Beta Squad Oneshots! [boyxboy]

By -qlptra-

3.2K 72 110

REQUESTS ACCEPTED!! a collection of oneshots between the beta squad members, boy x boy. [25.01.2024] More

kenniko || don't forget me (i beg)
[req] kenniko || moth to a flame
[req] Kenny & Chunkz || for you
NIKOAJ || two lovers intertwined
sharkyaj || you've got stars (they're in your eyes)
sharkenny || you play stupid games (you win stupid prizes)

kenniko || to the ends of the earth

397 11 15
By -qlptra-

Kenny had been spending a lot of time with his girlfriend, Natalia, lately. He missed the boys alot. Of course, Kenny's always there for the videos because he doesn't have any fights for this year anymore -the year is coming to an end- but he really just missed spending Friday nights with them.

But Natalia's very sweet and takes his mind off of it, when he thinks about other stuff, Natalia takes his mind back with that pearly white smile and green blue eyes. He really likes Natalia, she has his heart on her hands and he really thinks she's the one this time. Kenny doesn't have that much of a pleasant experience when it comes to dating and romantic relationships and in order to satisfy his sexual needs, he really just goes clubbing and find a girl and that's it, all of his previous girlfriends were the girls he met when clubbing but he met Natalia differently.

He met Natalia when he was ordering coffee and did the cliché move of accidentally spilling coffee on her.

He liked her then, and he liked her now, so can someone please tell Kenny why, when he came back to his house -that he's living with Natalia- he saw the girl he loved in bed with another man?

"Nat- who- who's this guy!" Kenny would always be mad in situations like these, maybe throw a punch or two on this dude but he didn't feel like punching, or talking, or

Kenny knew what this was, he saw this before. His heart had been played again and again and again. He should've expected this, he knew that people knew who he was, they knew he has money on his pockets and since his boxing is on the rise, people definitely targeted him more. But Natalia, she was supposed to be different. Kenny really saw a future with her even though they've only been together for a few months, he's deeply entangled with her. He loves her, even in that moment when Natalia was bare naked with another man. He still do. That's why it hurts so much.

"Get out."

"Wait- babe-" Natalia dare say that word when she's just covering herself up with a blanket with another man.

The audacity.

Kenny punched the door, and glared at her. He wished he'd look threatening because he didn't feel threatening at all. His heart is shattered and he just wants a nice hug and cry.

"Take all your stuff out with you and leave, Natalia." Kenny rarely says her name, it's always Nat or some other cute nicknames he made. It just hurts.

Thankfully, Natalia didn't have much stuff she brought because it's only been a few weeks since they moved in.

He wanted to make a punching bag out of the guy but he didn't know if he knew she was with someone and was just a victim in this, or if he's some kind of hater of Kenny and plotted this, but Kenny's too tired to care and too tired to ask.

The two ran out of the house, he felt Natalia look back at him but Kenny couldn't care less. When he heard the front door closed, Kenny just went down to the floor and started sobbing his life out.

Kenny might be a tough boxer on the ring, with a strong build, but ever since he was a kid he'd always been a bit more sensitive. Kenny wasn't a fighter when he was small, it had always been Niko, and Kenny felt like that child now. Weak, and fragile and just fucking stupid. He trained himself so hard, lifting weights and working on his mentality as well, trying to let go of that weak child that he was and all of that had been thrown out of the window just because of some girl.

He hated himself so much.

The house was filled with his sobs, and when he started to calm down a little, he ran to his car and drove to the house where he knew he could have that hug he wanted desperately without being judged.

He knew the whole squad was there, it's a friday afternoon and they always spend fridays together but Kenny was a little late on coming there. He didn't want to ruin their mood but he could easily just sneak in and sleep on Niko's room and cry his life out surrounded by a familiar, cozy, calming surrounding.

He walked out of the car, trying to hold back the tears and tried to look as normal as possible. Even though it was clear on his face he was crying, and his mind wasn't helping when all of what's in his mind is just all the times he spent with Natalia. He really felt happy with her, he even told the boys about her, and he talked about her a lot. How sweet and how kind she was, her favourite things to do that at some point the boys might've been annoyed by him. But Kenny trusts them, and he knew that they're really just happy for him deep down. He wonders how they'll react when they found out.

