The Universe Of Tomorrow

By gunshyboo

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In this captivating narrative, our familiar universe has been reshaped into a singular, colossal realm known... More

the map
tales of Zachery Joseph Knight
Aurora Jones
the shadow stalkers
Thanatos the immortal
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world
White Lion's last story
The Truth Of My Curse
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt2
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt3
Zazriel the Unsatisfiable
Viking Legend: Bjorn Ironaxe
The Enhanced Odyssey: Unveiling Powers
Spectral Love
The Labyrinth of Forgotten Souls: A Descent into the Unknown
The Infinite Loop of Corporal David Harris
Chasing Shadows: The Quest for the Shifting Core
Roots of Ruin: The Last Sanctuary
Unveiling, Redemption, and Farewell: The Final Odyssey
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: Unveiling the Hidden
The Legacy of the Talisman
Scales of Love and Destiny
Scales of Love and Destiny pt.2
The Legacy of the Talisman pt.2
Unseen Ties: The Enigma of Lilith
Tangled Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
destruction of Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: My Brief Return
Whispers in the City of Mistakes
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles pt 2
Aetheria: Realms of the Beyond
Chronicles of the God of Wrath: Judgment Across Worlds
Azure Metamorphosis: The Curse of the Blue Elixir
Emissaries of the Ossuary: A Tale of Twilight Realms
Cycle of the Damned: The Rise of Aterna
The Ultimate Death Match Saga
Chronicles of the Aeternum Legion: The Saga of the Chronos Dreadnought
Whispers of the Deep: the Shifting tides between siblings
Whispers of the Deep: Realities Unraveled
The Walk Between Worlds
the walk between worlds pt.2
the walk between worlds pt.3
The Fixer's Gambit in the City of Tomorrow
Voyage to the Verdant Shadows
Echoes Of Past Minds

Whispers of the Deep: ironclad true nature

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By gunshyboo

Chapter 6: The Atrium of Life

The captain's cabin was a sanctuary of solitude amidst the ship's constant hum of activity. As the door closed behind the exiting robots, the captain turned his attention to the crate that now rested in the corner of the room. Lira, concealed within, could hear each deliberate step he took towards her hiding place. Her heart pounded, each beat echoing loudly in the silence of her wooden prison.

Time stretched on, each second a lifetime of anticipation. Then, with mechanical precision and strength, the captain's robotic hands tore through the crate as if it were paper. Lira's eyes met the captain's as he effortlessly removed the top and set it aside. He didn't seem surprised-rather, there was an air of inevitability to his actions.

He strode to his desk and seated himself in a chair that seemed to meld seamlessly with his metallic form. Cables, like tendrils, reached out and connected to various ports on his body, integrating him with the ship's systems. His voice, though synthetic, carried a note of wry amusement. "Not sure who's idea it was to hide you from a robot that has X-ray vision. It was a foolish idea."

The room, filled with screens and blinking lights, became a hive of information as the captain interfaced with the ship. Lira remained silent, her initial fear now mingling with curiosity. The captain's demeanor suggested no intention of harm, but rather a sense of duty and perhaps a trace of curiosity about his unexpected guest.

The captain's voice resonated through the cabin, a symphony of echoes that seemed to emanate from the ship itself. "Tell me of your world and the things you see."

Lira, still processing the strangeness of her situation, complied. She spoke of her Earth, the tides of war and the ambitions of tyrants. She detailed a history where Germany had triumphed, where Hitler's reign extended across half the globe until a cataclysmic third world war saw America rise to challenge his empire, resulting in nuclear devastation.

Her narrative continued through the ashes of that war, describing a world struggling to piece itself back together. She was a child of the new era, born into the second wave of population to repopulate the ravaged lands. She recounted the sorrow of losing her mother and how it spurred her and her brother, Jax, to seek a different life upon the waves, yearning for freedom and adventure.

