Getting to know S. (Severus x...

By nesseire

370 20 100

(+18) Who is Mrs. S.? Multiple rumors make her identity even more mysterious. Was she really a Death Eater? W... More

1- Lucius' version
2- Narcissa's version
3- The honeymoon
4- The stay in Azkaban
5- The chess game

6- Selene's version

60 4 20
By nesseire

Selene was putting the finishing touches on the makeup.

Through the reflection of the mirror, she could see how Severus looked at her in silence, moving his eyes slowly over her body, and she, partly guessing his thoughts, grew imperceptibly hot. She liked when he looked at her that way, but she didn't want to be distracted. She knew that if she turned to him, they would never go to dinner.

Although she had been the one who had insisted on accepting the invitation, in the last few hours she had been getting more nervous. She didn't know to what extent the Malfoys were aware of her status as a squib, and besides, she had just remembered that Narcissa was the sister of her former guardian Bellatrix.

"I'm starting to doubt this is a good idea," she confessed. "I'm convinced that all they want is to laugh at us, or gossip."

Severus, however, simply crossed his arms and smiled.

"Core, it's too late to refuse the invitation," he also didn't like the idea of spending the entire night at the Malfoy's house, as if he had nothing better to do, but he knew Lucius too well. He wasn't going to let them escape so easily. "We just have to play along so that they are satisfied and don't bother us again for a long time."

"I know we can't decline the invitation, but... I don't think I'm up to it," she murmured. "I confess that they intimidate me a little," she tilted her head to look at the ground, and her movement freed a lock of her hair, which covered her face.

Severus understood what she meant. He knew Lucius' elitist ideals better than anyone, and he was also worried about how the night would play out.

"Of course you'll be up to the task, Core," he reached out without thinking to brush the lock out of her face. Lately, his gestures had become more sporadic and less rehearsed, and he no longer had to mentally remind himself that Selene wanted physical contact. "You shouldn't worry about that."

He didn't know if his words helped or not, but the contact of his fingers with her skin produced a soft tingling that ran through them both, making them look into each other's eyes without saying anything.

Lately, every time they touched each other they noticed something similar, but the sensation was new, different from the usual desire they already were used to. This was something softer and deeper, which left them confused.

Selene broke eye contact and focused on the man's appearance to hide her embarrassment.

"Well, since we have no choice but to go, you might as well get ready," she said, expertly straightening Severus' robes. He didn't stop her, but he didn't do anything to help her either. "Don't you have no remedy?" Selene asked, observing that the tunic was still wrinkled.

"If I had it, you would have already noticed it," he replied ironically. "Leave it alone, Core, no one is going to care about my appearance," Severus held the woman by the wrists, so that she would leave his robe alone.

"But I care!" she replied, with more vehemence than she intended. Severus looked at her with a raised eyebrow, surprised by the impetus of her comment, but Selene remained firm and very stiff, despite the sudden blush on her face. "I mean... they'll think I'm a bad wife if I let you go to that dinner dressed like you are," she explained.

"At this point do you still care about what they think of you?" Severus joked, without letting go of her.

He knew that Selene was trying hard to appear confident. Her confidence had increased since her time at university, but it was clear that there was a part of her that was not quite comfortable since the loss of her magic.

"Well, I do, and you should care too," Selene responded, abruptly letting go and turning around to put on her earrings.

Severus laughed to himself, curious about the woman's behavior and her sudden blush, but ended up indulging her and fixing his clothes behind her back. Selene saw him in the reflection of the mirror and smiled triumphantly.

"Core, we're going to be late," Severus reminded her, observing that she was staling, probably with the purpose of bothering him.

"Don't exaggerate. By the way, will you ever tell me what Core means?"

From the first time Severus said that name, Selene had suspected that it meant more than just an affectionate diminutive of her last name. But he didn't call her anything else, even in his letters he addressed her that way.

"They appreciate punctuality, and so do I," Severus ignored the question, without looking her in the eye. "Plus, the sooner we get there, the sooner we'll get out."

Selene sighed, frustrated, but hurried to finish getting ready.

They used the apparition to travel in front of the Malfoy Manor, but as they approached the door, Selene stopped short.

"It was here," her eyes widened in confusion and terror. Severus looked at her without knowing what she was talking about. "This was where I was trained as a death eater."

"Are you sure?" he looked over his shoulder at the elegant and imposing walls of the mansion.