He opened the door since hey, it's basically his house too since he has a key to it. When he entered, he could hear laughter's from the living room and he just wanted a hug. A hug so bad, but he didn't want to ruin the atmosphere and just walked upstairs to Niko's room. Hopefully, the man isn't there.

Not because he's actually illegally entering his room, Kenny always invaded Niko's personal space anyways. When they were little they always share everything together and that never stopped. He wants a hug from Niko too, he gives the best hugs.

He opened his room door and just fell on the bed with a thud. He rolled himself up with his blanket and hid his face downwards.

He could smell Niko, and he felt so at home already. Then he heard the bathroom door open.

"Kenny?" Kenny heard Niko say. Fuck.

"What're you doing here? You're not joining the others downstairs?" Niko sat on the bed and Kenny can feel his weight on the bed. Niko said it so calmly and kind, Kenny couldn't hold out the sob he'd been trying to hide.

"Hey hey- Kenny, what's wrong?" Niko's very worried now. When he opened the door, because he heard his bed creak. He saw someone rolling themselves on the bed, and that build was familiar, and there's only one man that would enter his room like it was his. Kenny.

He found it quite sweet that they always seem to share everything together and nothing's changed even though they grew up. So he definitely didn't want to hear Kenny sob. But that was definitely a sob.

Niko touched the blanket, wanting to unwrap what was beneath and what he saw was Kenny, so much in a mess.

When Kenny felt the wind touch his face, and saw Niko's eyes just looking at him. Kenny didn't hesitate to get Niko in for a hug. Kenny had his face just sinking on Niko's sweater that was covering Niko's neck. His sweater is definitely soaking wet.

It's just like the old times, Niko had always been the one protecting the two. Even when they were younger, because Niko was bigger and taller, he was more daring and brave, his build had played a part in his confidence. Kenny was a bit conservative as a teen, Kenny was the kid who would always do stupid things to get a laugh out of people. Niko was naturally funny because of his social skills and outgoing personality. Kenny didn't have that.

Niko's heart had been pulled one by one when he heard Kenny crying and sobbing his life out. He was really, genuinely crying.

Niko did the "shhh" thing his mom always do to Niko and his younger siblings, it always comforts him somehow. Niko had one whole arm wrapping Kenny on the back, caressing him from there and one on his head and neck.

"What's wrong Ken? What happened?" Niko made sure he has the softest, calmest voice he could ever have when he said that.

Kenny cried more when he heard Niko say that, he just wanted to cry at this point because his tears isn't stopping at all. Kenny clutched and gripped Niko's sweater so tightly at the back.

"Hey Ni-" Sharky opened the door. Niko was taking too much time in the bathroom they were supposed to continue playing jenga together and since Kenny wasn't answering his phone, he knew Niko would be the one to call in Kenny and convince him when the others couldn't. So Sharky went upstairs, and what he saw wasn't what he expected.

There Kenny was, sobbing and crying on Niko's arms.

"Hey, hey Kenny, what's wrong?" Sharky sprinted to where they were, an urgency to know what's wrong with his friend. He never saw Kenny cry so hard like this.

Niko kept caressing his back, and it seemed to calm him down. Sharky looked at Niko, wanting to know what's wrong with him but Niko didn't know too as he just shook his head.

"Nat- she cheated-" Kenny said in between sobs, and Niko wanted to punch that stupid ugly face immediately. But Kenny comes first, so he kept caressing his back.

Sharky's heart shattered when he heard that. He remembered the times where Kenny would talk about her, it was obvious that he's so in love with her that Sharky actually became envious of the two of them because from what Kenny said about her, it seemed like she loved him so much too. He remembered Kenny talk about a future with her, and all of that stuff. Sharky smiled so widely back then.

Now Sharky just wants to break her bones.

Niko kept caressing his back, whispering words on his ears that Sharky knew he wasn't supposed to hear, that only Kenny and Niko shared. Niko and Kenny always had the deeper, deepest bond out of all of them. They have a connection that words couldn't describe.

