Le début d'une nouvelle aven...

By Laymoonah210

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Après la séparation de notre groupe bien-aimé, nos héros découvrent que leur quête n'est pas encore terminée... More

La séparation
La clé du condor
The reunion
The start
Saving Athanaos
The daughter of the sun
The cave of the sun
The marriage
The recovery of Isabella
Be repentant
The temple of the golden sun
The Temple of the golden sun "2"
The veils
Breaking into the nave
Part title

Embarking on the journey

42 7 1
By Laymoonah210

Tao : ( thinking in a loud voice) in a land of legends the lost ones rise rebuilding the cities where the gold lies where the sun dances through the night where darkness never takes flight you will find the city of legends of the night .. what could that possibly mean ?

Esteban: I don't know

After 45 minutes Indali came

Indali: did you find what the clue could mean

Zia: no

Mendoza: the first part which is in a land of legends where the lost ones rise rebuilding the cities where the gold lies it is possible that it's talking about the people of Mue

Esteban: yes but we can't seem to figure out the meaning of the second part

Tao : that's stupid how can the sun dance through the night

Zia : calm down Tao we will find the answer

Laguerra : but of course the sun can't dance through the night only if it's talking about the midnight sun

All except Laguerra: the midnight sun ?

Laguerra : yes the midnight sun is when the sun doesn't set in certain times in the summer where darkness never takes flight like ....

Tao : where the sun never sets

Laguerra : exactly

Esteban: now we know about the midnight sun but we don't know in which country it would be

Zia : Laguerra do you know what country it's talking about

Laguerra : yes the island of Svalbard in Norway

Mendoza : Norway ? Where is it ? I never heard about this country

Laguerra : it's a peninsula in the north of Europe it's bordered by the Arctic Ocean in the north in the east there is Finland Sweden and Russia

Mendoza: ( taking out a map ) Do you know where is it on the map ?

Laguerra : yes I'll show you this is Norway and this is island of Svalbard where we should go

Esteban: so how long will the trip last

Mendoza: 4 to 5 days I think

Zia: when will we take of

Mendoza: tomorrow

Tao : we should warn the Raja Indali and Gunjan

Zia : yes we can't leave and say nothing

Esteban: I heard Indali say that she was staying in the village she and Gunjan must be there

Tao : then let's go to the village

They all went to the village where they found Gunjan and Indali walking by the fountain Tao ran to share the good news with them

Tao : Indali Gunjan we figured out the country of the first city

Indali : that's amazing where would it be

Zia : In a island in Norway

Gunjan: and where is that

Esteban : in Europe

Gunjan: when are you going to take of ?

Esteban: tomorrow morning

Indali : already ?

Zia : yes sorry we had a short stay

Gunjan: it's ok

Indali : when are you coming back ?

Esteban : we don't know

Tao : it depends on when we find all four cities

Gunjan : I think that you won't face a lot of problems since the red beard man is gone

Esteban: you mean Ambrosius

Gunjan: oh ..yes Ambrosius

Zia : Esteban Tao let's go warn the Raja before the sun sets

Esteban : you are right Zia

Indali : can I come to ?

Tao : of course Indali

Esteban : Gunjan would you like to come to ?

Gunjan : no I promised my mother that I will help her

Esteban: ok then good luck on helping your mother

Zia : Mendoza Laguerra are you coming

Mendoza : do you think I will leave you to go to the castle alone

Zia : and you Laguerra are you coming

Laguerra : no I'll stay

Tao : do as you please

With that the two chosen ones Tao Indali and Mendoza took there way to the castle to warn the Raja he gave them permission to take as much supplies as they need for there trip when they got back to the village night had already fallen Indali suggested that they eat and go to sleep so they can have enough energy for their trip after eating there meal the three children went to sleep while Mendoza went to see Laguerra

Mendoza: how do you feel ?

Laguerra : how do I feel about what ?

Mendoza : on going on a new adventure

Laguerra : I fell happy staying in Pattala was good but ..... I prefer to travel

Mendoza : yes me to

Laguerra : what do you think we will find ?

Mendoza : I don't know we'll see later

Esteban :Mendoza

Mendoza : Esteban why are you not sleeping

Esteban : I just wanted to ask are we going to fly over Zimbabwe or Chambord

Mendoza : no why ?

Esteban: I miss my father

Laguerra : if you want we can change the path we were going to use to go to France

Esteban : really

Laguerra : yes what do you say Mendoza

Mendoza : will it take a lot of time

Laguerra : no the time for flying from France to Norway is 2 hours

Mendoza : then we will go to Chambord before going to Norway

Esteban : thank you

Mendoza : go to sleep you will need the energy for tomorrow

Esteban : you are right good night

Mendoza and Laguerra : good night

Laguerra : we to should go to sleep

Mendoza : then good night to you to

At the morning everyone was ready Esteban and Laguerra were in the condor while the others were saying goodbye to the villagers and the Raja after they all were in the condor Esteban took of to Chambord the trip lasted 4 days before landing in Chambord

Mendoza : Esteban land a little further we don't want the guards to capture us

Zia : do you think he is here

Esteban : I am sure of it

Laguerra : we need a plan

Tao : Laguerra Mendoza told us that you were a spy you can go there easily

Laguerra : yes I was a spy but you know what will happen if one guard saw me

Zia : it's better for you and Mendoza to go together

Mendoza : Zia is right I will go with Isabella and you three stay here if one of you got out of the condor while we are gone you will be in big trouble do you understand

All three children : yes

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