-OSTENSIBLE- Male Reader x Ak...

By FrogPhilanthropist

3.3K 194 66

When a pair of arms dealers wind up dead, detective partners Y/N L/N and Akali Tethi are sent undercover as t... More

{#1} - [A Shotgun Wedding]
{#2} - [Gunning For Your Heart]
{#4} - [Licensed to Carry (Your Hand, We're Holding Hands)]
{#5} - [Safety's On (so Fire Away)]

{#3} - [Shot Through the Heart (and I'm to Blame)]

294 28 7
By FrogPhilanthropist


"Alright, you're all checked in," the hotel receptionist informed Y/N and Akali, handing Y/N a set of card keys. "You'll be in room fifty-seven, third floor. A bellhop will escort you and your luggage up to your room."

The keys only stay in Y/N's hand for a quick second, one of the keys snatched away by Akali before Y/N can even blink. He glared at Akali who gave him a pointed glare right back, hooking her arm around Y/N'd with a light squeeze. Oh. That's right. Y/N's never been married, and he didn't know that many married people outside of family, but he's pretty sure arguing with your spouse wasn't too uncommon. If Y/N was actually married to Akali (thankfully that's not a situation Y/N hopes to find himself in ever) he's pretty sure their typical bickering would still occur even with the whole 'being in love' thing. But apparently Akali had other ideas. Maybe she had a more idealistic image of what their marriage would look like (real or not).

Y/N exchanged his glare for a smile, and discreetly stepped on Akali's foot.

"You said you wanted to check out the lounge once we got here, remember?" Akali smiled so sweetly at Y/N that he almost fell for it and thought he actually did say anything like that, but there's a twinkle of mischievousness in Akali's eyes that snaps Y/N out of it. The entire flight over had consisted of Akali elbowing Y/N in his sleep, and the taxi ride over to the hotel hadn't been much better; nowhere before arriving at the hotel had there been any discussion of Y/N wanting to do anything but go to sleep in an actual bed.

If the receptionist wasn't staring so intently at them, Y/N would've had sharper words to argue back with, but because they are, Y/N settled for a nod. "You aren't going to join me? I'll be awfully lonely without you." He made sure the second part sounded as sickenly sweet out loud as it did in his head, and judging by the way Akali swatted at his arm, it probably did.

"Don't be silly, I need to take a shower," Akali said, and Y/N groaned because he's one-hundred percent sure this is Akali's way of getting out of the work of investigating the hotel. The groan was half Y/N's frustration with Akali for being so sly, and half frustration at himself for not thinking of the idea first.

Y/N opened his mouth to speak even though he didn't have any idea of what he's actually going to say, but Akali beats him to it, leaning over with one hand placed on Y/N's chest. She whispered (definitely not quietly enough that the receptionist can't hear her), "Though I can wait if you want to join me."

Akali pulled away with a wink, and that's the end of that. The receptionist gave the two of them a strange look, a mix between curiosity and embarrassment, and even though it's all Akali's fault Y/N was the one who's somehow put in charge of apologizing while Akali happily headed towards the hotel room with the bellhop accompanying her.

The receptionist was kind enough to hand a pamphlet containing the schedule for the week that included a list of the hotel's amenities. There's a pool and hot tub that Y/N wonders if he could drown Akali in. Or maybe he could just use the bath in their hotel room, maybe a sneak attack on Akali while she's in the bath and-

Y/N flipped the page in the pamphlet so hard that the bottom of it ripped a little.

Even before arriving, Y/N had some vague idea of what the hotel stay was going to be like with a quick look at the hotel's calendar online; the whole week is an event hosted by the winery closeby, the week filled with small activities and parties to celebrate the 50th year anniversary of the winery. Akali had shouted in delight when she found out, and Y/N had promptly packed what felt like a whole pharmacy of painkillers to deal with all the hangovers he knew he (and Akal, who whines like a five-year old when she's hungover) will have to deal with.

