MissingPiece (Trafalgar Law x...

Oleh SpookTheBabadook

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Stupid Contest, Stupid Date, Stupid Penguin! A wager lost, upends the life Sorna was slowly trying to p... Lebih Banyak

I'm Gonna Like it Here
Finalized Concept Art for Sorna
Bring it On!
The Date and The Offer?
The Void.
We're Haunted!
Twist my Arm.
This is What Trust Looks Like.
Too Close.
The Legend of Isla Tatine
Have you seen Penguin?
All the King's Horses
All the King's Men
Dear Sorna
Even In My Darkest Hours
Welcome Back
Trust, Destiny, and Mathematics

What do you Think About Chimera?

75 12 2
Oleh SpookTheBabadook

|Months Later, Marine Headquarters, the new world|

As Law and Bepo disembark from the Polar Tang, the rest of the crew gathers on the deck, leaning on the rails to watch the duo who are now patiently waiting on the dock. A few yards away, nervous marines stand by, their attention riveted on the unfolding scene.

The tension heightens when Vice Admiral Momonga walks down the dock with determination, causing the marines to snap to attention and salute. Two subordinates follow closely behind him, and he comes to a halt before Law, his face marked by suspicion.

"Come on, Momonga. Giving me the whore's treatment are you? Don't want to let me up into the main house, just keeping me out on the street so your wife doesn't find out?" Law teases the Vice Admiral, feigning offense.

Unamused by Law's antics, Momonga stands firm, "It's Vice Admiral, and you pirates are not getting any further on Navy property than already you are. Now, what do you want? They said you were here to give us something of value?" Monmonga sarcastically spits the last bit. As if Law could have anything they want.

With a nonchalant wave of his hand, Law signals to Bepo. With deliberate steps, the bear places a weathered chest at Momonga's feet. In a fluid motion, Law utilizes the scabbard of his Nodachi, deftly unlatching the chest. As the lid swings open, it reveals a gruesome collection: one hundred pulsating hearts.

The moment the lid swings open to reveal the writhing hearts, a shudder of revulsion sweeps through the marines, some staggering back as nausea strikes, unable to mask their horror at the sight. Yet, Momonga, ever the stoic figure, merely offers the chest a fleeting glance.

"I see the trouble you caused at Rocky Port was quite lucrative." he comments dryly, his voice betraying none of the astonishment that grips his men.

"One hundred hearts of some of the most ruthless pirates on the Grand Line, delivered by yours truly. No need for thanks, just grant me Warlord status, and we'll call it even," Law declares with a confident grin.

Momonga, momentarily taken aback by such a bold proposition, ponders briefly before replying, "I will take the request to my superiors." He gestures to his subordinates to secure the chest.

But Law is quick to react, snapping the lid closed and placing a decisive foot atop it, his smirk barely visible under the shadow of his iconic hat, "Not so fast. You get confirmation first, and THEN you get the hearts."

Momonga's irritation grows as the encounter progresses, his patience thinning with every passing second.

Law cuts through his frustration, "We'll give you one hour. Return with confirmation, or don't bother coming back. Fail to return? I'll sail away with these hearts and cast them into the ocean. Consider the leverage you'd lose over the Grand Line without these tokens from its most formidable pirates."

A menacing smile unfolds on Law's face, "Tic-Toc, lap dog. Your time starts now. It's rude to keep a lady waiting, even if she is a whore."

Fuming with barely contained rage, Momonga masks his anger with a stoic façade. With a sneer directed at Law, he spins around and strides briskly back towards headquarters. The sight of Law's smug crewmates on the deck, who proceed to flick him off with arrogant smiles, only fuels his rage. His gaze lingers momentarily on a white-haired girl among them, who has yet to accrue a bounty.

Meanwhile, Bepo stretches out comfortably, basking in the sea breeze that plays through his fur. Law settles next to him, reclining against the bear's side, his nodachi laid back on his shoulder. Shielding his eyes from the sun with his hat, Law indulges in a leisurely catnap on the dock at marine headquarters. As the tranquility settles, his mind drifts to Sorna, a familiar thought whenever time allows.

