~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updat...

By Cyrilwolf

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The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made t... More

~Serious Conversation~
~The Dream~
~The Abnormal Morning~
~Unexpected Visit~
~The Date~
~The Fear~
~Helping out a Friend~
~Plans Afloat~
~The Condition~
~Paint of Love~
~The Mark~
~The Fight~
~The Fault~
~Final Stop~
~Happily Together~

~Difficult Day~

16 2 0
By Cyrilwolf

In the Lust Ring, Asmodeus and Filimena were at the forest, their favorite spot to go, and they sit back under the moonlight. They were having a picnic with sandwiches and some fruit, even juices of their favorite flavor. The two were joyfully chatting, laughing and ramble too much. Filimena had an apple stuck in her mouth while Asmodeus chats around about how today was, she laughed, almost choked on a piece she accidentally swallowed about chewing. He helps her by patting her on the back to spit it out. The two laughed some more. Once there were done with the food, they lay on the blanket.

"Who knew having lunch at night was a nice idea."

"Well, it's always night, so we live it while it lasts."

Filimena chuckles. She then sees a shooting star come across the sky, she gasped.

"Oh! Ozzie, a shooting star!"

Asmodeus sees what she's talking about.

"Oh jeez, you still believe the tales of wishing upon the star?"

"Well, if you wish it within your heart, it'll eventually come true!"

She then crossed her fingers, closed her eyes, by what Asmodeus sees, she trying to think of something. He found it pretty funny she still acts like a child, even after decades of knowing her.

"Well, what do you wish for?"

Filimena looks at him with a smile.

"I can't tell you, it's a secret, you'll ruin it."

"Come on, I want to hear, please?"

She shakes her head.

"Nope! Can't tell you, wishes are to be kept inside who grants it."

Asmodeus frowns, but then tries to do something to get her to talk, he leans close to her with puppy eyes.

"Pleeeeeeaaaasssse, for meeeeee!!"

The two were acting like children, so much for think Filimena was mostly. Filimena tries not to give in by those eyes of his. But what made it harder of what he did next, he then tickles her with his fingers, the one thing is that she's extremely ticklish. She laughs when he runs his fingers all over her, she couldn't take it, even if she tried, she eventually gives in to him.

"Okay! I'll tell you, but only for you okay?"

She said, and takes a breath, Asmodeus was interested to hear what it was she wished for.

"Well, I do wish if at any chance, there will be love and compassion all over Hell, real feelings, and everyone that can love each other."

She said, Asmodeus didn't know how to really say about it, quite not what to expect, but wasn't all too fond of it. Filimena looks at him.

"Don't you wish that there can be love placed in a place like this, so that we don't have to worry too much of hatred and cruelty?"

Asmodeus hasn't had too much to say, the two just sit in silence for a moment.

"Well...I wish, but Hell isn't really a place where we could find that, we could, but it'll be hard."

Filimena looks at him with hopeful eyes.

"Don't you want to not have to deal with seeing people alone and fighting, think about it, if there's more love in this world, we don't have to deal with anger, all the bullying, and the violence, maybe someday, Hell can be a better place."

"Fei, I know you want to think that way, but you can't change Hell from what it is, even if you try, it's just the same cruel place where people who did bad things die to here. It's a prison for awful people, I wouldn't really keep my hopes up like that."

Her cheery attitude went to feeling bitter, she looks down in shame.

"...I understand, it's just only a wish for what Hell could be."

She floats back down to sit, Asmodeus looks at her, and places his hand onto her shoulder, he gave her a warm smirk.

"I'm not saying everything is bad, there can be good things too, we just..Don't get it too much. Maybe someday, something good might come, that's only just a mystery. There are possible outcomes, it's just...Not ready yet."

Filimena did feel a little better after that, but something inside her felt it still wasn't right. After having to experience her strict orders with her mother, and seeing all the demons doing harsh and cruel things everywhere. The torment wasn't what she wanted to see, she thinks about love, and looked up at Asmodeus again. Her heart skips a beat, and her face went pink. She then held his arm, he noticed.

"You know what the good thing I've gotten from here? Having you by my side."

Asmodeu smiles, and brushes off the hair off her face. She bashfully sees his fingers on his cheek. The both stayed in the forest, that night, Filimena thought more about Hell, and how she wished for something good that could come out of it. Love is something she wanted to experience and have while being in this world. Her life of her knowing about love and compassion, giving to others is what she thought of the whole night, until it got stuck to her as more time passes.