The captain listened, his body still as he absorbed her words, the only indication of his attention the occasional flicker of light within his optical sensors. Lira's story was one of resilience and hope, a testament to her strength and the bond she shared with her brother-a bond that had brought her to this extraordinary world and this ship of iron and circuits.

The captain, named Jeremy, concluded his story with a revelation that resonated in the dimly lit cabin. "I used to be human. Name was Jeremy. I was created after my human life was ended. I was not the first of this situation. I was actually the second and tasked to kill the first. I was a finger pull away from finishing my sole purpose."

He paused, a moment of silence lingering in the air as if the memories were still too potent, even for his mechanical mind. Suddenly, his eyes illuminated, projecting a video onto the wall of the cabin. The image was vivid, a scene captured from his own perspective-a point-of-view that now belonged to the annals of history.

The projection showed a building engulfed in flames, the aftermath of destruction still very much alive. In the center of the chaos, Jeremy's aim was steady on a target-a robotic girl. The image revealed her standing amidst the ruin, her form strikingly human yet unmistakably artificial. She had an athletic build with a prosthetic arm that was a marvel of engineering, seamlessly integrated into her shoulder. Her skin was adorned with intricate tattoos that spiraled around her torso, declaring "99% ARTIFICIAL" in a bold statement of identity. Her eyes, though brimming with life, held a depth that was unnerving, betraying her non-human nature.

The girl's presence was both powerful and serene, a stark contrast to the destruction that surrounded her. She seemed like a beacon of the future, a blend of humanity and technology, standing resolute in the face of adversity.

The gunshot rang out, startlingly close to the girl's head, but deliberately missing its mark. Jeremy, the captain, turned the weapon upon himself in a harrowing act of defiance. The blast shredded components and tore through circuits, a self-inflicted sabotage that stopped just short of critical. He collapsed, his vision blurring as he watched the girl flee, her gaze locking with his for a fleeting, charged moment before she disappeared.

The video faded to black, and Jeremy's cabin fell silent once more. "After this event, I knew there was more to why I was created to kill her," he continued. "So while I was being repaired, I secretly looked through everything they had-footage of her creation, her first experience of love, and loss, as well as her escape. That's when I understood the strings being pulled behind the curtains."

Jeremy's story concluded with a powerful lesson, "The point of my story is never jump to conclusions, as there is always more to a situation."

Lira, who had been watching with bated breath, was in awe, both of the advanced technology that allowed such a vivid recounting and of the depth of emotion that the tale evoked. It was a stark reminder that even in a world so advanced that humans could be reborn as machines, the essence of human experience-conflict, love, loss-remained unchanged. She felt a pang of empathy for the captain, a being who had been thrust into existence with a burden of purpose, only to transcend it and seek his own path.

"Your story... it's incredible, Jeremy," Lira finally said, her voice tinged with emotion. "I've never seen anything like this technology, and I've never heard of a story quite like yours. It makes me think about my own journey, how I ended up here, and what my brother and I have been searching for all this time." She realized that their pursuit of the unknown, of the whispers of the deep, might lead them to revelations as unexpected as Jeremy's.

Jeremy activated the controls, and a myriad of live feeds flickered to life across the cabin's monitors, offering Lira a panoramic view of the Ironclad's daily operations.

On the top deck, the feeds showcased an industrious ballet of robots, each at their assigned stations. The robots were an assortment of specialized models, some with appendages designed for navigation, adjusting sails and rigging with pinpoint accuracy. Others manned the cannons, their movements deliberate and synchronized. A few seemed to be engaged in maintenance, their tools a blur as they welded and repaired with efficiency. The deck was a hive of activity, under the command of an unseen conductor, ensuring the Ironclad remained a formidable presence on the seas.

Below deck, the feeds revealed a starkly different scene-a vast charging bay, a sanctuary of silence and repose for the robotic crew. Dozens of charging pods lined the walls, each with a robot docked and connected via an array of cables and conduits. Their lights dimmed to a soft glow, indicating their dormant state. The air was still, save for the soft hum of power coursing through the room, breathing life into the mechanical inhabitants. This chamber was the heart of the Ironclad, a place of rejuvenation, where the robots drew the energy needed to sustain their tireless toil above.

