Kotoba Ijล ่จ€่‘‰ไปฅไธŠ โ‹ฎ Fushiguro...

By thedoujinshi

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โ๐™„'๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™จ๐™–๐™ฎ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š. ๐™Ž๐™ค ๐™ก๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™˜๐™–๐™ง๐™š๐™›๐™ช๐™ก๐™ก๐™ฎ... โž A Jujutsu Kaisen fan-fi... More

Kotoba Ijล ่จ€่‘‰ไปฅไธŠ
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

1.7K 105 161
By thedoujinshi

"No." You and Megumi say in unison.

"Don't knock it before you try it." Gojo smiles jubilantly with a finger pointed towards the air.

"I am not going to be an aide." You're firm on this.

"I don't need an aide." And so is Megumi.

It's just the three of you now. You and Megumi exchange looks of exasperation. A few moments ago Gojo Satoru announced that you'd be teaching along side Fushiguro Megumi as his aide—a teachers aide.

"Listen." The white-haired sorcerer has other things to tend to and so he had to get this little dispute over with, "It's your first time as a mentor, you could use some help."

Megumi clicks his tongue at the man's lack of faith. Hasn't he proven himself enough after all they've been through? And also, when it comes to any form of schooling, how could anyone need help more so than Itadori Yuji? Megumi thought that respectfully.

"And—" Gojo continues, he directs himself to you now, "—I don't know you well enough to trust your abilities."

You sigh and you don't question the man because there is some truth behind his words, "Fair."

"By the way," Gojo sizes you up underneath his eye mask, "you don't happen to have your old uniform still, do you?"

"No." you say and you look down at whatever you're currently wearing.

Gojo grins, then he says with much delight, "Great!"

Your face begins to wear a look of concern.

You're not too sure how or even where, but a uniform appears in Gojo's arms. It's white. You hadn't seen anyone donning a white-colored uniform aside from Okkotsu Yuta. The man presses the thing against you and your hands trace it from the jacket down to the skirt.

"It's white." You say with some curiosity.

Gojo hums with amusement (because it's the color of his hair), "Ah, yes. They're customizable upon request."

"I didn't make any special requests." You're quite confused.

"I know." The white-haired sorcerer, he's quite proud of himself, "I did."

Your face deadpans and then you shrug (although you'd prefer the navy), "Whatever, I guess."

"Be careful." Megumi averts his dead gaze from Gojo to you. He's not surprised, "He has a tendency to do these types of things."

"Wait." Your hands are pulling at the skirt that still lies against your body, "Why is the skirt so short???"

Gojo Satoru may have giggled silently underneath the hand he had just placed over his mouth. The man clears his throat. He pretends he has no idea what you're talking about, "Aren't they all the same length?"

And it makes you scrutinize over the damn thing, "I'm pretty sure this is way shorter than the standard uniform. And too short to be appropriate."

"Hm, such a shame." Gojo hums with unconvincing concern. The man grins and then he boops you on the nose with a finger, "No takesies-backsies.~"

Megumi squeezes his eyes shut. He may even be clenching his teeth. He gathers all his strength not to strangle Gojo Satoru for his (once again) indecent behavior. The raven-haired guy recollects the times his previous mentor has customized many uniforms. And it was always the girls that Gojo deemed pretty that he'd have the skirt sewn much shorter than the rest; with the exception of Itadori Yuji.

"I can't exchange this?" You ask and you're completely oblivious. One would think you'd be upset at the guy but you didn't have to pay for it. So you don't complain.

Gojo purses his lips. He crosses his arms behind his back before he leans in, "Afraid not."

You do a half frown and then you excuse yourself.

"Are you done?" Megumi's tone is asking if the white-haired sorcerer's done fucking around, but in a more pleasant way of course.

The man sees Megumi's displeased expression. He moseys over to the raven-haired male and throws an arm around his shoulder. Gojo reels the guy in slowly, extremely close, then he whispers, "From man to man, I did you a favor. Let me know how the view is."

"Please—" Megumi's voice grows thick with irritation. Megumi, himself knows the kind of person he is and that's not who he is, or who he ever intends to be.

"You know, like when she bends down."

"—SHUT—" and his voice rises. A vein pops onto his forehead.

"Or if she's on a ladder."

"—UP!" with a roll from his shoulder, Megumi aggressively removes Gojo's arm.

Gojo laughs. He found it quite entertaining that Megumi was always such a prude. And he loved to instigate uncomfortable feelings out of the raven-haired man.

You return to the room and you're pulling at the skirt as if doing that would some how magically cause it to lengthen, "How do I look?"

Megumi doesn't respond, nor does he even bother to look.

Gojo clasps his hands together and the guy seemed like he was going to compliment you, but he compliments himself instead, "Not as good as me."

"Forget I asked." And you deadpan once again at his incredulous self.

"Well then." The white-haired sorcerer shoo's the two of you, "I'm sure you both have a lot of planning to do."