The next morning, Filimena had to get up early to get to the Lust Ring once again, she had to get dressed and push herself to wake up on the bright sunrise. She teleported her way to the location, and shores through the sky, she flies to the destination of the Tower, and makes it to the window of Asmodeus's office. She remembered what May told her, she must tell him what s going on, until, she couldn't find him. She sees there was no sight of him anywhere, she enters the room, and has to search for him. She decided to travel the hallway to where his room was, but nothing's here, she still looks for him, nothing, he was gone. Until she was alarmed when someone comes inside as well, to only see Filimena wandering around the room.

"Hey, excuse me? You're not suppose to be inside without Asmodeus's allowance."

The voice of a local succubus said, alerted Filimena as she turns around and panicked.

"Oh! Sorry! I was trying to find Asmodeus, do you happen to know where he is?"

"Asmodeus is out on an errand, just left twenty minutes ago."

Filimena stomps her foot a little on the floor.

"Oh, he is? Shoot! I was hoping to find him here, do you happen to know when he'll be back?"

The succubus shrugs.

"I don't have a clue lady, I don't count on time, now are you just going to stand here, or are you going to leave?"

"I know Asmodeus, which is also why I'm here, it's okay, I'll just take my leave."

She decided to leave, the succubus watches her in suspicion, but closes the door after she left. She escorts herself to the hall, feeling down after the news came out, she had no idea when Asmodeus will get back, she was suppose to tell him about the thing she has. Filimena was already in more stress, she didn't know what to do now, or when to know the time Asmodeus will come back. She heads downstairs, until she trips on one step and fell down. She didn't have the time to grab the rail as she Collasped onto something, thankfully she wasn't hurt. She gets up slowly, realizing she landed on something soft, and metalically even. She realized when looking down to see Fizzarolli on the floor. Shocked, and embarrassed to see the jester with her, fizz sees her, smiled at her.

"Ah, looks like we've crashed landed! I surely expect to see you already!"

Filimena got bashful as she quickly gets up.

"Oh goodness, I'm so Sorry! It was an accident, I swear! Are you okay?"

Fizz laughs and jumps back up to his feet.

"Totally okay! No hard feelings! Anyway, you're just in time, the succubi are preparing the desserts! You must come over to check them out!"

Filimena felt a small put inside her stomach when fizz started to lead her to the kitchen, they both head downstairs and to where the elevator was. The doors close as it goes down.

"Uh, Fizz, about..Today, I have something important I must say, but, I need to find Asmodeus, one of the succubus said he's out today, do you know when he'll come back?"

Fizzarolli had a confused look on his face, and tilts his head while putting his finger onto his lips to think.

"Oh yeah, he didn't say when he'll come back, he said it's pretty important and not to tell anyone about it and just leave it to that."

"But, do you know where he went?"

Fizz shakes his head. Filimena frowns, the elevator opens up and fizz leads her to where the kitchen was. As expected, it was heavily crowded with chefs working on the desserts for the wedding, Filimena was mind blown of how much was already being prepared. She didn't know how to react at this point, all the tall cakes, the cupcakes, and the fruit treats were all heavily perfection in design, well baked, and wonderfully crafted in frosting and icing of any flavor. They were all so delicious, even one chef was trying to eat one of the desserts, but was slapped by another to get back to work.

"Well, what do you think? Pretty amazing right!"

Filimena was still speechless, but got out of her daydreaming of herself eating everything in the kitchen.

"Oh! Uh, yes, they all are lovely, and also almost done."

"Not quite, we're still doing the main cake, were just missing parts to complete and need your advice, so come! There's some awaiting your answers!"

Fizz drags her over to where the main wedding cake was. It was big, but it was clear it's not complete yet, there were three small chefs working on the cake, and we're arguing on which frosting or topping must go on first.

"It's this one! The cherries must be placed in the bottom row!"

The first small chef said as she tries to put the cherries on the cake, but the other one smacks her away.

"No! The frosting must come on first, it'll look bland with just the fruit!"

The second one said, trying to out frosting one the cake, then the third interrupts, pushing her away.

"I'll have you know that my grandma always said to put flowers in as a starter when creating the perfect cake!"

The three argued, as they mess with each other, screaming and hitting like little kids. Fizzarolli and Filimena watched them bicker.

