Khatta-Mitha Ishq

By Sindoor_Love

13.7K 899 382

~What's the meaning of gifting bangles when you will going to break them? ... More

∘₊✧Aesthetic & Dedication✧∘₊
∘₊✧Out of reasons✧∘₊
∘₊✧Heart Beat✧∘₊
∘₊✧My Billu✧∘₊
∘₊✧Date Fixed✧∘₊
∘₊✧Mr. Handsome✧∘₊
∘₊✧New Home✧∘₊
∘₊✧Happy Holi✧∘₊
∘₊✧Author Note ~ 01.04.2024∘₊✧
∘₊✧My wife✧∘₊
∘₊✧The night✧∘₊
∘₊✧The morning✧∘₊
∘₊✧The request✧∘₊
∘₊✧Missing him✧∘₊
∘₊✧Sweet kisses✧∘₊

∘₊✧First Date✧∘₊

1.2K 51 54
By Sindoor_Love

∘₊✧Ragini: He ruined my first date✧∘₊

Today I am going on a date with an unknown person. But believe me, my parents never even allowed me to go on a trip with friends. In the last two weeks, everything is going out of control. Is it my life or a roller coaster? Please don't ask me anything, don't know what is happening in my life.

Yeah my parents are going mad that my age is crossing the marriage age level , when I am just 25 !!! Having a peaceful job in a publishing house, where I can read books free of cost. In my free time, converting my lustful fantasies into damn words with my followers, my babies .

But still handling everything in my own way, giving examples of my friends and colleagues. Until, one if my cousin decided to marry at the age of 20, without completing her graduation, and with a fucking age gap of 11 years. Okay I am not against the age gap, all my stories have at least a six year age gap. But 11!! Isn't it too much? It's too awkward to eat at my younger sister's marriage ceremony being unmarried, relatives were throwing up draggers like it's a crime, why my parents still didn't start searching about the groom. I just avoided the fact how many aunties came to my mom with proposals and after listening to my age said 'Ohh I think she is a little bit old as our requirement'. How dare you!! For giving me this level of second-hand-embarrassment. And there we go, one of my dad's friends advised my frustrated dad to log in to a matrimonial site for me.

And ask me what next! Just ask me damn!!!

My parents are so happy like they got the moon in their hands. My mom even insisted me to go Shiv mandir before logging in the website and starting the big search for my perfect groom.

In that case, anyone can say I am spiritual, I believe in God, if something happens in my life then it will be best for me. If they seriously find a man for me, then maybe God will send him for me, that's best for me. Then why not start the journey while worshipping Mahadev.

In the dressing sense , I am accustomed to any type of western dress, it's more comfy. But when it is time to go to Mandir or puja, I always prefer to wear saree or at least any ethnic wear. For that reason, many of my friends called me back-dated but I didn't care about this fact. Why should I ? I look pretty cute in this salwar suit! Is it flexing ? Okay then no problem I can do that flexing by the way. In a while, retro, aesthetic vibes will come in trend and they will dig to buy the ethnic wears. Trendy sluts.

But I never thought my dressing sense would attract someone's eye at all, thinking Pure Angel Soul. Okay I am not saying I am pure, I have dirty thoughts, but I have my own values like for satisfying those thoughts I will surely not whoring around. Umm kind of innocent face with a dirty mind!. Yeah that can be a proper description of me.

After attending the long line for normal people, giving the puja, I was just going outside from the Mandir surroundings. One middle aged couple , maybe in their forties, surrounded by three tall black dressed bodyguards, came towards me, from the so-called premium puja section.

The woman's dressing sense is so sophisticated but not exaggerated. I was confused because I had never seen them before for sure but they were trying to make eye contact with me or they were gossiping about me between themselves .

I increased the speed of my steps, don't know why it was making me uncomfortable, and mostly when I could see that lady was taking steps towards me with a hurry, to match my speed. 

My mom was yelling from back as they also couldn't match with my speed, 

"এই বাবুই, এতো দৌড়াচ্ছিস কেন, আমাদের জন্য দাঁড়া একটু"

"Babui, wait for us, why are you running?".

 I halt on my speed to check where were they, and started waving my hand, as saying no need to hurry, I was waiting there.  

