me and you - isaac garcia

By baddbiddie420

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SLOW BURN, ENEMIES TO LOVERS - isaac garcia x oc when y/n and jackie howard are forced to move from new york... More

part one: prologue
part two: first impressions
part three: the first day
part four: not okay
part five: heartthrob and detention
part six: baths and nerf wars
part seven: painting fashion
part eight: huddle up
part nine: missing teapots
part ten: sisters
part eleven: camp walter
part twelve: getting somewhere
part thirteen: hopeful deliveries
part fourteen: thankfully baking
part sixteen: sun and moon
part seventeen: bonfire
part eighteen: drama talking
part nineteen: bickering rumors
part twenty: unexpected events
part twenty one: make ups
part twenty two: mud-ball fight
part twenty three: getting artsy
part twenty four: playful ceremonies
part twenty five: hockey gardens
part twenty six: fighting orchards
part twenty seven: carnivals and concerts
part twenty eight: all smiles
part twenty nine: happier now
part thirty: summer at last
part thirty one: dancing set ups
part thirty two: new beginnings and endings

part fifteen: here for now

3.3K 68 90
By baddbiddie420

"Hey, Jack in a Box."

I closed the door lightly behind me. Jackie merely peeked over her shoulder, her back turned to me as she laid on her bed.

"Hi." was as all she said, before turning back. I frowned, walking over and taking a seat right beside her.

"Hey." I whispered, reaching to grab her arm. She didn't budge, only continued to lay there. I leaned close to her, shaking her arm a bit. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She simply shook her head. I sighed, laying myself next to her, my side propped up from all the pillows. I reached my hand to her, running my fingers through her hair.

I hummed, softly and finding a rhythm. After a few seconds, she sighed.

"I remember when mom used to do this with us."

I chuckled, "Yeah, me too. It would put me to sleep every single time. Mom always knew how to shut me up."

She laughed at this, her shoulders visibly relaxing. For a few seconds, maybe even a minute or two, we sat in silence, except for my humming. My fingers trailed from her scalp to the ends of her hair, over and over again.

After awhile, I finally spoke, " is everything out here? We haven't checked in on each other in awhile."

"Okay. I think...I think I'm liking it here."


"Yeah. I've made friends here, I think almost better than the ones back home." she replied, and I raised my brows, unimpressed. I remember all her little friends that stopped talking to her once the accident. No one offered to comfort her or maybe they didn't know how. Still, it pissed me off. Anyone would be better than those friends back home.

"That's good. I like your friends here. Skylar and Grace." I said, "Skylar's super nice when I see him at school, and Grace offers me candy when I see her."

She chuckled, "Yeah. Grace always has snacks."

"And I thank her for that."

Jackie sighed as I continued to play with her hair more, "And you. How has it been here?"

I sighed too, "It's been good. I feel like I've gotten used to all the chaos here. Its actually not so bad once you get the hang of it."


"Yeah. And, I mean, there's so much thing here I've done that I had never done in New York."

"Like partying?"

I laughed, "Like grooming a horse, I was going to say. But yes, like partying too. There's one on Saturday that I might go to."

"Yeah, I heard there's a bonfire happening in a couple of weeks too. Alex said it's a thing they do every year. He wants me to go."

I raised my brows, "Really? With him?"

I could sense the slight shyness creep into her, "I don't know with him. Probably just all of the guys too. And you, obviously."

"Hm." I hummed, a smirk growing onto my face. "Are you sure he didn't just want you to go with him?"

At this, she glanced back at me over her shoulder, "Are you trying to say something?"

"Maybe." my smirk grew wider, "You don't think Alex is cute?"

At this she laughed, and I could see her face turning pink, "Yeah. I think so."

I smiled at my sister, knowing that she had indeed developed a little crush. "So no more Cole?"

She scoffed, shaking her head, "No. It was never Cole. He's too...intense for me. Too complicated. Alex is easy and knows what he wants already. He's not just, you know, doing whatever."