However, the pamphlet gave more information than the website did, so Y/N took a moment to look it over. Most of the planned activities are normal, wine-tasting events, which Y/N took note to look up proper wine-tasting etiquette tonight (which he internally groaned about because that's another hour of sleep he's not getting).

There's other types of activities though, a lot of them food based (Y/N grinned when he thought about how Akali was going to react when he told her; there's something especially addicting about her smile when it came to food).

It's when he got to the activities that sound like a lot of dancing that Y/N decided that he's looked long enough. Just another thing he had to ask the internet how to do, just another thing that reminded him that they're attending an event surrounded by couples and somehow he and Akali are supposed to fit in and somehow figure out who the two gun dealers were trying to sell to.

Y/N sighed and stuffed the pamphlet in his pocket. He had been wandering the lounge aimlessly, strangely busy for the late of the night. Most of the couples moseying the bar were younger, maybe not that much older than Y/N, but a few people catch him off guard, their wrinkles suggesting they could be around the age of his grandparents.

It's too crowded inside for him to risk taking a phone call, Y/N decided, and he made his way towards the outdoor patio. The metal handle of the door was cold to the touch, and when he stepped outside, the late spring night still brought chills to his skin.

The jacket he was wearing on the plane mysteriously disappeared between the time he took it off to use it as a pillow and now, and he had a sneaking suspicion it's been added to Akali's collection of his clothes.

One day he'll need to actually reclaim his closet, but for now he wallowed in the confused emotion that overtakes him when he thinks of Akali taking his clothes.

When he took a seat on one of the cushioned chairs outside - Y/N's the only one silly enough to be sitting outside so late at night on such a cold night - he's almost able to forget that he's working. He stared through the window that led back inside, watching the lingering hotel guests who mingle with glasses of wine in their hands in the dim lights; crime is the last thing on his mind.

It's the last thing on his mind, yet he can only enjoy the cool of the night for so long when his phone rings, and Y/N knows the call he's been putting off is finally here. He pulled his phone from out of his pocket and answered with a simple, "Hey."

"I told you to call once you guys landed," Director Marcus grumbled. He sounded more alert than someone so late at night should - or maybe it's just the heaviness of Y/N'a eyelids telling him that. "I'm assuming you arrived at the hotel safely?"

"Yeah, we checked in without problem." Y/N tried not to say too much with the offhand chance that someone could overhear him. "She is probably taking a bath right now, so at least one of us is doing alright."

Marcus snorted. "Of course she is. I wish I could tell you to enjoy yourself as well, but almost no one is pulling any new information at the moment so I need you to be alert. I've had people trying to track the phone numbers we found on the burner phone all day, but like we expected, they all traced back to more burner phones. Now we're trying to get a hit on where they were bought and checking if a credit card was used, but so far it's come up dry."

"Great," Y/N grumbled, running a hand through his hair. "Well, we still have the phone on us, so we'll let you know if anyone tries to call. No one seemed to notice us when we arrived, but I'm hoping we'll have better luck tomorrow." It's a bit of a long shot hoping someone will just approach Y/N and Akali, but as long as none of the buyers have met or seen the gun-dealing couple in person, then it's also not too long of a shot for them to assume that Y/N and Akali are the couple that they're looking for.

"I'm hoping so too," Marcus said, letting out a sigh that sounds as tired as Y/N felt. When he leaned back in the seat, he closed his eyes and imagined falling asleep where he was.

He doesn't fall asleep though, especially when there's sudden chatter in the background of the call, and Y/N can hear Marcus complaining about something, and when Y/N finally recognized the other voice on the call - a voice much too cheery for it being so late at night - he stifled his laugh until Kai'sa properly stole the phone from Marcus' grasp, the sound of the phone hitting the floor only present once as they grapple for the phone.

"Y/N!" Kai'sa shouted, but Y/N can't even complain about the voice being too loud in his ear, much more focused on trying not to laugh too hard as he heard Marcus grumble complaints in the background. "How's it going so far?"

"We just arrived," Y/N said, deciding it's not the time to rat on Akali for abandoning him. Mostly because Kai'sa had a sweet spot for her (like everyone else in the office besides Y/N did) and tends to lean in Akali's favor of everything. "Nothing too exciting yet."