Yeah I know that is a soft gesture of calling but still my overthinking mind was already lost in thoughts and I just flinched away at her voice, when she from my backside softly asked me 

 "একটু শুনবে "

"Excuse me"

I turned my body swiftly towards them while my parents were in the distance. The lady stood in front of me while keeping a shy, confused smile, when I nervously spoke up, 

"হ্যাঁ বলুন!"

"Yes!" . 

And with hesitation she asked me 

"প্লিজ মা, যদি কিছু মনে করো না, এক কথা জিজ্ঞেস করবো তোমায়?"

"Please don't mind, beta! Can I ask you something?"

 I didn't know how to say no to this lady who literally so softly asked me. I nodded and she proceeded with her question 

"বলছি মা, তোমার কি বিয়ে হয়ে গিয়েছে বা দেখা আছে?"

"Beta, are you married or dating?".

Is it normal to ask an unknown girl !! I never felt that much nervous in my college semesters though. I just straight forward look at my mom's eye to seek rescue from this situation. But still she was step ahead, but seeing me with unknown lady she hurriedly took her steps. I tried to utter a simple no but shutter so badly. And my angel mom came and told her politely 

"না দিদি, ও বিবাহিত না, বা সেরকম কেউ দেখাও নেই। তা আপনি কেন জিজ্ঞেস করছেন দিদি?"

"No, she is not married, or seen anyone like that. Why do you ask?".

 The lady looked into her husband's eyes , like they are fighting with the language of eyes , who would take initiative to utter the next words. After a moment her husband spoke 

"আসলে আমরা, আমাদের বাড়ির লক্ষ্মী খুঁজছিলাম"

"Actually we, were looking for Lakshmi of our house".

Using some small fingertips he opened one picture in his phone and showed my mom 

"এই আমাদের একমাত্র ছেলে, যদি আপনাদের আপত্তি না থাকে তাহলে কি আমরা একটু কথা বলতে পারি?"

"This is our only son, if you don't mind, can we have a little talk?"

And after that don't ask me anything, I don't know. After that they met , discussed , and kept everything secret for me for a whole damn one month. Can you believe that!!!!

Yesterday night I was just relaxing thinking tomorrow Sunday is my day and my mom sent me a profile link in Instagram , with a lengthy message according to her typing speed and patience of typing 

" একবার বাবুই ওর প্রোফাইলটা একবার দেখে যায়। দেখ বেশ ভালো দেখতে, ভদ্র , মার্জিত, সাকসেসফুল তো বটেই , বাবার ওতো বড় ব্যবসা একাই সামলাচ্ছে। কালকে তোদের জন্য SweetDreams ক্যাফে তে টেবিল ও বুক করেছে। প্লিজ বাবুই শুরুতেই না করিস না, একবার দেখা করে যায় , যদি না পোশায় আমাকে বলিস, আমি তো আছি, আমি নিজে ওদের না করে দেবো।"

"Look at this profile. See how handsome he is, polite, elegant, he is a successful businessman also, handling the family business alone. He booked a table in the SweetDreams cafe. Please don't say 'no' ,first meet him, if you don't like him, I am taking responsibility I will say no, promise".

Have you ever seen in cartoons, like a crash of yellow light blinking thunder on its head and its body going black with a huge shake, my situation is like that. With full speed I just ran towards the bedroom beside where my parents were literally waiting for my angry figure. And they were ready with their magic sticks. After the one hour brainstorming session, nowhere I agreed to go on a date.

Yeah, shameless me, sitting in front of my room's large ass mirror. I want to scream now. I thought as they liked me because of my ethnic wear, wearing a one bodycon dress will be perfect to get rejection from his side. But, there's always a shitty but. Instead I have to wear my favorite yellow saree because of my mom's cute puppy eyes. I don't care to impress him but when it's all about saree, then Jhumka with bold maroon lipstick and little black bindi is a must to please my own heart.

Even my mom already came to check my styling, time-to-time. It feels so boring. It feels like a doll, presenting in front of a customer, if he likes he will buy otherwise will reject. Maybe customers can use it for some trials before rejecting. And after marriage obviously it's customer property.... Okay no negativity. Arranged marriage looks cool in stories, in real life that is way too scary.

But before going , I have to calm myself down. Putting on the bold maroon lipstick with the perfect curve of my lips. I ran to the balcony with my phone to click some photos. 'That's my girl!' I scream in my mind. The photos make me happy like heaven.

My mom is just biting my nails. I don't know what type of ritual it is, but I feel happy when she does it because it is a real compliment from her that I am looking amazing. After sitting in the cab, again my hormones start their war and I start to feel stressed. 