"They've been going at it for almost a few minutes, it's rather getting annoying, it's probably best to solve the issue."

Filimena blinks a few times.

"Huh? Me? But I don't know how to do chef talk, haven't you tried to help them stop fighting?"

"I tried, but couldn't, but please do it fast before they go at it like animals."

He said directing her to help the three chefs, she was a little nervous as they started to throw things at each other, and in the room. Filimena took a breath, and snaps her finger, getting the three of their eyes her attention.

"Please, let's all calm ourselves, there's no need to fight. Why don't we set up the toppings together."

The three grunt in anger, one threw a cherry at another in the face.

"Here, am I do the honors?"

She said as she uses her magic to grab the toppings and frosting for the cake. She puts the fruit filling in the inside, then uses the frosting to go on top of the layered cake, and finally the cherry toppings to create a decent lineup of each layer. Filimena decorates the cake as the three chefs watched in amazement of her creativity, the other chefs in the background also see her work. Filimena was focused, and had her eyes closed, she uses her mind to think of how the cake should present itself as the magic does the job for her. Soon, she completes the cake, and opens her eyes.

Filimena looks at it, sees the final result of her work, she noticed all the others staring at her in awe. The chefs clapped by her work, and Filimena smiles, timid but appreciated by the applause.

"Gumdrops! This is incredible,  so much talent I've never once seen in my own eyes!"

"Finished in seconds, Bravo!"

The small chefs applauded as they cheered for Filimena, fizzarolli claps as well with the other.

"Oh this is perfect! The decorations are finished, and you didn't even need help! Now we've got everything set for the wedding, thanks for the help!"

"It's no trouble, I just want to help."

She smiles, Filimena realized that her business wasn't over, she decided to leave the kitchen and continue on her task. Fizzarolli noticed her leaving.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

Filimena turns back around.

"Oh Sorry! I just remembered I must do something, I can't stay here!"

She leaves the kitchen in a rush, which had fizzarolli concern by her sudden act, but still, knowing her, he shrugs it off and gets back to his work of preparing the feast. Filimena was about to leave the Tower, until she was stopped by someone, she barely reached to the doorknob of the double doors. Filimena looks to see who it was, and there it was Sparkles J. But, she was wearing something different, she was wearing some sort of skimpy outfit that seems to be brand of Verosika Mayday. She also wore a pink wig and wears some heart shaped shades.

"Oh thank God it's you! Listen, I need your help again! I just got concert tickets for the new showdown of Verosika's performance, but I must need you for something really important!"

She seems to be panicking a bit, but Filimena was more wonderi ng about why she's wearing like this, it seems too much odor her liking, she's more use to her casual work clothes.

"Oh, you got tickets for Verosika Mayday's concert play? But, I thought you had a huge burden towards her."

"Yeah but listen, it's another important thing I must need you to do! I'm not trying to go to the concert, I'm going to sneak inside the stage."

"Huh? What for?"

"For Ace, duh! Long story short, I told him I will come to the concert because I want to tell him something that I should've told him, I'm going ask him to be my boyfriend."

Filimena was surprised.

"Oh, well, what can I do to help?"

"I want you to come with me again, but this time let me sneak inside the stage and find Ace so I can confess to him, I've waited too long to tell him, and now I'm ready to ask him, I just need to get to him before he performs and while Verosika was distracted. So I need you to make sure no one comes in and sees me trespassing."

Filimena was a little uneasy by this, all of this was pressuring to her.

"Oh, that's seems a lot, I don't know if I can do that, I also have things I must do too."

"No no please! I'm wanting to ask him so many times, and I never got the chance because of Verosika, so this could be my chance to finally face my fears to finally confess Ace, please, I need to help me not screw this up, you've done it before with me, so please help me again."

She pleas, held her hand, desperate for her assistance. Filimena sees her eyes, her heart aches that she wants to say no, but she can't say it to her, in this state she's having, she knew it's important. So Filimena once again gives in to her and decides to help her one last time. Sparkles J was happy to hear it, and so the two were off in another adventure.

Filimena needed directions to know where the concert will take place at, so sparkles J had to give her the exact location for her to know where to teleport. Soon Filimena thinks and teleported to two into the location of the concert. We've made it to the stadium where there was a huge long awaiting the show. The girls saw how huge it was, filled with unbelief.

"Oh crap, forgot how long it is, alright, we won't be here for long, let's go to the back."

