Time for Teletubbies

By MysticMorgan7

65 4 0

Four teletubbies named Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po are cops from another planet and they have traveled... More

Act 1: Destination Earth
Act 3: Noo-Noo
Act 4 The Experiment

Act 2: The search begins

14 1 0
By MysticMorgan7

Greetings again readers. If you haven't read the first story then why the hell are you skipping to the second one? Anyways, today our story starts off at the Superdome the morning after the teletubbies landed on it. The four chubby law enforcement officials were just waking up, Laa-Laa was the last one to get up.

LAA-LAA: Ho boy, what a shitty nightmare. I dreamt we were chasing that asshole Bill to another planet called earth.

DIPSY: Uh sweetheart?

Dipsy used his mitten hand to point at the window near the beds and when Laa-Laa stood up and looked out the window and saw her nightmare was a reality she planted her head against the wall and tried her hardest not to cry.

LAA-LAA (thinking): Why, just why?

TINKY WINKY: Alright everyone you know what we're doing today right?

PO: Yes honey, we need to catch Bill and retrieve that stolen superdome before he does anything destructive.

TINKY WINKY: Indeed, but first we must have breakfast.

For breakfast they had this stuff from planet tubby called tubby toast and a beverage they also had on their home planet called tubby custard.

After they were done eating they headed outside and Tinky Winky discussed a plan with the others.

TINKY WINKY: Okay so in case we run into any more humans we will be traveling as a group because we don't know what they'll try to do to us if they see us as a threat.

LAA-LAA: Wouldn't that make the mission last a lot longer than it needs to be?

PO: Yes Laa-Laa but you know what they say, better to be safe than sorry.

TINKY WINKY: Po's right. Dipsy, before we start searching for Bill do you think there's any chance you can repair the gps superdome tracker?

DIPSY: Nah man, It's completely destroyed because of how fragile it was.

TINKY WINKY: Well in that case we're gonna have to search for the missing superdome the old fashioned way. Alright let's move out and have a look around this planet.

The teletubbies started walking along the grassland and continued journeying until they came across what looked like a road.

LAA-LAA: My goodness look at this road, it looks just like the ones we have on planet tubby.

PO: I'm starting to wonder if we headed into an alternate universe instead of another planet.

DIPSY: I'm pretty sure if we were in another universe we probably wouldn't be able to contact Walten from back home, not to mention we probably would've experienced a wormhole or something without missing it.

The teletubbies looked both ways before crossing the road and when they did they saw a sign that said "welcome to Blueville Ohio".

LAA-LAA: Blueville Ohio, so that's the name of the town we're in.

The tubby A squad started walking on a sidewalk.

TINKY WINKY: Okay everyone I just had a thought, since there's a very possible chance Bill's superdome landed nearby our superdome it's possible he's in the same town. My guess is he would probably go somewhere where there's a lot of expensive stuff. So let's look around and see if there's a place that will most likely have a ton of expensive stuff he will try to destroy.

Po looked around and saw a big building that had the words shopping mall on it.

PO: How about that shopping mall over there? Shopping malls often have a lot of expensive stuff, I think I recall seeing motor rollers inside our own shopping malls back on our own home planet.

TINKY WINKY: You know what? It's worth a shot, let's go everyone.

They headed into the shopping mall and sure enough there was a lot of stuff in the mall that looked extra expensive. There were even a few motor rollers in there (or as we humans call them, cars). Of course because it was a big place there were alot of people in there and some of them started to stare because they never saw anything like the teletubbies before.

PO: T.W. The humans are starting to stare at us.

TINKY WINKY: I'm well aware sweetheart, but so long as we don't bother them they won't bother us.

???: Well if it isn't you guys again.

They turned over to see Farmer James coming towards them.

DIPSY: Hey Farmer James, how are you doing man?

FARMER JAMES: I'm still recovering from yesterday's incident with Jeff but I think I'll be just fine.

LAA-LAA: You wouldn't happen to find any trace of that orange teletubby we were talking about the other day have you?

FARMER JAMES: No, I was home until just a few minutes ago. I need to buy some new blankets because the ones at my house are old and torn to pieces. But since you guys pretty much saved my life yesterday I'll make sure to inform you if I see anything strange.

DIPSY: Let's just hope we don't have to fight anymore human criminals today.


Suddenly a female wearing a cowgirl hat, shiny light blue armor and had a weird tail came out of the nearby jewelry store with 2 guns shooting them up in the air.

???: Sorry y'all but these diamonds are mine now *runs away laughing evilly*.

TINKY WINKY: Okay James, mind telling us who that is?

FARMER JAMES: That woman's name is Macy Ross but most people call her Blue Diamond. She takes diamonds from anywhere she finds them and turns them to either armor or her own weapons.

PO: What exactly are diamonds?

FARMER JAMES: They are a very valuable gem that can be worth millions of dollars.

LAA-LAA: You know what? I think there's a very possible chance she might be working for Bill, she likes stealing expensive stuff. He might be trying to help her basically destroy these expensive objects by turning them into something they're not.

DIPSY: I'm not sure about that but the possibility exists.

