Hailey And Jay In Highschool

By haileyupton0

145 8 2

Basically it's going to be oneshots of Hailey and jay dating while they are in highschool Please please se... More

Skiing with the Halstead pt 2

Skiing with the Halsteads

97 5 2
By haileyupton0

First a little Backstory, Jay and hailey have been dating for 6 months, and all Jay knew about her relationship with her family was that they didn't get along great

------Jays POV-----
"Hailey, wait up," I called, and she turned around and then went over to the side of the hallway

"Hey, what's up?" She asked

"Well, my dads got a all inclusive pass to a ski resort in 2 weeks, and my mom doesn't want to go. Do you want to come with instead?"

"Umm wow, yeah, I'd love to. Is it just for a day or something?"

"No, it will be for a week well Friday night to Thursday morning, but you wouldn't have to pay for anything, and my parents said as long as it's ok with yours you can come"

"Ok. I'll ask my parents when I get home if I can go and I'll let you know what they say"

"If you don't actually want to, it's totally fine. You don't have too" I said

"No, I do, I'm sorry, it's just been a long day,"

"Yeah, I know, but only one more class left. You can do it, hailey,"

"Yeah, I know, ok, we've got to get to class. We're gonna be late," she said

"K, I'll see you later. Love you,"

"Love you too,"

I don't know what's going on with her, but she's seemed really down today, and at lunch, I noticed a bruise on her neck, but when I asked her about it, she panicked

---------Haileys POV--------
I walked home and took a deep breath before opening the front door only to see my dad in his normal spot passed out on the couch with beer bottles littering the floor. I quickly and quietly cleaned them up and started dinner in the crock pot for later so when my mom gets home from work, dinner is ready, and I'll be able to ask about going skiing with Jay

I was really hoping my dad would stay asleep long enough for me to start my homework, but he never did

"HEY WHY DONT I HAVE A NEW BEER SITTING NEXT TO ME YOU KNEW I WAS OUT" he started screaming and when I walked into the kitchen to get him one he got up and started hitting me with his belt calling me names at this point I've learned not to listen and when he's done just say sorry

Finally, my mom got home, and my dad was in the living room watching the Jazz game.

"Hey mom, I have a question."

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Well Jay's family invited me to go skiing with them, now before you say no it won't cost you anything his dad got a free pass from work and Jay's mom doesn't want to go" I told her when we would go and that when we would leave

"Yeah, that's fine, but you'd better clean the house before you go cause I don't want to do it, and you know your father's not going too. That's your job."

"Ok, mom, thank you,"

I ran to my room and called Jay, hoping he'd pick up

"Hey, what'd they say?" he asked

"They said yes! I can go!" I replied excitedly

"Oh, that's great, my dad is going to take us to get get sized for our ski suits and skis tomorrow. Can you come with?"

"Yeah, I'm sure I can. What time?"

"We can pick you up at 11 30 does that work?"

"Yeah, sounds great. I can't wait,"

"Sorry jay, I've got to go my mom's calling me for dinner."

"K, I'll see you tomorrow,"

My alarm went off, and I jumped out of bed and got ready. I'm so excited for the trip even though I've never skied before. I've always wanted to learn

Jay texted me and said they were out front, and i slipped out the front door, hoping not to wake up my mom and dad

I climbed into the backseat next to Jay, and Will and their dad were sitting in the front. Once we got there, their dad went and signed in before we had to write down all of our measurements and turn them in. Then we just waited, and then we got to pick out what snow suits we wanted while they got our ski sizes out.

Me and Jay got matching black bottoms and I got a purple coat, and he got a blue one. Then we got helmets and hats and all of the other stuff and then loaded it into the car.

"Ok, since we're leaving on Friday after school, let's just leave everything in the trunk." So nothing gets lost, plus it's easier, " her dad said

Everyone nodded, and we sat in a comfortable silence before they dropped me off

Time went by and pretty soon it was thursday and I still hadn't packed my stuff, I've never been on a trip before so I don't really know what to bring so I decided to call Jay and see if he wanted to come over and help me pack, since my mom was at work and my dad was at a bar drinking, so neither one should he home for a while.