Filimena wasn't sure if this was still a good idea, but sparkles J still insisted as the two leave the line to where the backdoor was. There was a huge truck with studio workers ready to load the stage as they brought all the sets inside to get ready. Sparkles J and Filimena hide behind the pillar so that no one could see them, sparkles brings out her headphones, and gives it to Filimena.

"Here's the headphones, I'm going in, you follow me inside, make sure no one comes inside and sees me."

Filimena nods, worried about this situation, she watched as sparkles J walks up behind the only one worker unloading the setup, she sneaks behind him and carefully grabs something from his back pocket. It was a security card, she quickly ran off on the other side of the truck as the worker leaves inside the backdoor. The door closes after everyone got in, sparkles sighs in relief, and goes up to the door.

"Okay, I got it, now come along."

She told Filimena with the headphones, she puts the card on the scanner and it unlocks the door, slowly sneaks inside, and Filimena had no choice but to get inside with her magic. Filimena teleported behind the curtain of the backstage room, and then hears the door opened. She saw Sparkles J inside, and hides behind all the setups, making sure no one's there. She searches everywhere, and turns on her Mic again.

"Testing, testing, it seems we're good, now I just need to find Ace, have any idea where he is?"

Filimena looks around, and couldn't find who Sparkles was looking for.

"I can't see anything, he's not in here."

That is until a certain someone opens the door, a certain pink succubus, dressed in glittery fashon and having her hair up for the show, the one, the only, Verosika Mayday. With her crew in the back getting ready as well, they also dressed for this too, getting into positions.

"Alright listen up! This is a big showdown come on! I don't want you all the slack off!"

She claps, orders everyone to work on the lights and the settings of the stage. Sparkles J peeks to see Verosika there, commanding the others to get ready, but then sees someone she knew was there, Ace who was tightening up his suit and fixed up his hair, she was happy to see him, right on time.

"Yes! He's here, okay, just watch me, I'm going in."

She said to Filimena, Filimena on the other hand sees the others leaving, and verosika confidently heads to the front stage, her crew leaves as well. Before Ace could leave, Sparkles J runs to him, and stops him, caught him by surprise, he yelps.

Ace turns around to see her, and couldn't believe sparkles was here.

"Woah! Sparkles? What are you doing here?"

"Oh man! I'm glad to see you, so sorry I scared you, I had to sneak inside on my own to find you."

She was out of breath, and Ace hears Verosika making an entrance as he saw the pink fog for the stage pop underneath the curtains.

"Oh, uh, this seems like a bad time, maybe you should leave before someone comes in."

"I-I know, but this is super important, I came here because I have something to tell you."

"Well, whatever it is, make it quick, I don't want the others to get suspicious if I'm not here."

Filimena peeks, and looks around the room, keep an eye out on anything coming in. She could hear Verosika begin her performance as she sings along with the music.

"Look, Ace, I know we haven't talked in awhile, and I know it's been a weird time for the both of us, I understand you have work and so do I, but...This, this can't keep going, because, I need to tell you something, it's something I've held for a really long time."

"What is it?"

Ace asked, and sparkles held her chest.

"Remember..Our first meet up at the bar? Well, after that night, I haven't done over of how amazing it was, but what was also shocking is when you stayed. Most guys I knew leave me alone all the time, but you...You won't like the other dudes I've met, after when we talked and stuff, I never felt so..Comfortable with someone. You were so cool, and chill, it's like..I've never experienced with someone like you, I-I know it's stupid, but everyday when I spent my days with you, it was like...A good day to not worry about my issues, and you were so nice to me, even if I'm not quite the looker people say I am, and I know we haven't done much because of..My problems. But, I realized now that I can't let this get to me, I want to push forward my problems to not ditch away my one opportunity to meet someone I can trust, what I'm trying to say is that...I don't want this to be a part-time job, I want it to be a full-time one. It took loads of courage to say this...But, I like you...I really, really, really do like you, and I was wondering if...You want to be..My boyfriend?"

She said, clutched her hands tightly, and squinted her eyes, panicking in her eyes, and waits for him to answer. Filimena was moved by her speeches, surprised how she got it out in one sentence, even if she struggled a bit. Ace was shocked, he didn't say anything and just stood there, sparkles saw his face, and didn't know how to say anything else, she was rather scared to know what he might say. Then ace looks at her, and then comes close to her. Filimena watches, and sparkles looks at him back, suddenly, he then grabs him, and hugs her gently, putting her in a spiral tunnel of confusion, and alerting thoughts. Sparkles looks at him again.