PO: I say we go catch her and see if she knows anything.

TINKY WINKY: ...You know what? That doesn't sound like a bad idea, let's get her.

The teletubbies chased after Blue Diamond out of the mall and onto the sidewalks when the masked villain noticed she was being chased by 4 creatures she had never seen before she pulled out one of her guns and shot Tinky Winky in the chest.

PO: Oh no Tinky Winky!

Blue Diamond tried shooting more bullets at T.W. but both of her guns were out of bullets so she ran off again.

DIPSY: Po you stay here and try to get Tinky Winky healed up, me and Laa-Laa will go after Blue Diamond.

Dipsy and Laa-Laa continued running after the armored cowgirl while Po reached into her portable medical kit and pulled out a big pair of tweezers to see if she could pull the bullets out..

PO: It's okay honey, I'm here now.

Eventually Blue Diamond came to a dead end and knew that there was no other way out of this than to fight.

BLUE DIAMOND: Listen Partner, I don't know who the hell you think you are but I won't allow myself to be caught by... a couple of overgrown teddybears.

DIPSY: Bitch, I'm the guy who's gonna whoop your ass for shooting a long time friend of mine.

Dipsy and Laa-laa then went into hand to hand combat with Blue diamond.

BLUE DIAMOND (thinking): Jesus christ these creatures are more powerful than I predicted, time to get serious.

Blue diamond then pulled out a diamond knife (yes a knife made out of diamond material) and started attacking Dipsy and Laa-Laa with it. Unfortunately for her it wasn't enough to take out the two tubbies. Dipsy gave her the finishing punch and knocked her out.

Dipsy and Laa-Laa had a few cuts on them but they weren't too bad. It could've been much worse if the guns didn't run out of bullets.

DIPSY: That's what you get for trying to kill one of my long time friends.

Dipsy then pulled out his hand cuffs and then put Macy's hands behind her back and cuffed the bitch. Since she was knocked out Dipsy dragged her ass from the road to the spot Tinky Winky and Po were at. Fortunately the diamond bullet wasn't in too deep so Po was able to easily get it out, she then bandaged the purple teletubby up to stop the blood from spilling out.

TINKY WINKY: Ow ow ow ow!

PO: Yeah that wound is gonna take a bit to heal, I'd say five days.

You might be wondering why Tinky Winky survived the gunshot and how the wound would heal in just five days. Well let me tell you a couple of fun facts about teletubbies. First off they are much tougher than us human beings, the average teletubby is five times as strong as the average human being. Secondly these tubby creatures also have the ability to heal at a much faster pace than us, so something as extreme as a gunshot wound would take only 4 to 5 days to fully heal.

Farmer James called the cops as soon as the tubby A squad started going after Blue Diamond, as soon as he was finished with the call he walked out of the mall and soon tracked down the teletubbies. He soon found Po bandaging T.W's chest.

FARMER JAMES: Good God, what happened here?

PO: Blue Diamond shot him in the chest, I've already got the bullet out now and I'm just finishing the bandaging part.

TINKY WINKY: *breathes heavily*

FARMER JAMES: He survived the gunshot? Damn you guys must be pretty strong if your bodies are able to survive against diamond bullets.

TINKY WINKY: Yeah but it still really hurts, Ow!

PO: Slow down, If you move too fast the pain will only get worse.

FARMER JAMES: Diamonds are one of the hardest materials in the world, so the fact that you actually survived a gunshot from Blue Diamond is beyond amazing.

Just as Po and Farmer James finished helping Tinky Winky get back up on his feet Dipsy and Laa-Laa came with a knocked out Blue Diamond being dragged along the sidewalk.

FARMER JAMES: Holy shit, you actually knocked her out!

DIPSY: Darn right I did, she got what she deserved.

Po sat her husband down on a nearby bench so he could wait for McGruff and the other cops to show up.

TINKY WINKY: What would I do without you, babe?

Pretty soon Mcgruff and another cop showed up and McGruff was a little stunned at what he saw.

MCGRUFF: My god, you guys actually caught her.

TINKY WINKY: McGruff is it? Good to see you again.

MCGRUFF: *looks at the wound* Did you... put blue paint under those bandages?

TINKY WINKY: What no, that's my blood trying to leak out.

MCGRUFF: You mean you teletubbies have blue blood?

PO: Of course. Doesn't everyone?

MCGRUFF: ...No. Humans, faunus and most animals alike have red blood.

LAA-LAA: Oh wow.

MCGRUFF: Speaking of which, thanks for helping us catch Blue Diamond because she's been on the most wanted list on this town for at least 5 months.

DIPSY: Believe me man it was our pleasure, especially since she shot T.W. over there on the chest.

MCGRUFF: You mean you actually survived one of her diamond bullets?

PO: Yes Mr McGruff, but it could've been a very different story if I hadn't taken medical classes before becoming a police officer.

MCGRUFF (thinking): You know, I think these four might be very good members of the Blueville police force. With their help maybe we can finally put every dangerous criminal we've been struggling to catch under arrest.

TINKY WINKY: McGruff, mind if I ask you a favor from one cop to another?

