Korra and Asami

By EriWinters

9.2K 170 29

*Korra and Asami's life continues after 'Ruins of the Empire'. Korra and Asami are back in Republic City foll... More

1:Finally Home
2:Living Arrangements
4:Simple Life
5:Something New
6:Drunk State
9:Dangerous Games
10: Connected
11: The Morning After
12:New Ideas
13: Dynamic Duo
14: Confidence
15: Memories
16: Control
17: Promise
18: Hope
19: Distractions
20: Surprises
21: Long Night
22: Clarity
23: Revealed


434 8 4
By EriWinters

Korra woke up with a smile on her face, sitting up with a long stretch. 

"I can't believe I live with Asami," She quietly giggled to herself, getting up and petting Naga on her way to the bathroom. 

Once doing her business and getting ready the avatar noticed Asami's bedroom door was open, quietly tiptoeing over and peeking her head in not seeing her anywhere. She was probably in her office, but she would find her a little later. 

She headed downstairs to find the kitchen which wasn't that hard since it was next to the dining room where she was the night before. The cook was already up and prepping food, greeting the avatar kindly before returning to what he was doing. 

Korra grabbed some fruit, hungrily digging watching the chef set a large bowl of meats on the ground for when Naga comes down. She smiled in thanks, making another bowl of fruit along with some tea, placing it on a tray, and heading up to find Asami. 

As expected the beautiful woman was in her office, looking over some paperwork with a serious look on her face. Korra tilted her head at the sight, noting how every expression Asami makes is so attractive. 

"Good morning."

Asami jumped slightly, before smiling at the sight of Korra, "Good morning." 

"I brought you some food," Korra tentatively stepped inside the large office, placing the tray on the desk standing to the side of her girlfriend not knowing what to do with her hands. 

Asami chuckled, standing up and pressing her lips against Korra's, who grabbed Asami's waist pulling her closer. 

"Thank you," Asami grinned, walking over to the side of the room where a few empty chairs sat. 

Korra sped over, picked one up, walking past her girlfriend who had an annoyed expression on her face. She placed it right in front of Asami's desk, taking a seat. 

"Korra, I can pick up a chair," Asami told her. 

"I know you can, I just beat you to it," Korra shrugged smugly. 

Asami shook her head, sitting back down, making a start at the fruit Korra gave her. Korra didn't mean to stare, but she couldn't help it. Even the way she ate was mesmerizing. She watched some of the juice run down Asami's chin and had a very interesting thought run through her mind on how clean it up, but she looked down at her lap blushing deeply. 

"Are you alright?" Asami asked. Korra's eyes met hers, knowing all too well what was on the avatar's mind. 

Korra quickly glanced at her chin again before shooting up out of her seat, heading for the door before she did something that may jeopardize their relationship. 

"Korra!" Asami called out for her in surprise, "Where are you going?" 

Korra stopped at the doorway, turning to face Asami who was wiping her chin with a napkin while staring at the avatar intensely, trying to read her, to understand her. 

"Uh, I'm gonna head over to the police station to talk to Lin and see if there is anything that requires the avatar. I won't be long," Korra gave a half smile. 

"I may not be here when you return, I'm going to one of Varrick's offices to grab some supplies I need for my new project, he gave me the keys before we left Zaofu," Asami told her, gauging her reaction. 

Korra hesitated to leave now, not wanting Asami to go on her own, terrified she will once again be taken from her. Asami waited for Korra to respond, to oppose her, but Korra knew better.

She nodded, "Alright, I'll uh, see you later then?" 

Asami watched her suspiciously, "See you." 

Korra left the home, Naga by her side before she hopped on her back and rode her into the city heading for the police station. 


"Lin, are you sure?" Korra asked for the fifth time. 

"Avatar, I don't have time to go back and forth with you," She snapped at Korra. "Nothing is going on in this city that requires the avatar. Normal crime is all there is, burglary, assault, non-bender fights, things my force can take care of." 

Korra sighed in defeat, clenching her fists. 