"It was in the basement. We entered through a secret door... There, next to those trees," she pointed with a trembling finger. The images of the long, bloody months rushed through her head.

Suddenly terrified, Selene recoiled, and began hyperventilating in a sudden panic attack.

"Core, calm down, look at me," Severus took her face in his hands. She was breathing heavily, raggedly. "Look at me. Take a deep breath. It's okay, breathe," he waited for the woman to calm down, while he hurriedly thought about what they should do. "I thought you didn't know Lucius," he said, confused.

"I know him by sight, from Hogwarts," she gasped. She had gone very pale. "But we have never spoken. I didn't know... I only saw the basement."

"That stupid gave his house to the Dark Lord, but he never bothered to know what was going on there," Severus muttered. "That way he wouldn't have to hide information if the aurors questioned him. Typical of Lucius."

"What are we going to do?" Selene tried to contain her emotions, but her eyes were overflowing with tears. If she didn't run away, it was because Severus's hands were still holding her face.

"If they invited us tonight, it's because they don't know anything about what happened to you," Severus thought out loud. "Lucius is an idiot, but he wouldn't risk offending me like that. He wants to maintain a good relationship with me because I am close to Dumbledore," he explained. "I don't think he would do anything to insult you or put you in danger."

"And what about Bellatrix?" Selene was still terrified. "She is Narcissa's sister, what if she comes tonight?"

"They haven't mentioned anything like that. There will only be the four of us," he tried to reassure her, but Severus could see the panic in the woman's eyes. In an attempt to calm her, he lowered his voice to a whisper. "And if not, we will leave."

Selene stared at him, trying to control the rhythm of her breathing.

"Are you serious?" her voice was a faint whisper. Severus lowered his head, resting his forehead against hers.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you," he caressed the woman's face with his hands. "Trust me, Core."

She took a deep breath, to simulate a strength she didn't feel, and nodded her head slightly. Severus let go of her, but took her hand, and walked with her the last few meters that separated them from the door of the mansion.

A house-elf opened the door, and showed them into the hall, where the Malfoys were waiting for them.

Narcissa was the first to welcome them, with sincere and uninhibited joy, followed by her husband, who was also courteous but much more formal. After the appropriate greetings and the covert observation of Selene by the hosts, they went to the living room for dinner.

"Selene, please grant me the pleasure," Lucius pointed to the chair on his right, for her to sit on. However, the woman's eyes were fixed on the enormous black mastiff that was waiting with a guardian pose next to Lucius.

Due to the hellish months suffered under Bellatrix's continuous torture, Selene had developed an irrational terror of dogs. Already nervous about being back in the same building where she had suffered so much, Selene paled.

She knew she couldn't offend her host, who knew nothing about her phobia and who acted with all the courtesy in the world, but she couldn't get even one step closer to the chair next to the dog.

Fortunately for her, Severus had also seen the dog, and he immediately guessed what the woman's sudden immobility was due to.

"No," he intervened, before she tried to take a step. "I'll sit there."

He said it in a tone of voice that gave no room for reply, but Selene, who had learned to read all his gestures and remembered the stories he had told her about his adolescence, understood that he had decided to sacrifice himself, sitting next to an animal that he hated with all his soul, to spare her that bad experience.

Severus remained impassive, as if his gesture had no major importance, but he earned a look of gratitude from Selene, one of surprise from Narcissa and another of reproach from Lucius, who had not understood his friend's behavior.

Dinner began, and Lucius, like a good host, led the conversation the entire time, breaking the ice, although soon he became interested in Selene, since he was curious about her. By having her sitting in front of him, it was very easy for him to be observe her without concealment.

"Although I didn't know you personally, Selene, I have heard about you. You also attended Hogwarts, right?"

"Yes, I belonged to the Ravenclaw house," Selene tried to be cordial, fighting her nervousness.

"Ah, you are a woman of great intelligence," Lucius complimented her, and she accepted it with a small smile. "I imagine my friend won't be upset. I remember how much he liked to engage in intellectual discussions," he joked, looking at Severus with a malicious smile. "Is that why he kept you hidden? Didn't he want to share your skills?" Selene did not understand what he meant. Was he implying that Severus was keeping her locked up? "Or doesn't he want to be compared to someone of superior intellect?" he added, throwing a mocking look at Severus.

"You are far from being funny, Lucius," Severus replied calmly, but he seemed annoyed.

