Honkai: Star Rail: Vagabond

By The_Duck_Tuna_

83.1K 1.9K 883

"The image of a man who fought against death and won.." "He won't turn back again, it's a sacred death with n... More

Chaos Awakening
Path of Trailblazing
Bittersweet Reunion
Brave Steel
Combat & Lore
Trails of Cold Steel
Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Unbinding Blade
Everwinter Night
The Eighth and Final Rule
Voice-Overs / Character's Breakdown
Voting Poll (Close)
The Blade Brought Us Together
Teaser Trailer+

Oath Under the Snow

3K 99 65
By The_Duck_Tuna_


Last time...

Cocolia: You seem like a calm and reasonable person.

You: ...

Cocolia: Are you... a calm and reasonable person?

You: If the moment calls for... calm.

Cocolia: I'd say the moment calls for calm, no?

You: . . . .

Quickly took advantage of Cocolia's hospitality by offering your hand as a gesture of goodwill, intensely staring at the Supreme Guardian you've heard so much about.

But maybe more than anger, it was curiosity and even respect that drove you to hold back.

Cocolia: Anyway I am Cocolia Rand, Belobog's supreme guardian. I would be grateful if you could tell me why you have come.

Soon your daughter steps in and do the mostly the talking.

Stelle: So you don't doubt our identity? So you believe we come from beyond the sky?

Cocolia: Do you wish me to doubt it? Or perhaps you're not confident in that identity yourself? Haha... No, I do not doubt it. I can see that you are not from this world.

Cocolia: The Architects remember the history well, else we should forget it. I know that in the distant past, before the Eternal Freeze descended or the Legion invaded, this world was once prosperous beyond measure...

Cocolia: An Aeon connected our planet to other worlds, and we discovered the endless possibilities of the boundless universe. We also came to know of Qlipoth, the Amber Lord. Under their attentive gaze, we built the city walls.

You: ....

Cocolia: ...So, do not be surprised. For seven hundred years, the Architects have received no further communication from the stars... but I knew of your existence. Tell me why you have come.

Stelle: We want to help you. We've come to trailblaze this planet.

March 7th: ...Do you think anyone's gonna know what you're talking about?

Dan Heng: We came here for something known as a Stellaron.

Cocolia: A Stellaron?

Dan Heng: Objects that fell from the blue on separate worlds. Their appearance spelled disaster. Many of the planets we've visited have suffered their effects.

Dan Heng: You mentioned invasion by the Antimatter Legion. Soon after their arrival, this planet suffered the Eternal Freeze. At the same time, the phenomenon known as Fragmentum space corrosion began to occur. Correct?

Cocolia: ...Correct.

Stelle: The Eternal Freeze is a product of the Stellaron.

March 7th: Stellarons bring about different disasters on different worlds. But every world seeded with a Stellaron will give birth to Fragmentums.

March 7th: You can see us as... kindhearted interstellar public servants, lending a helping hand to any world affected by a Stellaron!

Cocolia: ...

Cocolia: Your analysis of our current circumstances is clear. We have indeed suffered the disasters you speak of, some of which prove vexatious to us even today... but why should you care?

Cocolia: Even if this Stellaron you speak of did bring about disaster, I fail to see its connection to you. I don't believe that anyone would go to such lengths to help a world unrelated to them... unless they had something to gain.

Dan Heng: You're right. Our reason for coming here is not purely selfless. If we don't seal the Stellaron, we cannot leave this planet.

Stelle: Please help us locate the Stellaron.

March 7th: If we can get rid of it, your world will be safer too!

Cocolia: You... know how to seal the "Stellaron"?

Dan Heng: We have the relevant means.

Cocolia: Very well, I believe you. If our present situation is truly the result of this so-called Stellaron, then your arrival is the hope that Belobog has waited seven hundred years for. I am willing to assist you in any way possible to help you locate the Stellaron.

Cocolia: It's getting late, and you must be tired. I will arrange for you to stay in our most comfortable hotel. Rest there, and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow at noon, I will dispatch someone to escort you here, and we can discuss this urgent matter in greater detail.

Stelle: Thank you, Supreme Guardian.

Cocolia: It should be me thanking you, visitors from beyond the sky.

Cocolia: I too need some time. I will go over our records for anything that may be connected to Stellarons... Please excuse me for not escorting you further.

The young trio leave the room and you are about to follow as well when suddenly.

Cocolia: Mr. (L/N) wasn't it...?