"I...Didn't know you'd feel the same way. I didn't think you'd finally get the guts to say it right into my face, I've always liked you too."

Sparkles J couldn't believe what she heard, and blushed by his words, she slowly goes to hugs him back.

"..I knew after when we first met, you were rather normal, I've haven't met someone like you before, you're much more than any succubus I've met, you've been a great listener, and you're so funny, I don't know what s more prettier, you're glasses or your adorable freckles.

He teased, sparkles J chuckles.

"Oh shut up, you don't mean that."

"Oh I do, I really do, Sparkles, if this will really work, I want you to promise something, just please don't shut out most of what s going on, we'll figure this out okay?"

He let's her go, and held her hand, sparkles smiles at their hand holding, and stares up at him.

"And yes, I accept your confession if that's what you want to hear."

Sparkles was happy, it all worked out as she fixes her glasses before they fall off her face. But then, Ace rakes off the pink wig she wore, revealing her true hair.

"You shouldn't hide that, it's better on you."

Sparkles laughs as the two embraces each other, Filimena watched, pleased to see how this all went in the end, proud that she got what she wanted. Sparkles and Ace looked at each other, and slowly, they've kissed.

But what they've didn't realized was that the performance stopped playing the music, and Verosika stopped singing for a short break. The curtains suddenly open as verosika comes inside the scene, she saw in her vary eyes the witness of the two succubi with each other.

"ACE! What the he'll are you still doing backstage!"

The two stopped to see the popstar right there on the spot, she comes towards Ace in disappointment.

"We have a showdown, you were suppose to seduce the audience while I play, that your job, but instead you were-"

Verosika stops to notices Sparkles J with him, soon, her mood went to anger when she saw her.

"You...What the hell are you doing here! I thought I told you to stay away from my sight!"

Filimena saw her scold at Sparkles. She saw her confronting her as Sparkles backs away, feared her presence.

"You've got a lot of nerve coming here, how did you even get here?"

"V-Verosika! It's not what it looks like..I was just trying to talk with Ace, I was just going to leave."

"Distracting my crewmembers eh? Well that excuse ain't gonna fly with me! I've made it clear you stay away from my business! I don't need you around me at all!"

Ace frowns as he sees her telling at Sparkles J, he even tries to calm the situation down.

"Verosika, it's not her fault, just cut het some slack."

"You stay out of this, it's none of your concern."

She said, pushing him aside from her and Sparkles J, Sparkles was starting to feel upset.

"Verosika..Please stop it."

"Oh no, I'm not stopping anything, you're the one trespassing! I was doing just fine until you came into the picture, again! Why can't you just leave me the hell alone!"

Sparkles J was disaughted by her words, she felt her whole heart and stomach both aching in a terrible act.

"Verosika..Why are you like this, you do this everything I'm trying to visit or see you, why do you hate me? What I ever do to you?"

She asked her, Verosika grunts.

"What you did? Everything! When you first came, you did quite enough! You're the reason why I'm like this, and your presence is why I want you away!"

Filimena didn't know what to say, she wanted to do something, and confront Verosika herself, but then, Ace steps in the argument, by thr look of his face, he couldn't take the scene any longer with Verosika talking badly to Sparkles J.

"That's enough! You've already done enough damage, I don't care what she may have done to you, but that doesn't excuse you to treat her in such a manner. She's your sister for god sakes, can't you please accept her for once without filling your grudge against her?"

Verosika looks at Ace, who's defending sparkles J, she sees his tell figure stand before her, Verosika frowns and was about to say something, but was cut off again.

"We have a performance to do, maybe it's best to go back before the crowd questions where you've been.

Verosika looks at the curtains, she buffs in anger, defeated by his words as she straightens herself.

"I'll deal with you later."

Verosika soon leaves the two alone, Ace watches her, and then checks on Sparkles J, who was almost crying after Verosika yelled at her, which also scares her.

"Are you alright, I'm so sorry for what happened, she shouldn't have said that."

Sparkles J looks at him, and then looks down to the floor. Filimena watches Sparkles as she suddenly backs away from Ace.

"No...It's fine, it was a stupid mistake coming here...Forget What I said, you should go do your thing, I'm just gonna go...I'll see you later.."