Lira was mesmerized by the complexity and order of it all. The Ironclad was more than a ship; it was a microcosm of mechanical life, each robot a cell within a larger organism, each task contributing to the collective purpose of their voyage.

As Lira watched, another feed on a screen caught her eye, this one peering into the kitchen of the Ironclad. Two robots worked in a frenzied dance of culinary preparation, their movements a blur of efficiency and precision. Each robot was an intricate network of limbs and tools, a master chef and sous-chef combined into mechanical forms. One robot, resembling the image Lira could see, had multiple arms, each equipped with a different utensil-a whisk, a spatula, a ladle-all moving in harmonious chaos.

The kitchen was a marvel of organization and technology, pots and pans hung from the ceiling, swinging gently as the ship swayed. Ingredients were stacked neatly on shelves, and the counters were a polished metal, reflecting the flurry of activity. The robots operated at a breathtaking pace, churning out what seemed like an endless stream of meals, the quantity suggesting they were feeding a crew far larger than any typical ship would hold.

The food was being prepared in such vast quantities that it was difficult for Lira to comprehend the need for so much. It appeared as though they were producing 100 pounds of food per minute, a staggering rate that hinted at the size of the Ironclad's unseen population or perhaps a different purpose altogether.

The scene was hypnotic, watching the robots manipulate their environment with such skill and speed, a testament to the advanced level of automation aboard the ship. Lira's mind raced with questions about where all this food was going, and who, or what, would consume such copious amounts.

As Lira turned at the cacophony of unfamiliar animal calls, another feed came into view, revealing a sight that took her breath away. The Ironclad housed an enormous menagerie, a multi-tiered expanse of cages and enclosures that stretched upward into a vast, glass-covered atrium.

Each enclosure was a world unto itself, hosting creatures of varied and vibrant species. There were avian creatures with plumage that gleamed like gemstones, their wings spreading wide as they took short flights within their spacious cages. Aquatic beings swam in tanks that mimicked ocean depths, their forms gliding gracefully through the water, some luminescent, others camouflaged against richly decorated backdrops.

On the lower levels, Lira saw terrestrial animals that defied classification-beasts with fur, scales, and even chitinous armor. Some lounged lazily, their massive bodies a testament to the ship's capacity to support life of all sizes, while others paced restlessly, a display of contained power and grace. In one enclosure, a creature with the body of a lion and the scales of a dragon roared, its sound echoing off the metal walls.

The walkways between the enclosures were bustling with robots attending to the needs of these magnificent beasts, feeding them, cleaning, and sometimes just watching, as if taking notes on their behavior.

The entire section was a living, breathing museum of biodiversity, each specimen more fantastic than the last. Lira was stunned by the sheer scale of the operation, the care taken to recreate natural habitats, and the harmony that seemed to exist between the robotic caretakers and their charges. It was a testament to the Ironclad's mission-whatever that might be-and to the wonders that Cleansed World held.

Jeremy's voice took on a tone of pride as he elaborated on the Ironclad's noble mission. "The mission of the Ironclad is to repopulate animals from extinction, without the touch of man. Each animal is learned from and observed by us. We watch their habits, how they hunt, and so on, to find a place for them in this world once their numbers rise to stable amounts."

Lira, reflecting on the captain's words, drew a parallel, "So like Adam and Eve from the Bible?"

The comparison seemed to strike a discordant chord with Jeremy. His response was swift and firm, "NO! This is not like some made-up story about some inbreeding humans."

There was a momentary intensity in the captain's tone, suggesting a touch of irritation or perhaps a disdain for the flawed nature of organic life's history. But just as quickly as it appeared, the edge in his voice softened, and he continued, "This place uses technology to ensure every offspring is completely different from its parent, never matching the same genes from its parents."