"Forgive me, Severus, but you have to admit that you haven't made it easy for us to get to meet her," Lucius seemed to be still joking, but he also had serious eyes. "It seemed like you were hiding her."

"I have already told you that it was not possible for us to meet before."

"Ah yes, the terrible Dumbledore watches you like a hunting dog," Lucius smiled. "But that doesn't stop your lovely wife from receiving visitors."

"You wouldn't have found her. Selene is studying at university," although his tone was sullen, Selene thought she detected a hint of pride in his words.

"I didn't know that," Lucius returned to focus his attention on Selene. "What are you studying?"

"I am preparing to be a lawyer," she responded. "I finished my exams this week."

"I couldn't imagine myself in such a predicament. Has it been difficult for you?"

"A little more than normal," she smiled. "As I started the course later, I had to study the entire year's subjects in one term," Selene looked askance at Severus, and could perceive a slight smile of satisfaction on his lips. Despite Lucius' teasing, he didn't mind bragging about how smart his wife was.

"Marvelous. To a brilliant future lawyer," Lucius raised his glass, toasting her. Then he turned to Narcissa, who was letting him carry the weight of the conversation. "Cissa, I told you I wasn't wrong," he commented. "I had heard rumors that there was a talented Ravenclaw witch serving on the dark side," he explained, looking back at Selene, "but I had no idea who she was. I'm glad to know it's you. At the end of the day, your talent stays within the family," he commented, pointing to Severus. He looked at Lucius, surprised and astonished to see himself mentioned as "family." "Excuse my curiosity, but do you come from a family of death eaters?"

Selene almost choked when she heard the question, but she managed to get out of trouble and put down her fork without losing her composure, although her head was racing to give the appropriate answer.

"No... my father works in the Ministry, and my mother comes from the Travers family, but they were not death eaters," she answered evasive, remaining calm. She could feel Severus' gaze on her, ready to come to her rescue.

"Travers... Are you related to young Travers?" Lucius turned to look at Severus. "You hadn't told me that. We had two cousins on the dark side and I hadn't realized."

"Thadeus and I don't talk much," Selene added hastily. "Our families fought over an inheritance."

Lucius chuckled and drank from his wine glass.

"Ah, old family disagreements," he commented. "So did you become a death eater? As I understand, it is not clear whether you have the Mark or not," Narcissa cleared her throat, giving him a warning look, but the question had already been asked, and Selene felt prey to Lucius's gaze.

It was a kind look, which could change at any moment.

"Well, I..." Selene looked askance at Severus without knowing what to say. She didn't want to talk about her injury and the loss of her magic. "They..."

"There was no time, the Dark Lord was defeated before he could mark her," Severus intervened.

With that lie, he had protected Selene's secret, saving her pride and honor.

"I guess it saved you a lot of headaches with the aurors," Lucius smiled wryly. "We spent months without being able to move from home. It was most annoying, right Cissa?"

"Perhaps this is not the time to remember that, Lucius," Narcissa was smiling kindly, but her eyes gave her husband a warning look. She didn't want to make their guests uncomfortable.

Selene thanked her, although she felt upset and offended. The Malfoys were locked up in their luxurious mansion, while she and Severus had been prisoners in Azkaban. It seemed that even among the surviving death eaters, there were different kinds of punishments.

"You're right, my dear, I've said too much," Lucius tilted his head toward Severus, as if he had just remembered that he had been in prison and regretted his words. However, he turned his attention back to Selene. "Tell me Selene, who trained you?"

"Bellatrix Lestrange," she answered, with a strange taste in her mouth. She could see in her mind how the conversation was going to develop, just as if it were a chess game. Her stomach turned at the thought that she would have to lie and praise Bellatrix's virtues as a teacher.

"So we had someone in the family who knew you and didn't tell us anything," Lucius commented, smiling as if he were telling a joke. "Your sister keeps many secrets from us," he said to Narcissa, with a wink. Then he turned back to Selene. "And how is our Bella as a teacher? Is she as good as they say?"

Selene didn't know what to answer; it seemed very rude to her to tell Lucius that his sister-in-law was a bloody monster who appeared in all her nightmares, but she was incapable of lying, not even to avoid offending her hosts.

She was very aware of the presence of her wand in her pocket. The wand she could never, ever use again, thanks to Bellatrix.