"You think Cole's just doing whatever?" I furrowed my brows, "I think he's just trying to do his best, no?"

"I guess. Or maybe he's just terrible at showing it."

"Maybe. Or maybe it's just harder for him." I said, "He's struggling with some of his own things, you know."

I had found out about Cole's leg injury a few months ago after the huddle. It was a night at one of the first parties I had went to and Cole had told me about it as we sat outside the party house.

He had been upset over something some of the football guys had said or did and stormed outside by himself. I joined him and let him rant to me. I realized then that Cole had a lot more to him than this mysterious, hot guy.

And I knew he had to feel something for my sister. He's never exactly told me, but I could tell. Sisters intuition.

Jackie huffed, "I know that. Still doesn't mean he has to be confusing though. Not to me."

I sighed, knowing that I could indeed argue back with her to rethink her thought process, but decided that that would require way too much energy for right now.

We fell quiet again and I could tell that there was tension in the air. Not from the topic of Cole, but from what I had been getting at since I first asked how things were going.

With another heavy sigh I said, "So have you thought about what Uncle Richard said?"

She inhaled, "Yeah. A little. I feel I kind of ruined their Thanksgiving."

I furrowed my brows, "Why?"

She shrugged, "I shouldn't have brought up the thing about us moving back. It just caused an argument with Uncle Richard and George and Katherine. I just feel like we're...bothering them here, you know. Especially after what Lee said."

I rolled my eyes, "Lee was just being Lee like he always is. Don't let that get to you. And I don't think we're bothering anyone while we're here. I think everyone-"

"Don't you remember what George said the day after the huddle?" she said. I momentarily stopped running my hand through her hair as I stopped to think. Suddenly it came back to me.

"Yeah...that it was harder to manage with two more people." I answered, slowly beginning to stroke her hair again, "I remember."

"You think it's true then? That we're just a burden. Cause if that's true, then we shouldn't be here."

She finally looked at me over her shoulder, into my eyes. I could see her sadness in them, hoping that I would tell her no, we're not a burden. This was Jackie, I could read her like a book.

I shook my head, "I-"

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Katherine with a tray holding two mugs. When she saw us, she stopped, "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?"

Jackie and I glanced at each other before I rolled over and sat up, smoothing my shirt, "No, Katherine. Nothing at all."

Katherine smiled, entering the room and heading straight for the nightstand next to Jackie's bed, setting the mugs down, "Peppermint tea. Took a guess. Is there anything else I can get for you guys?"

I smiled, shaking my head. Jackie sat up beside me too, doing the same.

Katherine nodded, but her eyes remained on both of us, her eyes wrinkling in confusion, "Girls?"

Jackie and I gave each other another quick look and I bit my lip.

Jackie was the one to fess up as she sighed, "I'm really sorry if I ruined Thanksgiving."

"Don't be." Katherine answered. "I can't begin to imagine how hard this is for you two. And we've never had a holiday around here without a little bit of drama."

She started to walk out of the room, but caught sight of our faces once again, "Are you girls sure that's all?"

Jackie and I gave each other a look, knowing that the question from just a moment before still hung in the air. Jackie sighed, asking again.

"Are we bothering you guys by being here?" I blurted, just before Jackie could speak.

"What?" Katherine's eyes went wide.

"Y/n." Jackie scolded, giving me a look. She turned back to Katherine and sighed, "Katherine, we overheard you and George talking about how we're extra mouths to feed. We don't want to be a burden."

Katherine quickly shook her head, heading back to sit on the bed across from us, "No, sweetie, no. No, no, no, not at all, you both are not. I promise. We love having you here."

"You sure?"

"Yes." Katherine answered quickly, looking into both of our eyes, "And you both should know that we 100% want you here, but...George and I will support whatever you girls decide."

Katherine had her hand on our mattress in front of us, and Jackie reached over to grab it. Katherine squeezed her hand back, offering me her other. I took it, and allowed her to squeeze me.