"Boring," Kai'sa whined. "Though, I suppose that's a good thing, being boring in this case. I got a match on the bullet wound on the victims, and I was able to identify the kill style based on the arrangement of the shots."

"Isn't that a good thing? One step closer to identifying the murderer, right?"

"Maybe if it didn't lead back to a known hitman in the databases," Kai'sa explained. "Of course, there's no way to verify the fact, but it's someone who's known for taking hits in the area."

"I've already got a team trying to track them down," Marcus butted in from the background. There's some more shuffling on their side of the line, a repeated, "give me my phone back!", and finally Marcus returned to the line, voice clear enough to hear the seriousness of his tone. "But Y/N, this guy is a professional with almost no data on him. He knows what he's doing. You know what that means, right?" It doesn't have to be spoken aloud; whoever hired the hitman is going to be pretty upset when the people they hired him to kill show up alive.

"Watch out, Y/N," Marcus warned. "Chances are, they'll tell the killer to come back and do his job. And I can't imagine them not making sure they do their job right this time."


Y/N was on his third attempt to open the door with the card (the lock kept flashing red at him and if he had his weapon on him he'd be extremely tempted to go ahead and shoot it) when the door opened from the inside and he stumbled in.

"Thanks." Y/N said sheepishly as he closed the door behind him. Akali's already walking away from the door back towards the bed. The sheets are already disheveled where Akali must've crawled into bed, and the book and turned-on lamp on the bed stand next to Akali's side of the bed suggested that Akali had been enjoying a good read before Y/N showed up. "Were you waiting up for me?"

"No," Akali answered quickly. She's still not facing him, but the tips of her ears betrayed her. Y/N can't help but grin, though he's not sure why. He let the subject drop, not wanting to spend too much time on the topic when every minute spent uselessly talking is another minute before he can get in the shower and go to bed.

"Oh, yeah, Marcus called," Y/N said, deciding it's best to share the news before he fell asleep and forgot half of it. "He said that-"

Y/N's cut off when Akali turned around and stepped towards him and he is barely forming the sentence to ask her what she's up to when Akali has her hands on both sides of his face and is pushing him until his back hits the wall.

One of Akali's hands sneaks up into his hair, and their foreheads bump a moment later before Y/N barely has the time to register that, Akali's shampoo isn't the same scent that it usually is (though it's still strangely familiar) when Akali spoke, "You left me all alone in this hotel room only to come back and talk about a man?"

Y/N considered himself a man of logic, trusting himself to process a scene with the evidence presented to him: Akali's ruffled, slightly damp hair. Her skin was still flushed from the shower, assumedly. There's the part where Y/N looked further down to confirm that Akali wasn't wearing any pants, just a pair of underwear that sent him looking straight back up.

The conclusion Y/N came to wasn't safe at all, mind wandering only to be drawn back in by the intense grip Akali had on him, the feeling of her hands like fire against his skin.

The final piece of evidence was what helped Y/N figure out what's going on, and it's the subtle movement of Akali's hot breath hitting his cheek to hitting his ear and the words, "The room is bugged, maybe a camera," being whispered.

Oh. Oh. Though Y/N could barely focus on anything outside the subtle softness of Akali's lips pressed against his ear, he can focus enough to think that he's an absolute fool. It should've occurred to him that a room that belonged to two arms dealers would've been bugged by someone, especially when foul play had already been established in the case.

It's not something he'd usually miss, and Y/N's a little concerned that his head was already out of it so early in the game. There's other things to blame besides himself he figured. Is it to do with the fact Marcus just reminded him that there's a high chance that he and Akali have giant targets on their backs? Or maybe it's just the fact that he had to struggle so long with getting the hotel lock to actually open.

Definitely nothing to do with the fact that Akali's not wearing any pants and was wearing an old oversized t-shirt that suspiciously looks like the one he packed for himself (though maybe the tightness in his chest from the frustration of seeing his stuff being stolen could be a decent reason as well).

