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By hargreeveswife

7.4K 185 95

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99 4 0
By hargreeveswife

- ✰ -

AIDAN HAS HIS ARM WRAPPED AROUND Y/N'S SHOULDERS as the two talk about random stuff. Aidan was laying beside Y/N on the bed after she had invited him on and the two began to deeply open up to each other. However, their meaningful moment was cut short when the door to the room swung open; revealing Mr and Mrs Gallagher, Tom and Bill. The two twins rush towards the bed and pull both Aidan and Y/N into a group hug as they all laugh in relief.

Mr and Mrs Gallagher walk up to Y/N's bed and pull the girl into a side hug once the twins had moved aside. -"Do you feel okay?" Mrs Gallagher asks and Y/N nods and smiles up at her in a response.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise!" A low angered voice suddenly snarled from the door. Everybody looks to see Y/N's Mother and Father both stood there with cold expressions on both their faces. Aidan quickly jumps off the girls bed as he watches the man stomp towards her.

"What did I tell you, Y/N?" The girls Father whispers in her ear. -"You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me." The man looks down and reaches to pull the girls IV out of her hand but Aidan was quick to grab his wrist and push him away with all his strength.

Her Father lets out a low chuckle with an amused smile as he turns around to face Aidan. Aidan gives him a sarcastic smile back before shoving his chest, sending him stumbling a few steps back and almost out of the room if it wasn't for him gripping onto the door frame.

The Father goes to jump at Aidan but stops when he hears the sound of radio chatter from behind him. He looks around to see two Police Officers stood at the door, looking at him with a stern expression. -"Is everything alright in here?" One of the Officers ask. He glances around the room to see everybody's terrified looks then at Y/N's Father who was stood there with wide eyes.

The Officer seemed to put the pieces together and he opens his mouth to speak to her Father but before he could, her Father had elbowed him in the face and went to run out of the room. The other Police Officer quickly stood in front of him and hit his stomach with a baton. The Officer with now a bloody nose, pulls out a pair of handcuffs and locks them onto his wrists.

"You're going to have to come down to the station with us.. we had a phone call about you this morning." The Officer says, glancing towards Mr and Mrs Gallagher who stood there with their hands on their chests in shock. Once the Officer lead the man out of the room, Y/N's Mother runs up to the girls side and places her hands on her shoulders.

A loud sob escapes from Y/N's Mother's mouth making everybody turn to look at her after the girl's Father was escorted out by the Police. --"Oh, God.." Her Mother mumbles to herself before walking up to her Daughter's bed and kneeling down beside her.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Please, forgive me." Y/N bites down on her lip and glances over to Aidan who gave her a small shrug with a faint smile for comfort. The girl sighs and looks back over at her Mother before giving her a small nod. The women smiles brightly and pulls the girl into a hug, taking a deep breath as she ran her fingers through her Daughter's hair.

"It's okay, Mother.." The girl quietly mumbles. Her Mother's body shaking from all the sobs made her eyes slightly water from guilt. She knew she had nothing to be guilty for but she couldn't help but feel a small pang in her stomach at the sight of her Mother crying.


Aidan holds onto Y/N's waist tightly, despite her protests of not needing his help to walk to which he ignored. The boy leads the girl into his home whilst his parents slowly trail on behind them. His parents had agreed to look after Y/N until she was ready to go home back to her Mother.

Once the two had gotten back inside, they turn around to see his parents stood outside. -"We are going to be out for a few hours. Call us if you need anything." Aidan's Mother announces. The two teenagers nod in response and close the door as the boy's parents walk away, back to their car.

Now that the two were alone, they make their way over to the couch and collapse onto it beside each other, sitting in silence for a few moments before Aidan picks up the remote from beside him.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Aidan asks. A smile makes its way onto Y/N's lips as she gently snatches the remote out of his hands and began to scroll through Netflix. She was scrolling for a few minutes as Aidan patiently waited on his phone before she clicked on her favourite movie of all time, Harry Potter.

Aidan places his phone back down besides him and looks up at the TV to see what she had chosen. A grin makes its way onto his face as he glances at her, the movie also being one of his personal favourites.

He wasn't completely sure how long time had passed but it was now dark outside and his parents were still not home. It didn't bother him in the slightest but he didn't expect them to be out this long. He looks over at Y/N after noticing the odd silence to see her asleep in what looked like an uncomfortable position.

She was curled up in a ball as her head lay on the back of the couch behind her. He knew when she woke up she would have a sore neck and that wouldn't be good. He picks up the remote and switches the TV off, standing up to his feet and walking over to Y/N.