"Why don't you go find Bolin? Bother him." Lin told her, crossing her arms. 

"Bolin is back in Zaofu with Opal, he won't be visiting for a few weeks yet," Korra muttered, not liking having nothing to do.

"Okay, visit Tenzin and his family." Lin continued. 

"They're off finding more air benders and although I love Pema, I don't want to hang out with her and Rohan all day. I'll just end up babysitting." 

"Well, I can't help you there. I will call you if we have any problems but for the past couple of weeks, there hasn't been anything exciting." 

Korra bit her lip, "What about-"

"Goodbye, avatar," Lin snapped. 

Korra pouted but left the station, meeting Naga outside. 

"No one needs us right now girl," Korra stated, petting her head. 

Korra's thoughts went to Asami and she pursed her lips in thought, "No. . . no, she'll get mad. Don't do it. . ." Thoughts of Asami being taken and brainwashed filled her mind, the sight of her losing oxygen on the airship with Guan. . .

Naga growled low, almost warning Korra to just leave Asami be, but Korra has never had a talent for listening to reason. She climbed on Naga's back, hoping she didn't get caught. 

"Naga, find Asami," Naga took off. 

Asami has been at one of Varrick's many offices for a while now, collecting everything she needed for her work, marking off each item she takes as she continues. 

She thought about Korra, and how she knew what she was thinking at breakfast when the juice from the fruit dripped down her chin, though, Asami did that on purpose. She will always be patient with Korra, knowing she isn't very experienced with intimacy aside from kissing, but oh did she love teasing her. 

She knows Korra is holding back, though she doesn't know why. She understands Korra may not be ready, but there are instances where she knows Korra wants to do something but prevents herself from doing so. Asami doesn't think she has done anything to make Korra straight up uncomfortable aside from light teasing.

Asami sighed, 'Could I have said or done something to make her hold back? Does she maybe not want me?'

Asami hated these thoughts but they are possibilities. Although Korra expressed to her the reason, Asami still can't let go of the small insecurities that burden her. She loves Korra, and she knows Korra loves her too, but that avatar can make her blood boil at times.

Asami hates that Korra feels the need to do everything for her, to constantly protect her. She understands that yes, she has been taken before but as a non-bender, she can still hold her own. 

'She wouldn't even let me pick up a chair for her this morning!'  Asami grumbled to herself, annoyed with her mixed emotions of love and annoyance toward the avatar, continuing with her task at hand when she heard shuffling from down the hall. 

She paused, not having her electrocuting glove, unfortunately, but a small pocket knife instead which will have to do. Her heart started beating harder, her breathing picking up as she slowly tiptoed toward the door, hearing the shuffling again. 

She put a shaky hand on the door handle, taking a deep breath before yanking the door open and watching the body fall inside as she swiped the knife only knicking the arm of the assailant. A hiss of pain sounded and Asami realized the mistake she made. 

"Korra?" Asami dropped the knife, watching Korra stand while holding her bleeding upper arm. 

"Ow," Korra muttered grumpily. 

Asami immediately grabbed Korra's arm, looking over the injury, guilt flooding her body, "I'm so sorry, Korra. I didn't know. . ." 

Korra shrugged, pulling away from Asami who let her go, hoping she wasn't too upset, "It's alright, I deserved that." 

Asami grew angry at that comment, "Don't say that! No, you didn't deserve that, I just didn't know it was you." 

Asami was riled up and Korra pushed her away gently, which caused a look of hurt to coat Asami's eyes. 

"Asami, what I meant was, I shouldn't have been sneaking around like that while you're alone in here. You had every right to defend yourself." 

That's when Asami realized, "Wait, why are you here?" 

Asami was worried for her arm even though it didn't look terrible, but even more so upset that Korra is here when she told her not to worry and that she didn't need her protection all the time. 

Korra didn't get to respond before Asami snapped, "Let me guess, you were worried." 

Korra sighed, still holding her bleeding arm shamefully, "Yes." 

"And look what happened?" She motioned to Korra's arm. "What if I swiped your face Korra? When I tell you I can handle something then let me!" 