What if he is a rude, angry bird like the images. I practice in my mind , how will I start the conversation and it makes more uncomfortable the ride of this whole journey. So I take my phone and edit some of my recent clicks in aesthetic mode and upload it on Instagram. Fewwwwwww. Now it feels good.

After reaching the cafe, I look into the glass door to check out myself once, brush my fingers on the bangs, correct the position of my open hair on the right shoulder and push the door. Must say, he has a great choice for the first date.

I head towards the receptionist "Hello, Mr. Aranyo Sen এই নামে বোধ হয় টেবিল বুক আছে একটু দেখে বলবেন প্লিজ"

"Hello, can you check the table no, Mr. Aranyo Sen Gupta has booked a table for us".

 I expected she would check any details or something. But I get the ultimate shock when she starts to treat me like a princess. She guides me down to the private place of the cafe's rooftop.

Why does it feel so dreamy? I am smiling like a fool. The place is decorated with white curtains and red-yellow roses. I sit on the chair while facing towards the beautiful sight of the town. The buildings are looking so tiny and the whole town looks so adorable. And I am here feeling like the female lead character of any fictional arranged marriage trope series.

As I said, But!. But with the passing time the confusion and tension rushed through my veins. Why are the waiters treating me like this, till now they asked me four times. But I don't want to drink anything before he comes, so I just ordered a simple glass of lime water.

But how can one come so late for a date? Not everything goes like stories and not everything in stories are green flags. It's already 45 mins late, my patience level reaches an extreme level even the likes or comments on Insta can't calm me down. I dial mom's number to throw my complaints "মা তুমিই দেখো, তোমার হ্যান্ডসাম সাকসেসফুল ছেলের অবস্থা, যে কিনা আমাদের হাসব্যান্ড হবার জন্য একদম পারফেক্ট। এই তার নমুনা। এইটুকু দায়িত্ত্ব জ্ঞান নেই, যে একটা মেয়েকে এইভাবে ক্যাফে তে বসিয়ে রেখেছে তার রবিবারের সকালটা নষ্ট করে দিয়ে???মা তুমি এখনো মনে করো ওই ছেলেটা আমার জন্য পারফেক্ট?? সিরিয়াসলি মা, একবার জাস্ট ভেবে দেখো"

"See, your handsome successful man, perfect to be my husband, just making me wait here, spoiling my Sunday. Isn't he little bit responsible, that one lady is waiting for him????Do you still think, he could be my husband?? Are you serious, Maa!!!"  

And she casually says "আরেহ তুই একবার ছেলেটাকে ফোন তো করে দেখ. তোর রাগ যেন সবসময় নাকের যোগ তে লেগেই আছে। সবসময় আমরা যা ভাবি , ঐভাবে সবকিছু হয় না. কতকিছু হতে পারে বল তো , তুই যদি তার সাথে যোগাযোগ করে তার পরিস্থিতি তা বোঝার চেষ্টা না করিস তাহলে কি করে হবে বলতো"

"Call him, Babui. Why is your anger always staying on your nose.  Sometimes, things don't go as planned, but it's important to communicate and understand the situation."

I inhaled a deep breath to control my anger, "দেখো মা, সবকিছুর একটা লিমিট আছে, আর দশ মিনিট অপেক্ষা করবো, এর মধ্যে যদি না আসে, তাহলে আমি চললাম। এক ঘন্টা হয়ে যাবে বুঝতে পারছো আমি এখানে অপেক্ষা করছি, এই ছেলে যদি এর মধ্যে না আসে তাহলে জেনে রাখো আর যাই হোক এর আমার হাসব্যান্ড হবার যোগ্যতা নেই।"

"Listen, I will wait more ten min, then it will be one hour, he deserved only this much time. Nothing more." 

And cut the call. On her face. I know I have to hear many lectures after returning but it was already too much embarrassing and humiliating. 

Believe me I am waiting here it's crossed already one hour, the receptionist also come to check me, and her confusing smile unintentionally insulting me. It's over! I can't marry or even can't date such an irresponsible man. I hope he also has my number, he can call me too if he is stuck with any work or simply traffic. It's really clingy to call him from my side. If I call him, he may be think, I am clingy just because of his money and handsomeness. 