'She will barely acknowledge me outside of our sessions. Only an hour with her every 3 days, She's says nothing about why she withdrew from me. I try to ask, but as always it comes out wrong, and I dont want to push her.'

'I thought we were passed her not trusting me'

'Our encounters have become transactional. She gives me history, and I attend to the damaged parts of her mind. With speech therapy, she has been improving exponentially. Though, her memory still remains clouded. As soon as the session is complete, she scurries out of my office like I'm going to kill her. She even goes the long ways through the sub avoiding the hall my room is on entirely.'

'I hate this.'

"Ugghh, this is such a drag," Law curses under his breath, basking in the sun.

As Shachi and Penguin near the heart of the ship, an unexpected soccer ball arcs through the sky, striking Shachi squarely at the back of his head. Seething, he spins around, his gaze darting for the perpetrator, ready to punch their lights out.

Before him stand, none other than, Sorna and Ikkaku, their faces split by wicked grins. The ball finds its way back to Ikkaku, who catches it with ease and playfully compresses it at her chest. Sorna, her eyes alight with a spark of mischief, points daringly at the boys and throws down the challange, "You. us. scrap game. Boys vs. Girls!"

A devious smile flashes across the boys' faces as they exchange glances and then turn their attention back to the girls. In perfect unison, they nod and accept the challenge, ready for the playful rivalry ahead.

"Oh! You two are going down!" They both flex their arms, and chest bump.

The nets are set up, one on the girls' side at the front of the deck, and another on the boys' side in front of the main bulkhead. Sorna confidently unties the sleeves of her jumpsuit, kicking it off her legs to reveal her camouflaged skin glistening in the sunlight. Her athletic build flexes as she effortlessly juggles the ball with her feet, dressed in a halter tank and bikini bottoms.

Meanwhile, Ikkaku unzips her jumpsuit, exposing a string bikini top underneath. Tying the arms around her hips, she stands ready for the challenge. As the playful banter continues, Sorna can't resist poking an envious finger into the side of Ikkaku's boob. The comparison is made as Sorna then pokes her own, highlighting the noticeable difference - Ikkaku's easily double, if not triple, the size of Sorna's.

"No fair," Sorna deadpans to her.

Ikkaku adopts a sultry stance, one hand languidly resting behind her head, the other accentuating her hip. With a teasing lilt, she purrs, "Careful, jealousy is an ugly color." punctuating her taunt with a playful wink.

From the other side of the deck, Penguin and Shachi's riled cries cut through the air,"THAT'S CHEATING!" their voices blending in a chorus of feigned outrage.

With both of them pointing accusatory fingers, a rosy blush tinges their cheeks as pink soaked images invade their minds. Mischief and playful debauchery clear on their faces.

The girls laugh at the poor, tortured males. Sorna calls out at them, "Girls are shirts! That makes boys skins!"

"YOU'RE BARELY WEARING ANYTHING!" They yell in irritation, pointing at Ikakku's flimsy bikini top that could fly off at the slightest breeze.

The Ikakku and Sorna turn to each, having a hand on their mouths the other shooing in the boys' direction. They giggle and gossip like school girls, teasing the boys relentlessly, "Aaawweee, they're shy!" Ikkaku chimes.

"How precious!" Sorna muses

A giddy aura permeates the entire deck as the excitement from the girls spreads. Emboldened by the playful atmosphere, Shachi and Penguin seize the moment, simultaneously yanking down the zippers of their jumpsuits.

"Suit yourselves." They boast, "We were just trying to save you from heartbreak!" They shoot in the girls' direction.

With a coordinated move, they grasp the collars of their open jumpsuits, skillfully pulling them off their shoulders. The black tank tops underneath are ripped off and casually tossed aside. Revealed are two perfect male specimens, boasting impressive builds and sun-kissed skin.

Ensuring to flex a little extra for the watching girls, Shachi and Penguin tie the sleeves of their suits around their waists.