Korra wasn't taking too kindly to being reprimanded by her girlfriend, "Yeah? And the last time you handled something you were kidnapped, brainwashed, and almost suffocated! So excuse me for caring!" 

Asami was surprised at Korra's outburst toward her, she gritted her teeth, breathing out harshly, "Ugh! You're impossible!" Asami yanked open one of the cabinets pulling out first aid equipment, grabbing a bandage and small cloths for the blood.

Korra reached out to take it from her but Asami lightly slapped her hand away, "I got it." 

Korra snatched the bandage out of her hands, "I don't want you to, I'm the healer." 

Asami furiously snatched it back, "Do you see any water in here avatar?"

Korra shut up at that comment, clenching her jaw tightly while Asami started working on her arm. She kept her head turned from her, mad at Asami for not letting her protect her. 

"You don't seem to understand that I don't always need your-"

Korra cut her off in anger, "No, you don't understand that I'm terrified for your life every day, Asami. I'm terrified, okay? The thought of someone taking you again or hurting you literally drives me crazy! I know you can handle yourself but you're only one girl! What if a group of people, non-benders or benders try to attack you? What then? I only want to take care of you and you won't let me and that upsets me! I know you're capable of many extraordinary things, but do you think I'm incapable of protecting you? Is that why you're so against me helping you or taking care of you? Just tell me you don't trust me to protect you, Asami, because that's what it feels like!" 

Asami paused her actions, looking at Korra sadly, "You think I don't trust you?" 

Korra kept her head turned away, closing her eyes to keep them from watering. 

"Korra. . ." 

She kept her eyes closed, "I know I'm not the same avatar from three years ago, okay? I know that. I'm still able to protect my friends, my family, and you. I can protect you, Asami." She whispered defeatedly like she was trying to convince herself more than Asami. 

"I know you can, Korra. You're the only one doubting that," Asami said quietly, pulling Korra's face gently so she can look at her. "Look at me Korra." 

Korra's watery eyes opened, and Asami's heart broke at the sight, "I feel like people no longer want me around because of everything that happened. I feel like a failure to everyone, especially to you. Just let me prove to you I can do it." 

Asami finished wrapping her arm, placing her forehead on Korras, "You don't need to prove anything. You have saved me and the world so many times. I trust you more than anyone, and I know you can protect me. The last thing you'll ever be is a failure, Korra." 

A tear fell from the avatar's eye and Asami's eyes watered at seeing her so down and hopeless. She wishes she knew Korra was feeling this way, she wishes Korra would talk to her when she gets like this. 

"Korra, is there a reason you don't talk to me about these things? Is there anything I can do differently to help you trust me enough to open up?" Asami asked, cupping Korra's face and using her thumb to wipe another tear away. 

"I do trust you, I just hate appearing weak like this, especially when it comes to you. I don't want you to think I'm incapable," Korra admitted numbly. 

Asami frowned tilting Korra's head up to face her, "I have never and will never think you are weak or incapable, but you are not immune to emotions Korra. I want you to talk to me, be open with me, and believe I will never judge you or think any less of you, ever."

"I wish I could be the avatar I was three years ago sometimes. I know that it all happened for a reason but it's still awful occasionally living horrible memories like that," Korra whispered.

Asami's expression softened, "I know how you feel. Sometimes. . . I get nightmares about Guan, being taken, them putting those contraptions on my head. . ." 

Korra pulled Asami closer, "I will never let anything like that happen to you again Asami." 

"I know you won't." 

"I just need you to be patient with me. I know all I've been asking for is patience and you're probably sick of it, but when it comes to you, I can't take risks. It will take time for me to not be scared whenever you go out on your own and I know I can't be there all the time but-"

"I understand," Asami's lips turned up, kissing Korra softly. "How about this, whenever I have to go out, I'll let you know if I'd feel more comfortable with you there and if you're busy then I take Naga with me." 

Korra thought about it, "And your electric glove." 

Asami chuckled, "And my electric glove." 

Korra nodded, "Deal." 


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