Megumi shoves his hands into his pockets and leaves the room without another word. You hurry after him. He enters an empty classroom which you assume is his.

"Hey." You watch him organize some textbooks, "I know we got off on the wrong foot previously."

The guy doesn't look at you but you were certain he was listening.

"But I'm hoping we could start over and work together properly this time." And then you extend a hand to him.

Megumi finishes stacking his books. He looks at your hand. His mind briefly goes back to all the previous exchange events; when the two of you were still disciples. Todo Aoi, Zenin Mai, you. He couldn't stand the three of you. It's been years since he's seen the likes of you or much of the Kyoto students as a matter of fact. The man's a pretty open-minded person. He believes people can change.

His hand meets yours and you both shake on it, "Sure."

"Great!" You beam, "So, what would you like me to do first?"

Megumi doesn't hesitate. The guy grabs and shoves all of the textbooks into your arms—it's a lot. You stumble but manage to catch your footing.

"Put these away in the library. Thanks."

"You're joking right?" And your eyes go up until it reaches the last book which sat at least a few inches above your head. Not to mention, they all had different titles and authors. It would take you hours to sort through them and figure out where they belonged.

"No." The guys serious, "Is there a problem?"

You bite your tongue then you force a smile, "No. No problem at all."

"Perfect." He says blandly, "I have something I need to take care of. I'll show you where the library is."

The books hit the table harshly and some even fall to the floor. You crouch down to pick up the ones that had dropped and continue to grumble to yourself.

"Came here—" You throw the books back onto the table, "—to be someone's fucking bitch."

You're sorting through the publications and you sigh heavily. You weren't familiar with this library. You look down the room and it seemed endless. Then your eyes go from the floor of the shelves to the ceiling where they finally ended. You mumble some strong, colorful words under your breath (cause you're irritated). Where do you even begin?

About an hour later.

You shove an encyclopedia into the shelf in its alphabetical order. Then you turn into another aisle to place the other non-fiction's into their homes. You sigh and take yourself back to the table where half the stack still remains. You pick up one of the novels. You flip through the pages and then you throw the damn thing back onto the table carelessly. The fictional novels belonged on one of the largest shelves in this library. Your eyes go to that wall. At this point you'd rather hang yourself (figuratively).

"Need some help?"

"Great timing." Your attention goes to Megumi who had just walked in. You bring the novel up to show him exactly what you needed help with.

He hears the sarcasm in your voice but the man chooses to ignore it. Megumi looks at the book in your hand and then he disappears down an aisle somewhere. You hear something rolling against the shelves and you see a ladder come into view.

"It belongs up there." Megumi points towards the ceiling and his words tell you that he has no intentions of doing it for you.

You groan internally, "Thanks."

You climb the ladder. All the way up until you've run out of steps. Somehow, you still couldn't reach that last upper row.

"I don't understand—" Your arm stretches out where it needs to go and then you curse under your breath, "—why you guys need such a large library."

Megumi's scrolling through his phone, "It's not that big."

"It's bigger than ours." You're talking about Kyoto jujutsu tech.

"I don't see a need for them to have a larger library." The guy always thought the students at his sister school were more brawn than brains and definitely more talk than walk.

Did he mean to insult? You arch a brow then you look down towards him, "What's that supposed to mean??"

"It can mean whatever you want it to mean." Megumi's attention is still glued to the screen of his phone.

You throw the book down and you climb down—it hits the guy in the head.

Megumi's hand goes to his head and he turns to look at you once you've reached ground level, "How mature of you!"

You throw your arms up into a placating gesture, "Oops."

"Just let me do it already." He grabs the book from the floor.

But you snatch it out of his hand immediately. There's no way in hell you'd let him think twice that everyone from Kyoto were the same. It's redemption.

"No, no." You ascend the ladder once more while you remind him, "I got it."

Megumi watches you climb. It wasn't until midway up that he noticed something. Something he didn't intend to see. He looks back down quickly and his face burns with heat. He curses internally at Gojo for even putting those types of things into his head.

Your arm stretches out again with great determination and you're laser focused on getting this damn publication into its rightful spot. A few attempts doesn't give you anything but more books falling onto Megumi's head. This time unintentionally.

The man makes a noise out of discomfort from each book that struck him. It snaps him out of his stupor. He instinctively looks up without thinking and his glaring expression questions you. Megumi wonders, just what the fuck you were doing.

Your eyes go down slowly with great anticipation and he knows you didn't mean it this time, "Sorry.....heh."

"Let me know how the view is."

Megumi could see everything underneath that skirt of yours. He looks away and his cheeks grow a few shades deeper. The guy regrets assigning you this task that would have easily taken him half an hour. He may have also regret coming in to check on you.

"It's fine." His voice is always so dry and he's still looking elsewhere, "Just come down. I'll take care of it."

You nod, "Okay."

Unfortunately, your foot misses a step on the way down. You slip off and tumble—right on top of him.

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