Sorna's giggles fill the air as she glances mischievously at Ikkaku, who attempts to conceal her newly rosed complexion. Despite her best efforts, Ikkaku can't help but steal glances at the boys, fighting off the temptation to lustfully stare.

Sorna playfully nudges Ikkaku in the shoulder, a knowing smirk on her face, prompting a slapping fit from Ikkaku. Just caught drooling red handed, she tries to regain her composure.

"We doing this?!" The boys shout, Shachi taking post in front of the goal, Pengiun midway.

Sorna shoots a mischievous grin at Ikkaku as she jogs to midfield. Ikkaku mouthing 'No way!' at Sorna.

'I wonder which on she likes, Shachi?... Penguin?... BOTH?!'

Freckles blush Sorna's cheeks, as she concocts an evil plan in her head.

Sorna confidently takes her position a few feet in front of Penguin, dropping the ball equidistant between them. The gentle ocean waves cause the ball to roll around.

"Let the games begin..." She says under breath, smiling to herself.

"Make ready!..." she pauses one hand raised in the air. The waves cause the ball to roll slightly closer to Penguin. She swiftly drops her hand, "GO!" She shouts.

Penguin skillfully pulls the ball back towards him, prompting Sorna to charge forward. She launches swift kicks at the ball, trying to chip it away, but Penguin uses his body as a barrier, maintaining control within his guard.

Sorna feels a few bumps from Penguin's upper body as he cleverly maintains distance between her and the ball. Using his foot, he adeptly maneuvers the ball left and right, looking for an opening. Seizing an opportunity, he back-pulls the ball again and gives Sorna a solid shove with his shoulder. Swiftly spinning to her right, Penguin dribbles the ball wide behind her, creating space and charging towards the goal.

Ikkaku assumes a ready stance, squatting in preparation for Penguin's shot on goal. As Penguin winds up to drive the ball past her, Sorna reappears unexpectedly, executing a slide tackle that sends the ball flying away.

The move causes Penguin to trip over Sorna's leg, leading to a collision with Ikkaku. They tumble over one another and end up in a heap on the deck, with Ikkaku seated and Penguin's bare chest caught between her legs, his face pressed into her abdomen.

Penguin lifts his head for air, then blushes at the awkward position. Shooting a glare at Sorna for the surprise tackle, he sees her nonchalantly checking her nails, one foot casually resting on the retrieved ball.

Ikkaku's face turns a deep shade of red, her hand covering her cheeks to hide her flustered state. Eager shift the focus, she delivers a swift kick to Penguin's chest, sending him tumbling off her. Casting a sharp look at Sorna, who feigns innocence with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she watches as Sorna dribbles the ball towards Shachi, the sun casting playful shadows on the deck.

'Penguin... Check!'

Sorna's laughter fills the air as she gears up for her next move. Shachi steps forward from the goal, ready for Sorna's shot. However, Sorna holds back, skillfully drawing him out of the goal zone with deceptive finesse. Unbeknownst to Shachi, Sorna is playing a completely different game. As he charges toward her, aiming for the ball, she deftly moves it back and forth, playfully toying with him.

In a strategic move, she lures Shachi to her left, and he takes the bait, falling into Sorna's trap. A confident smile plays across Sorna's face as she prepares for her next move. She chips the ball to her right foot, ready to juke Shachi, when suddenly, Penguin charges in from behind. With a forceful tackle, he sends her sprawling to the ground. As Sorna tumbles, the ball continues its roll towards the goal.

"SHACHI GO!" Penguin commands.

As Shachi back-pulls the ball and heads toward Ikkaku, Sorna quickly gets back on her feet, determined to catch up to him. With each stride, she narrows the gap, but Shachi reaches Ikkaku's range before she can intervene. Adjusting her strategy, Sorna pulls back, ready to receive the ball.

Ikkaku seizes the moment, charging at Shachi and targeting his weak side as he dribbles. She skillfully snatches the ball away, sending it flying towards Sorna. Without a moment's hesitation, Sorna draws back her leg and delivers a powerful kick, propelling the ball towards the back of Shachi's unsuspecting head.