Y/N relaxed as Akali used her grip on him to adjust his neck so he's facing the TV set that's a few feet in front of the bed. "Right behind the screen, only found it because I couldn't find the remote and was looking for the damn button," Akali explained in a hushed voice, still impossibly close. "I already texted Vi, she should be here tomorrow to help clean the room."

Y/N hummed, careful not to make any comment about the situation in concern of the bug catching their words. There's a much bigger concern now, which is properly pretending to be married to Akali until Vi showed up tomorrow to deal with any other bugs that could be in the room. His lips form a tight line, biting back the groan he wanted to release as he put his hands on Akali's waist and gently pulled her away.

Akali only looked at him with wide eyes for a quick second, only until Y/N hooked one finger underneath the hem of the shirt she's wearing. Any ounce of surprise Akali wore turned into smugness, cocking her brow like she's been waiting all night for him to mention the shirt.

"This is my shirt," Y/N said, tugging it. It's not a special shirt, definitely not anything Y/N would truly miss once it joined Akali's collection of his clothes. Just a plain white T-shirt that hanged loosely on Akali everywhere except her shoulders. It's fascinating how she still looked devastatingly beautiful.

"Oh?" Akali grinned, raising a brow. "Do you have a problem with me wearing your clothes?"

Akali's a good actor; Y/N can't deny that. She leaned in as she spoke, putting her face right in front of Y/N's with her lips slightly parted. Y/N believed if he blinked a few times, he could almost be convinced that they're actually a couple in love, playfully teasing each other late at night in an intimate way that Y/N's spent too many years single to even remember what it feels like.

Something like this, he vaguely thought, head a little fuzzy and cheeks a little warm, feeling like a blanket has been thrown over him and he felt warm.

Y/N knew the blanket wasn't real, probably something that resulted from years of feeling lonely and cold. But he liked the blanket, liked how the blanket made him feel, so he let the heat of the blanket settle over his shoulders. He powered through the thought of letting Akali be the one to guide him through the mission, refused to let Akali do all the work and make him feel like an inexperienced fool.

Y/N took a step forward - not a big one, because there's not much space between them to begin with. Just close enough so he can easily hook his finger around the collar of Akali's shirt, tugging at it without daring to look down.

"I have a problem with you wearing any clothes, hun."

Under the warmth of the blanket, the words seemed acceptable, maybe even applaudable, but then Y/N got to watch in real time as Akali's entire face turned bright red, lips forming an 'o' and suddenly the blanket was gone, the warmth only remaining in the heat of Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N let go of Akali, backing away abruptly. "Uh, I'm gonna go take a shower now, if that's alright?" Akali faintly nodded, still bright red, but that's enough for Y/N to eject himself from the room in the fastest way possible, almost tripping over his feet to escape to the bathroom.

Cranking the temperature to as low is it can go, Y/N exited the shower ten minutes later feeling chilled to the bone, but his head felt clearer (and in general, rather empty) so he felt comfortable going back to the bed once he threw on a pair of sweats and a white-tee as a bed shirt.

Akali's already under the covers, bedside lamp on with the room light off. She's reading a book, glasses perched on her nose and lips pursed, the furrow of her brow suggesting she's far too invested in whatever scene in the novel she's reading to notice Y/N's presence. But as soon as Y/N felt the bed dip underneath him as he placed a knee down on the mattress, Akali puts her book down and greeted Y/N with a soft smile that ends with a yawn.

"You were in there for awhile," Akali commented with a raised eyebrow. "I hope you weren't getting yourself off in the shower." Y/N narrowed his eyes, and it's only worse when Akali added on in a low voice, "You should've at least told me beforehand, I could've joined you and helped out."

The way Akali intently stared at Y/N made him feel hot despite the freezing shower he just took and the fact he was shivering just moments earlier. Akali's gaze dropped, eyes widening a fraction before returning to meet Y/N's eyes. Her gaze was prodding, searching for an answer where Y/N doesn't even know what the question was, so he just stared back at Akali. She was plotting something.

