asami."

Asami frowned, confused, "Why? I'm trying to help you, Korra. You're drunk."

"I know what I am!" Korra snapped, Asami jumped a little at the unexpected outburst, pulling her hands away from Korra standing and taking a few steps back to give her space.

Hurt flashed over Korra's face at the action and Asami sighed, feeling the effects of her drunken state at well.

"Korra just. . . why?"

"I was trying to protect you. He shouldn't have grabbed you like that, I just. . . lost control. And then the other guy hit me and I, I couldn't stop myself," Korra muttered with a shake of her head.

"I appreciate you protecting me, but Korra, that other man. . . you could have killed him," Asami said quietly trying to make Korra understand how serious this situation can become for her if they hadn't left when they did.

"You don't think I know that?" Korra asked, rubbing her jaw tenderly.

Once again Asami reached out to help Korra up, but she ignored her hand, standing on her own, filling a glass with water and drinking it in a few seconds, turning and walking right past Asami, upstairs. Asami followed closely, understanding Korra is upset but not knowing what to do about it.

Korra entered her room and Asami was about to follow, to try and talk this out with her, but Korra slammed the door shut and locked it. Asami closed her eyes with a sigh and walked into her room, slamming her door shut as well.

"I'm only trying to help her, to talk to her and what does she do? She locks me out," She whispered furiously to herself, undressing and stepping into the shower.

Korra stood in her shower as well, sad about the night. It all started so wonderful and exciting but of course, the avatar had to steal the show, get drunk, and cause a scene. She's a terrible girlfriend. She practically ditched Asami and almost killed someone while in the avatar state.

Not to mention Asami is scared of her now, she saw the way she backed away from her in the kitchen. The thought had tears forming in Korra's eyes.

"I can't believe she's scared of me," Korra whispered, frustrated with herself.

After her shower which helped sober her up a bit, Korra depressingly got dressed in her sleepwear and paced the room, not yet tired or ready to sleep. The more sober she became, the more anxious she was about everything that happened.

Asami probably hates her.

Korra slammed the door right in her face!

Korra realized this and plopped down on the floor at the end of her bed, pulling her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around herself leaning her head into her arms, breathing out shakily.

Asami is scared of her, she hates her, she's mad at her, and she'll probably ask her to leave.

Korra may as well get this over with, she needs to know for certain before coming to any rash conclusion. She got up and walked out of her room, heading down the hall to Asami's door, hesitating before lifting her hand and knocking softly.

No answer.

Korra bit her lip and tried again.

No answer.

Korra was right, Asami never ignored her, so if she is now, it means Korra really messed up and it's time for her to leave. The avatar bent her head and sighed softly, walking back to her room. She looked up and saw Asami standing outside Korra's door holding a tray of tea.

"Korra?" Asami watched the avatar intently, Korra's eyes sad and hopeless.

Korra's heart flipped and she stopped in her tracks, not ever wanting to see Asami back away from her again and hoping Asami would forgive her.

Asami set the tray down on the floor and made her way to Korra but the avatar didn't move, she didn't want to scare her again. Once Asami reached her, she pulled Korra into an embrace and Korra reluctantly hugged her back, closing her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Asami whispered.

Korra pulled back in confusion, "I should be the one that's sorry, I ruined the night. I almost killed that man. I. . . You're scared of me now and you probably hate me after what happened."

Korra looked away, not wanting to see Asami's reaction.

Asami shook her head in annoyance and grabbed the back of Korra's head, pulling her face towards hers meeting her lips in a long kiss.

Korra watched Asami carefully as she pulled away, "Avatar, you are so strong, smart and beautiful, but you can also be very dense."

Korra frowned, "Not exactly what I expected to hear."

Asami giggled lightly, "I can never hate you, I love you. And I will never be scared of you, ever."

Korra wasn't convinced, "I saw the way you backed away from me in the kitchen. You were scared of me."

"I only backed away because I thought you needed space," Asami said truthfully, holding Korra's hand tightly, terrified she'll take off, away from her.

"I thought I ruined our relationship," Korra admitted dully.

Asami chuckled, "It'll take more than a drunk avatar and a drunken fight to ruin this relationship."

"Are you mad at me?" Korra asked nervously.

Asami sighed lightly, "I'm upset you wouldn't let me help you, or talk to me once we got back, we'll work on it, but no, I'm not mad at you."

Korra sighed in relief, feeling a thousand times lighter after those words. Asami does so much for her, she's beautiful, so kind, and forgiving which is more than Korra deserves. She still wishes there is something she can give her that can even remotely equate to all Asami had done for her.

Maybe there is. . .

They stood in the hallway, not saying anything, just staring at each other. Neither one knew what to say after that, and Korra couldn't help but admire Asami even more. She is so kind, strong, smart, understanding, and gorgeous standing in the dim light of the hall, her long dark hair falling around her body, her flawless make-up-free face, and her loose yet revealing pajamas.

Maybe it was the alcohol that gave her confidence or Asami's words but she didn't care, she knew what to do. Korra couldn't control it when she grabbed Asami's face placing her lips onto hers, forcing her back against the wall behind her, being gentle but forceful at the same time.