The impact is forceful, causing the ball to practically wrap around his head as he's propelled toward Ikkaku. At the same time, the ball launches toward the opposite goal, aiming straight for the center of the net. Just before it crosses the goal line, Penguin intervenes, catching the ball and thwarting a score.

Shachi's face buries into Ikkaku's cleavage, cushioning his fall as he crashes into her. They tumble onto the deck, with Shachi landing on top in a tangled heap of limbs. A goofy grin spreads across Shachi's face as he focuses on the humorous aspect of their predicament, seemingly unfazed by the throbbing in his head. He raises a hand to check for a nosebleed, still wearing a foolish smile.

As Ikkaku recovers from the impact, she props herself up on her elbows and notices Shachi buried into her. A surge of lustful sensations washes over her, swiftly overtaken by embarrassment and then rage. She quickly socks Shachi on the top of his head, trying to hide her flushed face. From midfield, Sorna watches the scene unfold, noting Ikkaku's reddened complexion, a devilish smile playing on her face.

'Shachi... Check!'

'One more test, just to confirm the results.'

Penguin casually drops the ball to his feet, skillfully dribbling it in place. From midfield, Sorna charges toward him. As She closes in, a flash of panic crosses Penguin's face. Recognizing he's the inferior goalkeeper to Shachi, he abandons the idea of facing Sorna head-on. Instead, he musters a burst of power and drives the ball downfield as hard as he can. The ball takes to the air, climbing higher with the help of an upward tailwind. It teeters on the edge of being lost at sea amidst a field of docked battleships, sailing perilously close to going out of bounds.

'It's not out of bounds until it hits the ground!... er Ocean'

Channeling the raw essence of her animalistic abilities, Sorna explodes into a sprint of unparalleled speed and determination. With a burst of agility, she vaults over the girls' goal net, propelling herself from the ship's bow into the sky.  Mid-leap, she deftly intercepts the ball.

"IKKAKU! GO LONG!" Sorna shouts from the sky.

Abandoning her post at the goal, Ikkaku launches an aggressive charge towards Penguin, with Shachi hot on her heels, both racing towards the boys' net. Swiftly, Penguin maneuvers himself into a defensive stance, ready to guard the goal, while Shachi readies himself to counter Ikkaku's bold advance.

They get closer...


'Almost there!!!'


Shachi, Ikkaku, and Penguin line up like the Earth, Moon, and Sun in an eclipse.

'Time for the grand finale!...'

Sorna deftly captures the ball with a swift hook of her leg, marshaling the full might of her strength. She unleashes a torrent of energy, her foot acting as the conduit, hurtling the ball towards her friends with unparalleled velocity.

Caught off guard by the impending onslaught, Shachi, Ikkaku, and Penguin freeze in their tracks. But the ball's ferocious speed leaves them no chance to sidestep the blow. It slams into Shachi's midsection with such force that he's propelled into Ikkaku, and together, they spiral into Penguin. The forceful collision sends the trio sprawling over the goal line, entangled in a whirlwind of limbs and disarray.

Sorna gracefully descends towards the dock, her eyes locked on Ikkaku, ensnared in the net alongside Shachi and Penguin. The trio, in a tangle of limbs and torsos, paints a scene that borders on the scandalous, with skin brushing against skin in a multitude of compromising embraces.

Observing Ikkaku's awkward entanglement with the two shirtless men, Sorna sees a wave of embarrassed emotions wash over her friend. Ikkaku's face turns every conceivable shade of pink as she struggles to contain the blush spreading across her cheeks. Overcome by the moment, Ikkaku's hand flits to her nose, pinching it in a futile attempt to halt the drips of blood that daringly make their escape.


Sorna lands feet on the deck. She shoots her fists in the air, cheering for herself. "GOALLLL!!"

Sorna bursts into a jubilant victory dance, her body radiating sheer delight over her playful antics during the deck soccer match unmistakable. A few yards away, Law covertly admires her, with just one eye peeking open from his half-lidded gaze.