He was unfortunately right, because Akali bursted into laughter after another moment of examining Y/N's face. In a swift movement, Akali pushed him down onto the bed, leaned over, and bit his ear; not in a sexy way, but in the same way she ate snacks in the office.

Y/N shrieked, though he couldn't do much before Akali rolled off of him and laid on her side, still facing him. She wore a smug grin. "You caught me off guard earlier, but don't start thinking you can beat me so easily."

Y/N doesn't realize the challenge to her words until she had already rolled over so her back was facing him and the conversation was forced to end. Not that Y/N had any retort ready to go, but he's still a little disappointed that the conversation was closed so quickly. At least that means he could finally go to sleep now, he told himself.

Except a few hours later, Y/N woke up shivering and he didn't even have to open his eyes to notice that there's not a single blanket on him despite the fact that he went to sleep perfectly covered. He didn't need to open his eyes to guess where the blankets went, but he did anyway, not a bit surprised when he saw Akali on the other side of the bed completely wrapped up in all the blankets.

If Y/N wasn't so cold and it wasn't around two in the morning, he might've been a little nicer about the ordeal. But he's cold, tired, and wanting to go back to sleep so he just used his foot to politely shove Akali, not even waiting until she properly woke before he started tugging at the blankets.

"Hey!" Akali whined when she's finally conscious enough to realize that he's trying to steal the blankets from her. While Y/N's blanket recovery had been going successfully, now that Akali's actually awake it became a lot harder, she gripped hard on the sheets that he tried to tug away.

"I'm cold!" Y/N complained, voice slightly strained as he tried to put more energy into recovering the blankets. He's sure he could find extra blankets in the closet, or maybe he could just put on warmer pajamas, but it's past the point of trying to be warm and already all about winning against Akali.

"It's mine," Akali insisted. She tried rolling herself back up in the blankets, becoming a human burrito and it's almost cute enough for Y/N to give up on his mission. But he doesn't, continuing to tug at the blankets while Akali keeps whining about it.

The advantage Y/N had was that he's much more awake than Akali, and it's that slight bit more alertness that he had that allowed him to get a firm tug at the blankets while Akali's trying to desperately rewrap herself (they might both be laughing at this point, but with no witness around to prove so Y/N decides he'll claim he was very serious about getting his victory of the blankets).

The blankets finally slid over to Y/N's side of the bed, but before Y/N could celebrate his victory a much larger problem came tumbling at him - quite literally - as the blankets he'd tugged over to his side also brought along the person that was wrapped up in said blankets, and that's how Akali came crashing down on top of Y/N with an audible thud.

"Y/N, I was trying to sleep," Akali whined, flailing her arms as Y/N successfully covered himself with the blankets. With Akali laying on top of him, head resting on top of his chest, it means Akali became lost underneath the blankets and Y/N can't help but laugh when Akali wiggled around so that her head peeked out from underneath the covers. " Y/N."

Akali's heavy, and the combination of the blankets and her body heat made it almost too warm for Y/an. He knew Akali was prone to moving around in his sleep. There's almost nothing comfortable about the way Akali had settled herself on top of him, hair brushing against his cheek, legs tangled with his.

He can't find it within him to push her off.

"Just go to sleep, Kali," Y/N finally said, grabbing Akali from underneath his arms and pulling her upward so she didn't drown underneath the blanket. He wrapped an arm around her waist so she didn't move around as much, and tried not to think too much about how quickly she accepted her fate and buried her face into the crook of his neck.

It shouldn't be easy to fall asleep, yet it is. Akali snuggled underneath the blanket, mumbling a quiet, "mine," with a small smile which made Y/N wonder if he really won at all, falling into some sort of tie that left Akali still satisfied and warm underneath the blankets.

Y/N's falls asleep a minute later, warm with a sense of satisfaction as he pulled Akali even closer, and decided right before he gave into sleep that even if he didn't win, he certainly didn't lose.


The warm position Y/N woke up in had less to do with the amount of body heat shoved under a large amount of blankets and more to do with the actual anatomy of the position.