"Lucius, you know how she is," Severus had been the one to intercede for her again, and Selene looked at him, confused but grateful for his help. "But if you want more details, I think Bellatrix herself will be happy to give you private lessons," he added dryly.

"Thank you for your intervention, Severus, but I was asking her, or isn't she allowed to speak?" Lucius was irritated by his behavior, which he considered arrogant and out of place. "Selene, I would really like to know what those training sessions exactly consisted of," he insisted kindly.

Selene wished she could sink into the chair and disappear. She felt anxiety taking over her again.

"Core, you don't need to say anything," Severus told her, knowing the reasons for her hesitation. It was the first time he had called her by that name all night, and his use of that nickname didn't go unnoticed.

"Well, I think she should," Lucius intervened, irritated.

Selene watched nervously as the two men stared angrily at each other and didn't know how to react. Fortunately, Narcissa intervened with her soft but inflexible voice.

"That's it, Lucius, this topic is not suitable for a dinner party," her forced smile said it all, and Lucius agreed to remain silent. "Tell me, Selene, have you traveled anywhere after the wedding?" she asked, leaning towards Selene, and giving her the opportunity to engage in a private conversation with her.

Selene blinked, surprised by the change of topic, but quickly recovered and smiled gratefully. At least she didn't have to endure Lucius's inquisitive gaze anymore.

"Yes, we went to Venice," she answered, with a shy smile.

Her memory flew momentarily to the happiest moments of that trip, and she noticed a warm and tinkling feeling growing inside of her. In front of her, the two men were talking again with some tension.

"Venice! It's a beautiful city, I've heard. I haven't been there yet, in fact, I haven't set foot in Italy. Our honeymoon was in France," Narcissa smiled kindly, and there was something about her that made Selene feel more comfortable.

"It's a shame," Selene was more relaxed, and she wanted to talk to her. "It is worth traveling there, although there is not enough time to get an idea of how splendid the city is."

"Is it true that at night you can see the lights of the magical city reflected in the canals?"

"Yes, and it is an incredible spectacle. There are many wonders that leave your mouth open."

"Which was your favorite part?"

"There was a bookstore that we visited every day," Selene smiled, remembering, and a pleasant tingling ran through her chest. "Maybe it wasn't the most beautiful place, but it had something... different," she smiled as she remembered her favorite corner, where she had taught Severus how to interpret the chess books.

He had called her Core for the first time there.

A light blush colored her face, under Narcissa's attentive gaze. However, the men's conversation caught her attention again.

"Have you heard about the new Ministry law?" Lucius asked.

"The protection of muggles and half-bloods?" Severus asked, and Lucius nodded. "Yes, I have heard something."

"Rubbish," Lucius muttered, drinking more wine. "They try to equate us with the mudbloods. We don't have enough to put up with them in the magical community without also having to protect them!"

"Yes, it is true that it is ironic," but Severus was barely listening to him.

He had his attention on Selene, who was chatting with Narcissa without a trace of her previous unease, and he was glad to see that the woman was finally smiling.

"It's truly idiotic," Lucius continued angrily. "We descend from magical families that come from the Middle Ages. It's a real shame that they force us to protect those useless bastards who don't deserve to be called wizards," Severus nodded, more to appease him than to agree with his words, but Lucius continued with his speech. "Anyway, it is a shame that due to the current situation we cannot impose the true order that things should have," Lucius sighed. "Now we can only keep a low profile," then he realized that Selene was listening, staring at him with wide eyes, not paying attention to what Narcissa was saying to her. "What do you think?"

Selene stood with the glass in her hand, looking at her host as if she didn't know what he was asking.

"Lucius, she's not going to tell you anything you don't-"

"Severus, please," Lucius burst out. "Let her do the talking."

"Actually... I wasn't listening," Selene lied shyly.

"I was telling your husband that, if circumstances were different, we should raze the wizarding world and eliminate all those muggles, mudbloods and squibs, just as the Dark Lord had planned. What do you think of that?"

Selene was speechless again. She was painfully aware of the barely visible scars that marked "squib" on her arm, and of her useless wand in her pocket. What would Lucius say if he knew the truth?

She felt her heart skip a beat in her chest, and her stomach churned. She wasn't going to be able to...

The glass exploded in her hand, cutting her skin. The wine splashed on her dress, staining it red. She stood still and embarrassed, not understanding how this could have happened, but Narcissa reacted quickly.

"Come on, Selene, come with me so I can clean it for you," she hurriedly said.