Wisps of Sorna's hair, loosely bound, whirl around her in a playful dance, catching the soft sunlight that bathes her in a warm, ethereal glow. Delicate beads of sweat highlight the contours of her body as she moves, her carefree celebration mirrored in her lively movements. Law's attention is captivated, tracing the joy in her expression down to the length of her bare legs.

Mesmerized by the sight, Law's primal instincts stir, his pulse quickening. He tightens his hold on his nodachi and tugs his hat lower, hoping to hide the blush that reveals his fascination with Sorna's joyful dance.

As Momonga strides purposefully towards the docks, Sorna abruptly halts her cheers, her expression darkening into a scowl at his approach. Dismissing the Vice Admiral with a turn of her head, she gracefully bounds back onto the deck of the Polar Tang. Unfazed by her reaction, Momonga maintains his steady pace, his focus set on reaching Law.

"Well, well, if it isn't the illustrious lap dog, arriving with a whole 15 minutes to spare. Your punctuality is nothing short of impeccable," Law quips, his smug smile widening as he lounges atop Bepo, not bothering to rise. "So, what's the verdict?"

"I'll be taking those hearts now, Warlord." Momonga demands, his voice laced with clear disdain.

"Fabulous! It's been a real treat. Pleasure doing business with you." Law responds, rising to his feet with a flourish, offering Momonga a handshake.

Momonga's stare lingers on the offered hand, his expression souring further. With a curt "Chh," he pivots on his heel, striding back towards Navy Headquarters. Two marines rush in to claim the chest of hearts.

"Awe, Momonga. Don't be that way. You're gonna hurt my feelings." Law calls out, his taunt tinged with amusement as he watches the Vice Admiral's retreating figure.

As Momonga's gaze drifts upward, he catches sight of the white-haired girl on the deck of the Polar Tang being bullied by Ikkaku. A subtle smile flickers across Momonga's lips before he addresses Law, "Tell me, Warlord... What do you know about Chimera?" His words carry a slight taunt, aimed like a jab at Law.

Law's face remains impassive, though the thinly veiled threat to Sorna doesn't go unoticed. Although tempted to strike Momonga down, he holds back, aware of the need for caution. Momonga is clearly fishing, and if the Vice Admiral had any concrete proof, they'd all be dead already.

"About a what?" Law Feigns ignorance.

"You know, Chimera? Beastly creatures with sharp teeth, forked tongues, and claws?" Momonga presses, looking back at him.

Law chuckles dismissively, "What? Like a demon? What's next, asking me about the boogeyman?" He forces a smile, feigning amusement, "That's funny, Momonga. I never pegged you for the superstitious type."

After a thoughtful 'hmm' directed at Law, Momonga turns and begins strolling back towards headquarters. As an afterthought, he glances back at Law, waving his hand dismissively before continuing, "Just curious is all. One attacked World Noble Charlos at Sabaody many months back. Close to the time that white-haired girl saved you all at Marineford and joined your crew."

In silence, Law pivots and makes his way back to the Polar Tang, his departure shrouded in a darkness that reflects the storm of anger brewing on his face.


|That evening, lounge room of the Polar Tang|

Law reclines leisurely against Bepo, his hat casting a shadow over his features. His legs, elegantly crossed, find a comfortable perch atop the gently rising and falling chest of a snoring Shachi. In the realm of dreams, Shachi is lost in whimsical reveries of Ikkaku's soft embrace, his cheeks flushed with a dreamy blush as fanciful hearts flutter around him. A short distance away, Penguin occupies a chair, listlessly bouncing a ball against the floor in a monotonous rhythm, visibly bored out of his skull.

"Peennggguuiinnn...?" Law's voice carries a note of warning from beneath his hat, tinged with annoyance, "Chill with the ball."

Penguin shoots Law a glare, "Come on, I'm so bored!"

"So? I'm sure there are chores you didn't do. Go do those." Law retorts, without shifting from his relaxed posture.

Penguin's irritation bubbles over, "What are you even doing down here? Shouldn't be ogling Sorna somewhere? Dude, it's been months!"

