Saiyan and a Rose Volume 5

By Megamaniac67

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The gang is coming back together! With Haven getting close to everybody our heroes are beginning to come toge... More

Episode 2: Dread in the air
Episode 3: Unforeseen Consequences
Episode 4: Lighting the Fire. A Necessary Sacrifice.
Episode 5: Known by its song. Rest and Resoulutions. (warning slight lemon)
Episode 6: Alone together
Episode 7: True colors
episode 8: The More The Merrier, A Mystic Power
Episode 9: The wrath of a Saiyan Prince! The Vault of the Spring Maiden (Finale)

Episode 1: Welcome to Haven

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By Megamaniac67

Qrow: The city of Mistral. . . 

Nora: Finally! Who's idea was it to walk again?

Ren: Considering how many trials we have faced as a team this should be unsurprisingly easy. From broken airships to abandoned cities-

Jaune: And lets not forget the monsters and people that tried to murder us!

Y/n: Not to mention, you guys faced Slug and Cooler. the later being stronger than Frieza and you guys survived him.

Pyrrha: Indeed and all to get to here.

Ruby: Pfff, we were fine only two of us almost died.

Clover walks beside ruby and glares at her.

Clover/Qrow: Hey!

Nora and Pyrrha pout.

Jaune: So how long till we get to Haven academy?

Qrow: Not much farther, though I'd take you kids on the Senick route.

Y/n: That reminds me where is Wuu?

Qrow: *chuckles* Funny thing, guy is crazy claustrophobic.

Ruby: Really?

Qrow: Yeah, guy supposedly got himself caught in a magic Gord for a few years and was starting to run out of air.

Pyrrha: You're making this up.

Hazel: No he's not.

Pyrrha: How do you know?

Hazel: I saw it happen when I was passing by as a little girl.

Pyrrha: Huh neat.

Qrow opens a huge door revealing a bright light.

Ruby and Y/n run out with Clover on their trail.

Ruby: This-IS-AWESOME!!

Y/n: WOOOO!!!!

Y/n picks up Clover on his shoulders as they gaze at Haven.

Wuu: Bout time you kids showed up.

They all turn to see the monkey warrior himself sitting in a tree eating some fruit.

Clover: Hi grandpa!

Ruby/Y/n: (Grandpa?)

Wuu: Sup kiddo? have you been watching over them?

Clover: Yes sir! *looks to the side* Wow look at these guns!

Qrow: This place will sell pretty much anything even if they shouldn't.

Jaune: They really made use of the mountains.

Wuu: Every inch. But, stay away from the lower levels, the higher you up you go the nicer it gets.

Nora: And we are going up!

Meanwhile on a cargo ship heading to mistral, a white-haired girl and a guy with spiky hair sit behind the pilot of the ship.

Weiss: How much longer?

Pilot: Not long till Mistral port, sorry it is taking us this long keeping us out of sight undetected is harder with all the travel ports. Sorry if its cramped.

Articho: I've been worse.

Flashback 5 years ago.

Articho and Raditz are waiting on a ship to get back to headquarters and when one finally falls down, the door opens.

Guldo: Well, well looks like the Saiyans need a ride!

Raditz: Oh, for F*cks sake.

Articho: So Guldo where are the spare ships?

Guldo: What are you talking about? You're flying back with me.


Articho: Raditz stop moving so much!

Raditz: Guldo is moving I'm not!

Guldo: You two are moving!

Articho: Dude get a breath mint! You stink!

Flashback end.

Articho: Yeah, that wasn't fun. But this-

Articho puts a hand next to Weiss and leans in. Weiss's face turns red.

Articho: This is fine.

Weiss: Y-yeah.

Weiss turns to the pilot.

Weiss: I just hope I haven't been a burden.

Pilot: You two and your money are more than welcome on this ship kid.

Meanwhile Articho is thinking to himself.

