Rotted Roads | Dream Team

By HoneyArtist07

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Dream and Sapnap's childhood friend was finally coming to visit after ten years of knowing each other. Howeve... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Three

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By HoneyArtist07

George woke up from a banging on the door behind him. It rattled his head. He quickly reached for his gun and held it close to his chest. He waited for a sign that it was his friends. The doorknob shifted and that was all the proof he needed. Fungus was too dumb to open doors.

George leaped up and opened the door. He flung himself on top of the person who jingled the doorknob. George flinched when the person didn't hug back. He slowly pulled himself away, scared that this was a random looter.

George looked up and calmed down when he saw emerald green eyes staring right back at him. He smiled and grabbed Dream's wrist. He led his friend into the storage room with the outline of Sapnap following behind. He closed the door and locked it before turning to his friends.

He was only gone a day, but he missed them every time they left him. "I was scared that you guys weren't-" George was cut off by a harsh strike across his face. He immediately raised his right hand to cup his face.

"What the hell man!? We go out to get you medicine and you fall off the face of the Earth for five days! We came back and you weren't here. We scavenged this whole town looking for you. We thought you were dead!" Dream scolded George for his mistakes.

"I left a couple minutes after the both of you. I came back the same day. Where the hell did you get five?" George asked, rubbing his face.

"You went out!? You know damn well your leg isn't fine and you went to town alone? You could've gotten yourself killed. We came back from our supply run and the whole gas station was swarming with zombies. They were inside the store even! We slept on the roof of houses hoping you were in here and alive." Sapnap yelled angrily.

George knew they were being too loud. "Shut up! I know I messed up, but you are going to wake up the kids. If you want to scold me, you can do it in the morning." The brunette snapped harshly. He was tired and in pain. They could get onto him later.

"Kids?" Dream asked carefully. "You didn't. We can't keep them. That's more mouths to feed and they are a liability. Kids aren't made for the apocalypse. They died off fast for a reason. You are going to get yourself killed trying to keep them alive." Dream mumbled annoyed with how unrealistic George was acting. He felt like he was telling his sister off all over again.

George felt himself grow tired of the situation. He knew that Dream was right, but he was mad. He was mad that he was underestimated. He felt an overprotective urge grow in him for the kids he took in. He didn't actually care for them. But he was spiteful and wanted to prove them wrong. He would keep those kids alive just to show Dream that he isn't as weak as he treats him.

George scoffed before laying down and passing out for the night. He felt a small smile grow on his face when he saw a pair of icy blue eyes and a pair of army green staring at him from above. They were listening. He was going to prove them all wrong. He was getting those kids home whether Dream and Sapnap liked it or not.

"I'm getting them home. I don't care if you don't want to. I will do it alone if I have to." George owed Wilbur and his friend's opinions wouldn't stop it from paying off a debt. In an alternative universe, George carried Wilbur back to their makeshift camp and nursed him back to health. The three of them left and George got word by mouth that they made it and were safe. Maybe in another, George was stronger and picked Wilbur up quickly without hurting his leg. He carried them to safety with the grenade stopping anything from following. He gave Wilbur a proper burial.

He could imagine everything he could've done right, but what's done is done and George can't turn back time. This was the first night he didn't fall asleep next to Dream.

George woke up with a pain in his neck. He was still sitting up from the night before with his gun in his hands. He could barely see in the dark storage room. There was no telling what time of day it was as there were no windows.

George could make out Dream and Sapnap lying to his right. Both of them were snoring. Sapnap was wrapped around Dream's torso. George turned his attention to his new companions. He couldn't see either of them, but he heard one of them crying.

Emotions were going to be the thing that got them killed. Their emotions almost got him exploded, because he wanted them to have closure. He was foolish. They needed to get their emotions under control if they wanted to make it to Boston. George stood up and walked over to the edge of the storage shelf they were sleeping on.

The brunette backed up and ran to the shelf. He pushed off and reached his hand. He smiled when he felt the cold metal edge in his palm. It wasn't much work to grab it with his right hand and pull himself up.

Right when he was recovering from being shot, there wasn't always an abandoned building lying around. For his first week, Sapnap would help him climb up into a tree and secure himself on a fork so he wouldn't roll over and fall to his death in his sleep. He would have to climb buildings with a broken leg.

At the thought of his leg, he felt the painful ache coming back to him. He needed a new makeshift brace. That was for later. When everyone was awake. George was sitting on the edge of the platform.

