
By jynxii

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Elements are the essence of natural substances found on Earth and in life in general and they are essential t... More

Chapter 1A
Chapter 1B
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

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By jynxii

"Life is a velvet crowbar, hitting you over the head"

Meo blankly took in the hallway around her, trying to get her attention off her jumpy stomach. She had never seen a house quite like this before; she was in a long, plain, beige hallway (with various décor that each member placed about to suit their own tastes) with seven doors scattered between the two walls. There was a small window at the far end of the hallway where she stood, and from out the window, she could hear cheerful clatter coming from the backyard. If she descended the second staircase, she'd find that the second floor looked similar to the third, save what the floor's occupants had decorated it with.

The windowsill she stood at was crowded with small pots of various plants, some herbs and struggling violets amongst thickets of ivy, all fighting for the best position for gathering sunlight. It seemed a lot quieter there on the top floor, which was what Meo preferred anyways. She shoved her hands into her pockets, the chilly air unaffecting her, yet it was a habit from before she ever received the Ice emblem and Element. She glanced out over the backyard, noticing the cooling autumn air wasn't affecting her "family" either. Kiriaki, sitting cross-legged on the sidewalk, had her face buried in her Alchemy book while Ryu, her longtime rival, friend and more sat beside her, playing his Gameboy like usual.

The two had always been seemingly joined at the waist, doing just about everything together. They had what Dragonov called "Pseudo Elements", which meant while their Elements were just as powerful as the others, they were intangible and were of higher skill and on a higher plane than regular ones. Kiriaki also had what Drag told Meo was a part of the "tier" Elements: Alchemy, Balance and Spirit. Dragonov possessed Spirit and Kiriaki had the Element of Alchemy. Drag had told her it was an odd Element, for it wasn't an Element at all in context. Rather, it was made of all other Elements combined, and its power derived from their essences. That was why she had to constantly practice drawing Alchemy circles and why she had to practice with every Element in turn. They all had to practice regularly, which consisted of using their Elements and others', self-defense (which Meo didn't understand the need of) and basic understanding of Elements in general.

She sighed, watching as the black-haired boy below her cheered, causing Kiri to jump before resuming her reading. Ryu was one of the more peculiar members of the family, simply due to the single black, feathery wing protruding from his left shoulder. She had been told that it was some odd mutation that had occurred in his family decades ago, most likely due to some Elemental accident. He was bizarrely human, and incapable of flight. Meo had quickly learned however, that he was far more agile than the average Elemental when he had her pinned in one of their practices in less than six seconds. If she hadn't known the two, she could've seen him and Kiriaki as siblings- for they both had long, black hair reaching to their shoulder blades and deep green eyes. But they had no relation at all—none of the Elementals did, save the twins Kazuna and Jay. Ryu controlled Time.

Meo flicked her eyes over the rest of the yard, spotting Dakedei watching over the energetic Judas and Ogilhinn's- or Mitchell, as he liked to be called, hand-to-hand spar, it being more of a game for them than actual practice. They had what were called Intangible Elements, Light and Gravity, but weren't to be underestimated any less. She had quickly come to know these two as the jokesters of the family and learned just as quickly to avoid any sort of prank they may have set up. She had also learned how fast Mitchell despised his native name and would snap at anyone who used it. They were eclectic in every way, from their hair to music tastes, but were more similar to Meo than the other members save perhaps Jay—the punk Water Elemental—and Starfire, the Gas Elemental and the tech specialist. It had taken her forever to get used to everyone around her, there being eighteen other members under the same roof, and then some to learn all their names and Elements. She had, at first, doubted being able to withstand living with so many other people, but it had turned out that it wasn't as crowded as it seemed.

Another thing that bothered her about living with so many people was that the family's head was rarely around, leaving Dakedei, the Motion Elemental, as the primary leader that Meo became familiar with. Although she had overheard a few members comment that Drag had been around more than usual, it was still abnormal to her, considering he had only been around the house perhaps four times in the past six months. She had heard it was rare for him to come around more than seven times a year. If he was the most powerful Elemental, why wasn't he ever around? Most of his visits had been centered around her, making sure she was practicing and getting used to her Element as well as her seventeen house-mates. That alone had made her nervous and embarrassed at being the center of attention, but things had finally calmed down with the excitement about her arrival. She didn't like being thought of as "the replacement", and she still felt like she was intruding. That was why she still had a hard time including herself in the daily activities everyone seemed to participate in and why she mainly stayed alone somewhere in the house, occupying her time with menial hobbies or small practices of creating small spheres of Ice.