Articho: (I know Y/n is on this planet so that explains one super saiyan power but what was the other one I felt with Cooler? It seemed familiar yet unique at the same time. It wasn't too far from here, so it could only be a saiyan in the area. I could also sense a primal energy that could only be-)

Articho looks toward Mistral.

Articho: So, the red riding hood finally got her power.

Weiss: What?

Articho: Nothing my Ice princess.

Weiss blushes because when Articho said that instead of the other, it made her feel special to him.

The pilot turns to the control panel with a slightly worried expression.

Weiss: Is everything ok?

Pilot: I don't know we're over Mause we shouldn't be picking up broadcasts this far from Mistral.

Articho and Weiss listen as the pilot turns on the radio.

???: Maday! Maday! We are a small passenger flight and our hunter is down we aren't equipped to deal with this! We have Grimm here 400 clicks north of the southern shore line. Get them off of us!

The tranmition ends. The pilot makes his way away from the area.

Articho: I'll be right back.

Articho walks toward the cargo hold.

Articho: Time to kill some Grimm.

Articho uses the emergency exit and shuts it after leaving.

He flies and looks back at Weiss who is smiling.

The Royal blood flies toward the location as Weiss continues on the way to mistral.

Meanwhile in Mistral the group of JNPR, Y/n and Ruby make their way to the school.

Ruby: We made it.

Y/n: Nice design.

Ruby looks to see Y/n eating tacos.

Ruby: Y/n where did you get those?

Y/n: I bought them in the market. They sold them cheap too.

Wuu: That isn't a good sign.

Y/n: Please, I am a saiyan my iron gut can handle anything.

Wuu and Ruby look at each other with concern.

Qrow looks around worried.

The group continues inside as they can't find anybody.

Ruby: Hello?

Y/n: Hello?

Nora: Maybe we should try louder?

Pyrrha: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Jaune: Well I guess school isn't really in session now so maybe that's it?

Qrow: No this isn't right, c'mon!

They all run after him.

They make it to the door and stop as Qrow brings out his weapon.

Qrow: Careful there may be trouble.

Wuu takes his Staff and the other huntsmen get there weapons with Clover Cocking one in the barrel of his pistol.

Qrow knocks down the door.

???: AHHH!!

Everyone: AHHHH!

The two men fall on their buts while Wuu sighs and sheathes his weapon.

Wuu: Professor Lion heart?

The Professor looks up at the group then at Qrow.

Lion Heart: Qrow! You nearly scared me to death!

Qrow: Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?

The Professor looked at his pocket watch.

Leo: Oh I suppose time slipped away from me.

Qrow: Seriously?

Nora: Where is everybody?

Lionheart: Ah you must be the students Qrow mentioned.

Ruby: Yes sir, Ruby Rose!

Jaune: Jaune Arc.

Pyrrha: Pyrrha Nikos.

Nora: Nora Valkarie.

Ren: Li Ren.

Y/n: Son Y/n, nice to meet you professor!

Clover walks out and tips his hat.

Clover: Clover, sir.

Leo: A pleasure to meet you all, Leonardo Lionheart at your service. I am afraid I have sent my staff away until classes resume.

Wuu/Qrow: What?!

Qrow: Who's guarding the relic!?

Leo: Qrow the children-

Wuu: Already know, we filled them in. What do you mean your staff is away?

Leo: You filled them in?

Nora: So. *leans toward Y/n and Ruby* Is this not going how anyone thought it would?

Y/n: I doubt it.

Narrator: Just our boy dancing. Back to the story.

At the Belladonna residence, Ghira bursts through the door with Cloud and Sun who all seem pissed.

Ghira: Unbelievable!

Sun: Total garbage!

Cloud: Freaking bull crap!

They all glare with determination.

The Men: We can't let them get away with this!

Kali: Well at least you guys finally agree on something.

Ghira and Cloud look at each other.

Blake: Guys.

They all turn to see Blake coming in.

Blake: Everything is going to be ok.