He felt his walls slightly break down when he saw the one with blue eyes curled into a ball holding back his sobs. He was holding onto the jacket Wilbur was wearing. His little hands were trembling.

He would let them cry now while they were safe. They needed to get this all out before it affected them too much. George scooted next to the boy. He still can't remember his name. George slowly placed his hand on the boy's back. He started the poor thing.

His blue eyes shot up and stared at George. He had tears running down his face. He looked like a sad dog. George reminded himself that he didn't care about the kid's emotions. He was doing this out of survival.

He slowly rubbed the boy's back in circles trying to provide some form of comfort. The blonde slouched down in defeat. His sobs were slowing down as he tried to control them.

He turned to look at George again. His face was void of any emotion. George gave him a comforting smile and wiped the tears off of his face. Once he was done, the blonde threw his arms around the older man. Their names are Tommy and Tubbo. They'll listen to you. This one must be Tommy. He holds the most resemblance to Wilbur. George let the boy curl up in his lap and cry his heart out. He cried until he fell asleep on George's shoulder.

George let a smile grace his face when the one with brown hair and green eyes stood up and sat down on the right side of George. He leaned into George's side and relaxed when George wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

He needed the boys to trust him. If they ever hesitated to listen to him, they will meet their demise. He needs their full trust and loyalty. He wasn't going to allow himself to become soft either. He stayed awake until dawn holding the teens.


Dream woke up startled. He was met with a horrific sight. He was cuddling Sapnap all night. He thought it was George. He should've known from the smell. Sapnap's head was lying on his chest with his arms wrapped around Dream.

The blonde sighed as he squirmed out of Sapnap's iron grip. He rolled over to be met with an empty sleeping bag. George was gone again, and the sun wasn't even up yet. It was probably around six in the morning. It was a bad time to be out in the open.

Zombies were always more active at night. Clickers would wander around outside. There was a reason he and Sapnap always made it back to camp before the sun went down. Nighttime was suicide.

They would have to rely heavily upon their hearing. There were no streetlights anymore, so it was pitch black and their accuracy was doomed. Dream always waited for it to be past dawn to go out with Sapnap.

Dream was still shocked that George disobeyed them. George never ignored direct orders. He went out and blew up a building, came back with two kids and then slept for four days. Dream was a little pissed.

They searched day and night for him across the town. Almost died multiple times. The only reason they came back to the gas station was because they gave up. They accepted that George was dead. They would never tell him that.

Dream knew one thing was certain. They needed to get rid of those kids. Trying to keep a kid alive is suicidal. Multiple kids, that's just asking to be killed. He would not allow George to play family in the apocalypse. Sapnap once said that George would take a bullet for a stranger. Dream never doubted those words.

Dream felt a frown grow on his face when he saw George sitting on a storage shelf above him. George had two teens he was holding. Dream could see George was asleep laying his head on one of them.

He felt a pit grow in his stomach. George was getting attached. Dream would kill the kids if he had to. He couldn't have George charging into a fight he can't win for them. George is the only hope for a cure. These kids are going to slow their progress.

Dream literally took a bullet for George. Sapnap risked his life for a bit on his own to get medical supplies. They would die for George not only because he could fix everything, but because that was their friend.

The kids would be a nuisance. They are too whiny and probably can't fend for themselves. They either prove themselves in a week or Dream will kill them with help from Sapnap.

Dream gave up on any hope his family was still alive. He knew that they weren't murderers. Sapnap felt the same way. He had to give up on that hope. Their sisters are too young to be fighting for their lives on a daily basis.

Dream just prays his family was killed on outbreak day. He can't be relying on false hope. George knew his family was dead. He accepted the idea that all his friends were too. Dream didn't want to lean into the idea that Drista was still alive, but these kids supplied that hope. The fact they were alive meant she could be too.

He knew better than to hope for something like that, but his spirit was low and if these two helpless kids lived that long maybe she could too. Dream used to take her camping so maybe she could survive in the wilderness. It was slim but a comforting idea.

Dream pushed that thought to the back of his mind. He was getting distracted. He needed to talk to Sapnap and tell him the plan. He needed George to explain why he had these kids.

Dream smiled when he saw George's hand twitch. He stood up and brushed his jacket off. He hated the way blood smelled and he was always covered in it. Dream ran at the shelf and raised both of his arms over his head. He grabbed the edge and used the momentum from running and jumping to pull himself up. He sat down crisscrossed across from George.