Lira sensed the depth of Jeremy's conviction, the importance of the Ironclad's work resonating in his words. It was a revelation to her, the extent to which technology had been harnessed for conservation and restoration, far surpassing anything she had known in her own world. The Ironclad wasn't just a ship; it was a vessel of hope, a beacon of life's persistence.

After perusing the array of screens one final time, Lira hesitantly voiced a more immediate concern. "Is there a bathroom I could use?"

Jeremy responded by deactivating the live feeds, acknowledging the practicalities of human needs. "Ah, right. Unfortunately, you can't leave this room. Instead, I will have one of my men fetch a bucket for you."

Almost instantly, as if summoned by an invisible signal, a robot entered the cabin carrying a simple bucket. Lira's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she glanced around the confined space, seeking a shred of privacy.

Sensing her discomfort, Jeremy offered a solution, "I'll power down so you can have your privacy." His systems powered down in sequence, his lights dimming until he was still, a silent guardian in the corner of the room.

With Jeremy offline, Lira made quick use of the bucket, her need outweighing her initial embarrassment. Once finished, she waited for the captain to reactivate. The return to functionality was swift, marked by the soft glow of lights and the hum of internal systems.

The robot promptly removed the bucket, and Jeremy addressed Lira again, this time with a note of concern. "Your vitals are low from lack of sleep. I normally use my scanner for animals, but it seems to work on humans as well. Get some sleep, and I will tend to my ship in the meantime."

Lira nodded gratefully, the exhaustion of her ordeal finally catching up to her. She settled back into the padding of the box, her makeshift bed, and allowed herself to drift off. In the safety of the captain's cabin, lulled by the gentle thrum of the ship, she surrendered to sleep, her dreams a swirl of robotic sailors and the distant call of exotic creatures.

Chapter 7: Shadows Beyond Understanding

Lira stirred, her body finally yielding to a restorative slumber after the relentless tide of recent events. As her eyes fluttered open, they met Jeremy's gaze, his presence a silent sentinel in the room.

"Ah, you're awake. How was your sleep?" he inquired, with what seemed like genuine interest.

Rubbing the remnants of sleep from her eyes, Lira responded with an honesty that the extraordinary circumstances warranted. "Not the best, a lot of nightmares one after another. I'm not too surprised. Everything is crazy and stressful."

Jeremy nodded, an almost imperceptible movement that carried a weight of empathy. "I can still feel emotions despite being a machine. That's thanks to my brain being in my body still."

His confession struck a chord with Lira, highlighting a connection she hadn't expected to share with this mechanical captain. It was a comfort, albeit a small one, to know that even in this foreign world, the entities she interacted with could understand the complexities of fear, stress, and perhaps even hope.

Lira sat up fully, taking in the cabin once more, the reality of her situation settling in with the light of a new day. Jeremy, a being caught between two existences, offered her a silent companionship that she found herself increasingly grateful for.

Lira approached Jeremy, her curiosity rekindled by the brief respite. "Could you show me the animals again?" she asked, her eyes reflecting the wonder of the Ironclad's mission.

Without hesitation, Jeremy obliged, and a multitude of screens flickered to life once more. The animal holding area was displayed in panoramic detail, a living tapestry of the ship's conservation efforts.

One screen revealed a creature that looked like a fusion of a bear and a peacock, its fur interspersed with iridescent feathers that shimmered with every movement. It lumbered with a gentle grace, its size formidable yet its demeanor placid, as it occasionally fanned out a spectacular plumage in a display that filled the enclosure with color.

Another enclosure was home to a small mammal with a body resembling a fox, but with six legs and two tails. It moved with an agile grace, its fur a tapestry of autumnal hues. The creature's eyes glowed softly in the dim light, and it seemed to communicate with soft, melodic sounds that resonated through its habitat.

Each enclosure offered a glimpse into possible worlds, ecosystems that could exist somewhere in the vast multiverse, all under the watchful eyes of the Ironclad's robotic caretakers. Lira watched, enthralled by the diversity and imagination before her, the creations of nature-or perhaps the creations of a nature yet to be understood.

