An Unusual Meeting (Yautja X...

By S0methingw1cked

77 1 0

this is the story of a young yautja hunter. In the middle of a hunt, an accidental failure with the warp engi... More

That Happened 🍋

A Lovely Stranger

21 0 0
By S0methingw1cked

As Bakue walked, he got some looks but most people cleared out of his way. Soon enough through, he found the bar the man had referred to.

A large sign showing a picture of a spider missing two of it's legs with the words 'The Spider's Leg' in big pink letters. The sign was attached to a two story building that look shockingly well taken care of.

A sign was nailed to the door, it read 'no fights, all feuds are dropped, pay your tab'.

Bakue entered the dimly lit bar. There were people seated at booths all around the surprisingly large room, one person sat at the bar itself, they had the hood of thier jacket over their head and was talking with the bartender.

Bakue sat down a few seats away from the person at the bar, his eyes flicking over the room under his mask. His eyes lingered on the other person who's face was covered by their hood.

His thoughts were interrupted by the bartender who was walking over to him with cheerful smile. "What can I get you tonight, sir?" Bakue looked around the room for a second longer before he turned to the bartender. "Give me the strongest stuff you got." He responded blankly, his attention fixed on a table close to the back of the room.

"Oh, real tough guy, eh? I should let you know Thorn don't like people who bring trouble to her bar." The bartender remarked, reaching over to start making Bakue’s drink.

"And are you Thorn?"

Bakue asked his attention still on the table. He heard snickering in the room and looked at the bartender, who was smirking.

"Nah, Thorn is my boss, she runs this place and is one of the most powerful people on Delta 9." The bartender stated and Bakue nodded, turning towards the snickering men in the back of the room.

Four men sat at a table and it was obvious that they were watching him, waiting for a chance to approach him.

After a while, they got up and started walking towards Bakue, two of them had weapons but it looked like the used them more for threats not attacks. Bakue readied himself for battle, turning on his shoulder Canon.

But before things escalated any more, the stranger got up and walked in between the men and Bakue.

"Whoah, hay, everyone just calm down."

The stranger addressed the men but they were having none of it. The man closest to them raised his hand as if to hit them but Bakue was faster, he stood up and grabbed the man's wrist, stopping his attack.

The man in the front of the group pulled out a knife and sneered at Bakue and the stranger. "I gonna kill you, in the most painful way possible!" He lunged at the stranger, brandishing his knife.

The glint of metal flew through the air and a scream followed shortly after as the man's arm fell to the floor with a thud, his comrads turned and fled, leaving him behind.


He screamed at the stranger, who only shrugged in response and sheathed their weapon. Bakue watched in awe at the fluidity of the stranger's strike.

The stranger reached up and pulled her hood off, revealing her fusia and blue streaked hair but since her back was turned to him, Bakue couldn't see her face that clearly.

The man who was clutching his still bleeding stump, shrank back in fear as she hissed at him, the anger apparent in her voice.

"Remember the rules? No. Fights. In. My. Bar."

The man nodded quickly and scrambled away from her and  out of the bar.

She turned to face Bakue and he felt the air get sucked out of his lungs.

She smiled up at him, she was close to his height but a little shorter, she was wearing a low and tight shirt that left little to the imagination, a loose, magenta, cropped jacket and cargo pants.

It took everything he had to tear his eyes away from her gleaming turquoise ones.

She finally broke the silence between them after a long pause. "Do you have anywhere to stay while your warp core is being fixed? It usually takes about a week to complete. Those fuckers love to take thier time."

She stated nonchalantly, her eyes scanned him up and down, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, I don't."

He didn't question the fact that she new of his dilemma but he did take note of it.

She beamed. "You can stay here if you want, we have a spare room above the bar, right? Larry!"

The bartender swung around and nodded, pouring a glass of some sort of blue drink and tossing it to the stranger.

"That's right, boss!" Bakue’s eyes widened under his mask, he had just met this woman ten minutes ago and she was already offering him a room in her home, he barely knew her.

He sighed, he couldn't believe that he was considering this however he needed a place to stay until his ship was fixed and this was the best option. "Fine, but tell me your name first." She smirked. "Only if you tell me your's, my name is Thorn." Bakue nodded and replied.

"I am called Bakue."

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