Soon Katherine left, and it was just us two in the room once again. We were silent for a moment, rethinking our thoughts.

"So, what do you think?" Jackie asked, "Should we move back?"

I thought back to everything here that happened at the Walter's house. When we first arrived and we almost got taken out by Lee's skateboard and Jackie got drenched in water.

Benny's bath time and the nerf wars that I had gotten the hang of. The huddle and playing carnival games, then experiencing my first high school football game. Ella and Wendy arguing over who knows what while Nicole, Brooke and I laughed at them.

Having to fight for my Chinese food back. Going to Parker's football games, morning talks with Nathan. Talking to Danny about his future, bonding with Alex over Harry Potter. Starring in Jordan's Walter documentary, going to parties with Cole. Running around the kitchen to get my orange juice back.

My walks to the orchard. The skatepark that I watched Lee practice on all the time. The peacefulness of the small town we were in, getting to walk through it after detention. Going camping and experiencing canoeing and making s'mores for the first time. Baking cookies and sharing scary stories.

"No." I shook my head. I looked at Jackie and she looked back at me. "Like I said, there's so much that I've experienced here. None of which I can experience again in New York. I'm not ready to give that up just yet. Not now at least."

And it was true. I couldn't experience even half of the things that had happened here, and there's been countless memories I've made just from the few months we've been here. In New York, I would leave that behind.

I couldn't do that. Not yet.

"What do you think?" I asked my sister. Jackie looked away, thinking things over.

"I think...I think we should stay too." she answered, "There's a lot I've done here and I've experienced new things too. I think there's a lot more for me to learn here and figure out. I don't think New York has those answers for me."

She looked back at me and we both smiled. I leaned over, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Well whatever happens, I'll always be here with you. Where ever you go, I go. Always."

The next morning, I made my way to join Uncle Richard and Jackie on the ranch, heading outside. Everyone was already up, as I had chose to sleep in, as always.

"Good morning." I greeted Katherine and George in the kitchen.

"Morning." Katherine smiled, taking a sip out of her coffee.

"Morning, Y/n." George replied, taking pancakes off the stove. "Could you do me a favor actually and go grab Lee and Isaac? There's someone on a video call that wants to talk to them."

I raised my brows slightly, immediately going back to me and Isaac's conversation about his family last night. I smiled, "Sure. I can do that."

"Great, they're outside on the porch, I think."

I nodded, turning on my heel to head outside. As I opened the door, I was immediately met with yelling and the sound of running.

"Over here!" Jordan yelled. I peeked out the door, just as Isaac kicked a soccer ball and sent it flying past the front door.

I quickly ran after the ball, taking it with my foot and passing it to Jordan.

"Hey, interference!" Isaac yelled, pointing at me.

I ignored him, hovering my fist over my chin like a microphone, "Good morning folks and welcome back to another soccer game. Today we're here at Walter Arena and we're just in time to see Jordan Walker take it up the porch towards the goal.

"Lee Garcia comes up behind him, easily receiving the ball from Walter. And then — oh, what's this? He passes back to Benny Walter, the youngest on the team and the underdog! Benny dribbles, the goal in sight and shoots...It's good!"

Everyone laughed and Benny jumped up, the ball having gone straight between two flower pots. I picked Benny up and spun him around, making him laugh.

"Whatever. Benny couldn't have done that if Converse didn't interfere." Isaac said. I looked back at him, setting Benny down on the ground again and the rest of them starting to play again.

"Whatever. You're just mad because it wasn't you making the goal." I gave him a look, "Timber, no one likes a ball-hogger."

Isaac raised his brows, stepping closer to me, "Oh really? Are you sure you wanna go there, babe?"

"Bring it on, Timber." I crossed my arms. Then, I screamed, just as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my thighs, throwing me over his shoulder. "Isaac! Put me down!"