She heard a door behind her open but didn't bother to turn and see who it was. She was terribly shy, even though she had known these people for six months and shared the hallway with six other people. Frantic footsteps and giggling chased each other on the floor below her and it only reminded her that these Elementals had all known each other for years. Humming met her ears, and she instantly recognized it to be the voice of the youngest member, Emilia.

"Hello, Meo!" the girl kindly greeted, coming to stand right next to her and prune her violets.

Meo smiled in return, admiring the thick, wavy, strawberry blonde hair the girl had. Her mane of hair seemed so puffy and thick that surely it was constantly tangled, yet somehow Emilia managed to tame it without deflating its body. Meo turned to watch the plants react to the little girl's presence. She had the Element of Earth, and so she had the natural ability to grow plants fruitfully with hardly any effort, no matter the season or temperature. The leaves and stems seemed to bend towards her fingers, aching for her attention and affection.

Emilia was one of the gentler, kinder family members, with numerous plants, pets and adorations that seemed to just swarm around her. She had a knack for stopping arguments started by other members and for keeping calm in any situation despite her young age. Meo had only seen a small extent of her power, but she knew it could be treacherous—especially when combined with certain other Elements. Plants weren't the only thing the brown-eyed wonder could handle and manage; she could intensify Leiko's Element, Metal, she could diffuse Simple's Health and she could snuff Nitrous's Fire. She had many talents and she knew how to use them.

She and Simple were like sisters, just like how Ryu and Kiriaki were, just without the romance part. Simple was another peculiar oddity, with a single black eye that had no iris, pupil or white, just a pure black orb of an eye. However, her other eye was as normal as normal got, with a bright blue iris. The girl was known to always dress in the fashion known as gothic Lolita, and was nowhere as kind as Emilia, a bit more frantic, worrisome and sharp with her tongue. The graceful blonde kept careful consideration for all things around her, from how she walked about to the things she said to others. She didn't get along with most people, but that didn't stop her from taking up her role as "doctor".

"Why aren't you outside?" Emilia asked, returning Meo's smile. "It's such a nice day. And it looks like those leaves are getting a beating." She giggled, glancing at where Mitchell and Judas were now trampling through the thick layers of crimson, vermillion and brown leaves that had fallen from the trees and settled like russet seas upon the ground.

"You know how I am." Meo responded, knowing she could confine in the girl. She'd keep her lips sealed if anyone asked, and never broke promises or told of anyone's confessions. She and Simple were both like that. "Besides, I don't much want to get in Mihael's line of sight." Mihael seemed to be the only member having trouble adjusting to her presence, even though Dakedei had assured her he was just still upset. If it wasn't a death glare, it was just the way he stiffened around her, naturally making her want to avoid him. She didn't know the full story about this Gallissy everyone had mentioned at some point, but she knew it had to do with Mihael in specific.

"Don't worry about him. He'll get over it eventually. He's a really nice guy, I promise." Emilia pulled off a few withered basil leaves and moved on to the small pot of lemon thyme.

Meo just shrugged, frowning.

"Isn't he, Nitrous?" Emilia asked without looking up.

Meo jumped, looking to see the silent boy standing right behind them. She wondered how long he had been standing there, for she hadn't heard him at all. She quickly looked away from his blank gaze, trying not to bite her lip. He still had this unsettling aura about him that made her nervous. That, and he never smiled. Or spoke. Emilia resumed humming, not expecting an answer from the boy behind her, and sniffed at her herbs. She loved their spicy, woodsy aroma, especially when they were crushed for culinary uses.

As expected, the Fire Elemental didn't answer, and Meo let her concentration fall back on the boys below. Judas, the eclectic white-and-black haired grunge kid, was trying to douse his long-time friend with a torrent of Water, but Mitchell only responded with a bout of wind that diverged it away from him. A flurry of leaves flew up over their heads, but the two seemed to ignore them, leaving two of Emilia's three cats to pounce and scurry through them playfully. Autumn was certainly Meo's favorite time of year, and it seemed to be for the others as well.

"Oh, Dakedei said we're going out tonight. Drag's gonna meet us at the usual place." Emilia said to no one in particular. The "usual place" was a local Italian restaurant that the family frequented since it was one of the few places that everyone could agree on.