Later Blake goes to the balcony to have some time to herself.

Cloud: I'm going to take a walk.

Kali: Ok, be safe.

Cloud walks out to menagerie with his hood on as to not attract attention.

???: Excuse me?

Cloud turns around and sees a familiar sight.

Cloud: Daiko? Alex?

Indeed, there stood two people who were at the fall of Beacon. Alex who was a wolf faunas and wore a green and black shirt with black pants that has holsters for his weapons. The other was a Saiyan Articho recruited during that time. It was hard to tell he was a saiyan though due to his tail being cut off. He wore a Cloak as well but underneath wore Saiyan armor.

Cloud: What are you guys doing here?

Alex: Well I live here. Daiko is a bit more complicated however.

Daiko: The Queen of Saiyans is here in menagerie! She is gathering us and calling us to help find Prince Articho.

Cloud: Well I haven't seen them if you are wondering that. I've been with Blake and Sun the whole time.

Alex: Well, we heard what you guys are trying to do gathering all the faunas to take back the White Fang.

Cloud: Yeah, still a work in progress.

Daiko: If we could convince the queen to lend soilders to you aid!

Cloud then thought of something.

Cloud: Well, if I could guess where Articho is it's with Weiss, and Weiss will probably head to Haven to stop the attack over there.

Daiko: Really?! That's great I'll go inform the Queen!

Alex: Easy bud don't jump the gun on this. It takes time for this kind of thing.

Daiko: Well when should we tell her.

Alex: First let's make sure we can make a meeting with The leader before we try it.

Cloud: Well, I need to go back. I need to get some sleep.

Alex: Well, if you are going to haven take me with you I want to see Yang-

Alex covers his mouth.

Daiko: Hah simp.

Alex: I saw how you looked at Velvet.

Daiko: I'll kill you.

Alex: I know you can.

Cloud backs up before this situation gets out of control.

Meanwhile at Haven academy, Leonardo Lionheart sits in his chair.

Leo: I can't believe you two would do something this reckless.

Wuu: No reckless is leaving the relic completely unguarded!

Qrow: Or not checking in with Oz for ages.

Leo: There was nothing to check in before the fall of Beacon, but since that night Mistral has been in chaos! Vale wasn't the only kingdom to suffer that night. Every house was watching the tv that night, *turns to Pyrrha* they saw that poor girl you ripped to pieces, *turns to everyone* They saw the grimm come for the people and the knights changing sides. The only thing that made it bearable was him.

The professor points at Y/n who was finishing off his last Taco.

Y/n: Uhh, yes?

Leo: They saw you transform and saw you start the fight with That devil woman before the feed cut off. That was the only hope we had that one night. But you can imagine the dread in the air from watching that and the Grimm coming for us. Mistral's area is the widest reaching territory you know. So defending it was not all that easy for us. We lost so many good huntsmen, teachers from this very institution. And it has only gotten worse.

Clover makes a fist and his eyes get watery.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Leo: We may have dealt with the Grimm but the Mistral council is still at odds with the representatives of Atlas. First it was the dust embargo and now the closing of borders. I don;t know what happened to James in Vale but it seems to have worsened some of his more questionable tendencies.

Wuu: Aw great not again.

Leo: And on top of everything we still don't know where the spring maiden is.

Jaune: Well we have half the fa-

Y/n covers his mouth.

Y/n: (telepathic) Not yet.

Jaune nods and y/n lets him go.

Qrow: all the more reason to have the huntsmen and huntresses here!

Ruby: Ok! Okay! Things are bad! Bad! But we can do this if we all calm down! Why is the spring maiden so important?

The professor turns to Qrow.

Leo: I thought you filled them in?

Qrow: I didn't have time to cover everything. I quite teaching for a reason.

Qrow drinks from his flask while Wuu puts his head in one of his hands.

Leo: The four maidens are each gifted with magic and only they can reach the relics.

Jaune: What?!

