Admiring You - Minsung

By Narunamakazehyu

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" You made me believe in love " " You made me believe that there is light in the darkness" Where two opposi... More

CHAPTER - 2 ( part 2 )


158 6 0
By Narunamakazehyu

Jisung and minho arrived to their classes . Their classes were different . So they said their byes and went to their own classes . Jisung sat at his own seat and pulled up the notebook .

Suddenly the book was snatched by someone . He looked up shocked . He started shaking . His vision went blurry due to the tears that were forming .

The guy chuckled darkly . " Oh my hannie , I didn't know that you were into lame stuff like this " he said swaying the notebook around him .

He gripped his jaw hard and pulled him close " Answer me " he shouted . Jisung flinched at the sudden noise . He started shaking again . He tried forming words but they seem to stuck in his throat . He felt just like before......................

Trapped .

The guy still didn't let go off his jaw . He tightened his grip even more making jisung whimper in pain . " L-l-let g-g-go " jisung managed to stutter out a small sentence .

The guy chuckled again . " Like I ever ..........." the guy spoke . He let go of him but he Soon sat next to him and placed his hand on jisung's thigh , gripping hard making jisung whimper .

Jisung struggled hard . He wanted the guy to let go but he still maintained a strong grip . He placed his own hand over the guy's and tried to remove the hand instead the grip on his thigh tightened by each second .

Jisung had enough . He tried to stand up but the guy didn't let him go . " Trying to escape me . Huh . Hannie how naive of you . " By then the guy came near to his ear and whispered " Never will I let you go . You are ....... ' mine '" by that jisung started to shake again . He started to tremble . The guy said the last part deeply which sent shivers down to his spine .

He wanted to cry . But he couldn't.  He can't.  Not infornt of 'him' . Soon the class ended . Jisung walked out petrified . He held his head down. 

He flinched when a arm was wrapped around his neck . He looked up to see the same dude . He leaned forward and whispered " meet me at the back door after lunch " then he left leaving a trembling jisung .

Jisung slid against the wall which he supported . He held his knees together and held his tears .

After a few seconds , he stood up and walked to his next class which thankfully didn't have that guy .

Soon he exited the class and walked to cafeteria .

He sat at his seat and kept playing the guy's words in his mind . He didn't even realize that someone was calling his name .


He looked up to see felix looking concerned.  " what happened sung " felix asked . " oh ntg " jisung tried to cut the conversation off but felix keep asking him questions .

Thankfully for him , changbin controlled him . " Felix , he maybe uncomfortable " felix gave in .

Jisung looked up to see no minho . He got confused . He was always there with him for lunch . " where's minho " jisung asked . Hyunjin answered with " he got some job to . So he didn't come for lunch " " oh okay " .

Just as jisung asked about minho , he appeared . Jisung can tell that minho is pissed . No minho didn't furrow his eyebrows nor he gave death glares to other . He just kept a plain blank face which is minho's pissed off face .

" hyung , are you okay ?" Jisung asked concerned as he placed his hand above minho's . Minho immediately relaxed in the touch . Jisung's touch or maybe jisung existence can make minho's tension or frustration to fly out off his body . " Yeah I am fine " he said with the same face .

" o-oh okay " jisung said with a confused tone . Jisung started to eat but something or someone's voice keep getting into his head . Minho noticed his behavior but he didn't speak .

Jisung felt someone's hand holding neck . The cold touch on his neck made him flinch . He turned around to see who the hell touched him and boom the guy from earlier . His ...........ex .

" Oh hannie , it's just me . Just ' me ' no need to be afraid " the guy said darkly . Again jeongin and minho were stopped from beating the hell of that guy .

" I-I-i -" jisung was cut off by " Hannie , why are you stuttering . You know that I 'hate ' stuttering . " the guy said . Everybody could sense the dominance in that voice . He sounds Hella controlling .

Then he was about kiss the cheek of jisung but someone grabbed him by his and lifted him up chocking him I the process . Jisung gasped . " H-h-hyung leave him hyung " by them jisung was in tears . Seungmin face palmed himself.  " I told him that guy is dangerous " but what he didn't know is minho is far more

Dangerous .

Jisung grabbed minho's hand but minho didn't budge . He looked incredibly pissed . " DONT TOUCH HIM ." Minho warned the guy . But in return he got a chuckle . " Like I will ever . He is mine from the start . You stole him from me . He is min-" before the guy could finish he was cut off by minho slamming him against a wall . The guy groaned in pain .

" Don't you dare . He is ' mine ' " minho growled . He said the last word deeply . " I don't care about you . That guy is a cheater . He cheated wit-" the guy was again cut off . But this time it's the maknae . Jeongin punched him right in his nose making it bleed . Jeongin titled his head in frustation.  " God , that was so satisfying . I really wanted to punch you the day you made my hyung's life hell . But he loved you too much to realize that you were ....... a psycho " jeongin said as he chuckled darkly which indeed scared the shit around everyone except hyunjin . He liked seeing jeongin like this . Badass .

" Oh the 'mistress ' is here to-" again he was cut off by a kick in his stomach . He hissed in pain . " what the hell " he looked up to see a tall , handsome dude looking absolutely pissed . " don't you freaking dare to call him mistress . He was never a mistress " the guy said in a deep voice . Jeongin looked shocked . " Hyung " he spoke . Hyunjin came near jeongin and wrapped his arm around his shoulder and pulled him close .

The guy laughed . " God you really think he is not a mistress . I saw him with my boyfriend . He really is a mistress" within seconds he hissed in pain as an another kick . " I SAID HE ISNT A MISTRESS . DONT YOU DARE CALL HIM ONE " hyunjin keep punching him in the face with each word he said.  Hyunjin was pulled away from him before he could kill him . God he really a protective dude .

" Damn hyunjin you took my opportunity for punching him " minho said pissed . " I don't care . He insulted what's MINE.  So I have to get my revenge . " hyunjin hissed . " Hyung calm down.  Hyung calm down " jeongin whispered to him in a baby voice . " Okay " hyunjin said smiling .

Minho immediately turned around to see the guy gone . He signed . He turned around to see if jisung is okay but to his unluck jisung was also gone . He got worried . " where is jisung " minho asked pissed . The members looked at each other confused. " wait , he was here a second ago " felix commented . Minho frantically searched around for jisung .

He went outside of cafeteria.  He shouted his name multiple times . He heard some rustling noises coming from janitors closet  . He ignored them . He thought some couple are making out . But he also heard someone crying . He immediately went to the janitors closet and opened just to get pissed .

EARLIER .............. ( ⚠️ sexual harassment)

The guy gragged out a crying jisung who was trying to get out off the grip on his wrist . " L-l-let g-go " jisung begged but instead he got slammed against the wall of janitors closet . The guy smirked and closed the closet .

" finally , it's just you and me now hannie " the guy's smirked grew even more seeing shake . Jisung felt some cold hands slide through his shirt . He started to shiver . He tried to escape but the guy pinned his wrists above his head .

Before jisung could shout he felt a hand covering his mouth . His cries came as some sobs . he started to kiss jisung's neck . And soon sucking it . Wet tears started flowing down jisung's neck
He didn't want this . He didn't him . He wanted minho . He didn't want the past to happen again . He started to sobs making some noises. 

Jisung felt felt the guy leaving his body . He turned around to see minho punching the guy's already ruined face .

Jisung slid down and held his face upto his knees and started to let the tears fall . Minho who was busy punching the life out of the guy turned around to see his boyfriend crying . He immediately went and hugged him . He rubbed his back and swayed their bodies together .

Minho lifted jisung and left after giving a last death glare to the guy .


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