Meo noticed Nitrous nodding out the corner of her eye, and turning to leave. For a slight second, even though she wasn't looking, she thought his eyes were boring into the back of her head, but shook it off. There was always this paranoid feeling that he was simply just watching her when she wasn't looking, as if he was expecting her to do something, yet she couldn't prove it. For one, every time she got the feeling, he wasn't even around. Perhaps Mihael just had her paranoid over such silly things.

She listened to his nearly inaudible footsteps fade against the wooden floor as they thumped lightly down both sets of stairs, and then let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. She had always thought that fiery beings were always energetic, loud and bold—but Nitrous wasn't any of those things. While his scarlet and black-tipped hair was loud enough, she had hardly heard more than a few words out of him in her six months with the family, and he hardly did more than seemingly mope around and grimace. She had learned early on that he was one of the main powerhouses, with unmentionable power that seemed to be something beyond just Fire.

"He makes you nervous," Emilia noted, nibbling at a basil leaf. "Why?"

Meo glanced at the observant girl, silently reprimanding herself. "I'm not sure." She answered carefully yet truthfully. Everyone made her nervous, honestly.

"Well don't worry about a grumpy old coot like him." She giggled. "He's not exactly an optimist. He's watched people get blown to bits you know."

This didn't surprise Meo. She had heard some gruesome stories about her family members, like Dakedei's addicted, suicidal past and Simple's continuous abuse and rape. It seemed so strange that such happy (for the most part) and energetic people had such terrible, cruel pasts, for Dakedei was bright and cheerful, and Simple was kindhearted (beneath her rough exterior) and chirpy. Not everyone had such bad pasts, while others didn't even remember theirs, like the strange Alleghany and the enigma giant, Laex. By the time she had met the odd pair, she was used to strange things. But Alleghany was amiable and welcoming, and even the silent Laex seemed warm towards Meo, even with his six-foot-ten stature. Laex was the only other non-blood Elemental besides Meo, and controlled the Element of Sound.

"Besides, he's really quiet natured. That's a good thing. When he's in a bad mood, everyone's in a bad mood." Emilia continued, seemingly hinting at a warning.

"I'll keep that in mind."


That night, as was promised, the family gathered around several pushed-together tables with an energetic bustle, or so it felt to Meo. She was seated, like usual, beside the spunky, bubbly Kazuna and Torren. Kazuna had taken it upon herself to get the new member situated and to, of course, befriend her. While the Air Elemental was far too bubbly and energetic for Meo's preference, it wasn't as bad as she had expected to get used to the hyper girl.

Meo sipped quietly at her drink, glancing around as everyone seemed to burst into conversation as they waited for their food. She had gotten used to the stares people gave them in public, especially with the more eccentric members—and when Starfire and Judas got into arguments. They weren't actual arguments, which no one but the Element family understood, just petty, I'm-better-than-you trifles that only sounded angry. Hopefully they wouldn't get too loud before Dakedei or Drag chided them into silence.

Dragonov instantly got to his point, like he normally did without delay, silencing the family immediately. The place was a lot quieter when that happened. He sat adjacently to Meo, but didn't fail to meet everyone's gaze before speaking. "I'm sure you're all aware that I've been told about what happened at Yachuri Lake the last time I sent you up there?"

A few grunts and sheepish grins occurred from various members, making Meo cock an eyebrow in confusion. This had to have been from before she came around. His gaze seemed to particularly linger on Judas, who suddenly seemed very interested in his soda.

"Well, I'm sending a few of you up there again. Dakedei will decide who goes. I want to get the reserve restored, since the city isn't taking that into liberty." He spoke with that usual authority, confidence and no-bullshit tone. "And this time—" here he gazed deliberately again at Judas. "—We won't be drowning each other."

A few snickers from his end of the table arose.

"I won't be there, but I'll put Emilia in charge. And I don't want you all down there either. It's not legal to swim in that lake, and we'll be obeying that rule, right, Djaja?"

Jay impishly grinned but nodded.

Meo took this in carefully. She hadn't ever done any sort of environmental work, but found it intriguing. Perhaps she could go if she offered to help, even though she'd probably only get in the way. It seemed like a few particular members stayed in trouble, no surprise to her. Besides, she felt comfortable asking Emilia questions she couldn't ask anyone else, and so she decided to ask the girl later what this Yachuri Lake business was about.