Sparkles soon leaves to where the door was, Ace tries to stop her, but she already left. Filimena sees her, worried, she teleported herself outside. Filimena soon saw Sparkles J leaving, she catches up to her.

"Sparkles, I saw what happened, I don't know what to say."

"No need..I screwed up, because my sister..Saw me, it wasn't suppose to be this way, well, I wasted my day..I'm sorry I dragged you into this, but I just want to leave, you mind taking me back?"

She asked, Filimena felt terrible for the succubus, she didn't want to pressure her to speak about what happened inside, she only uses her magic to bring her back to the Lust Ring. Today was emotional, learning more about Sparkles J was enough to make feel distress. She couldn't help but to feel bad for her, she watched as Sparkles J slowly heads back to get back into her work clothes again.

Filimena decided to leave her alone, and mind her business. Things for her have been going tough, with all the good and bad times she had over the past few weeks had been nonstop. She didn't understand how she can solve most of the problems, she's only a hellspirit, who loves to impersonate a cupid, not be involve with most of others and their problematic experiences. It was hard, yes, but Hell is one with so much negative emotions no one should fix, not even her ideal healing would work on most of their situations either.

After taking Sparkles back to the tower, seeing her bitterly go back to work. Filimena decided to try and leave her be, and continue on her own to find Asmodeus. She still didn't understand why he would leave at this hour, but given he's the embodiment here, there's no surprise he's always busy. While she wanders down the sidewalk, she suddenly heard laughing, she stops her tracks and looks around, but she only sees people walking and driving. She walks again, but the laughing comes back, then, she started to feel cold, she looks over at a nearby building with yellow glass windows, showcasing lingerie of different types of color and style. As she stares deeper into the glass, she saw her reflection change, it mocks her by laughing, she quickly backs away. She wipes her eyes to see her own reflection, it's here, this thing is here with her, and it seems to follow her now. She tries to calm down, until she suddenly got a call.

She uses her magic to open up an orb to know who it was, to her surprise, it was May calling her.

"Hello? Is the thing on? Fei, you there?"

She was having trouble using the call, Filimena sees her, and gave her an answer.

"Yes, I can see you, and hear you too."

"Oh good, listen, sorry to call you at this hour, but there's something you needed to hear, I was doing some digging, most specifically the history if the sin lust, and I find one thing you need to hear."

May seems to look for something, a book, she flips through the pages as Filimena watched her find something.

"Here! It's says here about lust demons fearing love, it states that lust is the total opposite of love, they can't fuse the magic because it's extremely forbidden to use that type of magic. They not only hate it, but they fear it. Hundred years ago, lust demons will surely be weaken by the touch of love, if they somehow come across it, it may have a chance to not live another day as it weakens them, their strength and energy, slowly killing them from the inside. Lust demons need lust to stay strong, that's why they've been doing this for years."

Filimena worries about this, she didn't know about what May told her. The history of the Lust demons and love wasn't what she knew, and she feared whatever this thing inside was telling her, might have something to do this part of the historical tale.

"Love..Weakens them? But, that can't be, I've used it before, and nothing happened, so how could this be true?"

"Well I don't know, this book was made years ago, so it could be that time has change or that they've grew even more powerful than before. But that's the only evidence I got, I'm still searching, have you told Asmodeus yet?"

Filimena shakes her head.

"No, he's out on an errand."

"You better find him, who knows how long you might have, but stay calm however, this stuff you have will probably grow strong if you are not calm."

May hangs up, and Filimena looks around town, she took a breath and kept searching for Asmodeus. She flew around the air to get a higher distance to know where he might be, until she comes across something from far away. She saw two succubi at the building "Ozzie's" it was both Kira and Kia, but what she also saw was Kira with a few boxes. She decided to go and check on the both of them, landing down to see them up close. She saw Kia giving her a hug to Kira, and she hugs back. Their faces were in a devastating manner, something must be up.

"Oh, I'm going to miss being there with you! What am I gonna do without you working with me?"

Kia sobs, and Kira pats her back, giving her the sense of calmness, feeling sad as well.

"I know, but I have to, it's for the best."

Filimena walks up to the two, wondering what the meaning was with this tearful goodbye.

"Kira? Kia, is there something a matter?"

The girls noticed her presence.

"Filimena! Hey, didn't expect to see you there at this hour."

