The Stories Begin - Sunrise

By The_Penguin_God

253 23 162

Four must follow the path of thunder... or all shall fall... Journey along with Cloudstar, the leader of Wind... More

Chapter 1 - Cloudstar
Chapter 2 - Dreampaw
Chapter 3 - Cloudstar
Chapter 4 - Dreampaw
Chapter 5 - Cloudstar
Chapter 7 - Cloudstar
Chapter 8 - Dreampaw
Chapter 9 - Cloudstar
Chapter 10 - Woodfur
Chapter 11 - Dreampaw
Random facts to tie you off until the next chapter

Dreampaw - Chapter 6

12 2 10
By The_Penguin_God

It had been a few nights since Frogpaw passed. There was simply nothing that could have been done to save him. Dreampaw knew this as soon as she saw her brother. Ravenblaze had been kind enough to give her a few days to mourn, but today was the day where she was supposed to officially start training. She laid in her nest, Hawkpaw curled up with her. She was awake, but she didn't want to be. She wanted to bury her head into Hawkpaw and disappear. She watched Goldenpaw get up and stretch, her gorgeous golden fur glimmering in the sun. 

Great. Dreampaw thought. That much sun in here means there's a hole in the roof. 

Goldenpaw looked at Dreampaw, meeting her gaze. "Dreampaw, darling, it's time to awaken."

Maybe it was Dreampaw's grief that was talking, but she hated the way Goldenpaw spoke. To her, it was Goldenpaw's way of saying "I'm better than you." Though Dreampaw knew she would never speak those words aloud.

Dreampaw rose to her paws, causing Hawkpaw to wake up. She could see the grief that still lingered in his eyes. She could feel it. The only difference between the two was that Hawkpaw hid it and Dreampaw couldn't care too. Goldenpaw looked up. "Oh my, that's a rather large hole in the roof. We'd better patch it before it rains."

"Great observation genius." Dreampaw rolled her eyes.

Hawkpaw, not in the mood to deal with it, left the den to find his mentor. Goldenpaw looked to Dreampaw when he left. "Dreampaw, I understand you're upset about Frogpaw, but that doesn't mean you get to take it out on me."

"But you don't understand! You've never had a brother! You don't get to tell me how to act, Goldenpaw!" Dreampaw hissed as she stormed out of the den. Dreampaw tried to be angry at Goldenpaw, but she knew that she was wrong and Goldenpaw was right. Like usual. Dreampaw angrily thought. Dreampaw then remembered her dream from a few days back. She needed to ask Ravenblaze about it.

Ravenblaze was sitting by the camp entrance, waiting for Dreampaw.

"Hello Dreampaw, how are you feeling?" He asked in a soft voice as she got closer.
"Fine." she sighed. 

The pair left camp, heading off to do some training. Ravenblaze mentioned they would be practising hunting, but Dreampaw didn't really hear him. Ravenblaze was in the middle of a sentence when Dreampaw finally asked: "Do you know a Gentlefeather?"

Ravenblaze froze. "Hello? I asked you a question?"
Ravenblaze spun around, his tail lashing. "How do you know of that name!" He hissed.

Dreampaws eyes widened and her tail puffed out. "I-I s-she came to me in a dream! She said I was half Windclan and half Shadowclan! She said my father isn't Lightfur, but Shatteredsky! She also said he was your cousin- and-"

"Silence!" A cat ordered. Ravenblaze's fur stood on end when two cats emerged from the bushes- it was Snakestar and Lightfur. 
Snakestar's cold dark gaze laid on Ravenblaze. "Ravenblaze, is this true? Is this apprentice of yours half Windclan?"

"If I may, Snakestar, I know the truth." Lightfur smirked. "Ravenblaze took Dreampaw when she was a small kit, because Crystallight being a former Shadowclan warrior, means Dreampaw has Shadowclan blood in her. You remember how few kits we have had the past moons- I'm sure he had the clans best interests at heart... though I believe this action was against Shatteredsky or Crystallight's will, as I watched as Crystallight chased Ravenblaze across the Thunderpath. Where she was struck by that monster."

Dreampaws jaw dropped- Ravenblaze played a part in her mothers death? Her dream was true? The three warriors began to argue, Snakestar pointing out how this could cause a war between Windclan and Shadowclan if Cloudstar were to ever find out, Lightfur standing by his leaders side, while Ravenblaze tried to defend himself. 

She couldn't take it. Dreampaw started running. She didn't know where she was going, she just wanted to be anywhere but here. 


After a little while, she stopped running. 
She curled up under a tree and started to cry, the events of the past few days washing over her. She was so caught up in her own thoughts, she didn't hear the sound of the paw prints behind her. 
"Are you okay?" 

Dreampaw jumped. "Who are you and what are you doing on Shadowclan territory!" She demanded. 

"My name is Treat, also this is unclaimed territory?" the small she tilted her head as she asked her question. 
Dreampaw started to take a look at this new cat. She couldn't be much older than me?

"What's your name?" Treat asked. "Dreampaw" 
"That's a weird name... you're one of those clan cats right? Trick and I heard about you from some of the other cats living with humans." 

"Yeah... so you're a kittypet?" Dreampaw asked as Treat sat down beside her. "No, I'm what you'd call a rouge I guess... my brother and the other cat we are staying with- wait no... I can't tell you that..."

"Why not?" Dreampaw inquired.

"It's private."
"Oh okay, sorry then Treat."
"No it's fine" Treat smiled. "Why are you upset?"
"There isn't really one main reason..." Dreampaw sighed, laying down.

"Tell me all of your reasons, maybe I can help you"

"Unless you can bring back the dead and change the past, I doubt you can." 
"oh... who died if I'm allowed to ask?" Treat asked.

"My brother- well... he's not my brother... I just learned that he wasn't anyways.... Frogpaw... he... was mauled by a fox...."

Treat's eyes widened. "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry to pry, but what do you mean you just learned he wasn't your brother?"
Dreampaw told Treat everything. About Frogpaw. About Woodfur and Lightfur. About her mentor. About how she didn't want to go back to camp because of how her clan mates would react to her being half Windclan.

"Well... if you want... you could stay with my brother and I for the night..." Treat offered. 
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure, come along!" Treat happily purred, standing up. "We can hunt together, eat prey, share stories, do some training together, I'm so excited!"

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