#LoveSTAY - Stray kids x read...

By ih3artskz143

89.7K 1.3K 3.7K

stray kids x reader scenarios, imagines and reactions that hopefully won't make you absolutely cringe and die... More

When they have a crush on you
How you make them blush
Morning cuddles
Them being bothered/upset
Your guys' song
Ways they show they love you
Late night texts
Stray kids in British secondary schools
You have a crush on him and he finds out
Someone hitting on you
You being upset
Christmas with them
You got your wisdom teeth taken out
2 months vs 2 years
Confessions and time taken
Them getting a bit too drunk
You struggling to sleep
Movie night
Trips/ holidays with them
Them as love languages
Them getting in a physical fight
You call them by their full name
You're sick
Arguments with them
How they like their kisses
You feel bad about yourself
Them getting clingy
Cooking adventures
Meeting their parents
Them meeting your parents
You end up in hospital
When they're away on tour
First 'I love you'
Stray Kids as friends to lovers tropes
Your outfit is revealing
Ideal date
Moving in with them
Making your relationship public
When you're working late
Surprising them at their concert
Clingy, desperate and needy
Airport adventures
Nicknames for you

Getting ready together

1.9K 30 35
By ih3artskz143


-you were in the bathroom, doing your hair and makeup for some plans you and chan made. your outfit was nicely set out on the side, you just had the best shower ever and were wrapped in your clean, fresh dressing gown

-for some reason, your boyfriend came in and sat down on the closed toilet seat, staring at you with a huge smile

''hey chan what are you doing- why are you dressed and ready, am I running late?!"you gasped, checking the time on your phone anxiously to see if you've completely messed up your timing

''no not at all! I decided to get ready early so that I can watch you do the same''

''that's so embarrassing though!'' you whined, a bit conscious about having a mini audience watching you get ready

''pretend I'm not even here! I just really love watching you do your hair and makeup and stuff''

-and that's what you did. however, it did not last long and soon enough the two of you were chatting away and laughing as you were getting ready. you didn't look at him whilst talking, since you were focusing on not messing up your makeup, but he couldn't take his eyes of you for even a second

-there was something about watching you get ready that he just loved so much. maybe it was the way you batted your eyelids when putting on mascara or the way you stuck your tongue out a bit when you focused on the little details, he just found it so satisfying to watch

''let me just get dressed now in private so I can surprise you'' you stated, leading him out the bathroom and shutting the door whilst he frowned at you for getting rid of him

-the moment you walked out of there after getting changed, he just couldn't get enough of you. his eyes travelled all over you and a huge smile appeared on his face. his eyes lingered over the way your clothes hugged your curves and he audibly gasped seeing you

''that's my girl''

Lee Know

-you were sitting at your desk adding some finishing touches to your makeup before heading out for the night with minho

-of course you had to put on your favourite lippy for that extra bit of confidence everyone loves, so with a very focused face you carefully applied the product and perfected every line to make sure there was no smudges before finally rolling your lips and giving yourself a last glance in the mirror with a big smile

-whilst you were doing this, minho sat on the bed behind you staring in pure awe, stunned by how you get prettier every time he looks at you. he observed your every little move and couldn't help but smile to himself about the little things you do to look nice

-it looked like his eyes were physically sparkling from the view he had in front of him

-little did he know you could see him and his look of admiration through the mirror very well the whole time, you let out a small chuckle as you spun your chair around so that you were facing him

''what are you looking at?'' you asked softly, giving him a sweet smile in a slightly teasing manner

-he cleared his throat and looked you dead in the eyes

''you were taking too long.''

-you scoffed and got up, picking up the pillow that was in your lap and launching it at him before trying to run out of the house before he could throw one back at you

-''wait wait wait!''

-he hastily got up and ran after you, tugging on the sleeve of your jacket to get you to turn around

''you look really pretty by the way''


-you were trying to curl your hair and it was just not working, you were one moment away from dashing the hair iron out of the window

-your boyfriend was getting ready right behind you and he could see you were struggling with your hair, he couldn't just stand and watch

''[name] let me try curling it, you seem a bit agitated''

''no it's alright binnie I don't think you'll be able to-''

-tell me how this man managed to do the most perfect, bouncy curl in your in ONE attempt whilst you couldn't do it in ten

-you quickly turned your head and looked at changbin, who smiled at you proudly, in shock

''how on earth did you manage to do that?! it's perfect!!''