"Yes, I was trying to find Asmodeus, but no one gave a straight answer as to where he went. Most I heard was to not tell where he went."

"Oh, is that so? Well, we like to help, but unfortunately, he never came by at all, we haven't heard from him."

"Yeah, not after when he's been busy back at his place."

"I see..I understand, but do you mind if I ask why were you two sad while hugging each other, and also what the boxes were for?"

The two became upset when she mentioned this, Kira was the most disaughted.

"Well...There's never a good time to say, but Kira is going to quit dancing, after finding out about her pregnancy, she's going have to find another job to support herself and other things."

"Oh, I-I didn't know...Did Asmodeus know about this?"

"I've told him on the phone yesterday, if I'm going to focus on myself and this pregnancy, I can't dance or do anything that'll bring me into a bad image, I must be responsible if I'm going to get through this."

"I..Understand, what about Jess?"

"Jess and I talked about it, he's still going to work, but he'll have to do fulltime if he wants to raise the bills. We're still not use to it, but we're figuring this out together. Listen, I know we have a Valentine's day special coming up, but I just can't do it at the moment, money's my new priority now."

"It's not going to be the same without you, but I'll try my best to keep the spirit awake, even if you aren't there."

Kia reminds her, still her tears fall down her cheeks, Kira smiles at her.

"Oh, I know you will, but don't worry, I'll come visit you, I promise."

The two hug again, then Kira looks at Filimena.

"Also..Thanks for what you did, still, about listening to me and stuff, I hope you and Ozzie are doing okay."

Filimena nods, then a taxi drove up to where they stand, the driver honks at them, Kira sees the taxi, and she starts to pick up one of the boxes and puts it in the backseats, Kia and Filimena helped her fit all inside the taxi car. Kira pits the last one, a small one inside before getting inside.

"Welp, here I go, wish me luck."

She chuckles, Kia reaches her hand through the window to hold her hand one last time. The driver sees it, scoffs as he pressed the button to make the window glass go fully up, almost crushing her hand.


Kia backs her hand away, it almost hurt her waist, Kira nervously smiled as the taxi car drives away. Kira looks back to wave goodbye to them. Kia and Filimena wave back until the cat has finally disappeared into the road.

Kia waves still, but then sniffles as she held her cheek, still crying about her sister, Filimena comforts her.

"It's okay, it's just her taking some time off work, you'll see her again."

"I know, I'm just upset that we won't work together like we use to now, I'm not good at performing without her there."

Filimena gives her a side hug.

"Everything's okay, we must give her space to work on herself, after all, she's having a baby, so it's probably a new start for her."

Kia looks at her with her eyes, and hugs back.

"I just can't believe it's happening, I never thought this will ever come true."

The two stayed like this for a good long while, until Kia finally got a chance to calm down. Filimena stay by her side until she's okay to come back inside. The two head back inside the restraunt, they sat by the bar, talked about their day and how things are going for the both of them. They've laughed and gossip, soon forgetting about their sorrows. Kia felt a lot better after what happened with Kira, so does Filimena, but her worries about Asmodeus didn't leave her side however, Kia gleefully decided to ask her something she's probably dying to hear.

"So, I heard you've been doing some pretty busy things for the past few weeks, so might I ask, even what happened today, will you still come for the Valentine's day special here as a guest, like you always do every year?"

Filimena thought about it, but didn't know since the things she's been going through, but she answers her anyway.

"I don't know, I've been busy with other matters, but I'll talk with Asmodeus about it, we may have plans on that day though."

"Really, like what?"

"Well, it's personal, it's just that, things have been tight lately, and we've been on a few dates, but, we've had a lot going around, and I am worn out from all that's going on with me."

"Oh, like work?"

Kia asked, Filimena nervously looks at her, and nods a little. Kia smiles.

"Oh, well, don't you want to relax a little? I mean, can I ask when was the last time you two had time together?"

Filimena didn't knkw wht she would asked that, but she answers.

"Always, when we have nothing else to do? Why ask that?"

"Just curious, I don't really know what you guys do, I mean, it's not my business, I mean, you guys have something planned for this year's occasion if you aren't gonna show up for tonight's show?"

Filimena frowns, as she couldn't think of what she might do, but she remembered wanting to talk to Asmodeus today still.

"Well, I have something important to tell Asmodeus."

This peeked Kia and her interest of knowing what Filimena just said.

"Oh? Like what? Details please!"