Leaving my seat, I am running towards the lift, I can't lie, my eyes are glossy, it's too insulting. When I am clicking the buttons of the lift more than once, more than need to work the lift. I don't mind that one man is coming out from another lift, just quickly take steps towards that lift without waiting for the response of my angry clicked button.

And I hear a rough voice "Ragini?". I never heard any voice to pronounce my name so roughly, But deep, deeper like the ocean.

I turn my head and the angry-bird, oops , Mr. Aranyo, takes a few steps towards me to stand close to me, putting his both hands in pockets " Ragini, right?"

I want to say many things but I can't say anything , maybe the bad effect of his dark rude aura. I sternly utter "yes".

He scratches his neck lightly and says in the same deep raspy tone 

"তুমি কি চলে যাচ্ছ "

"Are you leaving?".

 I don't know why I am expecting him to say sorry at least. Instead he continues 

"তুমি যদি বলো, আমি তোমাকে বাড়ি অবধি ছেড়ে দিয়ে আসছি"

"If you want I can drop you?".

I take a few steps to reach close to his towering figure and look into his eyes directly. 

"আমার rejected date থেকে লিফট নেওয়া আমার ethics বাইরে বুঝেছেন, অসভ্য মানুষজন"

"Taking a lift from my rejected date is out of my ethics. Rude"

Without wasting any time I turn around and casually my daily accident quota is going to complete at this moment. I step on my saree with my heels, I am going to fall on the floor by my face but one strong hand wraps around my waist and with an immense force of pull I can feel my back hit with one muscular chest. Everything happens so fast that I forget to take a breath while shutting my eyes, believing that it will save me from falling. 

But a warm breath burns my earlobe, whispering 

"তুমি এখন সেফ, চোখ খুলতে পারো" 

 "You are safe now, open your eyes".

His hands swiftly move from the bare skin of my waist, peeking through my pleated saree, to my shoulders. He pushes my body, holding the shoulder , straightening my posture 

"তোমার দৃষ্টি শক্তি একটু তুখড় করার চেষ্টা করো, এইসব কথার ফুলঝুরি দিয়ে কিছু হবে না"

"Sharpen your eyesight not your tongue, Miss".

Still I can't process the feel of his warm but rough hand and here I can feel the pressure of his fingertips on shoulder . But his words are enough to make the urge kill him. No one told me like this before and first of all he is the reason I have to waste my one hour time in this awkward situation, and now he is behaving like everything normal.

Again, turning my figure towards him, I look into his eyes with my fiery eyes,

"How dare you! আপনি জানেন, এর থেকে মাটিতে মুখ থুবড়ে পরে যাওয়াটা আমি প্রেফার করতাম, যত্তসব, সাধে কি অসভ্য বলেছি"

 "How dare you! You know what, I will prefer to hit my face on the floor rather than your words."

He casually says "Okay" and pushes my body towards the floor , holding my both forearms towards the floor with a jerk. Asshole.

 And for the sudden action I hold his veiny hands tightly to not fall, and then again he pulls my body towards his chest, with a playful smirk he leans towards me to whisper "এইবার কিন্তু আমি না তুমিই আমার হাত চেপে ধরেছো" 

"This time you are gripping my hands".

I am dumbfounded. But something is twisted in my stomach after hearing his rough voice and feeling his warm breathe on my neck. So, do we call this feeling, butterfly in stomach??

After leaving my arms, he steps towards the rooftop.  I run behind him, carrying the saree in a good manner because I don't want to create an embarrassing situation for myself. Again. 

He quietly , elegantly sits on the chair when my blood is boiling, I put my phone and bag on the table with a forceful sound and ask "প্রথমবার date এ এতো দেরি করে কে আসে শুনি ?? আর কেই বা প্রথমবার date এ এসে এতো রুক্ষ্ম মেজাজে কথা শোনায়?? চুপ করে আছেন কেন বলুন!!!"

"Who came so late on their fast date? Who utter such rough words on the first date ? Tell me, huhhh?".

While scrolling through the phone, he replies "তাহলে তুমি এখন তোমার রিজেক্ট করে দেওয়া ডেটের কাছে এসে এইভাবে মিষ্টি করে কমপ্লেন করছো?"

"So you are now sweetly complaining to your rejected date?" 

Hello readers, I am very new in Wattpad, also it's my very first story to write in English. I need your constructive comments to write better. And if you like it then please vote -⭐

For me, my payment is, your love💌 and vote⭐

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