You: . . . .

Cocolia: You sure have quite the high-spirited daughter and she's quite smart as well.

You: Thank you...

Cocolia: And what about her mother?

You: . . . .

Cocolia: Ah apologies then, I didn't mean to trigger such an sensitive topic.

You: It's fine. Excuse me, Supreme Guardian.

Cocolia: I too, have a daughter and she's the same age as yours. Perhaps Bronya can learned more from Stelle about socializing with people more often.

You: . . . (Bronya...)

Cocolia: But of course. You are Belobog's honored guests, and have the highest privileges afforded to you.

You just nod your head before excusing yourself and following after the youngsters.

Soon after you leave...

???: ...

Cocolia: ...Of course I understand.

Cocolia: Do not worry, I have a way.

Cocolia: Especially, around that man...

Upon leaving the fort.

Gepard: It seems that the supreme guardian holds you in high regard. I have received orders that your movements are no longer to be restricted.

Stelle: She's an impressive figure.

March 7th: She's the big shot! Definitely got that "queen of the castle" vibe going on. Aww, so cool.

You: She's very... reasonable.

March 7th: Y'know, I didn't think things were gonna go that smoothly.

Gepard: Haha. I'm afraid I still have duties to attend to. I must return to my post. I hope you enjoy your stay in Belobog.

March 7th: Wait! Can you recommend some sights? It's not that late, we wanna take a look around.

Gepard: Well, I'd say that Golden Theater and the History Museum are both worth a look. However, you'd need a pass to get into the museum. I recommend you visit Everwinter Monument first - it's Belobog's most symbolic landmark.

You: i think I will learning more about the history about this place.

Gepard: Oh?

March 7th: I didn't know you like historical landmarks.

Gepard: So you're not just only a warrior but a historian as well?

You: Perhaps... Everyone has hobbies of their own, boy.

Gepard: I see... And if you enjoy music, you could head to Neverwinter Workshop. You can sometimes catch an outdoor performance there. The artist is... *sigh* You'll see.

You: ???

Gepard: Oh, and if you're staying at Goethe Hotel, please avoid the alley that runs next to it - the one with Silvermane Guards stationed there. It started to be affected by corrosion recently, so it's been sealed off.

Dan Heng: So the corrosion is inside the city... that's a grave situation.

Gepard: Yes, we're mounting a resistance as we speak. I must leave now. I hope all goes well for you.

Gepard: And by the way Sir. (Y/N)...

You: Yes?

Gepard: I would like to learn more from you... I have never seen, a man of your age is skilled and powerful. Surely you've must been a powerful warrior during your youth...

You: When the time comes, boy... I'll tell you.

You said before Gepard excusing himself away from the rest of you.

The Captain's words linger: The steadfast Architects built this Towering Citadel. Belobog remains forever warm in the face of unrelenting cold...

His tone was strange, as if he was quoting a historical record, and made a deep impression on you... Hopefully, this doesn't ruin your enjoyment of the fancy hotel's fluffly mattress.
There's still some time before nightfall.

Why don't you take a tour around the ancient city in the meantime?

The Neverwinter Workshop is an instance located in Jarilo-VI - Administrative District.

One of the few privately-owned workshops in Belobog run by a mechanic.

They accept, but are not limited to, the following jobs: machine maintenance and troubleshooting, ancient relic repairs, acquiring Gepard's signature, and band performance events

Approach the workshop

March 7th: Neverwinter Workshop... Hey! Didn't Gepard say there'd be a show here?

Dan Heng: He said "you can sometimes catch an outdoor performance..." "Sometimes" being the operative word.

March 7th: Darn, I wanted to see one...

March 7th: Oh - I've been wondering - you see that heater over there? Why do they keep it outdoors? This city is so weird...

March 7th: Normally you'd want a heater INSIDE a building, right?

Stelle: Is this how they repel the Eternal Freeze?

March 7th: ...If so, I'm not sure "mighty" is the right word for these Architects.

Stelle: they have indoor heaters too.

March 7th: Maybe, but the ones outside just seem like a waste of energy.

March 7th: *gasp* Maybe this is how the Architects repel the Eternal Freeze!

Dan Heng: Tiny heaters are no use against a Stellaron disaster.

Distinctively-Dressed Woman: Hah, you guys sure have a lot to say about that broken heater.

March 7th: Oh wow - she's cool!

Stelle: Hi, hello.

Distinctively-Dressed Woman: Hi there. The name's Serval, I'm the owner of this workshop.