"Hailey? What's up? "

"Well, I'm trying to pack, but I have no idea what to pack. Do you want to come over and help me?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll be over in a few minutes,"

"Ok, just text me when you get here, and I'll come let you in."

"Ok, I'll see you soon,"


A few minutes later, my phone pinged, and it was a text from Jay

"I'm almost to your house,"

Shit I just realized I hadn't checked my face for bruises, and I was wearing a tank top

I rushed I the bathroom and covered the bruises on my cheek and my neck and put on a hoodie, and then I ran downstairs to let him in. "Hey,"

"Hey, alright, do you have a suitcase or duffelbag or a backpack for your stuff?" he asked

"Yeah I have one in my room" then we ran up the stairs and I pulled my duffel bag down from my closet shelf and of course as I pulled it down it hit my collarbone which my dad had at least fractured possibly broke a few months ago so it was still sore, and I tried not to wince but was unsuccessful

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I just hit my shoulder with this,"

"You sure?"


"Ok, what have you got packed?"

"Um, pajamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, phone charger, and socks, I didn't know how many outfits to bring."

"You're gonna wear one, so pack 3 or 4 outfits and definitely a couple sweatshirts, oh my mom just texted me, she said to bring a dress so that if we go somewhere nice for dinner"

I pulled out some 2 pairs of leggings and a pair of jeans, and then some sweatpants, and grabbed matching long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts

"Now a dress," I said outloud, going over to my closet

"What do you think, this one or this one?" I said, holding up a navy blue and white striped dress and
A dark Marron one

"What about this one? It goes with your eyes perfectly,"
He said, pointing at a baby blue dress I had hanging in my closet

"Oh yeah, I forgot I had that one, I don't really wear dresses very often,"

He laughed, and I put everything in my duffelbag while we talked about school and teachers

"Alright, I think that's everything I need to pack," I said

"Perfect, do you want to go walk around the neighborhood?"

"Yeah, sure."

---a half hour later -
"Ring Ring Ring"

"Hey, dad ..... yes ok, I'm on my way, give me 15 minutes..... yes, sir. "

"Sorry Jay, I have to get home, but I'll see you in the morning,"

"Ok, hey, do you want to just give me your duffel, and I can put it in the car that way? You don't have to carry it around school,"

"Yeah, that'd be great." he waited outside, and I ran in to grab it for him

I snuck up the stairs because by the tone in my dads voice, he was not happy. I gave Jay the duffelbag

"K, I'll see you at school tomorrow,"

"See you, hailey, I love you,"

I smiled and waved as he started walking away then I was dragged back into reality he was yelling something about food and money and somehow it was my fault because I was too fat and ate to much no one would ever love me because of it and I don't know what else he started punching me and then I got really dizzy

"Where am i "No no no what time is it, I was supposed to be at school an hour ago,"

I ran upstairs and got clothes on and i almost left without covering the black eye i was developing and the brusises all over, after i covered everything the best i could i grabbed my makeup bag and my debit card and shoved them in my school bag, and ran out the door, of course he did he chained up my bike looks like I'm running to school, no and I have a test I can't miss 2nd hour I started running and quickly noticed the pain in my ankle but I brushed it off I only had 8 minutes before the bell rang

Finally, I made it, I ran into class trying to control my breathing so that I didn't draw any attention to myself. Finally, after a few more classes, it was time for lunch.

I checked my phone as I walked down the hall, and that's when I saw I had 14 missed calls from Jay and 19 texts

I was about to text him back when he ran towards me

"Hailey, what happened? Why were you late? You scared me,"

Then he saw my face

"Hailey, what happened?"

"I overslept, and then I was rushing down the stairs cause I had a test in the second hour, and I was late and clumsy. I fell and whacked my eye on the railing.