"Guys! I got her!" Isaac cheered, whirling around to look at the rest of the kids. They all came running back, jumping around.

"What are you gonna do with her?" Lee asked, and I could almost here the evil grin in his voice.

"I don't know. What should we do with her?" Isaac replied.

"Let's throw her in the pool!" Benny yelled.

"Benny!" I scolded, attempting to look behind me to look at him.

"Yeah, let's do it! Jordan, get the camera!" Parker cheered on.

"Jordan, don't you dare!" I yelled.

"We'll meet you at the pool, Jordan. Everyone, march!" Isaac instructed, leading the group towards the porch stairs.

As he did, I faced the rest of the kids, each of them laughing and pointing at me, thinking this was hilarious.

I panicked, holding my hand out. "Wait! You didn't even let me say what I wanted to say!"

"Too late. You can tell us later." Lee shrugged and everyone agreed with him. They didn't stop walking and they started to round the house to the backyard now.

"Someone's on a video call for you guys!" I yelled. All at once, everyone stopped. Jordan, who was just running back over with the camera fumbling in his hands, stopped too.

Surprisingly, Isaac set me down and I quickly stepped away from him, straightening my clothes again.

"What?" he looked at me.

I huffed, fixing my beanie, "I said that someone on a call for you guys."

"Dad." Lee said and everyone looked at him. He smiled, bigger than the one he just had right before dumping me in the pool. He looked at Isaac, hitting his chest softly before rushing inside.

Jordan, Parker and Benny all smiled, beginning to dive into their own conversation. I looked at Isaac, who still stared off in the direction that Lee ran off to.

I stood beside him, nudging his arm. "Hey."

He looked away, turning his gaze down to me. "Hey."

I gave him a look, "You know, I'm pretty sure whoever's on that call wants to really talk to you. I heard he's not a bad guy."

He grinned, despite how much he probably wanted to hide it. "Really? Where'd you hear that from?"

I shrugged, grinning back, "Someone annoying told me once. I can't remember who."

He laughed then, pointing a finger at me, "Whatever. We'll continue this," he pointed between all of us and the direction of the pool, "another day."

I arched a brow, "Yeah. We'll see about that."

He finally jogged inside and I watched him go until he disappeared behind the two front doors.

"Y/n, are we still gonna dump you in pool?" Benny tugged on my arm. I looked down at the rest of the kids and laughed.

"You guys are all evil, but no. Not today."

"Can you at least play with us?" Parker asked, holding up the soccer ball.

I nodded, "In a little bit. I gotta find Jackie and my uncle first."

The three of them nodded and I split ways from them.

I found my sister and my uncle wandering out by the horses and quickly walked over to join them. At the sound of me approaching, they both turned.

"Y/n, you're finally up?" Uncle Richard greeted, giving me a hug.

"You know I struggle to leave my bed. It's my comfort spot." I said, to which he laughed.

"Y/n, I was just telling Uncle Richard about the horses here." Jackie piped up.

"Yeah, she told me that she's ridden but you haven't? I'm sorry, did you guys switch or something?" he joked, making Jackie and I laugh.

"No, Tío, we didn't switch." I shook my head, "I just haven't gotten around to riding one but I think I will eventually."

"At least not right now in this cold." Jackie said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's freezing. Why don't we continue this inside? George made pancakes and it's way warmer." I rubbed my hands together.

"He did?" Jackie squealed, turning to my Uncle Richard, "Tío, you have to try his pancakes. They're amazing!"

Uncle Richard smiled, "I wish I could, girls, but I have to get going. My flight leaves soon and you both know I don't like being late."

"Yeah, we know." Jackie grinned evilly and I laughed, remembering exactly the time where we accidentally made him late watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians reruns.

He laughed too, clearly remembering the same thing, "I still can't believe that Kim lost her diamond earring and they never found it."

"There's definitely worser things that could've happened." I shook my head. The three of us slowly made our way to Uncle Richard's rental car.

