LW's Younger Sister

By BettyCheryl2007

10.2K 173 4

Lila Amanda, Catherine Williamson, sister to Leah Williamson, signs for Arsenal after playing for Manchester... More

1 - Last Match With City
2 - Arsenal
4 - Talk
5 - Insecure
6 - Sleepover
7 - Call Up
8 - Lioness!
9 - Lessi Finds Out
10 - My Whole Heart
11 - The Story That Was Never Told
12 - No One Compares To You
13 - Please Don't
14 - You Are Good Enough
15 - Why?
16 - Never Tire Of It.
17 - Spotted
18 - Sorry Doesn't Always Fix Things

3 - Nightclub

638 10 0
By BettyCheryl2007

They walk back into Beth's

Lila stands in the doorway of the kitchen as there are no seats left on the sofa

Lia: * wiggles her eyebrows* You had fun.
Lila: How did you--?
Lia: Your blushing and have swollen lips. Plus Lessi already looks possessive over you.
Lila: Piss off.
Lia: * laughs*

Alessia grabs Lilas hand from where she's sat in the chair and pulls Lila to sit on her lap

Alessia: * wraps her arm around Lilas waist and places her hand on Lilas thigh*
Lila: * wraps one of her arms around Alessias neck and runs her hand through Alessias hair*
Leah: * confused and frowns* When did this happen?
Lila: None of your business.
Leah: * holds her hands up defensively* Ok sorry.
Alessia: * talks quietly so only Lila can hear* Is everything ok with you and Le baby?
Lila: Yeah.
Alessia: You sure?
Lila: * nods yes*
Alessia: * kisses her cheek* Ok. * draws patterns on Lilas thigh*

A few hours later

They're all getting ready to go out

It's about 8pm

(Lila is wearing the short sleeveless/strapless, blue dress she brought with her old with a grey baggy, ripped off the shoulder bomber jacket that she also brought with her white Nike Airforces)

Lila then waits downstairs with Leah, Lia, Beth and some others for the rest of the girls

Once they're all ready they leave for the nightclub that Beth and Viv booked for them

They arrive and find their booth at the back so it's quiet

The entire time when they walked through to their booth Alessia didn't let go of Lilas hand once, walking behind her for protection

They sit down

Lila sits on Alessias lap again

Lia is quick to drag Lila to the dance floor

They dance together

Lia: Someone looks jealous.

Lila looks at Alessia who is watching Lila like a hawk

Lila: * smiles* She's fine. Just protective.
Lia: Yeah I can tell.

After dancing with Lia for a while Lila leaves and let's one of the other girls join Lia

Lila is pulled into Alessias lap once again

Lila: * wraps her arm around Alessias neck and whispers to her* Hi you.
Alessia: * kisses her cheek and wraps her arm around Lilas waist* Hey baby.
Lila: What's wrong? You were watching me like a hawk.
Alessia: Just missed you.
Lila: * runs her hand through Alessias hair* You were jealous.
Alessia: * defensive* I was not.
Lila: It's ok if you were. You look hot when your jealous.
Alessia: I wasn't jealous.
Lila: Ok. Well I'm gonna continue dancing.

Lila goes to get up but Alessia stops her

Alessia: Can you stay? I like you sitting on my lap.
Lila: * smiles and rolls her eyes* Fine. But not for long. Lia looks bored as fuck.
Alessia: Ok.

Lila stays with Alessia

Alessia: * places her hand on Lilas thigh and gently runs her hand up and down it*
Lila: * kisses her cheek*
Alessia: Can I kiss you baby?
Lila: You don't have to ask Less.
Alessia: I want you to feel comfortable.
Lila: I know but you don't always have to ask me.
Alessia: I know. * kisses her jawline*
Lila: * smiles*
Alessia: * smiles and kisses Lila passionately*
Lila: * kisses back*

They're broken up by Leah

Leah: I need to steal my sister.
Lila: What for?
Leah: I need a dance partner who can keep up with me.
Lila: * laughs* Beth finally got tired then eh?
Beth: Oi! Not my fault she's the crazy dancer is it?

They all laugh and Beth sits with Viv

Lila: Such a drama queen.
Leah: Uh excuse you!
Lila: * chuckles* It's true.
Leah: Right come on you.

Lila and Leah go to the dance floor and dance together

Soon Leah gets tired and they go back to the booth

Lila: I win. She got tired.
Leah: True. I may be the crazy dancer, but she's mad crazy.
Lila: Nope. Your just old.

They all laugh except for Leah

Leah: Cheeky little bitch.
Lila: Aww don't be a grumpy pants Le.

Leah kicks Lila

Lila: Ow! Leah!
Leah: It'll be harder next time if you don't behave yourself.