MCGRUFF: Yes sir, what's the favor.

TINKY WINKY: Could you ask Blue Diamond If she knows anything about our own criminal we are trying to catch, Bill? We think she might've been working for him due to the fact they both like stealing expensive objects and destroying them.

MCGRUFF: Hmm, I guess we could play a game of good cop bad cop with her, I just have to find the right cop for it. In the meantime if you want you can come work for the Blueville police.

TINKY WINKY: Work for your police force, why?

MCGRUFF: Because I've seen enough crime shows to know exactly where your situation is most likely gonna go. It seems like this Bill guy is pretty good at getting away from cops, correct?

TINKY WINKY: Oh yeah, he's probably the most slippery criminal in the history of our hometown back on planet tubby.

MCGRUFF: And because of that you all might run out of food because you won't have the proper type of money to spend on groceries.

DIPSY: Oh that's not an issue because the headquarters can just send us a grocery drone down to earth and give us more food.

PO: I mean I wouldn't mind trying a few foods here on this planet.

DIPSY: Yeah me neither.

COP#1: We got Blue Diamond in the car chief.

MCGRUFF: Excellent work. You see, there are a lot of other dangerous criminals out there just as powerful as Blue Diamond and we've really been struggling trying to arrest them and keep this town safe. For example last month Jeff the killer killed 3 other cops on my force due to his durability.

PO: Tinky Winky, I think McGruff might be asking for our help because they're struggling with their own criminals.

MCGRUFF: The ginger tubby's right, we really could use someone as strong as you four on our force and maybe we can finally put the fear of god into these crooks and make this town safer than it ever was before. Besides maybe if we all work together we can help you catch that orange teletubby you guys are after.

TINKY WINKY: You know that would really help us out with our situation and I guess me and the others wouldn't mind helping you out with your wanted criminals, we'll think about it.

LAA-LAA: But we still don't know whether or not Walten would be okay with that.

TINKY WINKY: Then we'll ask him when we get home.

MCGRUFF: Thank you so much Tubby A squad, think it over all you want.

McGruff then hopped into the cop car as well as the officer who came with him and they drove off back to their police station. Farmer James used his car to take Tinky Winky back to the Superdome with Po while Dipsy and Laa-Laa returned the diamond to the rightful owner.

ESCAPE FRED 52: Thanks for the help, now if you'll excuse me I better put this diamond back where it belongs.

When Tinky Winky got home he got on the oversized computer they had in their superdome.

TINKY WINKY: Good day Walten.

WALTEN: Eh oh Tinky Winky I hope you're doing okay. Have you gotten any clue of where Bill is?

TINKY WINKY: No, we still got nothing I'm sorry to say. We kinda got distracted trying to catch a human criminal.

WALTEN: Why were you focusing on a task that wasn't yours?

TINKY WINKY: We were, we just thought Blue diamond might know something about Bill since they have a similar interest in stealing expensive stuff.

WALTEN: Blue diamond?

TINKY WINKY: Oh, that's the name the people of this town gave her because she likes stealing diamonds and turning them into her own weapons or armor.

WALTEN:... I see. Well is there anything else you need to inform me about?

TINKY WINKY: Well the police chief of this town, McGruff has offered his and his teams help to find any trace of him.

WALTEN: Well that's certainly a little weight off your shoulders.

TINKY WINKY: Walten, McGruff also said that there are alot of criminals on this planet that are really dangerous and we all discovered that us teletubbies might just be stronger than an average human being.

WALTEN: What are you suggesting we take over this world?

TINKY WINKY: No, McGruff offered us a position in the Blueville police force because there are alot of slippery criminals and they're gonna need help arresting them.

WALTEN: Sounds like we all have a common problem.

TINKY WINKY: My only question to you is will you be okay with us four taking the job in their police force.

WALTEN: You know what T.W, I think this mission just became a lot more than a big chase. I think destiny might have sent you here for an even bigger reason than we all thought. I guess it wouldn't hurt having a little more help from the humans. I'll go ahead and allow you all to take this job so long as I get to talk to McGruff sometime in the future.

TINKY WINKY: Okay, will do.

WALTEN: Good, what criminals was this McGruff even talking about?

TINKY WINKY: I don't know, he just said there were alot of criminals that were very dangerous and they're having a hard time arresting them.

WALTEN: Well in that case maybe it is the best option to have both our police teams join forces to help eachother out. But it's really up to you and the others whether or not you want to join them just until you finally arrest Bill and retrieve the stolen superdome.

TINKY WINKY: Well Walten I was just calling you to tell you about this news, you have a good day.

WALTEN: Until next time T.W.

Tinky Winky then ended the call and Po came up to him after having a bathroom break just as Dipsy and Laa-Laa walked in.

PO: Well sweetie, what did he say?

TINKY WINKY: He said it's okay for us to take the job because he thought it was a good idea for our police teams to join together so we can help each other out.

DIPSY: Hopefully with their help, we will all be home in no time.

LAA-LAA: I hope so because I'm already starting to get home sick.

PO: Cheer up Laa-Laa, with their help will be home in less than a week.

The End, thanks for reading this story and have a blessed day.

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