The two women left the room, and Severus watched them go, his hand still in his pocket. He had broken the cup. He regretted having to put Selene through that moment of embarrassment, but he knew it was the only way to get Lucius to leave her alone.

"You shouldn't treat her like that," Lucius said, in a disapproving tone.

"What?" Severus picked up his wine glass to conceal his guilt.

"I'm talking about your wife. It seems like she's a little girl from the way you behave with her."

"Lucius, why don't you mind your own business?" Severus replied irritably.

"Because I'm not going to keep quiet while I watch how you humiliate a woman who is nothing less than your wife," Lucius replied, angrily.


"No, you're going to listen to me," Lucius imposed himself. "That girl doesn't deserve the treatment you give her. I know you don't like being married, especially not to her, but you should try... I don't know, Severus, at least keep up appearances."

"Look, Lucius, first of all, you have no idea why I behave the way I do, and secondly, as you rightly say, Selene is my wife, and I know better than anyone how I have to treat her and why."

"Severus, I am not willing to allow you to continue behaving like this with her," Lucius had raised his voice, and Severus looked at him angrily.

"Are you insinuating that I mistreat her?" he hissed, narrowing his eyes dangerously. Lucius stood up straight.

"Physically, I don't know, because I see her healthy, but there are other forms of abuse."

"What are you saying?"

"Do you think I don't see how you despise her? How do you humiliate her? How do you make fun of her?"

"I would recommend you not talking about what you don't know," Severus was increasingly furious.

"What I don't know? By Merlin, Severus, I've been watching you all night! You don't let her speak, or give her opinion, and you barely allow her to move. And are you going to deny that you don't make fun of her when you call her Core?"

"Brave display of protection," Severus mocked, trying to divert the direction of the conversation. "And yet, you have no qualms about putting us all in danger, talking about the past, and the 'good old days'."

"Can't I express my opinion in my own home?" Lucius looked at him annoyed.

"Those types of opinions are very dangerous, even more so when they spy on every move we make," Severus scolded him. "What explanations do you think I'll have to give Dumbledore after tonight?"

"You and your fears. Why do you care so much what that crazy old man thinks?" Lucius snorted. "You have been declared innocent, you are free, just like me. They can't accuse you of anything."

"No, as long as I continue to maintain a low profile. And that includes preventing being associated with the Dark Lord again. Think a little, Lucius," he snapped, glaring at him. "Do you think Selene will endure another interrogation, without confessing everything she knows?" Severus knew for a fact that the woman had not betrayed him in Azkaban, and that she would not do so now either, but he needed Lucius to drop the subject once and for all. "Now you have a son, don't you think he could be harmed by your lack of subtlety?"

"I still think you're exaggerating," Lucius replied, "And your false concern for your wife doesn't make me take back my words. Do yourself a favor, and her too. Get a divorce and erase her memory if you're so scared that she'll betray you. But you don't need to continue with this charade. Unless you enjoy hurting her," Lucius' words dripped with venom, and Severus had to make a superhuman effort not to pull out his wand and curse him. He felt like he was shaking with anger.

"Lucius-" but Severus closed his mouth when he saw the women return.


Narcissa took Selene to one of the mansion's many restrooms, continuing to chatter in her sing-song voice.

"Forgive Lucius, he's been very nervous since... Halloween night," she explained diplomatically as she healed her hand. "Sometimes he doesn't realize that not everyone is interested in his ideas," she said, watching the wounds heal. "But he didn't have any ill will, seriously, I'm sure he didn't mean to bother you."

"I'm not upset... I just don't like being the center of attention," lied Selene, who had been offended by her host's question. But Narcissa believed her and looked at her sympathetically.

"It was the same with me at first, but as soon as you go to a couple more dinners, you will have completely conquered your fears," she consoled her.

"I hope so," Selene whispered, sincerely grateful for the woman's help and kindness.

"Anyway, and sorry for putting it this way, Severus is also behaving a little strangely tonight. I wonder what is happening to him..." she made a flourish with her wand, fixing Selene's stained dress. "He behaves in an unusually protective way towards you. I had never seen him like this," she commented, with an inquisitive look. Selene turned red.

"He doesn't like to talk about intimate matters," she murmured, avoiding Narcissa's eyes.

"Intimate, huh?" the woman smiled.

"I didn't mean-" Selene noticed how nausea suddenly suffocated her.