Sharky caressed Kenny's back and said some words before leaving, he knew Kenny needed Niko to himself.

Sharky went downstairs while Niko kept doing what he did, kissing the side of Kenny's face from time to time. Niko knew Kenny needed affection on a daily, but now more than ever. Niko just took care and hugged Kenny like how he would a baby, with caution and with so much love.

"It's alright Ken," Niko whispered, and kissed him again, caressed his back and held him in his arms more tightly until Kenny stopped sobbing, but Kenny held him more tightly and rubbed his face on Niko's neck, just hugging Niko tightly and not wanting to let go. His strength and men's ego be gone, he knew Niko would never judge him for whatever he will do, crying like a baby will not be a thing that would break that part of Niko.

Soon enough, Kenny's grip started to weaken, and Kenny fell asleep.

Chunkz saw Sharky without a Niko.

"Where's Niko?" Chunkz said, while AJ was pushing a block quietly and slowly from the jenga. He'd been there for quite some time.

"It's- Kenny. He's up there. Nat cheated."

"What?" Chunkz had never looked so threatening, Sharky knew that out of all of them who said and felt like they wanted to murder someone, Chunkz would definitely do it, no doubt. Especially if it concerns one of his friends, one of his most closest friends.

"Hey is Kenny alright?" AJ ran to Sharky, concern clearly masking his whole face. Chunkz too, but Chunkz looked more mad.

"That bitch-"

"Chunkz- don't-" Sharky warned Chunkz, for whatever he's about to do.

"Sharky!" AJ said more loudly, "is Kenny alright?"

Chunkz already went on his phone, typing some stuff. Sharky knew then that he couldn't stop Chunkz even if he wanted to, Sharky was quietly happy at whatever Chunkz was about to do, he hoped he'd do it bad.

"Yeah, he's just crying upstairs. Niko's with him though.."

"He's crying?" Chunkz said, his phone still on his hands and Sharky swear he heard something crack.

"Kenny really loved her man.."

"I'm going upstairs. I need fucking details about this bitch." Chunkz ran upstairs before Sharky could even warn him.

"Wait- Chunkz!" Sharky ran upstairs and AJ followed him.

Niko laid Kenny on the bed, his eyes were so puffed. Niko felt so bad, why would anyone do that to him? Kenny's such a sweet man, and so kind. Niko's thoughts were full of sympathy for his friend as he gave a kiss on the forehead for Kenny.

Niko pulled the blanket up to his shoulders, and when he can confirm that Kenny's really asleep. He got out of the room, Chunkz and AJ would've known by now. Niko needs to know what Chunkz's about to do, because Niko needs to do more worst than that.

When he got out, he saw Chunkz already in front of the door.

"How is he? Is he okay? He's okay right?" Chunkz voice cracked, full of worry in his voice and his face.

"Yeah, he's sleeping right now...he's really really hurt man.."

AJ and Sharky appeared and asked the same thing.

"He really liked her." Sharky said, his arms crossed and face obvious with a mixture of rage and sympathy.

"He's asleep right now, " Niko had said, his head that is always usually held up high are now just downwards to the floor. Everyone was heartbroken about this, even George who always just seemed to never be able to get mad, actually looked furious.

The crew, and everyone else.

Kenny's a very good man, they all knew that.

"Really? Man I really wanted to ask him about that prick's address." Chunkz spat, his words full of spite. Chunkz had always been the more aggressive than the rest of them, even though he doesn't look like it.

AJ eyed him, "Don't do anything crazy, Chunkz."

"I won't. I'm just going to call up a few people who might know her and..." Chunkz paused for a while, looking at his three other friends. "talk."

"Filly might know her number and address, I heard that Kenny knew her through Filly."

"Filly it is."

Chunkz then went down the stairs to take his phone, AJ and Sharky followed. Niko was just about to follow them when Sharky stopped him.

"I don't think you should go-" Sharky said, staring at Niko's eyes. "Kenny needs you the most right now."