"Mmhmm," he replied from the look on his face he was trying to decide if he believed me or not

"Ok, so what's the plan for after school? Is your dad picking us up?"

"Umm yeah, do you want to meet by the lockers he should be right out front in his truck

"Ok, perfect."

"Yeah, it's a 4 hour drive, so we should get there around 7 or 8 ish."

I nodded, and then the bell rang

"Ughh, why can't we just go now?"

He laughed. "I'll see you in a few hours. Have fun in class."

I walked into my fourth hour and sat down, pulling out last night's homework assignment when the teacher came over

"Hailey, the office just called. You need to go down there,"

"What, why?"

"They said you were late to school, and neither of your parents signed you in."

So down to the office I go, gosh, my ankle is killing me, I was tempted to look at it bus. I decided it was a better plan, not too

"Ms. Upton, how come you were late, and neither of your parents signed you in?"

"I'm sorry miss I overslept and my parents were both at work so I just ran to school"

"Hmm, ok, but next time, just set an alarm. Hmm, it's not that hard," the old lady said, grumpy

Gosh, why are they always so grumpy

"Yes ma'am"

"You may go back to class,"

The rest of the day dragged on, but finally, the last bell rang, and I ran out to meet Jay, who was waiting at the doors

"Hey, how was class?"

"Eh boring you?" I asked as we walked out

"Yeah, pretty much. Oh hey, there they are. Which side do you want the left of, right? "

"I don't care,"

"K, we can just put out stuff in the trunk. I've got blankets and pillows in the seats in case we want to sleep on the drive,"

"How's college treating you, Will?" I asked
"It's a lot better than high school. The teachers don't like hate children they actually enjoy their jobs."

Everyone in the car laughed

We talked about random stuff for a while, and then pretty soon, Will fell asleep, and I me and I started working on our homework.

"God, I hate algebra," Jay complained

I laughed "Well at least we can get it all done now and not have to worry about school once we get there."


We laughed and talked for a while, and eventually, almost everyone fell asleep except me, and of course, Jay's dad, since he was driving. I just read a book on my phone and looked out the window I don't think I've ever been on a vacation or anything really so I was perfectly content just looking out the window and enjoying the scenery.

-----A while later-----
"Hey, start unloading the car. I'm going to go check in," Jay's dad said before walking into the front desk area

"Whew, it got cold," I joked, and we laughed while we pulled everything out of the truck, which, with 3 of us, didn't take long

"K, everyone grab a few bags we can make multiple trips if needed ours is room 181 C it should he right up this path

We nodded, and Will started a fight with Jay about who's the better skier, and they playfully fought the whole walk

"Just dump everything in the living room, and we'll go from there," Jay's dad called from behind

"Jay, what are we doing about sleeping arrangements?" I asked

"Um, I don't know, I guess my dad will figure it out," he shrugged

"The mountains are so beautiful up here," I said

"I know I can't wait to be flying down them,"

"Well, I think I'm going to be more butt shooting down than flying," I said, gaining a laugh

"I'm sure you'll do great. we can start on easy runs so you can learn how to ski."

We waited while he unlocked the door, and we dropped everything in the living room/kitchen area

"Ok, now to decide bedrooms, it looks like there's 2 bedrooms. One has two queen beds, and the other has a full bed," Will said as his dad walked in from locking the car

"Ok, you kids can take the big beds, and I'll take the separate room with the full bed since I'm sure you'll be up later than me,"

"We carried everything in and put all of our stuff away, laying out clothes for skiing tomorrow."

Jay and Will were going to share the bed on the right side of the room by the window, and I was sleeping on the bed by the closet

"Is two pairs of long socks going to be warm enough?" I asked

They both laughed "here let me look up the mountain report for tomorrow," Jay said and then looked up from his luggage

"Wait, you've never been skiing before have you."


"Oh well, it's awesome you'll love it,"

We finished unpacking, and Will and his dad went to go get our lift passes printed, while me and I made lunches for tomorrow

"What does it will like on his?"