George looked displeased. His dark brown eyes were shining in the dark. He had a sour expression on his face. Much different than his usual numb look. He was mad. He looked so peaceful earlier that Dream thought he was asleep. George was mad at him.

Dream watched how George tightened his grip around the kids. "I'm not giving them up. They will die on their own." George explained keeping his eyes trained on his friend. George wasn't wrong about Dream's intentions.

"We can't keep them. They will die whether they are with us or not. The only difference is that you will die with them." Dream explained, watching his tone. George seemed more hostile recently. He knew that George had his gun on him. Dream hoped that it would stay in George's pocket. He wasn't trying to get shot by his friend.

"They are just kids, Dream! Wouldn't you want to keep your sister alive as long as possible? If you found Drista you wouldn't let her stay alone. They just lost their brother who kept them alive. He blew up the pharmacy with him inside to buy us some time. I owe that man my protection." George mumbled holding his kids as if Dream was going to rip them out of his safe hold.

"Those kids mean nothing to us. We need you. The world needs you. You are the only person who is still alive that was in that lab. You worked with Patient Z. They didn't. You can make a cure and fix your mistake. You have the power to save humanity. They will only hold us back." Dream said coldly, standing up and walking towards George.

George tensed up. "Stop! Dream please!" George yelled, holding the exhausted boys as physically close as he could. "You can't take them away. They need me!" George was pleading with Dream. He could feel tears creeping into the edge of his vision.

"They will only take. That's all kids do. They take and they take. They would be a waste of space." Dream said crouching directly in front of George. He held his hand out.

"If they can't stay then I won't go. I'm not a puppet that will obey your every command. They come with us, or I don't come." George stated, putting his foot down. Dream wasn't asking for George to hand the kids over. He wanted for the brunette to take his hand and leave the town with Sapnap. He wanted to abandon the poor exhausted teens.

Dream's expression changed. It was no longer the soft smile he always gave George. It wasn't kind. It was stern and demanding. Dream always got his way. George knew this and he challenged it.

"Fine." Dream said before standing up and jumping off the platform.

George smiled. He won an argument with Dream. They were all going to take the kids to Boston. George could use some of the equipment from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and they could end this horrible reality.

George let his mind rest as he watched the kids. Tommy was the first to wake. He jumped awake before George laid his hand on the blonde's shoulder to remind him, he wasn't alone.

He hoped they didn't hear any arguments about keeping them. They didn't need any more stress on them. George knew how it felt to lose and lose over and over again. He wasn't a stranger to grief. He hoped these boys would be.

Tommy turned around with his bright big blue eyes. They stared into the soul of the older one. They were kind and cold at the same time. Tommy gave George a weak smile before relaxing and laying back into George.

George let the boy do as he pleased. He knew Sapnap would come around to the new faces eventually. Dream would take a lot longer, but it would be worth it. George just wanted to go home. He had to get these two home first. and then he could give them a safe life.

George hoped that these two were good like Wilbur claimed. They have barely spoken to him. He needed them to listen and be respectful.

"George? Are you still awake?" Tommy whispered, still laying on top of the older.

George snapped out of his thoughts to answer the younger. "I'm up. What's wrong?" George asked like a concerned parent.

"Why do you hate us? Why don't your friends want us around?" Tommy asked with his voice breaking in random spots.

"My friends are just worried that's all. They just care about me." George whispered so only Tommy could hear him. The blonde hesitantly nodded along to the older's words. "The sun is coming up. Hopefully all the clickers are moving into buildings. Do you have a weapon?" George asked, subconsciously raising his eyebrow at the younger.

Tommy nodded. He pointed at his pack that was across from them. George could see a shotgun lying next to it. Tubbo's bag had something that caught George's eye, grenades. One of the deadliest things a human could carry. It could attract every undead in a ten-mile radius. It can be used as a last hurrah. A way to save others and to kill yourself. There was also a knife.

George hoped they knew how to shoot a gun. He picked up that Tommy had a British accent like Wilbur. Hopefully they weren't like him. He hoped that they'd lived in the U.S. for years and picked up how to shoot a gun and basic gun safety.

"What's their names?" Tommy whispered, turning around to sit in front of George. His blue eyes were full of curiosity.

"Sapnap is the one with black hair that kind of curls. Dream is the one with the ugly green jacket with blonde hair." Tommy scrunched up his nose at George's answer.

"That's not really their names. Is it?" Tommy crossed his arms over his chest.