Under his hat, a shadow of annoyance passes over Law's face.

"I mean, seriously!" Penguin doesn't let up, "Me and Shaichi set you up with a home run, and you fumble it so badly she barely gives you the time of day! What gives?"

"Set up?" The word escaping from Law in a growl.

"Never mind that." Penguin waves dismissively, "Why aren't you two swooning in each other's arm and making googly eyes at one another?"

Law's response is a weighted silence...

"Come on, out with it." Penguin insists.

"She... rej...." Law's attempt at an explanation dissolves into a muffled mutter, his face still shrouded by his hat.

"What was that?" Penguin leans forward, mockingly cupping his ear toward Law, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "You'll have to speak up."

With a sudden burst of energy, Law snaps upright with frustration as his feet smack the floor, "She rejected me! Okay?" he declares, fixing Penguin with a pointed look, the irritation clear in his posture and tone.

Startled by the commotion, Bepo's fur stands on end, and he hastily mutters his apologies. Nearby, Shachi is jolted awake, emerging from his slumber with a loud snort. Penguin, initially stunned by Law's explosive revelation, pauses momentarily, his eyes wide. Then, as the weight of Law's confession dawns on him, a cascade of chuckles breaks free, escalating into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

A flush of embarrassment washes over Law, quickly giving way to a simmering irritation and, eventually, a boiling rage, "Can it, Bird Brain!" he barks, his patience frayed.

In a flash of frustration, Law chucks a pillow at Penguin, who agilely dodges the makeshift projectile, his laughter undiminished.

"Hold on." Penguin gasps between bouts of giggles, "All the times... hot girls you don't care about threw themselves at you... and now... you can't even get the one hot girl... you do care about... who is head over heels for you to take you!" He doubles over, clutching his sides, seized by spasms of laugher.

As Shachi begins to snicker at the unfolding drama, Bepo, unable to resist, joins in the laughter, their amusement filling the air. Feeling cornered and slightly betrayed by the bear, Law's glare sharpens, zeroing in on  him with a piercing intensity.

"I'm sorry." The bear murmurs.

"SCREW YOU!" Law shouts, raising from the couch to storm out of the room.

"Wait! Wait!" Penguin interjects, hastily wiping away tears. "Tell me what happened."

Law, still highly skeptical, fixes Penguin with a distrustful glare. Unfazed, Penguin kicks out a chair nearby, gesturing for Law to take a seat. With reluctant acceptance, Law sits down, silently pouting.

"Welllll???" Penguin leans forward, his curiosity piqued.

"We were together..."

"Ooh, spicey!" Shachi interjects from the sideline, instantly drawing a withering glare from Law.

"... She's all riled up, I offer my solace, she eases up, we're connecting, then wham! She goes full fortress mode, mutters some cryptic words, and bolts out of my quarters like a bat outta hell." Law stumbles over his words. They trail off as he slumps into his chair, a tactic to hide his embarrassment.

"Poor little Law, still not so good at expressing, are we?" Penguin quips, a teasing hint in his voice as he ribs Law about his emotional articulation... or the lack thereof.

Law stands up to leave.

Penguin extends a leg, blocking Law's path, "Wait a sec, what did she whisper? We're you evening listening?"

"Of course, I was listening!" Law snaps back, giving Penguin a firm jab to the shoulder.

Nursing his shoulder with a slight grimace, Penguin merely lifts his eyebrows, silently indicating for Law to continue.

Law's voice drops to a murmur, "It was barely audible, as if speaking any louder would shatter the world..." Law closes his eyes, furrowing his brows and pinching the bridge of his nose in concentration. "She said... Chimera can't unfeel certain things... They can't just hold someone once..."

"Well, that makes no sense." Penguin observes.

Overwhelmed with irritation, Law delivers a forceful kick to the base of Penguin's chair, toppling him to the ground, "Don't you think I know that!" Law barks, his voice laced with a raw edge.