Pyrrha shifts uncomfortably.

Y/n: What did somebody put a magic seal on the place?!

Qrow: The relics can only be unlocked with the maidens of a specific gift. Winter for the gift of creation, Summer for destruction, Fall for choice, and spring for knowledge. Spring is the problem.

Ren: What happened to her?

Leo: She was determined at first but the wait of responsibility proved too much for the child. She ran and abandoned her training, everyone. That was over a decade ago there is no telling where she could be now.

Wuu: Poor kid.

Qrow: I know. At least I think I know.

Leo: Are you serious?!

Qrow: It is not exactly good news.

Leo: Are you kidding this is incredible news where?

Qrow: I did some digging around. Apparently after spring left she was picked up by bandits the Branwen tribe.

Leo: Raven.

Jaune: Yang's mom?

Wuu: Oh no, why her?

Ruby: what's wrong?

Wuu: Your sister's mom that's what is wrong.

Y/n: Wasn't she the girl you were scared of during you "glory days".

Wuu: Hey I made you kids swore never to talk about that!

Qrow ignores them and puts his scroll on the table.

Qrow: It seems that Raven has gathered a lot of followers. And when the spring maiden showed up it only made things better.

Leo: Well Qrow I'm proud. We'll send a retrieval mission in a few weeks and get the spring maiden.

Y/n: A few weeks?!

They all turn to Y/n.

Y/n: People's lives are at stake here! Why can't we go now?!

Leo: Mr. Son control yourself.

Qrow: The kid is right Leo, we need to go now.

Leo: and maybe you didn't hear me, the kingdom is in shambles, and I don't have any huntsmen to go out and get her. ASAP doesn't mean tomorrow; it means as soon as I can convince the council to give me huntsmen more than they do. Unfortunately, bandit tribes are not on the top priority when war is on their doorstep!

Wuu: Then F*ck the council, me and Qrow are professionals, and two of the kids can turn super saiyan and Pyrrha has half the fall maiden's power.

Y/n: Wuu!

Wuu: Wha-

Wuu realizes what he said.

Wuu: Shit I wasn't supposed to say that last part.

Leo: I thought Cinder has the fall maiden's power?

Pyrrha: No, she stole half the power from amber and Ozpin and the others managed to fuse Amber's remaining spirit with mine along with what remains of her power.

Y/n: None-the-less before we do any of this, we need to make sure we can take them, so they won't just scatter.

Leo: I'm afraid even if we take the whole tribe, we still would be no match for the spring maiden, who has no doubt had years to hone her skills. Unlike Cinder who only had a half the maiden power, a full maiden would be far stronger.

Qrow: Oz wouldn't like any of this if he was here.

Leo: Well, he isn't and I'm doing the best I can.

Qrow: Well, I can't say this has been a warm reunion, Leo.

Leo: I'm sorry I know you have all traveled far but trust me I am doing everything in my power to help you. The group nods and begin to walk away.

Wuu: Cool, we'll stay in the city for the time being. Local comms are still up. Keep in touch.

Qrow: Let's go kids.

They all began to leave with Ruby turning around and smiling sadly.

Ruby: It was nice to meet you professor.

Leo: Likewise.

Ruby leaves the door.

Y/n looks behind him and looks serious.

Pyrrha: What's wrong?

Y/n: I don't know, something about the professor doesn't sit right with me.

Nora: So what do we do now?

Qrow: Wuu, take the kids back to rooms. I need a drink.

Wuu: I might join you on that one for once.

Later at the bar Qrow and Wuu sit at the bartending table.

Wuu: (Oh Summer, why did our world fall apart when you weren't in it.)

???: Excuse me?

Qrow and Wuu turn around to see a small boy wearing farm clothes.

Qrow: I don't think they allow kids in here pipsqueak.

Wuu: Yeah, why don't you go to the plaza over there?

Oscar turns to his side.

Oscar: Shut up I'm getting there.