The tension of that night had done nothing to alleviate the symptoms of her recent illness. Abruptly, she lunged for the toilet, vomiting loudly. Deeply embarrassed, she sat up, coughing.

"I'm very sorry," she apologized.

"It doesn't matter," Narcissa interrupted her gently, and helped her clean herself again. "It happened to me all the time. Everything improves after the first trimester," she commented. "How far along are you?" she asked, looking her up and down.

"What are you talking about?" Selene looked at her without understanding.

"How long have you been pregnant?"

Selene's eyes widened, and she almost lost her balance. She had to hold herself against the sink to keep from falling.

"I'm not pregnant," she said in a low voice. "I have been ill. There was a problem with the food in the cantine-"

"Excuse me, it's not my business," Narcissa shook her head, without insisting further.

"I'm not lying," Selene protested. But a part of her mind was beginning to ask the same question: Was she pregnant? When was the last time she had her period? Before the poisoning episode?

"You don't have to explain yourself to me," Narcissa took her hand, gently, smiling kindly. It seemed like she was serious.

Then, a house-elf approached them.

"Mrs. Malfoy, Master Draco has woken up," he announced in his squeaky voice.

"Excuse me, it will only be a second. My son is not able to fall asleep until I hold him in my arms," she told Selene. Then she turned to the house-elf. "Take Mrs. Snape to the library, I'll come get her when I'm done."

Selene followed the house-elf, totally distracted. She put her hands on her belly, wondering if Narcissa was right. She should make sure in the morning. How would she tell Severus? What would he think of that? Happiness and nervousness flooded her in equal parts.

They had finally begun to live together as a married couple. If it was true that she was expecting a baby... that would change everything.

Selene looked around, trying to calm down. It was not convenient for her to agitate her battered stomach any further.

Then, her eyes fell on a gigantic silver book, which occupied a privileged place on a lectern. As she approached it, she couldn't help but smile wryly. Of course, the Malfoys had gotten hold of the most expensive and precious book that could exist, "The Book That Knows Everything".

Checking that no one was around her, Selene leaned over the book.

"What does Core mean?"

The book opened, and the pages turned quickly, stopping at a specific paragraph.

"Core, referring to the center, the nucleus, the most important area. In its most arcane form, it also means the dearest, the most loved..." Selene read aloud. "My love..." she understood, feeling that all the blood in her body had gone to her face. She suddenly felt elated, wanting to laugh and jump, but she stopped herself in time and just smiled. She felt limitless happiness invade her.

At that moment Narcissa returned and looked at Selene curiously.

"Are you all right?" she asked, looking at her blushing cheeks. Selene closed the book gently.

"Yes, I just wanted... I was curious," Selene responded, a little redder. There was a warm tingling in her stomach, and she wanted to laugh non-stop, but she managed to maintain her composure, except for a weak smile.

Narcissa did not insist, preferring to respect her privacy, and led her back to the dining room. When they entered the room, they saw that the two men were arguing, but both fell silent when they saw the women arrive.

Selene looked at Severus, and noticed that tickling in her stomach again, increasingly intense, and she couldn't help but smile secretly.

Tension had taken over the table, and they didn't talk much as they finished dinner with a somber air. Selene, however, was absent from the thin air, paying no attention to Narcissa's feeble attempts to talk about something again. She felt like she was on a cloud, and for a few moments she allowed herself to enjoy that sensation, feeling how all her doubts and questions were suddenly resolved.

But her tranquility lasted until Narcissa received a note, delivered by a house-elf.

"It's my sister's. She says that Rodolphus, Rabastan and Barty will come with her, after finishing some business," she informed Lucius.

Hearing that, Selene lost her smile and went white again. The fork trembled in her hand, and she suddenly found herself unable to swallow.

"Are they still determined to find the whereabouts of...?" but Lucius looked at Severus out of the corner of his eye and said nothing more. "Does she say what time they will arrive?"

"You know Bella, she doesn't like to give too many details," Narcissa folded the note and left it next to her.

Selene looked nervously from one to the other. The warm happiness that had flooded her a few minutes earlier had completely evaporated. Severus saw her frightened expression and his expression soured as well.

"We're leaving," he announced, standing up.

Lucius and Narcissa looked at him in confusion, as did Selene, who sensed that this haste was due to her.

"It's not necessary," she said, conveying with her look that she could put up with whatever was necessary, even the presence of the feared Bellatrix, but Severus was not willing to give in just to avoid offending Lucius and Narcissa.