''I've already told you, I'm the founder of changbin salon'' he responded, already separating the next section of your hair to curl it

-turns out there is actually nothing this man can't do

-he finished all your hair for you, constantly gushing about how pretty you look and making sure not to pull or damage your hair in any way, he almost seemed like a professional 

-to make you laugh and calm your nerves a bit, he was pretending to be one of those hairdressers who know all the gossip, he was telling you to 'spill the tea' and succeeded in making you smile


''you've actually saved me from launching that iron out the window, thank you so so much I love you''

-spent the rest of the time you two spent getting ready boasting about his amazing hairdressing skills


-you had 20 minutes to be out of the house and still no outfit to wear, you were on the verge of throwing all your clothes onto the ground, diving head first into them and never getting out

-you let out an infuriated screech, throwing the jacket in your hands across the room and brushing your hand through your hair in frustration

-''woah- what's wrong?'' your boyfriend, who you were unaware was right behind you, asked in a concerned tone

''we're supposed to be heading out in like 15 minutes or so and I literally have nothing to wear'' you groaned, walking up to him and resting your head against his shoulder whilst looking down at the clothes which by now were everywhere but in your closet

''okay- come on let's find you something to wear then'' he replied, getting down on the floor and digging through the piles, putting potential outfits to the side ''you coming?'' 

-you nodded and got down on the floor with him, desperately rummaging through the piles and looking for hyunjin's approval on which outfits you put together look nice or not

''to be honest you'd look stunning even if you went out in a black bin bag, love'' he affirmed, putting his arm round your shoulder as the two of you got up and looked at what you managed to put together out of the large selection of clothes you had

''okay, now go try each of them one and I'll help you decide on one, yeah?''

-somehow your very stressful situation turned into a private fashion show. you strutted out of the bathroom in each outfit, showing it off to your boyfriend who appeared to have a bigger smile with every one you tried on, occasionally whistling (respectfully of course) at you and asking you to do a twirl for him

-you started running out of options and had about three options left, worrying about which one you'd end up going out in

-you put it on and walked out of the bathroom, fixing your hair along the way out. you gained a huge, dramatic gasp from hyunjin and he slapped his hand over his mouth, slightly startling you

''what is it? it looks funny doesn't it'' you asked self-consciously, looking in the mirror to see if you were making a fool out of yourself

''that's the one''

-you might've ended up being 15 minutes late but in the end it was worth it, bonding time with your boyfriend like that is worth any price in the world


-you were both sat on the bed together, a variety of products scattered out across the entirety of it. he was brushing and fixing his hair, you were doing your makeup

''how about I put some music on?'' he suggested, briefly getting up to reach for his phone

-somehow, you ended up having the loudest, most intense karaoke session of your life and forgot about what either of you were previously doing. his hairbrush and your makeup brush turned into your personal mics whilst you were singing at the top of your lungs

-soon enough you also ended up dropping your 'handheld microphones'. instead, you ended up dancing together in the middle of your bedroom, stepping over the huge mess on the floor which neither of you could be bothered to clean up

-nothing else mattered in the moment, suddenly all the love songs were about the two of you and all you could think about in the moment is how much fun you're having with the love of your life

-which is how you ended up being almost an hour late to your friend reunion


-unfortunately you were both still stood in your pyjamas without a clue on what you were going to wear, but you both gave each other an encouraging nod and somehow managed to pick up the pace drastically

-it was like the two of you synchronised and started working as a team perfectly, he was smoothly passing you what you needed and vice versa, so luckily it didn't take you guys TOO long to sort yourselves out

''you know what? we made it. we might potentially be running a BIT late, but we made it.'' you mentioned in the car with a chuckle, fixing his hair, which got a bit all over the place from the chaotic exit you just went through, as he drove

''now where the hell have the two of you been?!'' your friend complained, crossing her arms in attempt to look angry, even though you knew well she could never actually be angry at you

''well, it's a long story...''