Niko was about to reply with denial, but thought twice and didn't. Kenny needs Niko the most right now, and that's true. Niko wondered why he even thought of leaving Kenny's side especially when he's at his most vulnerable.

"Okay, fine."

While the other three went to god knows where, and Niko really wants to join them to beat the shit out of that girl because fuck the "you don't hit girls" rule because honestly, she doesn't deserve any respect because of what she did to Kenny. Of all people.

But one look at Kenny who's just sleeping peacefully beside him on Niko's bed with puffy eyes, Niko knows to just let it go and stick by his side. Kenny never liked violence, which is ironic because he's a boxer, but outside of the ring he never was much of a physical violence guy. He's more of a pacifist and likes to keep things calm and out of trouble, he never liked hitting people out of personal reasons. Especially if it's Natalia, a girl he liked and maybe still does.

Niko never liked the girl anyways, but he just had to be or at least try, for Kenny. Because when Kenny first talked to him about Natalia, he looked so happy and he was smiling so widely and sincerely that he just had to like Natalia because she made him so happy and though it hurts that Niko wasn't able to be the one to make Kenny smile like that, to be happy like that, the least he could do was liking the one person who could.

Thank God he never did though.

Because look how easy and quick it was for her to destroy his happiness just like that, to Kenny. Sweet and faithful Kenny.

The longer Niko thought about her the more enraged he becomes, and he somehow wanted to meet the girl too, a change of mind perhaps, to give her a piece of his mind but when he stood up about to take his phone and call Chunkz, he made a sound due to the creak of the bed and maybe that woke Kenny up because Niko could hear his name escape from Kenny's mouth.

"Niko-" the taller man could hear Kenny's weak voice saying his name when he was opening the door to call Chunkz outside.

Niko looked back, only to see Kenny still sleeping.

Was it Niko's imagination or did he actually hear Kenny say his name? The man looks clearly asleep, and if Niko was being honest and if Kenny allows him, Niko would kiss the tears away from his eyes. But Niko could only wipe it away with his long fingers.


Surely, that's not Niko's imagination.

Kenny's talking in his sleep, and he's saying his name. Even in the midst of a heartbreak, eyes puffy like he cried a whole tsunami, voice weak and body tired. When Niko hugged him to sleep, caressing his back, and the way Kenny just calmed his body down and leaned in to Niko's touch, now Kenny's sleeping and he's muttering his name. Niko wondered, what was Kenny dreaming about?

Niko could only hope that Kenny dreams about him the same way Niko dreams about Kenny. With softness, fondness and full of love, a garden full of flowers and beauty, even when it starts to snow, the flowers somehow never stopped blooming and instead became more vibrant in the pale snow.

He hoped that Kenny dreams of him, of being with him, because Niko dreams about it all the time.

Niko drops his phone to the bed, and drops the thought of even leaving Kenny alone and joining Chunkz. Because he knows nothing is more important than Kenny, the solar flare of the sun could burn them alive for all Niko cares. Niko will make sure he hugs Kenny tight and protect him from the sun if it means a few seconds more of Kenny breathing the same air as him. Niko would burn for him, and if needed, he would trade the whole universe for him.

Niko wouldn't abandon him now, leave him alone in this large cold bed with a broken heart just for a girl. Never.

Niko kissed Kenny's forehead with a smile as Kenny kept saying his name, and when Niko pulled away slowly, his eyes could only look at the man's sleeping face and the way his lips moved, saying his name.

"Tell me what you dream of me, Kenny.." Niko whispered, and put his thumb on Kenny's lips, a light feathery touch that wouldn't stop Kenny from saying his name.

Niko liked it when he says his name anyways. It always means more than just a name when it comes to Kenny. It always means more when it's Kenny.


A/N: hey guysssss, since it's Kenny's birthday. I decided to upload a fic with Kenny just for the sake of it cause he's my pookie bear and deserves the world.

Requests are still open, some I'm writing and will upload soon.

School holiday is around the corner so I'm definitely going to write more. So, expect some new chapters, or maybe the long awaited fic. Idk. Anyways, thank U for those who's just so patient w me and my inconsistent writing. Really appreciate those who stuck around. Votes and comments are always appreciated <33

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