"No. No mother who loved her kids would name them Dream or Sapnap. It's just their nicknames since their actual names are worse than mine."

Tommy snickered and covered his mouth to cover it. "I can't imagine a name worse than George. You have the most British name there is. It's worse than mine and Tubbo's." The blonde teased with a smile on his face.

"Yes, because Tommy is a wonderful American name. Only old people are named Tommy or Tom." George jabbed back. He was trying to see more of this kid's personality.

"You're probably in your thirties."

"Rude. I'm twenty-two. Dream is nineteen and Sapnap is seventeen. It's your turn." George said playfully.

"Damn you're old. Me and Tubbo are thirteen. Wilbur and my older brother are twenty-three. They're twins. Both are equally flashy." Tommy frowned for a second before shaking off his emotions.

"Dream has a sister about your age. I've only met her once, but I think she is thirteen. She's a lot to take in. Like you." George teased while poking Tommy in his cheek.

"I will bite your finger clean off. I don't need to be a zombie to bite people and spread diseases. I'll give you rabies and you'll be dead before we hit Boston." Tommy jokes. George hoped that was a joke. He was more scared of rabies than being infected with fungus.

George felt Tubbo start to stir and raised his pointer finger on his free hand to his lips. Tommy nodded with a smile. George liked seeing them happy a lot more than seeing them sad.

George went to move his leg and winced. He forgot that he broke his brace. He shakily pulled his broken leg closer to himself. He needed to talk to Dream about fixing it or making him a new one. He didn't want to be yelled at anymore so he would just wake Sapnap up.

He slowly stood up leaving Tubbo leaning on Tommy. He limped to the edge of the platform before lowering himself to sit with his legs dangling off the side.

Dream was directly across from him. He was staring up at George with a intrigued look on his face. He was currently playing with his knife by carving a random piece of wood.

George ignored the blonde as he pushed himself off the platform. He landed on his bad leg first as he could bend it. He winced before crashing to the cold concrete floor, face first.

George could hear Dream throwing his knife on the ground and run to his side. George felt Dream lay his hands on his back to pull him to sit up. The brunette pushed the blonde away and shakily stood up. He was still mad, and he wasn't going to just forgive Dream.

George walked over to Sapnap and sat next to the seventeen-year-old. Sapnap was a heavy sleeper, so George didn't try to be quiet. The brunette jabbed the younger in the rib with his finger. No response.

He gently slapped Sapnap on the face. No response. He punched Sapnap on the shoulder. No response. George opted for head butting Sapnap.

The ravenette woke up immediately clutching his forehead that had a red mark now.

"Nice to see you too, honey." Sapnap mumbled tiredly while rubbing his forehead.

"Still not married, Sap. You're not even able to vote in your country. I'm definitely not married to you." George playfully responded. Just another running joke that he and Sapnap shared.

"What do I owe my darling housewife the pleasure of waking me up forcefully? You didn't even clean the house, love." Sapnap mocked George's British accent on the last part. George smiled. Sapnap knows that if anyone other than Dream wakes him up, they need something. He didn't return it.

"I broke my brace. I think the board snapped in half completely." George whispered trying to shrug off the fact he could feel Dream's eyes burning into his back.

"Why can't Dream do it?" Sapnap whispered back following suit.

"I don't want to talk to him right now. He's being stubborn and I refuse to come crawling to him for help. He's looking for anything he can get over me right now."

Sapnap nodded, understanding how George felt. He loved Dream, but he couldn't help but notice how manipulative his friend was at times. He always felt like Dream was trying to get the upper hand on him.

Sapnap slowly pulled up George's black jeans to his mid-thigh. The ravenette winced when he saw how swollen the broken knee was. It was inflamed from how much George was walking.

The brace was snapped in half. Sapnap untied the rope that held it in place, carefully to not touch his friend's knee. The board clattered to the ground as Sapnap untied both of the knots. Dream stood up from his spot twenty feet away from the two. He wanted to see what they were doing.

He hated feeling left out. George kept his head leaned back; his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He winced when Sapnap's hand brushed his knee. The ravenette muttered out sorry. Dream sat down across the two leaning against the storage rack.

"Why didn't you tell me your brace broke?" Dream said hurt. He was staring at George's knee with a small hatred in his eyes. Sapnap grabbed a wooden plank and placed it against the side of George's leg. He began to tie the knots that would hold the brace in place.

"You seemed too busy with other matters that didn't concern you. Didn't think it was important enough for your attention." George shot back hurt with how Dream was playing the concerned friend now.