-you were unsure about the outfit you were wearing and constantly switching up little things about it in attempt to make it look nicer

-eventually you decided to go ask for your boyfriends' opinion, maybe he would be able to help you out

-you entered your bedroom which was an absolute state from all the skin, hair and makeup products the two of you used and didn't put back in their correct places. felix was sat on the edge of his bed putting his shoes on, ready to go out and soon was going to be waiting for you to make up your mind on what you're going to wear

''hey lix, do you think this jacket goes well with my outfit or not really?''

-he stopped tying his shoelaces and looked at you with his eyes wide open, jaw almost on the floor (exactly like in the photo) as if he froze on the spot

-honestly he was just too stunned to speak

''...felix?'' you chuckled awkwardly, unsure about whether his reaction meant something good or bad

''you actually look stunning [name], I'm like in shock right now''

''stop you're so sweet''

''no seriously how am I supposed to take you out when all eyes are going to be on my beautiful girlfriend?!'' he joked, pulling you in close and resting his chin on the top of your head, arms wrapped around you

''oh my god AND your hair smells amazing too this just cannot get any better'' he exclaimed, earning a giggle from you at his excitement

''you're well handsome yourself and you know that, they'll definitely be looking at you just as much'' you responded,  taking a step back and fixing his tie for him whilst he looked at you with clearly loving eyes

-you two love getting ready together because you boost each others' confidence so much and exchange such genuinely compliments from the bottom of your hearts


''seungmin, could you please come and help me with the zip please?'' you poked your head out of the bathroom, but your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen

''yeah I'm coming hold on''

-whilst you waited for him to make him way upstairs, you fiddled around with your hair in the mirror again, twirling your curls around your finger

-you didn't notice seungmin was stood at the door of the bathroom for quite a while now, with a blank face and looking down at himself, at you, then back down at himself again

-somehow you two accidentally ended up matching. you were almost wearing the same outfit just in different fonts. his was the masculine version, and yours was the feminine version of the exact same clothes

''why are you copying me'' he eventually spoke up, giving you a dramatic dirty look as a joke

''well what if YOU copied me?''

''I was dressed first so technically you copied me''

''I'm wearing it better anyway'' you mumbled, waiting to see his reaction

''zip it up yourself then'' he responded, walking out the bathroom with a teasing smile

''no no please I was joking'' you giggled, stumbling behind him, trying to hold up your dress which was falling down due to not being zipped up

-and of course it ended with you stepping on the skirt and tripping up

-seungmin couldn't help but laugh at you, reaching his hand out to help you

''it's not funny!''

''I'm sorryy-'' he tried to contain his laughter, covering his mouth with his free hand

-in the end he zipped up your dress up to prevent you from falling again, even though it would've been extremely funny to him if you did

''we totally look like we're wearing one of those matching couple outfits'' you mentioned, linking arms with your boyfriend as you left the house

''ew, that's so cheesy'' he whined ''but you look really pretty and it's an honour to match with you''

-secretly he LOVED matching with you and was definitely planning to 'accidentally' do it again


-''baby, are you ready yet? ''

''no not yet hold on!''

-you headed upstairs to check on your boyfriend who was taking unusually long to get ready, usually he was the one waiting for you not the other way round

-you walked into your shared bathroom, where your boyfriend was stood fully dressed but his hair was still dripping wet and he was eagerly searching the drawers

-he turned his head and looked at you like a child who's just been caught red handed doing something they shouldn't have been

''...I can't find the hair dryer'' he confessed, pouting his lips and scratching his neck awkwardly

-you giggled at how lost he looked and quickly ran into your bedroom to grab the hairdryer which you just remembered you forgot to but back in its dedicated place, which is why poor jeongin couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched

''I got it! sit down, I'll do it for you''

-you got him to sit down on the edge of the bed and you began drying his hair for him, blowing the warm air in his face every now and then to tease him and get a good laugh out of such a little thing

-as you finished, you put the hairdryer down and brushed through his hair once more to make sure there's no tangles

''cute'' you mumbled, ruffling your hand through his hair

''stop you're going to ruin the precious hairstyle you just did for me!'' he whined, pulling your hands away from his head and squeezing them tightly instead ''your new role is blow drying my hair me for me that felt so nice ''

''maybe I should become you hairstylist for when you have concerts then'' you responded proudly, grabbing his hand and leading him downstairs so that you both aren't late for your plans

''you really should''

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