"I'll make Wills he's super picky. That way, he will get mad at me, not you,"

"But you can make my dad just ham and cheese and mayo."


We talked and laughed and eventually decided to settle down once the others got back and the kids decided to watch a movie

"Ok, what are we watching?" I will ask

"Scary, funny, boring,"

"I don't care," I said and will and Jay started arguing over what to watch and ended up playing, fighting again, and hitting each other with pillows

All of a sudden, it got really hard to breathe, so I jumped and tried to go I the bathroom

"Hailey, where are you going?" Jay called out, stopping fighting with Will and looking up

"Bathroom, I'll I'll be back in a minute."


----Jay's POV----
"That was weird, was it not?" Will asked, looking at me

"Yeah, definitely, I'm gonna go check on her. You stay here," I said, heading to the bathroom

"Hailey, are you ok? What's going on?" I called out quietly cause I knew my dad was asleep already

"Jay, I said I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute," she said, but her voice sounded off she sounded scared, and I swear I could hear her breathing really heavy


"Jay go," she said

I don't want to have her get mad at me. Maybe im just overreacting, I thought as I headed back over to Will

"What happened?"

"I don't know she said she's fine, but she sounds scared or upset. Maybe I don't know."

"Ok, well, why don't we just finish watching the movie and leave her be mabye she's just nervous about tomorrow,"

"Yeah, mabye," I said, not believing it at all

A few minutes later she came out and her eyes were red and a little puffy I don't think Will noticed but I decided not too say anything because I don't want to embarrass her, she walked over and got in her bed

I watched the movie, and pretty soon it was over, and Hailey and Will were both asleep

I turned off the TV and fell asleep shortly after

              -----Haileys POV-----
"Beeeep beeeeep beeeep"

"Ugh, Jay, turn it off," will complain from across the room

"I'm going. I'm going,"

"Kids up and at'em, we need to leave in 30 mins." his dad came in and said before closing the door and leaving

Jay and Will still looked completely asleep, but I've been awake for a few hours already

We all took turns in the bathroom, getting our base layers on, and we got everything ready to go and walked down to the shuttle that would bring us to the lift

We talked about random stuff, and who fell asleep first stuff like that just passing the time before we got off the shuttle

"Holy crap these boots are going to kill me," I said as I almost face planted, trying to step off the shuttle bus (IYKYK)

"Haha, yep, but it's worth it once we get to the top."

"If you say so," I laughed

Ok, what runs do you guys want to do first

"I want to do the blue angels run it looks really cool and has lots of jumps," Will said

"We will get to that, but we need to start with something easier since it's haileys first time," his dad said

All of a sudden, I'm kind of scared I've never skied in my life, and they have, and now I'm going to ruin the trip for them

               ----Jay's POV----
I noticed the panic in Hailey's eyes

"I want to go on the first time run since it's been a while since I've skied," I said, trying to take some of the attention off of her

"Dad, why don't you and Will go on that and me and Hailey and I can go on the easier one?"

"Ok. You have your phone, right? "


"Ok, I'm going to put our lunches in a locker. I'll send you the info, and when you're hungry, you can go get your lunch,"

"Ok, see you later,"

They walked off, and Hailey was staring at the lift

"Hailey, you good?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said quickly

"Alright, let's go get in line then,"

"Ok, here, put your toe in first, then slam your heel down."

"Like this," she asked

"Yeah, just like that now the other foot, then we have to get on the lift."

"Ok, what do I do to get on just stand there and then sit down? Won't the boots fall off my feet, and I'll lose the skis while we're going up. The skis are kind of heavy, " she said

"No, just sit down. I promise it'll be fine they won't fall off it feels like they will, but they won't."

"Ok, this is us,"

She grabbed my arm, and I helped pull her to the line before we sat down, and I pulled the bar down

"That was easier than I thought it would be."

Should I do a part 2?? I know it's a long bit. I've had this idea forever. Please comment on what you think or if you have any requests

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