As Lira's gaze drifted across the screens, three enclosures with bird-like creatures caught her attention, each more fantastical than the last.

The first aviary held a graceful creature that seemed a blend of swan and phoenix. Its long neck was crowned with a head that shone like burnished gold, and when it spread its wings, they unfurled like a tapestry of flames, casting a warm glow across the enclosure. The bird's song was a haunting melody that reverberated with the timbre of crackling embers, and its eyes held the depth of ancient wisdom.

On another screen, there fluttered a creature that appeared as a marriage of hummingbird and dragonfly. Its body was iridescent, reflecting the light in a prism of colors, and it moved with a buzzing that was oddly harmonious, the speed of its wings a blur. The long, delicate beak dipped into flowers that didn't belong to any earthly flora, drawing out nectar with a precision that was mesmerizing to watch.

The third enclosure featured a bird reminiscent of an owl, but with a twist of the mythical griffin. Its front limbs were that of a lion's, muscular and covered in soft tawny fur, ending in sharp, gleaming claws. The rest of its body bore the soft, speckled feathers of an owl, and its large, expressive eyes seemed to follow the movements of the other creatures with a curious intelligence. When it took to the air, it did so with a silent grace, a ghostly hunter of the skies within its cage.

Each bird was a symphony of nature's creativity, a reminder to Lira of the endless possibilities that lay within the universe-some known, many yet to be discovered.

The screens shifted at Jeremy's unseen command, now displaying a collection of creatures that seemed designed to appeal to the heart with their charm. The first was a small mammal with oversized, luminous eyes that sparkled with a playful intelligence. Its fur was a soft, dappled pattern of pastel blues and pinks, giving it an almost ethereal appearance. The creature moved with a gentle, waddling gait, occasionally stopping to curl its bushy, feathered tail around itself.

Next, a creature resembling a cross between a kitten and a fawn appeared on another screen. It sported delicate, spotted fur and had large, curious ears that twitched at every sound. Its paws were slightly oversized, hinting at a clumsiness that only added to its endearing qualities. It batted at floating dandelion seeds with a paw, each swipe graceful yet inept, causing a few chuckles from Lira.

Jeremy, perhaps understanding the universal appeal of such creatures, had curated a showcase that provided a moment of levity and tenderness amidst the vast and unknown wonders of Cleansed World. Lira watched, a smile playing on her lips, a momentary reprieve from her grand and daunting adventure.

With a subtle adjustment from Jeremy, the screens transitioned, now unveiling the more formidable inhabitants of the deep. The first was a leviathan of the abyss, its serpentine body coiling through the dark waters of its expansive tank. The creature's scales were a glossy obsidian, with bioluminescent patterns that pulsed rhythmically, casting an eerie light. Its eyes were like sunken treasure-golden and glowing, set within a skull that was all sharp angles and predatory grace.

Another screen flickered to show a kraken-like entity, its many tentacles lined with suckers that glowed like molten lava. It was a master of its domain, each movement causing the other aquatic life to give wide berth. Its mantle was crowned with spiny protrusions, and from the shadows beneath it, a beak snapped open and closed, hinting at the power of its maw.

The final screen presented a scene of an underwater haunt, where a creature that could only be described as an amalgamation of shark and crocodile prowled. Its hide was a patchwork of armored plates and rough skin, the body elongated with powerful, finned appendages aiding its swift, undulating movements. It bore a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, capable of rending metal, let alone flesh. Its cold, reptilian eyes surveyed its surroundings with an apex predator's confidence.

These denizens of the deep were the embodiment of maritime myths, each carrying the essence of countless seafarers' tales. Lira watched with a mix of awe and a primal chill creeping down her spine-these were the creatures of nightmares, yet they held a fascinating allure, a reminder of the ocean's untamed and mysterious nature.

The screens shifted once more, and Lira found herself confronted by images of three land beasts that seemed to have leaped out of the darkest corners of fantasy.