As if speaking to no one, Law begins to ramble like a madman, his words tinged with a hint of lunacy, and frantic energy crackling around him, ""She breezes into our sessions, then vanishes like a shadow, not so much as a backward glance in my direction... And THEN, as if to taunt me further, I find her in the training room, or out there, nonchalantly kicking a ball around in those in those damn bikini bottoms! It's sending me straight up the DAMN WALL!"

Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo can only offer bewildered stares as Law's tirade unfolds before them. They've never seen the guy so worked up, especially over some girl.

"And what are you all staring at?!?!" Law snaps, his patience done. Overcome with a mix of emotions and mortified by his own display, Law hastily exits the room, his mind a whirlwind of frustration.

Ikkaku, casually passing by with a handful of snacks, pauses to shoot a questioning glance at Law storming down the corridor. Peering into the room, she sees Penguin sprawled on the floor and Bepo and Shachi sitting in shock, their expressions frozen in disbelief.

"What the hell happened?"


|Some days later, Sorna's room, evening|

Knock... Knock...

Springing from her bed with an energetic bounce, Sorna fluffs her tangled hair with a vigorous shake before diving into her jumpsuit, declaring, "One sec!"

She hustles to the hatch, finishing the ties of her jumpsuit in a flurry, then flings the door open with a swift tug.

"Hey, Sorna!"

"Penguin!" She cheers, "Come in!"

She swings the door wider, motioning him in while simultaneously carving a path through the clothes on her floor. Leading him to the chair at her desk, she then settles onto her bed.

With a curious look, she fixes her eyes on Penguin, awaiting his words. Casually, she sweeps her hair over her shoulder and starts finger-combing it as a way to pass the time.

"Well....?" She inquires impatiently.

"Um, well... I just thought I'd come see how your speech therapy was going. You seem to be talking better." Penguin says, hastily constructing his words in an effort to ease the tension and fill the silence.

"Oh, well yeah! I guess. I still fumble at times, and I remain struggling with the rhythm... but I think I am making it okay!" Sorna responds, her spirits lifting as she talks about her progress. "Law has worked hard to help me with the process."

As she mentions Law's name, she instinctively reaches for a shorter lock of hair at the nape of her neck, twirling it absentmindedly as she chews on it periodically.

"That's great!" Penguin replies, his voice trailing off as he searches for the next thread of conversation. His gaze drifts and lands on the heart tattoos just visible at the edges of her halter tank.

"Heart tattoos!" he exclaims, pointing them out, while she looks down, momentarily puzzled.

"Umm.. Yeah, they are always there." Sorna replies, her confusion evident as she gives Penguin a questioning look.

"Well... I mean, I just noticed you and Law both like hearts, apparently. That's pretty cool, right?" Penguin manages to find a conversational foothold.

"I suppose..." Sorna's thoughts drift to Law, his tattooed form vivid in her mind, prompting a blush to bloom across her freckling cheeks. She hurriedly covers her face with her hands, "I mean, I do not necessarily have a liking for hearts specifically. I only decided to get them because they match my mother's"

"Oh? Your mom? Have you had any memories?" Penguin inquires sincerely.

"In a way. It remains the same. I can not see faces or hear voices. Only know what has happened, but I get knew knowledge now and then." Sorna explains, pressing her temples as if trying to coax out a memory, but to no avail. A wave of frustration washes over her, twisting her features in irritation.

"Well, that's something, right?" He offers, trying to lift her spirits.

"I suppose so." she concedes with a smile, but her gaze quickly sharpens, casting a pointed look at Penguin, suspecting ulterior motives. "Now, tell me what you have really bothered me for. I smell troublemaking on you. "

Penguin's hands fly up in a gesture of surrender, "Damn, your instincts are good, Sorna." He chuckles sheepishly.

"Well, yes. But that is not the reason. You are just bad at faking." she retorts, waving her hand in a dismissive circle, clearly unimpressed.

"Ouch, but okay," he laughs it off, "Law said you had a history book, I was wondering if I could borrow it."

"It would be pointless. You can't read it."

Penguin hastily explains, "I know, Law said it's written in some kind of invisible ink only your eyes can see. But I have an idea to help us read it, and I want to give it a try."