It's definitely not the way they fell asleep - though now that Y/N's awake that's an entirely different embarrassing memory. They've drifted to their sides at some point while sleeping, but his grip on Akali's waist hadn't gone anywhere, pulling her snug against him so that her back pressed against his chest.

The arm around her waist had gone slightly numb from her lying on top of it, but he couldn't find it in him to mind. His other arm was draped over her, hand resting on top of her chest. Her hand rested on top of his, securing it in its place, and Y/N couldn't help but notice how fast Akali's heartbeat was underneath his hand.

"Akali?" Y/N assumed since she hadn't moved from their compromising position that she was still asleep, but the subtle twitch of her eyelid when Y/N called out her name suggested differently. "Hyung, are you awake?"

Akali didn't respond, but Y/N can easily see that her breathing rate isn't consistent enough to follow typical sleeping breathing patterns, her breathing's not shallow like it would be if she was actually asleep. For fake sleeping, it's a decent attempt, but it isn't perfect and Y/N stared at Akali for another moment to see if she'd answer back.

She doesn't, leaving Y/N a little confused, but it's also too early in the morning to question it. Maybe she's just sleepy and wanted to get some extra sleep without moving and bothering Y/N. Whatever case, didn't matter much.

Y/N quickly detangled himself from Akali so he didn't bother her anymore. He made sure to tuck the covers back in once he got out of the bed, making sure the blankets properly covered Akali before backing away with a satisfied nod.

It's the latest Y/N's slept in for a long time, the clock reading nine when he looked at it. He knew the breakfast bar downstairs doesn't close until half past nine, so he's not too stressed about time. So he decided to not wake Akali, instead opting to change out of his pajamas into presentable clothes.

It's only when he goes to turn on the TV that he remembered the bug behind it, and more importantly, he remembered that at some point Vi was supposed to come around to clear the room for them.

"Akali," Y/N called out regretfully, feeling bad about waking her up; though he's not sure if she really fell back asleep judging by how quickly she woke up, turning in bed so she faced him.


Y/N considered his words. "What time will the cleaning person be here?"

"Cleaning person? I put the do-not-disturb sign on the door so hopefully never," Akali informed, obviously not getting the memo. It took a pointed look from Y/N for Akali to burst out, "Oh!" And then she's scrambling for her cellphone, almost knocking it off the nightstand where it's charging. "I think they were supposed to show up," she glanced at the time on her phone, "an hour ago. Whoops."


"I'm calling them now!"

Twenty minutes later there's a knock on the door, and Vi let herself in.

"Oh, I must've missed the do-not-disturb sign," Vi announced upon arrival. She's dressed up in the hotel uniform, and despite her act of sounding shocked to see Y/N and Akali there, she doesn't leave the room. Instead, she wheels the cleaning cart she brought with her to the side and asked, "Would you like me to come back at another time?"

Akali quickly answered, "No, it's fine now, we were just about to leave." She crawled out of bed, passing by Y/N as she heads to the bathroom, presumably to change.

While Vi started pulling at the covers to make the bed, Y/N spied as she subtly pulled a small device out of her pocket. There's a flip of a switch on the side, and the room is suddenly filled with a high pitched ring, though barely noticeable unless Y/N strained to listen. Akali seemed to notice as well, exiting the bathroom with raised brows directed towards Vi.

"You're free to talk and do whatever when the device is on," Vi explained, ditching the sheets in her hand to wave the small device in her other hand, no bigger than a phone. "It'll block the outgoing signal of any bug or camera in the room."

"Is there one that doesn't ring like that? Am I really expected to listen to that when I go to sleep?" Akali glared at the device in Vi's hands, holding her hand out so Vi could hand it over to her. Y/N quietly laughed over how much bigger the device looked in her hands compared to Vi's.

"Well, you're not going to have it on all the time, so it should be fine," Vi said, holding a hand up when Akali started to protest. "First of all, we don't want to alert whoever planted the bug that we know it's there. The less we block their signal, the more likely they are to believe it's just minor technical difficulties and not worry about the bug being discovered or planting a new bug. Second of all, the device works well, but it's not very specified. That means it's going to block any outgoing signals, which includes you guys' phones and any bugs or cameras we end up putting in here."