"Don't be like that."

"Like what? Mad? Hurt?"

"Petty. You're being petty for the sake of being it. You can't be mad that I don't care and then be mad when I do." Dream was right and George hated it. George grumbled. He winced as Sapnap tied the final knot pressing the board tightly against his swollen knee.

"Your leg should be better in a week or two. Not completely healed but more manageable. You're almost fully healed from the bullets too." George ignored the blonde. He knew all of this already. If Dream didn't always pester him, he would actually listen.

"Am I good to go?" George asked, staring at the ravenette. God. He owed Sapnap his life. He couldn't pay him back in ten lifetimes.

"Yep. Off to Boston. You'll be good the whole way there. This one is stronger wood so it shouldn't break." Sapnap said. He stood up and offered George a hand. The brunette took it. George pinched Sapnap's side as he walked past. He climbed back up to the platform and was meant with Tommy and Tubbo.

Tubbo was wide awake. His green eyes peered into George's soul. They both had weird eyes. "Pack up your sleeping bags. We're leaving today. Hopefully we can get a car." George said happily. Everything was going his way. The two boys did as they were told. George leaned against one of the metal poles. He watched the two in a daze.

He broke out of his zone by the sound of the door opening and closing. The two kids turned to him at the sound. George pulled his gun out of his back pocket. He turned the safety off with a click and walked towards the edge.

He scanned for any runners or clickers who managed to open the door. He saw nothing. No signs of life. The only sign was his sleeping bag. Weren't Dream and Sapnap's right next to his? They were there moments ago.

The realization hit him like a truck. "Both of you stay here until I come back. Do not move from this platform." George said through his teeth. He jumped off the platform more smoothly than the last time and walked to the door that Dream and Sapnap came into last night.

Dream was packing up the medical supplies that he kept by the counter. The counter they slept behind together. "Where are you going?" George asked, confused. He thought they were just packing everything up until he saw that Sapnap wouldn't look at him. The ravenette kept his gaze down refusing to acknowledge George.

"Boston. We got word from the radio last night that there was a safe zone. There is an area of the city that was quarantined when it all started, and they have a small society running." Dream mumbled like he didn't care for George to know.

"But you were sneaking away? Why didn't you tell me?" George asked, taking a step closer to his friend. Dream was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed and a cold look in his eyes.

"You have other priorities as you've said before. You said that the kids stay, and you would get them home with or without us. If you have no interest in our opinions. We have no interest in keeping you around. Goodbye George. We'll see you on the other side." Dream pushed past the shocked brunette. Purposely bumping into the brunette. Sapnap followed. He stopped right next to George.

"I will see you again in Boston. This wasn't my choice. I'm just trying to stay alive. You know how stubborn he is. Be safe and take care of yourself. I'll see you on the other side. I love you brother." Sapnap whispered to the older man. The ravenette kept his head down still. George caught a glimpse of a tear rolling down the seventeen-year-olds cheek.

George went to grab Sapnap's hand but the younger one pulled away. "I'll see you on the other side." George whispered back. He didn't know if the other side was Boston or Heaven. He hoped to never find out. George watched as Sapnap joined Dream's side and the two set off.

George collapsed over the counter. He should've known. Dream wasn't someone to lose fights. Even when he thought he won, George lost. He was shaking. He was scared. He's been alone before. He's been left behind every day since Outbreak.

He's never traveled across a country. He's never traveled in a country that's not his own. He has traveled in the apocalypse but never alone. He's never fought a clicker. He's never killed a runner alone. He's gotten this far with protection from his friends. Now he has to go across the country alone with two teenagers and a broken leg. He has one gun to his name.

He is utterly doomed. The other side is closer than he thought, and it isn't a safe zone that is 1,300 miles away. He can't do this. He can't do this alone. The brunette banged his fist against the counter. He grabbed the nearest shelf and slammed it into the ground. He punched a hole through one of the walls. He knocked over every shelf he could.

When he was out of stuff to destroy, he had attracted infected with the noise. He destroyed those too. He cut them into small pieces. He killed them back-to-back. One after another. When they stopped coming, he calmed down. He felt empty. He wasn't mad. Just lost. The brunette sat behind the counter he once slept at. He leaned his head against one of the shelves and cried.

He needed to get this out before it killed him. He needed to be ready for this trip. He wasn't going to show weakness.

The kids would get to Boston if it killed him. He hoped it would.

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