"Now, as for other matters," the family head continued, silencing the table once more. "I'm still looking for this last Elemental that seems to keep evading us. Dakedei, have you mentioned it to them?"

"The Balance one," Kazuna whispered into Meo's ear. The girl was grateful for her friend's assuming personality, otherwise she'd feel stupid for asking so many questions. Meo had noticed, indeed, that there was one Element missing to the family. There were nineteen Elements, but only eighteen family members—Balance being the final, unfound person. "We've been looking for years."

"No," the Motion Elemental shook his head, twirling a spoon by its handle over the table's polished surface. "I figured you'd leave that for yourself."

"Did you get a lead?" Simple asked from across where Meo sat.

Drag shook his head. "Alleghany? Starfire?"

They each shook their heads in turn, expressions otherwise blank. Dragonov grimaced. He then gained a far-off look, as if trying to focus on something he couldn't see.

"I don't suppose Torren has either?" Star's eyes flickered to the boy's hidden ones. He added one more shake of the head.

"Well they're moving—a lot. I have a feeling it's a she, but I can't get close enough to their aura to tell," Dragonov continued. "It's frustrating."

Meo wondered for a short moment if that had anything to do with Foxfire leaving. That was highly doubtful, considering Kazuna had just mentioned that the missing Element had been taking years, and that the Element was Balance. She leaned towards the spunky girl next to her, and Kazuna, catching her drift, leaned so Meo could whisper into her ear. "What's so important about finding her?"

"Dakedei says if Balance isn't found and contained, we could all be put in physical peril. Balance is a tier Element, you know?" she explained just as quietly. Meo blushed when she noticed Nitrous's gaze boring into the two—but she decided to ignore him. Weirdo. "Balance is like Spirit, but opposite of Alchemy. Balance provides an opposite and equal for every Element, while Spirit keeps them alive and Alchemy keeps them separated yet interactive, see?" Meo nodded, not really understanding. "So if Balance goes out of control or continues to be unknown to that person . . . ." Kazuna moved her hands in emphasis of something blowing up, even though it was obvious she was exaggerating.

"Kazuna's right, Meo," Drag added, causing the girl to giggle and Meo to flinch. Her gaze sheepishly met the intimidating man's. "Balance is just as critical as any other Element. We're all interconnected." The fact that he had heard them, despite them whispering quietly (or so they thought) both stunned and embarrassed her a bit, but she had to remember that these guys weren't like regular people, even though they weren't superhuman by any means.

"When one part goes bad or uncontrolled, we're all affected." Dakedei added, his cerulean eyes focusing on hers.

She nodded again, still feeling almost drowned by how much information she had ingested within the past few months and was continuing to take in. It was required that she learn about each Element in turn rather than just her own, that way no one member had the advantage over the others. With each passing month she had kept hoping that she'd be reaching the end of all there was to know, yet each new lesson brought more and more things to uncover.

Luckily for her, the conversation on the Balance Elemental stopped and new ones took place, diverting the attention away from the shy girl. She picked up her fork as the entire table's food arrived, and tried to half-heartedly listen to Kazuna bubbling away to Torren about some Japanese artist or other—which brought Leiko into the conversation from a few seats over. Meo glanced about her, noticing Simple reading a book in her lap and Starfire tapping on some device at her end of the tables. On the other side of Torren sat the oddly interesting Alleghany and Laex, mumbling quietly to themselves—or rather, Alleghany speaking with Laex occasionally throwing in a word or two.

Simple leaned over to Nitrous, who was sitting next to her, and pointed at something in the blue-bound book with no title or cover. His blue eyes sluggishly flickered over to the book, and after carefully chewing his mouthful of food, spoke.

"What a monkey of a man," he read aloud.

Simple nodded, and went back to reading. His gaze met Meo's for a short second before returning to Judas's conversation.

"He speaks and reads German," Kazuna stated, noticing her stare. "Born and raised there too."

"You're all from all over the world, aren't you?" she asked.

"Of course," Kazuna grinned. "My brother and I are from Korea, but we're Indonesian."

Meo added that to her list of mental notes. Nitrous was from Germany, the twins were from Korea, Simple had come from Africa, even though her pale, creamy complexion didn't even hint at sun exposure or an African race, Emilia was from Italy . . . well, she couldn't quite remember the rest, except only two or three came from the United States. How the Element family had gotten so diverse and spread so far, she didn't understand, but it seemed to be tradition.


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