Asami was surprised, to say the least. Korra rarely initiates this kind of affection on her own to this degree but she wasn't complaining. She responded immediately to her girlfriend, delving her hands into her thick wavy locks, shoving her tongue into her mouth greedily, not knowing when this moment was going to end, only it didn't.

Korra pulled away from Asami completely, taking her hand in hers, guiding her into her bedroom, and sitting her on the bed. Asami was in shock, but said nothing, letting Korra do whatever she wanted, whatever she felt comfortable with, enjoying every moment of it.

Korra straddled her girlfriend's lap confidently, holding her face in her hands lightly, running her hands curiously up and down Asami's body. Asami laid back slightly, scooting her way onto the bed more and Korra followed like a moth to a flame, not once taking her lips or her body off Asami's.

The avatar reached down, finding the bottom of Asami's shirt before pulling back and slowly taking it off of her body, exposing the plump glistening breasts beneath. This was the moment Asami realized that a little more than kissing was going to happen tonight and much to her surprise, she placed her hands on Korra's, halting her movements.

"Korra, wait. . ."

Korra stopped immediately, her gaze dreamy and lips smiling softly down at Asami, "Yes?"

"We are both still a little drunk, and I'm enjoying this a lot, but if you aren't comfortable at any point, just-"

Korra cut her off with a kiss, causing a moan to come from Asami's throat, the best sound the avatar has ever heard.

"If I want to stop, I will. If you want me to stop, I will," Korra said breathily, kissing down her neck, sucking on different places, trying to taste every part of Asami.

"I won't want to stop Avatar," Asami breathed out, gasping lightly when Korra reached up to grab her breast. Korra giggled, finding the reaction a little funny to simply touching her girlfriend's breast, it was incredible.

"Good," Korra replied, wondering what would happen if. . .

Her mouth found Asami's breast, while her hand massaged the other, causing Asami's breathing to quicken in anticipation. Korra switched breasts, equally putting her attention on both before leaning up and claiming Asami's mouth with hers again.

Korra wanted to feel more of her, wanted to know where else she was sensitive, what other places make her squirm when touched?

Slowly, Korra pulled away scooting backward before tentatively reaching down gripping the hem of Asami's bottoms before pulling them off in one swift motion, revealing her thin underwear that appeared to be wet.

Unable to control herself, Asami bent her legs and let them spread, eager for the avatar's curiosity to continue, which of course, it did. Tilting her head to the side, Korra looked between Asami's eyes and between her legs, as if asking for permission. Asami nodded eagerly, her lower half squirming around desperately.

Korra leaned down, pressing light kisses on her inner thighs, loving the feeling of her hot, smooth skin under her lips. She had never had her face in such a private place before, it was exciting. She kissed, nipped, and licked her thighs but Asami wanted more, she needed more.

"Korra please," She moaned lightly, guiding the avatar's face closer to her core, trying to get her to touch her there.

She watched Korra stare at the place with interested eyes before she reached out and pulled down the underpants that stood in the way of Asami's completion.

Asami gasped lightly as the avatar tossed her panties aside, spreading her legs wider waiting for Korra to continue. She picked up her head in frustration, watching Korra's confused face realizing she wasn't sure what to do now.

She looked up at Asami with a light blush, "Can you help me?"

Asami smiled down at her lovingly, "I can show you."

Korra's eyes brightened and she thought Asami was going to guide her where to go, she didn't expect Asami to flip her over, now dominating their position. Korra was nervous now, but elated to experience this with Asami.

Asami desperately ripped off Korra's shirt so that her chest was now revealed as well and Korra smiled sheepishly, having never been exposed to anyone like this before.

"You're beautiful," Asami admitted, leaning down and kissing Korra deeply, pressing her naked body onto hers.

"So are you," Korra breathed out.

Asami went to pull Korra's bottoms off, but halted, feeling strange. Before Korra can even react Asami disappeared into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her and the avatar sat up abruptly, coming down from her high worriedly.

Korra sat in complete shock for a few seconds before she hopped off of the bed and threw her shirt on. She heard it through the door, Asami was throwing up and the avatar knew instantly, that their night of passion has come to an end.

Korra wasn't upset, she grabbed Asami's clothes and knocked on the door, "Hey, I have your clothes if you want-"

Asami opened the door, grabbed the clothes, and shut it once more without even a glance at Korra.

Korra felt bad, she knew how Asami was and she knows she'll be embarrassed, but she shouldn't be. They were both drunk, Korra was just surprised it was Asami who got sick considering Korra drank way more than her.

Korra heard the sink running and stood patiently outside the bathroom door and eventually Asami appeared, red in the face and a little pale.

"I didn't expect that to happen." She whispered, annoyed with herself.

Korra laughed lightly, shrugging, "It's alright, maybe next time."

Asami glared at her for teasing but seeing the happy look on Korra's face made her relax. She sighed heavily, "I think. . . I'm gonna go to bed."

Korra kissed her cheek lovingly, "Alright, feel better and sleep well. Let me know if there's anything you need."

Asami smiled softly, leaving the room quickly, making Korra chuckle softly. All Korra knew was that tonight was one of the best nights of her life and nothing could take that away.


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