"Damn, a camera? If you wanted to watch me sleep, you could've just said so," Akali joked, wiggling her body in a way that's anything but suggestive.

Vi grinned. "Save it for Y/N, girl."

A pillow flew Vi's direction the next second.

"My freshly made bed!" Vi protested, words ending with giggles that have her bending over. The giggles were contagious enough that Akali joined in, her squeaky laughter something that even Y/N can't help but smile at.

"Anyway, it's gonna take me a little bit to check the room for any other bugs. Hopefully whatever I find I'll be able to trace the signal back and see who put it there. Caitlyn is already checking security cameras and comparing it to when the electronic lock last registered someone opening the door before you guys." Vi narrowed her eyes, "That's what we've been dealing with while you guys have cuddle time in a luxury hotel room."

"There was no cuddle time!" Akali quickly protested, waving her hands around wildly.

Vi rolled her eyes. "Ah, sure there wasn't, the blankets weren't totally pooled on one side of the bed. And don't think I forgot about the fact that you guys totally forgot about me this morning."

Y/N explained to Vi that it was actually only Akali who forgot, and he got a pillow thrown at him as well.

A few pillows thrown back and forth later, the TV almost lost it's life and Akali huffed that she's hungry and she can't focus (which is her justification for completely missing Vi three times with the pillows while Vi got in two full-on face hits on her) and that she needs to eat.

Y/N found it hard to protest when he's feeling just as hungry, so he allowed Akali to grab him by the hand and drag him out the front door, only getting to briefly wave goodbye to Vi, who only responded by taking a look at their intertwined hands and grinning.

"Wait, I almost forgot," Y/N said once they got in the elevator (Y/N had tried to insist it's healthier to take the stairs, to which Akali retorted that it was way too early in the morning to be putting in that kind of effort). "I wanted to tell you-" Y/N blanked for a moment on the best way to deliver the news, unsure of how much the camera posed in the corner of the elevator can pick up.

He used the hand that's holding onto Akali's to spin her around, using his other hand to push Akali against the wall. He then let go and brought both of his hands to her cheeks, bringing their faces close together.

"I wanted to tell you how beautiful you look today, even though you keep stealing my sweaters and I'm ready to go crazy," Y/N whispered, "and, uh, also, Marcus called yesterday and said that the person who killed our couple was a hired hitman who could potentially be trying to kill us now?"

"First of all, I keep stealing your sweaters for that exact reason, second of all, really? You couldn't have told me this earlier?"

Y/N thought back to when he did try to tell her, and all his memory gave him was Akali pushing him into the wall and the feeling of her breath on his ear and suddenly the message from Marcus had left his head without another thought.

Y/N shrugged. "I might've been a little distracted."

Akali sighed. "Well, you know how I love a little extra excitement." She pulled away from Y/N's grip, but she doesn't completely leave his personal space, still leaning over so that her head rests on hus shoulder. Just in time for the elevator to ding, and doors opening up to the first floor.

"Let's go, babe," Akali said, confidently grabbing Y/N's hand. A few people who are standing near the elevators gave the two of them strange looks, but that's good, Y/N supposed. The more people that see them, the more likely whoever was trying to make bids confronted them about it. Akali looked relaxed, but when she noticed Y/N lagging behind she firmly squeezed his hand, and the reassuring smile she shot his direction hinted that Y/N probably didn't look as relaxed as he should.

Without thinking too hard about how the wedding ring on Akali's hand felt, Y/N straightened his posture, tried to return Akali's smile in the most loving form he can, and as they head down to the dining hall where the other guests are certain to be, he reminded himself that their mission was just beginning.


Just want to say, thanks for sticking around. And low key, I forgot how fun this fic was to write. I promise another chapter tomorrow.

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[DISCONTINUED] Beyond expectation between life and death, I know nothing about the truth, for my past remains unknown, a secret I cannot unveil, my m...