"Oh, no, I couldn't, it's personal, it's best to not really say it."

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad, I mean, I can handle anything."

"Really, I can't, it's only for me and Asmodeus, I shouldn't really say it, it's better to keep it to myself."

Kia was disappointed that she didn't get to hear what Filimena was going to say to Asmodeus, even if she wanted to know for sure. But she accepts her request and moves on in this conversation.

"Okay, fair enough, but hey, besides from that, if he ever gets back, what other things you got for him?"

She smirks, raised her eyebrows at her, filimena was confused by her look.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Oh you know, date stuff, silly stuff, like what couples do, anything unusual?"

Filimena was puzzled, but she soon understood what she's getting to.

"Oh! I don't know, I didn't think that through, I'm just going to probably wait until he gets back, or maybe do something else in the meantime."

"Ah okay, totally understandable, hehe."

She chuckles. The two sat there in the empty closed bar for a few minutes until an alarm from a phone goes off.

"Oh shoot! I better go, I have to do something I completely forgot about. Thanks for the chat Fei!"

She hurries herself to leave, but Filimena notices the way she was walking, she was clumsy from the drinks she had. Only three glasses she had, but she was high tolerance on alcohol.

"Oh, are you okay to move? You don't seem to be stable enough."

"Yep! I'm good, I'll manage, I'll see you soon, have a good day!

She said, leaving the building as Filimena sat here, worried but kinda finding it funny in her usual attitude. Filimena was going to leave as well before anyone sees her still here in the restraunt. Before her hand could reach to the doorknob, she was stopped by the eerie laugher in the far distance of the room.

Filimena turns around, sees nothing. But she glances around the room, at first she didn't want to go near it, she knew it was just in her head, she tries to leave again, but another voice stops her.

"Oh Filimena~"

A deep voice calls for her, a smooth jazz-feel tone stops her, she knew who it was, but, Filimena kept denying it as it was that thing playing tricks on her and tries to scare her.

"It's me, come along over, you were expecting me after all~."

The voice of "Asmodeus" said, but Filimena shakes her head.

"No! You're not him, leave me alone!"

She tries to open the door, but, it was locked from the outside. Filimena tries to turn it, but it won't open, she desperately open the door once more with her foot kicking it, pushing it. Filimena couldn't understand why, but the door wasn't locked before she and Kia came in, there's no way someone could've locked it not knowing Filimena is still here. The voice responds again.

"Now stop with the fuzz, why are you tense, just come here, I can help for better~"

The voice got deeper, and distorted, Filimena still tried to break the door free, she was losing it.

"Go away! You can't trick me! Just stay away!"

She now bangs the door, she even tries to use her magic to escape, but for some reason, her magic wouldn't work, she couldn't teleport or use it here. It was like if aomething was proventing her from using them. Then, something spreads around her, the same tendrils of darkness rises inside the room, covering all the lights into pure darkness once again. Filimena panicked,  the cold was unbearable to her breathes, she couldn't see or breathe. She was losing it, her hands bang the door, and so did her foot, she screams for help, trying to hope someone will save her. The darkness still surrounds her, claustrophobia worsen as it laughs at her.

"Get away from me! Just stop it!"

She curls her, tries to hide herself, feared as the eerie ambiance of horror rises, all abrupted by the sounds of a door opening. The darkness fades away to reveal an incubus janitor opening the door to see Filimena curled up in fear. Filimena sees the light and opens her eyes. She saw the janitor before her.

"Jeez lady you good? I didn't think someone else was here, you did need to scream and bang the door like a manaic."

He scoffs as he enters inside to clean, Filimena watched as he does his work, this gave her the chance to leave, she was safe, for now.

This situation got worse, Filimena now sees it's growing more stronger. It seems this feeling is now communicating outside of her, it all felt real than before, she couldn't use her powers, she didn't know why.  All she knew is that this is becoming lethal, she wanted it to end, she wanted to get rid of what s causing her in this state, but all she can do is wait and don't fall for the tricks.

Filimena had to clear her mind after what happened, she decided to go to the only place where she thought it's safe. She heads to the park where local succubi were at, the sun shines down the trees and grass, the smell of sweet spring flowers hits the aroma. Filimena floats over to the bridge, she loves going to that part since it was a place where she and Asmodeus first shared their kiss, she hasn't stop coming her. Looking back, she wished Asmodeus was here with her.

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