Oscar looks at the two men.

Oscar: I'm supposed to tell you. . . I want my cane back?

Wuu: No freak'n way.

Qrow smiles and pulls out Ozpin's cane.

Qrow: Good to have you back Oz.

Qrow throws Oscar the cane.

Meanwhile in a gas station, a bartender turns to a Blonde girl wearing sunglasses and a figure in a cloak next to her.

Bartender: Aren't you a little young to drink Ms?

Yang takes off her sunglasses.

Yang: A water, it's hot out. One for my friend too.

The cloaked figure nods with his head barely being visable.

Bartender: Right, I'll get that for you.

As the bartender goes to get the drinks a biker laughs next to them.

Biker: You're telling me your too young to drink? You look like a regular huntress and a beauty at that.

Yang: I'm good thanks pal.

Biker: I'm serious not to bulky not to lean-

Yang: Just right, I know I'm good.

Biker: And your hair. . .

The biker reaches for her hair but The cloaked figure puts a hand out to stop him.

???: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

The biker looked at the man and saw piercing yellow eyes.

He backs up and walks away.

Yang: Thanks.

the figure takes his hood off to reveal Acoustic.

Acoustic: Hey, I practically saved him from what you were going to do to him if he touched your hair.

The bartender looks at the two and puts two waters down.

Bartender: These two are on the house. That guy has been driving me crazy.

They nod and take their drinks.

Bartender: So what are you two doing out here?

Yang: I'm looking for someone.

Bartender: not too many people outside the kingdoms, the only one worth noting is-

Yang: Raven Branwen. Thanks for the drink.

Bartender: Now you two shouldn't mess with bandits they are a whole heap of trouble!

Acoustic: So we've heard.

They exit.

Yang: You really don't have to come with me.

Acoutic: You're Ruby's sister and one of the people I know that is strong and not some alien hybrid. I'm coming to make sure that if you need help I'm there.

Yang: Well I-

Biker: Hey Girly.

Yang: Really? Again?

Biker: I heard you're looking for someone.

Meanwhile in Mistral; Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Clover are playing cards.

Jaune: (Aw yeah I'm feeling lucky.)

Pyrrha: (I know I have a good hand in here somewhere.)

Nora fell asleep with her hand.

Clover smiles and places a Lien on the table.

Clover: Call.

They all put their hands on the table except Clover who slowly reveals a full house.

Clover: Well isn't that a daisy.

Jaune gets mad and is about to flip the table when they hear a knock at the door.

Clover: I'll get it.

He walks over and opens the door to find a boy only a little taller than he is.

Jaune also walks over.

Jaune: Can we help you?

Oscar: Yeah, is there a Ruby Rose here?

Clover reaches for his firearm while everyone stands up.

Nora: Why?

Oscar: Well. . . 

Qrow comes in a drunk.

Qrow: I found him!!

Wuu comes in with himself having a headache.

Wuu: Don't ask.

Oscar: I think your uncle could use some help?

Clover and Jaune help him to the couch as Wuu sits down at the table.


The whole group turns to see Ruby with a peeved look.

Ruby: Y/n has been on the toilet for an hour! Can't a girl read her comics in peace?!

Ruby looks at the two men and gets a deadpan expression.

Ruby: Qrow, did you get drunk again?

Qrow: MaYBe?

Wuu puts his head on the counter.

Wuu: I need something to sleep this off.

Y/n comes out of the bathroom.

Y/n: Thank King Kai that's over.

Y/n notices the room.

Oscar: Y-you have silver eyes.

Y/n looks at Ruby.

Y/n: Ok kid who are you?

Oscar: Well my name is Oscar Pine.

Wuu: Wait for it.

Oscar: But you probably know me as Professor Ozpin?

Everyone has shocked expressions.

Qrow laughs.

Qrow: I did it!

He falls down and the lien from the game goes everywhere.

Clover: NO! My prize!

Y/n: What the FRI-

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