Serval: If you got any broken equipment lying around you can always come find me, though I can't guarantee I'll be interested in fixing it.

March 7th: Oh, we're okay, I was just curious about the heater...

Serval: Curious? About the heater? It's just a standard Geomarrow radiator - you can find them anywhere in the Administrative District.

Stelle: We only just got here - everything's new to us.

Serval: ...Only just got here?

You: What she means we are not from this place, Serval.

Serval: Eh? Ah! I've figured it out! I heard a loudmouthed guard say that a group of outsiders had met with Cocolia... You must be them?

You: Yes...

Serval: If you don't mind... Can you at least remove your hat and mask.

You: . . . .

March 7th: Yeah... I'm curious about your face. You've never taken them of from the space station...

You looked around as people around you seemed completely curious about that as well... Before finally giving in...

With a deep and exaggerated sigh, removing your straw hat before eventually slowly removes the mask as well.

You: there... Happy?

Dan Heng: ....

Stelle: Whoa...

Serval: (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

March 7th: That's a huge scar...

You: Scary isn't it..? I looked hideous right-

Serval: NO!

The rest blinked in confusion by Serval's suddenly outburst before turning away with red face of embarrassment.

You: Wut...?

Serval: I-I mean you don't look that bad! Don't be hard on yourself!

You: I see. Thanks, I guess?

Serval: *cough* Anyway I forget then to ask your names.

Marth 7th: Oh Right! I'm March 7th! These guy here is Dan Heng and the other is Stelle!

Serval: And you...?

You: Toji Fushiguro...



You: Just kidding... It's (Y/N) (L/N)...
(¬ - ¬)

You said with a deadpan tone causing everyone to comically fall down.

March 7th: What the hell was that dead ass sense of humor of yours, old man?!

You: Yes.

March 7th: REEEEEEE--

You: Anyway. Can you show us inside of the shop. If you don't mind, Serval.

You said with fucking... Undying legendary... E-Emiya smile?! That her made fucking blushed.

Before shaking it off, before returning into her hyper energetic attitude towards you all.

Serval: What an honor! Where are my manners - we can talk about heaters all day if you like. Let's have a chat~

Speaking to Serval inside the workshop.

Serval: The heater you saw is just a standard Geomarrow radiator. They may not look like much, but they're a real lifeline to the people.

Serval: The blizzards here are brutal. If we didn't have a reliable way of keeping warm, Belobog would long since have become a dead city - both above and below the surface.

After an entire day of sightseeing, you've got a complete understanding of the local culture and are just an appointment at Belobog's Administrative Department away from becoming its actual citizens.
You and the rest return to the Goethe Hotel.

The warm Geomarrow lights and the tea fragrance in the air make you feel at ease.

It's finally time for sleep and you feel an uncomfortable urge to snuggle with the soft and fluffy hotel bed.
Get some sleep and rest well, you deserve it -

Upon resting in the bed...


"This is the time, I say goodbye..."

"You might remember a time when I was stubborn, annoying, air-headed and many more. Well I know it might not seem much to people but you stepped in to lend a hand.

I don't think that you know how much that meant to me. I was new to these things and didn't feel like I could ask for help. It was a kindness that I now try to return."

"I always want to mention you. Always with a joke and a smile, and no matter what kind of a day I had, I was always welcome to relax and unwind at your side...

"I can't tell you how difficult it is to describe how sad I am to be leaving.
When I got here so many years ago, I would never have realised how connected I would be to many people including you the most.

Many times I have been humbled by the kindness of your heart.When I look at this gift/my photos/this scar/our friends and...this love, I will remember... "


"I'll Keep living. No matter what."

"Then let's make an Oath Under the Snow..."

"Beneath these snowy white petals of cherry blossoms."

"Of course."

There's one more... Thing I never got to you..."

"What do you mean...?"

She smiles sincerely at me. Then she finally utter those three words. I would never hear from her.

"I Love... You"


Voice of the Stellaron: Cocolia... Cocolia...

Teenage Cocolia: Wh-Who are you...? ...What are you?

Voice of the Stellaron: We are allies... allies of the guardians through generations.

Teenage Cocolia: What do you want...?
Voice of the Stellaron: To rebuild... this dying world...

Voice of the Stellaron: To help you... achieve your wish.

You suddenly awakened in jolt, as you realized that it was a dream after all.

You: Kiana...

Then a loud knock was heard from the door.


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