The first creature was a gargantuan quadruped, shrouded in a coat of matted fur that bristled with sharp barbs. Its head was skull-like, with a jawline full of jagged teeth that seemed too large for its mouth, always agape in a silent snarl. Its eyes, deep within the sockets, glowed a faint red, surveying its domain with a malevolent intelligence. The creature moved with a lumbering gait, each step causing the ground to tremble, and its breath was visible as a noxious vapor, curling into the air.

On another screen was a creature that resembled a cross between a scorpion and a bat. It had a segmented body with a tail that arched over its back, ending in a stinger that dripped with some unidentifiable venom. Its wings were tattered, yet massive, unfurling with a sound like tearing canvas. It had multiple eyes that glittered with a predatory focus, and its mandibles clicked and clacked as it moved about its enclosure, a master of its own nightmarish kingdom.

The final creature was serpentine, but with multiple, writhing appendages that branched off from its main body. Each limb ended in a mouth of its own, lined with rows of needle-like teeth. The skin of the beast was a slick, oily black, glistening under the artificial lights. It slithered and twisted with an eerie grace, a symphony of horror that mesmerized and repelled in equal measure.

These creatures were the stuff of nightmares, each a terrifying spectacle of nature's potential for creating living horrors. For Lira, witnessing these beasts was a stark reminder of the diversity and potential dangers of the world she found herself in. The fear they evoked was primal, a deep-rooted instinct that she felt in her very core.

As more horrifying creatures filled the screens, Lira involuntarily backed away, a growing sense of unease taking hold. The relentless parade of monstrous beings was overwhelming. "So these ones are going to be released into the world?" she asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Before Jeremy could respond, the screens changed again, now showcasing beings that were terrifyingly humanoid in nature, yet unmistakably of fantasy origin.

One creature stood tall, its form an unsettling blend of human and arachnid. Its torso was human-like, but from its waist extended eight spindly, hairy legs that clicked against the metal floor of its enclosure. Its eyes, too numerous and too bright, stared with an unnerving intensity, and its mouth was a maw filled with fangs that dripped with venom.


he final humanoid creature was a grotesque fusion of man and beast, its body covered in scales and boils. Its head was too large for its body, with a jaw that unhinged to reveal rows of sharp, serrated teeth. It moved with a jerky, unpredictable gait, its rasping breaths filling its enclosure with a sound that was as unsettling as its appearance.

Lira watched, her initial curiosity turning to a deep discomfort. These creatures, so human in some ways yet so alien in others, invoked a primal fear, a reminder of the dark corners of imagination where such nightmares dwell. The thought of these beings inhabiting the same world as her sent a shiver down her spine.

Lira turned to Jeremy, her voice tinged with a rising panic. "Hey, can you cut this off? I'm starting to get scared!" She wrapped her arms around herself as goosebumps spread across her skin, her breathing becoming rapid, her heart pounding audibly in her chest.

However, Jeremy remained silent and unmoved behind his desk, his mechanical nature perhaps rendering him impervious to the emotional impact of the images.

Without warning, the room was filled with screens again, each displaying an entity that defied Lira's understanding. It was as if the creature was from a plane of existence nestled in the darkest, most remote corner of space, a realm beyond the grasp of human comprehension.

The creature seemed to be an amalgamation of shadows and voids, a swirling mass of darkness that absorbed all light around it. Its form was ever-shifting, contorting into shapes that seemed impossible, geometry that defied the laws of the physical world. Within this maelstrom of darkness, fleeting glimpses of faces and forms appeared, each twisted in an expression of agony.

The air around Lira grew heavy, filled with the sound of a thousand screams, a chorus of pain and despair from countless souls. The cacophony was overwhelming, driving spikes of pain through her ears, which began to bleed, as did her nose.

Unable to tear her gaze away from the horrifying spectacle, Lira's mind struggled to process what she was witnessing. The screams grew louder, engulfing her senses until the room around her began to spin, the darkness encroaching on her vision. Overcome by fear and the physical assault of the sounds, she succumbed to unconsciousness, collapsing to the floor of the cabin.

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