Aidan bends down and picks the girl up in his arms, tightening his grip around her waist and legs before starting to make his way up the stairs. He walks down the hall and opens his door with his back, walking over to his bed and carefully placing her down underneath his sheets.

The boy turns to walk out of the room to give the girl some privacy until a hand grasps his wrist and stops him. He turns back around to see Y/N with her eyes slightly squinted open and he pale hand wrapped around his wrist. -"Stay." She whispers and Aidan couldn't help but feel a weird leap feeling in his stomach.

He swallows nervously and takes a moment to think before getting into the bed beside her, laying flat down on his back silently. -"You know.. if it wasn't for you finding me the other day, I wouldn't even be here.." The girl whispers, making Aidan turns his head towards her.

A frown creases on his forehead. -"Don't say that.. you're a strong girl and would've got through it with or without my help. I know you would've. Im just glad I found you and made the chances higher." The boy explains. The two lay in a deep silence for a few more seconds until Aidan moves to lay on his side, the two making eye contact and only then realising how close they were to each other.

The only source of light in the room was the shining moon from outside, only bright enough to illuminate the twos face but not bright enough to notice the spark in both their eyes. This was a weird feeling for the girl though, her thoughts from the passed coming back knowing she wouldn't ever have a good feeling again if she had woken up from her attempt.

But she couldn't help but feel unexplainably happy when she was around Aidan. And on the other hand, matters were the same with the said boy. The two grew closer and closer to the point their lips were brushing over each others. But that moment was interrupted when the two heard the sound of the front door downstairs opening, making them jump from the sudden noise and pull away from each other.

Aidan sits up and looks straight ahead, his eyes wide and his lips slightly apart as he thought of the moment they just had. -"I should probably go check that it's my parents.." He mutters before standing up and walking out of the room, gently shutting the door behind him.

Y/N stays still in her position in his dark, her eyes glued to the pitch black ceiling above her as she thought of what just happened. She felt her eyes slightly drooping and her body falling asleep as she thought of what could've happened if his parents came back five minutes later.


The next morning, Y/N woke up in the same, empty bed she fell asleep in but noticed a crease beside her which made her realise Aidan eventually got in the bed after she fell asleep. She slowly gets out of the bed and rubs her tired eyes with her fist whilst making her way down the stairs.

She immediately stops dead in her tracks when she notices the Gallagher family sat down with two Police Officers. Aidan turns around and notices the girl's presence, getting up to his feet and walking over to her. He places his hands on her arms and looks down at her.

"They just want to talk to you about your Mother. You're not in trouble, don't worry." Aidan whispers. Y/N looks up at him and shivers at the feeling of his chest slightly touching hers from how close he had got to her. She swallows the nervous saliva that built up in her mouth and gave him a small nod.

Aidan flashes her a soft smile and leads her to the couch, sitting her down in front of the Officers. The boy sits beside her and silently watches as she and the Officers interact.

"Mrs L/N, we just want to ask a few questions about your home life, it that's okay?" The female Officer asks. Y/N gives them a silently nod and feels her skin starting to slightly sweat.

The dark haired boy beside her notices and takes her sweaty hand in his, holding it for support. -"Can you tell us what happened?" Y/N takes a deep breath and zones out on the ground beneath her, almost as if she was reliving everything she was about to tell them.

"My Father, he.. abused me. He had been doing stuff to me since I was 7." Y/N slowly explains, she licks her dry lips as she felt the corner of her eyes beginning to prick up with tears.

The Officers slowly nod, understanding. -"And now that your Father is in prison, would you rather to go back to your Mother or stay here with the Gallaghers, they have already said they would be happy to take you under their care." The girl looks over at Mr and Mrs Gallagher where they give her a small nod with a soft smile.

She then looks over at Aidan who was already looking at her, they both look into each others eyes as he too gives her a nod. -"I would like to stay with the Gallaghers." The girl announces, the two Officers smile and pull out a notepad where they hand it to Mr and Mrs Gallagher with a pen where they sign at the edge of the paper.

"Well, congratulations. You are now under the care of Lauren and Rob Gallagher." The Officer smiles once she read through their signatures one final time. The three Gallaghers all pull Y/N into a gentle hug from her side, all four of them smiling in excitement and relief.

The four got up and escorted the two Officers outside and once they had left, Aidan walks up to Y/N and leans into her side. -"I told you everything would be okay.." He whispers, making Y/N look up at him with small tears in her eyes from the feeling of finally being free from every bad thing that had ever happened to her. It all worked out in the end.


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