"I mean, it''s beautiful out here. The quiet sets my teeth on edge." Uncle Richard waved his arms around. I looked around and nodded in agreement, taking a deep breath of the fresh, clean air.

"Right?" Jackie chuckled, "You have no idea how much I miss the police sirens-"

"And the delis." I added.

"And screaming neighbors." Jackie added. I scrunched my nose and tilted my head.

"Sometimes." I said, and the three of us laughed. We made it to Uncle Richard's car and we stopped, looking at each other.

I knew the question was coming. Jackie and I had spent last night talking about it and we knew what we wanted.

"So, you two'll think about it?" he looked between the two of us. Jackie and I looked at each other.

"We have." Jackie replied, not taking her eyes off of me. I reached down, taking her hand.

"We want to stay with the Walters." I said.

"For now, anyway." Jackie added.

Uncle Richard looked down, disappointed. Here's another thing you should know. In that time after our family passed and we spent the summer without them in New York, Uncle Richard was the only person there for me and Jackie.

He was our like our dad when we didn't have a dad or mom. It wasn't a long time that we had spent with him, about three months only, but still. We had grown close to him and I know this had to hurt.

"It's not that we don't miss you or New York, or that we don't wanna live with you or anything." Jackie said.

"Yeah, we loved living with you. I mean, I don't think anyone here even pays attention to the Kardashians, they might not even know who they are." I joked. Uncle Richard laughed, despite his feelings.

"It's true." Jackie nodded, "Look, a big part of us really does want to move back home...But an even bigger part doesn't know who we are in New York without our family. Or if we're even ready to find out. At least I don't."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I don't know if we're ready to face it again. I think we still need some time."

Uncle Richard nodded and sighed, "I understand."

Jackie and I smiled at him.

"You know it means a lot you were willing to put a fight for us, Tío." I grinned, "Honestly though, my money would've been on Katherine in a fight but I'm still happy you would've tried."

At this he let out a loud laugh, placing both of his hands on our shoulders, "Hey, I think I'm tougher than I look, okay?"

"Sure." Jackie said sarcastically, and I laughed.

He shook his head at us, "Well just so you guys know, I will always for you two and be there for you guys. No matter what."

Jackie and I nodded and he took a step back, his hands dropping, "And I'm going to keep checking up on you, so tell Tara she's stuck with me. Deal?"

Jackie and I looked at each other again.

"Deal for me," Jackie nudged my arm, "I'm not sure how Y/n feels."

I shrugged, looking at my uncle, "Let's just say we're not exactly best friends."

"I'm not surprised. Same old Y/n." Uncle Richard shook his head, holding his hands out, "Come here."

He pulled Jackie and I in for a hug, "I love you guys."

"Love you too."

"Love you."

"Don't turn into cowgirls." he said as he pulled away and opened the car door.

"Too late. Jackie's halfway there since she's a cow — Ow!" I rubbed my arm where Jackie pinched me. Uncle Richard shook his head again, closing the door behind him.

Jackie and I watched as he pulled out of the dirt driveway, waving goodbye. We stood there for a moment, watching his car become smaller and smaller as the distance between us grew larger.

After a long time, I nudged Jackie's arm, "You ready?"

She looked behind me, and I followed her gaze to George and Katherine. We didn't have our parents, not physically anymore. We lost them, but we were finding new ones too. And they were pretty damn amazing.

I think I'm just starting to realize that now.

After talking to Jackie and my uncle, I had decided to wait on breakfast for now. I needed time to think and just relax, so I went to the one place I knew I could go to.

The orchard was my favorite spot on the ranch. It was beautiful, even now that the flowers were all gone, replaced with fallen leaves. The wood today on the gazebo was slightly wet, as the ice had melted off from yesterday's storm.

I stood in the center of it, looking up at the sky window. It was so peaceful out here, no horses neighing, no kids shouting. It was just the rustling of the leaves from the chilly breeze.