"Um, well, I do not see why not." she responds, her tone tinged with mild confusion.

Getting up from her bed, Sorna approaches her desk. Reaching past Penguin, she opens a drawer and pulls out a thick book with seemingly blank pages, offering it to him. She hesitates for a second, then draws the book back slightly.

"Be very careful with it. It could be one of the only ones left. Damage it, and I skin you and eat you." A chilling smile spreads across her face, her sharp teeth glinting menacingly.

Penguin, unsure whether she's jesting, replies with a nervous squeak, "Of course." He quickly snatches the book and bolts out the door, leaving Sorna to bask in her malevolence.


|Law's office|

Penguin bursts in, looking pale as if he's just seen a ghost. Law, his head slumped on his desk, is enveloped in a cloud of dejection.

"Doesn't anyone knock around here!" he grumbles irritably.

As Law lifts his head, prepared to scold Penguin, he's cut off by Penguin slamming a seemingly blank book onto his desk. Law's eyes flick from the book to Penguin in confusion.

"What the hell is this?" he demands, pointing at the book.

"It's a book, dummy." Penguin retorts with a hint of sarcasm.

Law, unamused, jabs Penguin in the ribs with the blunt end of his Nodachi.

"It's... Sorna's History... book." Penguin gasps, wincing from the jab.

"Why? We can't read it, dummy." Law mockingly retorts.

Penguin rolls his eyes with a sigh. "Well, it's written in some sort of ink we can't see, right, but Sorna can? Meaning it's not 'invisible' it's just in a color we can't see."

Law fixes Penguin with a withering glare, his annoyance peaking. "That's the same damn thing!"

"And they say I'm the idiot." Penguin sighs.

As Law gears up for another jab, Penguin blocks it, raising a finger in protest, "Hey. No. Bad law."

"Penguin, I'm getting dangerously close to chopping you to bits and feeding you to the sharks..." Law warns, his temper flaring.

"Okay, okay." Penguin quickly concedes, "Our eyes just pick up spectrums of light. We just have to use different light filters on the book until the ink shows up. Then wham, bam, Girly girl is back in your arms, whispering your name, and you can stop being a grumpy ass hat."

Law, shocked, realizes that it's not a stupid idea. He reaches for the book, but after a moment of thought, he pauses, "How's a history book gonna help me with Sorna?"

Penguin gives Law a flat look, unamused by the question.

'Good God, how he landed so many chicks is fucking astounding. He's so emotionally dense I almost feel sorry for him.'

"I can hear you insulting me in your head!" Law grumbles, his mood darkening.

Penguin, his patience wearing thin, makes agressive gestures with his hands, trying to explain. "Because of the cryptic muttering when she canned your ass! ... Chimera can't unfeel certain things?... They can't just hold someone once... ringing a belllll?"

Law offers nothing but a blank stare...

Exasperated, Penguin palms his face, "Behavior. emotions. Unique to Chimera. Invisible magic book that explains Chimera." He points to the book. "If this has something to do with her being Chimera, it's gonna be in the book about Chimera!"

Law pauses to consider, then, without a word, he quickly turns away.

"One snarky remark, and I remove your head and tac it to Shachi's ass." Law threatens as he strides into the operating room, book in hand. He begins rummaging through drawers and cabinets, pulling out an assortment of lights.

"Geez, the smartest people are often the most clueless about emotions. I'm just relieved he's a doctor, not a life coach," Penguin mutters to himself, shuddering at the thought of Law guiding anyone's life choices.



Penguin's head slides from his shoulders tumbling to the floor. "Awe, come on! Put me back, don't be a poor sport! After all I've done for you!" Penguin shouts from the floor.

Meanwhile, Penguin's body stumbles around aimlessly, searching for its missing part. "Come on, buddy. This way. You can do it!" Penguin's disembodied voice coaches, trying to guide his wayward body back to its head.


Author's Note: this chapter is closed. No further editing. Thanks for hanging guys, hope you enjoy!

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