"Yes, it is, Core," he looked into her eyes, and she was overcome with relief.

He had promised to protect her, and he was going to keep it. Selene got emotional, without knowing why. It was as if a huge weight had suddenly been lifted from her shoulders.

Everyone got up from the table, the hosts not really knowing how to react, and the guests eager to get out of there. When Selene said goodbye to Lucius, she looked at him pleadingly, asking his forgiveness for that hasty escape. She also hugged Narcissa.

"Thank you very much for everything," she whispered, with a shy smile. The woman returned a knowing look.

"We'll be in touch," she promised.

Severus took her arm, gently but firmly, and led her out of there.

Once back in the gardens, they took a deep breath of the cold night air, as if they were short of breath, and could not deny the relief that came from leaving the tense atmosphere behind them.

Severus relaxed the pressure of his hand and used the apparition to move in front of their house with Selene. They entered the building and headed to the living room, still without saying anything.

Severus collapsed onto the couch and buried his face in his hands, exhaling the air from his lungs and feeling very tired. Selene leaned on the table, looking at him, and neither of them said anything for a long time.

"How is your hand?" Severus finally asked, raising his head.

"Better. Narcissa healed it for me, and it doesn't hurt anymore," she responded, showing the palm of her hand.

"I was the one who broke the glass," Severus confessed. "It was the only thing I could think of to get you out of the trouble Lucius had put you in," he explained, apologetically.

"It doesn't bother me, although I still smell like wine," Selene gave a small smile. "What's more, I thank you... for everything," she added, referring to everything he had done for her during dinner. "You have helped me a lot tonight."

"It's the least I could do," Severus murmured.

"Do you think they will be upset?" Selene asked, referring to the Malfoys.

"I do not know, and I do not care. Let them do whatever they want."

"We shouldn't have acted like that; it was their dinner."

"It was a theater. They didn't know what to do to observe us at will, and that's why they made us go. I still don't understand what's going through Lucius' head. Maybe he was trying to spy on me or threaten me..."

"I think he simply got carried away with the wine," she said. "I get the impression that he's having a hard time leaving his old position as a death eater behind."

"That makes him even more of an idiot," Severus growled. They both fell silent again.

Selene ran her hands over her belly, thoughtful.

"I wouldn't mind pretending to be polite from time to time," she said quietly. "I don't want to spend the rest of my life hiding, and I think that attending a couple of dinners every... a few months, wouldn't be bad... I would like to see Narcissa again," she confessed. "Everything will be fine, as long as I can avoid Bellatrix," she added.

"Don't worry, I won't let her touch you again," Severus assured, in a burst of protective energy that surprised even him.

"Thank you," she was also surprised.

"Don't thank me," he replied. "I just want to help you, Core."

She was amazed and moved by that display of sincerity. She also felt that warm tickling in the pit of her stomach again. She thought about all the times he had called her by that name, starting with that day in the bookstore in Venice, and she noticed how her legs were shaking. Had he felt that way about her since then?

Very slowly, feeling that tickling heat inside her again, Selene approached Severus and sat down next to him.

She was no longer so afraid of what might happen the next day, when she would definitively verify whether Narcissa's suspicions were true or not. Selene was sure that, if she were to communicate good news, they would be received with joy.

She took Severus's hands in hers, and approaching him, she looked into his eyes.

"Sevgi, you asked me to always be honest with you," she remembered. He raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"What did you call me?" but Selene just smiled a mysterious smile.

"You heard it," she whispered, getting closer to him. Her heart was pounding in her chest. "I love you too," and crossing the small space that separated them, she kissed him on the lips.

It was a special moment, in which time seemed to stop, while that shy kiss took center stage, creating bonds that a marriage contract could not match, and breaking down with a stroke the few barriers that still remained between the two of them.

They hadn't hugged, and they didn't touch each other more than necessary, but inside, Selene was smiling.

Severus was kissing her back.


If you liked this story, try reading another of the Fanfictions I've published

The snake and the lion (Severus x OC)

Saving Ravenclaw (Severus x Rowena)

Marriage of convenience (Draco x Astoria)

Memories of a Death Eater (Severus x OC)

Getting to know S. (Severus x OC)

Snape's Family (Severus x OC)

The Dark Lady (Severus Snape x OC)

Blood of my blood (Severus Snape)

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