After a long time, I decided to walk back to the house, where of course there were kids playing around near the stables. As I came out from behind the tress, I was immediately met with Isaac, standing across the yard.

He had his jacket on but was carrying firewood, heading inside. I walked over to him, falling in step beside him.

"You were out cutting wood again?" I asked. He jumped a bit at my voice, quickly pulling on a smirk to hide his surprise.

"Converse, I know you're obsessed with me but you don't have to sneak up on me like that."

I rolled my eyes, "You wish."

He laughed, motioning his head behind me, "And what were you doing? Getting in touch with your roots?"

"My roots?"

"Yeah, since you're a beast."

I punched his arm and he laughed, "I was just kidding!"

"Stop calling me a beast then!"

He laughed harder, almost dropping the firewood as he did so. I smiled, even though I tried not to.

"Okay, seriously. Were you just wandering the orchard back and forth?"

I shrugged, "Maybe I was. Why are you asking?"

He shrugged back, "I'm nosy." I rolled my eyes as he grinned, "I'm surprised you're still here. Word was you'd be on a plane right now."


"Mhm." he nodded, looking down at me.

I sighed, shaking my head, "Nope. Sorry, I know you must have been counting on that."

"I really was." he replied, and I glared at him. He laughed and said, "Okay, so what made you stay?"

His eyes were back on mine and I looked away, shrugging, "I just feel like there's not much going on for me in New York, you know. Not right now at least."

He nodded, letting me continue, "I mean, yes, I'm from there and so is every connection to my family, but I just think that without them...there's no point to me being there. Does that makes sense?"

I looked back at him and he nodded again, "Yeah. Makes sense."

We both went quiet for a moment, until he spoke again. "You know, Benny will probably be really happy you're staying."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. He told me not to tell you this but he really likes when we team up against you."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I wonder where he gets that from."

"Probably his really hot older cousin."

"You mean that guy that wears a leather jacket that's probably never been washed?" I raised my brows, and he glared at me.

"You're not funny, Converse." he said, "And if you keep saying stuff I'll really throw you in the pool."

I grinned, knowing I was pushing his buttons, "I'd love to see you try."

I held the door open as we both went inside and split ways. Isaac went to the living room while I went to hang up my coat and headed to the kitchen

"Hey, Katherine. Is there any left?" I asked, noticing the kitchen already having been ransacked of all the fresh food. Katherine shook her head, looking away from the dirty dishes she was cleaning.

"Yeah there's some there. They may be cold though."

"That's fine, I can warm them up." I replied.

"Oh actually, sweetie, could you go and find Cole, Jackie and Alex? None of them have come down to eat yet."

"Really? That's weird." I furrowed my brows.

"The three of them didn't come down? You know what that means." Isaac came into the room, his jacket gone and only wearing a hoodie. I grimaced as he smirked, grabbing a piece of bacon.

"You're disgusting."

"And you like it."

I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to Katherine. "Sure. They're in their rooms, right?"

"Jackie and Alex are in my room playing Mario Kart. Cole's in his room." Parker called as she walked by the kitchen door to the living room.

"Mario Kart?" Isaac and I both gasped at the same time. We both narrowed our eyes at each other.

"I love Mario Kart." I crossed my arms. Isaac copied me, crossing his arms too.

"Well I love it more."

I scoffed, "Really? I doubt that."

"You wanna bet?"

"Try me."

Not a second was wasted as the two of us raced up the stairs, jumping two at a time. When we got to the top, I was in the lead, but he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning me around.

"Isaac, that's cheating!"

"Who cares?" he scoffed. I quickly rushed to Cole's door first, banging on it.

"Cole! Get up!" I yelled.

"Come on, Cole, so you can watch me beat her in Mario Kart."

"You're so not beating me in anything."

"Whoa, Converse! I would never beat a lady!"

"What?" I raised my brows, "You make no sense."

"I make more sense than you."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."






