Bitty B Adventures

By X_vivaX

6.3K 215 355

Technically Brozone Oneshots! More

Season 1
Revenge for the Fluffleberry Cake
Floyd's Missing Glasses
Floyd's Missing Glasses [Branch's Perspective](Super short story)
Brozone behaving for a week
Day 2 Of Behaving
Day 3 Of Behaving
Day 4 Of Behaving
Day 5 Of Behaving
Day 6 Of Behaving (A sort of long story)
Day 7 Of Behaving
Fluffleberry Cake Reward Day (Super short story)
Branch's Life in His Little (big) Head
Season 2
Branch's Birthday
Branch's Playdate (Short story)
A short story ( I dunno what to title it)
Favoritism for Floyd (Short Story)
The Square's [Root] Problem (Super Short Story)
Case Of The Hiccups
Easter Special ๐Ÿฃ
Lemonade Stand
Out To Lunch
Are You Cereal?
Maturity Hits
Superr Short Story ๐ŸŽถ

Day 1 Of Behaving

300 6 9
By X_vivaX

{John Dory wakes up and doesn't open the blinds. He tip-toes downstairs and sees Grandma Rosiepuff cooking breakfast} 

JD: Hiya Granny, need help?

RP: Yes please, Thanks John!

JD: No problem!

{John Dory helps Rosiepuff with breakfast}

[In the bedroom]

S: What time iss itt..?

{Spruce looked over to his side and the blinds weren't open}

S: Hmm..

{Spruce looks over at John Dory's bed}

S: He's not there..


C: Aah-


C: What?

S: You scared the living whale outta me.

C: You have a whale inside you?

S: No, not what I meant-

{Floyd woke up and overheard them}

F: Ew-

S: Uh, Floyd, where's John Dory?

F: Dunno.

S:  He's like my alarm clock in the morning- Stupid square alarm clock.



F: But Clay is right!

C: Huh? I was just making a joke-

F: I miss him too!

C: Of course you do!

{Branch wakes up and climb out of his crib so quietly that nobody hears}

{He walks downstairs}

RP: Oh hey there, Branch!

{Branch waves at Grandma Rosiepuff}

JD: Mornin' Bitty B.

{Branch waves}

JD: Okay...

{The others come downstairs}


JD: Nothing much.

S: Yeah,

F: I'm great!  

C: Of course you are!

{They all get seated for breakfast, but Rosiepuff picks up Branch and places him in his high chair}

RP: Okay, for this entire week, I'll be working at home. 

C: Why?

RP: Because, I wanna keep an eye on y'all and make sure you're ACTUALLY behaving.

C: Aw man.

RP: What was that?

C: Nothing.

RP: Alright..

{Everyone finished and brought their plates to the sink}

JD: I'll wash em.

C: You just want Gram to fav you. I'll do it!

S: Pfft-

{Spruce picks up Branch goes up to the bedroom}

F: Why don't we all do it?

C: NO- Yes.. I mean! I would love for you to join us!

JD: Us?

F: Yay!

{The three except Floyd, are annoyed}

{Rosiepuff sits on the couch and starts working}

RP: Its so quiet..

{ The boys finished the dishes and bubbles were everywhere on their faces}


JD: Yeah..


{Floyd smacks bubbles on John Dory's chin}


JD: Augh..

{Rosiepuff glances at them}

RP: That's sweet, they are getting along!

[In the bedroom]

{Branch was building a tower out of blocks}

S: You like blocks don't ya?

{Branch nodded}

S: Okay, when Grandma said to not cry, she meant not cry. You can still talk..

B: Otay, but I not too much..!

S: Why not?

B: Wen I tak, I usey maki troubel.. an ten I cry..

S: Really?

{Branch nodded}

S: Hm,

{Spruce went back to looking at himself in the mirror}

{The door opens}

S: AH-

JD: *huff* I need- *huff* to-


JD: run..

S: Uhm, whattt is happening?

F: We are bubble monsters!


{Branch's block tower broke when they all jumped into the room}

B: ..

{Branch stood up and walked past his brothers silently}

F: Branch?

{Floyd looked at Branch walking down the stairs and then to his building blocks}

F: oh..

F: He can't cry..

{Floyd stood there feeling bad for Branch}

[Out of the bedroom]

RP: Hi Branch.

{Branch waved}

RP: Not much of a talker today, did something happen?

{Branch looked down}

RP: Wanna sit by me and watch me work?

{Branch smiled and jumped onto the couch}

RP: It's so peaceful today, don't you just love it?

{Branch nodded slowly}

RP: Are you okay, Branch?

{Branch nodded}

RP: What's the matter?

{Branch shrugged}

{He hugged Grandma Rosiepuff}

RP: Aw Branch, thanks!

{Branch grinned. He waved at Grandma Rosiepuff and started to walk upstairs}

[In the bedroom]

JD: We are gonna start this song with, Girl Baby Baby and close with Baby Baby Girl! Eh.. 

{John Dory was planning a song}

F: Hi Branch!

{Branch waved}

F: Are you okay?

{Branch nodded}

F: Why aren't you talking?

S: Because he's playing the quiet game!

{Spruce winked at Branch}

{Branch smiled and agreed}

F: Ohhh! I wanna join!

S: Alright then be quiet for as long as you can!

F: Okayy!

S: 3, 2, 1-

F: Wait, what if I do talk?

S: You lose?

F: Ohh.. okay.


{For the rest of the day it was peaceful and quiet. There wasn't any yelling, chaos, or crying}

[In the living room]

RP: Today was so silent! I wish they can be like this everyday.. Although.. I miss them being goofs. 

{Rosiepuff sighed}

RP: Well, I better make dinner now.

{She got up and started to make dinner}



{Clay ran down the stairs}


{They all sat at the table}

RP: I'm glad you all are actually doing this. This will make you realize that fighting over nothing was a waste of time.

JD: Yeah..?

{Clay munching on his food}

C: aFd iF *nom* I tHe .. dAy is.. eGg *nom* uh.. *nom*

RP: Clay finish your food first!

C: *nom* oKaY *gulp*

C: So, as I was saying, today was an excellent day. 

S: Big words wowzers!

C: Yeah, BIG brother 

{Clay grins}

{Spruce tries not to roll his eyes}

RP: What about you Floyd? 

{Floyd points to his mouth and then makes an X}

RP: You can't.. talk? Why?

S: He's playing the silent game with Branch!

RP: Ah, I see..

{Rosiepuff smiles at her grandsons seeing that they have become more caring and helpful}


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