Welcome Home AU(Enemy's or Al...

By GirlINeedTherapy

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(NOTE!!!:FEMALE Y/N!!) Hello guys!! making another story about Welcome Home! but AU! it's about the Welcome H... More

part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
part 5:
part 6:
part 7:
part 8:
part 9:
part 10:
Part 11:
part 12:
part 13:
part 14:
hey hey this is last i promise
not part, need to read!!


37 1 26
By GirlINeedTherapy

[Warning:Oh idk, the first part is a little gory? i mean i imagined it-



a deep voice called out

everything was dark... i cannot see anything... but why am i hearing this things?

"h-.. hello? "
i stuttered and called out for the voice

"y/n...danger....IT'S DANGER!! "
the deep voice suddenly shouted that went shivers down my spine.

then i heard.. chopping sounds???

this is.. creepy.. haha...

then i heard shouts.. of people..

the shouts we're.. very gut turning... it sounded like those people are... being cutted alive

then i heard liquid being poured down.. or.. i don't know....

i heard fresh flesh being cutted.. stop.. please.. stop...

then the chopping sounds stopped

everything went quite

why is that so?

please i wanna wake up.. wait...

𝙖𝙢 𝙞 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜?


"y/n...are you awake? your shaking"
a gentle voice said

then my eyes went wide awake, and i was shaking uncontrollably.

my eyes then saw Mia, the beautiful and kind girl.

her eye brows twisted and her face looked a little worried.

"hey.. having a bad dream? don't worry your in the real world now"
she smiled a little and patted my head

her touch was soft and gentle... it was also warm..
gosh why is she like this..?

"oh... we're here"
when i feel her touch was gone my smile dropped.
wait i was smiling the whole time??
(im confused as you are y/n)

"hey.. you wanna live somewhere peaceful right?... "
Mia said and stared directly at me.

i just nodded staring back at her

she hummed in response and looked through the van window

then the van stopped
(oh guys help me how do you write this)

"dear, i will give you that wish"
she then looked at me again with a cheerful smile on her face

she then opened the van door and everything was brighter than my future

i rubbed my eyes a little, adjusting my vision and looked at my surroundings


there was signs with welcoming things written on them.

everything was colorful, too colorful for my liking
(guys if you love colorful things ignore this-)

there we're people talking while smiling happily, welcoming me with open arms and thoughtful words like "welcome to welcome home! enjoy your stay new girl! " or compliments like "your so beautiful! i hope you enjoy your stay! "

would they even welcome me that much if they knew i was from Gray vale...?

Mia was standing beside me while smiling a little from the people we past by

she was like the center of attention! hm.. is she an important person here?

then Mia cleared her throat that caught my attention

"y/n, i have to go somewhere else, please enjoy your stay here for a while and I'll see you around, okay? "
she said and patted my head a little

"hm, okay. look thank you for everything... Mia, really i appreciate everything! "
i said happily lookinh into her eyes

she only smiled more and nod

"your welcome my dear, good bye for now. take care"
she said and patted my head for the last time and walked away, likely going straight to the van.

i looked around for a little bit.. to the buildings and people, the flowers with their unique color and visible brightness makes me smile.

people we're smiling happily at me while i just smile back.

everything was peaceful! i will love this place

then someone tapped onto my shoulders, that made me jump a little

i turned around and saw a girl
she had a light pinkish skin color and long blonde hair which was tied into a ponytail, she had long like lashes and a hairband that had horn things on them, she wears a beautiful yet simple dress with pink and a belt
(forgive me i don't know anymore, Julie forgive me-)

she said cheerfully while smiling widely at me

"oh ah-.. hello there"
i said rather nervously and smiled a little
(guys i have social anxiety so i did this)

"hehehh, are you new around here? "
she questioned with her bright smile

"oh ah yes actually"
i answered her

she only jumped around while giggling excitedly

"this is so fun!! i love taking new people and show them around!! would you like to be toured around miss..? "
she said happily while her voice at the end held curiosity

"y/n, y/n l/n"
(you know the drill heheh-)
guys i got lazy so I'll post the other parts soon enough, have a nice dayyy

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