"Could you two shut up!" Cole shouted as his door flew open. He had just finished pulling on a shirt as he wore pajama pants too. He rubbed his hand over his face, his hair messy. "God, you guys are annoying."

"Hey!" Isaac and I both said, offended.

He rolled his eyes, "Why am I even up?"

"Because Katherine wanted you guys to eat." I answered.

"But first you're gonna watch us play Mario Kart and see who's better." Isaac said. Cole raised his brows and sighed.

"Fine. Let's go."

Isaac grinned, turning on his heel and leading the way to Parker's room.

"I'm gonna wipe the floor with you."

I scoffed, "You wish. You're gonna be crying, I guarantee."

"If you two play can you guys stop flirting, please?"

"We're not flirting." I quickly said.

"That's not what your cheeks say." Isaac teased, poking my cheek. I scowled, knowing that my cheeks had to be pink.

"Shut up."

Isaac laughed and I took a deep breath, composing myself.

"Don't get all worked up yet, Converse. We haven't even started yet." Isaac said, reaching for the door handle and pulling the door open.

"Don't worry. Once this is all over you're so gonna-"

I suddenly stopped talking, the three of us suddenly turned to stone as we looked at the sight ahead of us.

Parker's room wasn't too big. A few toys laid around and on the wall opposite of us was a TV, where Mario Kart was indeed playing.

But there was nothing specially about Parker's room that made the three of us stop in our tracks. It was the fact that Alex and Jackie were both on the beanbag in the center of the room.


At the sound of us, Alex immediately jumped off of her, but it was too late. We had caught them.

"What the hell?" I gasped, looking between both of their messy hairs and wrinkled shirts.

"No way." Isaac said beside me. I narrowed my eyes, landing them on the boy that was breathing heavily beside Jackie.

"Were you kissing my baby sister?"

Alex's eyes were wide and he quickly scrambled to get up, "Look, it's not what it looks like-"

"Oh really?" I exclaimed, raising my brows. I looked at him, then at my sister, before suddenly lunging for him. Cole was quick to grab me by the waist, pulling me away and Alex stepped back from me.

"Y/n, calm down." Jackie put a hand up, standing up as well.

"I'm gonna kick your ass, Walter!" I said, kicking at Cole to let me go.

"Dude, relax!" Isaac said, grabbing both of my arms and pinning them behind my back. It took a few seconds before I huffed, finally giving up my squirming.

"Okay, okay. I'm calm." I said. Cole slowly let go of me, letting me fix my clothes again. I still kept a hard glaze on Alex, who stood behind Jackie with his eyes wide.

"What did you guys even need?" Jackie asked, still keeping a protective hand up.

"You guys haven't ate yet. Katherine wanted me to come get you guys." I answered.

"All of you guys?" Jackie looked at each of us.

"No, just Y/n. Cole was sleeping and we wanted to play Mario Kart." Isaac crossed his arms, "But now I think that idea is ruined."

"I think so too." I agreed, also crossing my arms.

"Yeah. But obviously you two seem a little busy." Cole said. We all looked at him and his face was blank, staring right at Jackie. Suddenly, the air grew stiff with tension and I had the very sudden urge to walk away.

Thankfully, Cole beat me to it, turning on his heel and leaving the room with a scoff. The four of us stood in awkward silence, before I spoke.

"Come on, Jackie. Let's get some food." I took her hand, leading her out the door. I threw one more harsh look at Alex, then an unamused one at Isaac, before heading down the stairs.

GUYS OMG IM SO SORRY! yesterday i literally thought this posted and i haven't been on here since then and i just found out it wasn't??? i feel terrible i'm so sorry you guys i don't know what happened but i'm here now!

erm, anyways, i hope you guys liked this chapter. what did we think? i know nothing much happened but i hope it was still okay, next chapter will probably be more juicy.

comment what you guys thought and don't forget to vote!

sorry i starved y'all lol.


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