Alessia pulls Lila back a bit and shields her

Alessia: Not our new player Leah. We need her for the match against Liverpool.
Leah: Whatever.

Eventually they all leave and head back to Beth's house

Lila and Alessia are saying goodbye after being attached at the hip all day

Lila: Bye Lessi. I'll see you tomorrow at training.
Alessia: * hugs her*
Lila: * hugs back*
Alessia: Bye baby. * kisses her cheek* Get home safe.
Lila: You too.

Lila gets in Leahs car and Leah drives them back to their house

Later that night

Lila is in bed, tossing and turning not being able to sleep

Like somethings missing. Or someone.

There's a knock on the door

Lila gets up and goes downstairs

She opens the door revealing Alessia

Alessia: Couldn't sleep. Can I stay with you?
Lila: * nods yes* Yeah. Come on.

Lila takes Alessia upstairs to her room

They both get in bed

Alessia is lying ontop of Lila with her head resting on Lilas stomach and her arms around Lilas waist with her legs between (intertwined) with Lilas

Lila: * plays with Alessias hair* Night Less.
Alessia: Night baby.

After a few minutes they both fall asleep , feeling comfortable around each other

The next day

It's about 5am

Lilas alarm has gone off

She turns it off

Alessia: * stirs in her sleep and groans*
Lila: Sorry Lessi. Go back to sleep.

Lila carefully gets up out of bed so she doesn't disturb Alessia

Lila then sits at her laptop to watch something about her fitness and what she should eat that day for dinner/tea

After watching it she goes downstairs and has breakfast

Once she's eaten she goes back upstairs to her room

Lila does her morning stretches and workout

She starts doing pull ups

Alessia: * groans* What are you doing?
Lila: * grunts* Pull ups.
Alessia: Come back to bed baby. Please.
Lila: Just a few more and I'll be right there Lessi.

Lila finishes doing pull ups and then gets back in bed

Alessia: Do you seriously do that every morning?
Lila: Yep. I made a promise to myself I'd keep as fit as possible.
Alessia: You don't need to. Your already as fit as fuck.
Lila: * giggles* Shut up. No I'm not.
Alessia: You are.
Lila: * rolls her eyes and doesn't believe her*
Alessia: It's true.
Lila: I'm not as fit as Leah or any of the girls on the team.
Alessia: * looks up at her* Who told you that?
Lila: * lies* No one.
Alessia: Well it isn't true. Your just as fit. If not fitter.
Lila: Yeah.... No.
Alessia: I will make you believe you are.
Lila: Mhm. Ok. Keep telling yourself that love.

Leah bursts into the room

Leah: * tired and confused* Lils what's she doing here?
Lila: She couldn't sleep last night and came here.
Leah: Ok whatever. Uh Mums on the phone. She wanted to talk to you.
Lila: What's Mum doing up at 6am. Its a bit early.
Leah: I don't know. Just talk to her.
Lila: Alright jeez.

Lila gets up and takes the phone from Leah and leaves the room

Over the phone:

Lila: Hey Mum.
Amanda: Morning darling.
Lila: Is everything ok?
Amanda: Yeah everything's fine. Have you been ok?
Lila: Yeah sort of. Still settling.
Amanda: Have you gotten on with the girls?
Lila: Yeah they've been great.
Amanda: Good. I'm glad. I did ask Leah to help you out if you needed it.
Lila: Mum I'm 22. I can handle myself.
Amanda: She's your big sister.
Lila: I know that but I don't need her to babysit me 24/7. I'm already dealing with enough.
Amanda: Ok sorry darling.
Lila: It's ok. You were just worried.

They talk a bit more before Lila takes the phone back to Leah and goes back into her room

Lila gets ready for training (she puts on her Arsenal shirt with black Nike shorts with a red Nike hoodie and her and her white Nike Airforces) (her boots and shin pads are in her boot bag)

Alessia leaves and goes back to her house to get ready

Lila plays loud music on her bluetooth speaker

(The song that's playing is Physical by Dua Lipa)

Lila looks in the mirror in her bathroom

She pulls up her shirt and hoodie looking at her stomach and chest

Lila can't stop her mind from thinking a million things


Lila was still playing for City

She was about 20 years old

They were having a match against Arsenal in the Emirates

Whenever Lila had the ball the crowd would either "boo" or some people would say some mean things e.g. "She's only here because her sister is Leah Williamson.", "She can't even play football properly.", "This girl needs to lose weight."

Hearing things like that from fans made Lila distance herself from everyone. It effected her badly. She made herself PUKE if she ate too much and became skinny to the point where you could see her ribs and some other bones in her body.......


The only person who knew was Chloe

Chloe helped her and soon told her to talk about it. Because Lila had said she felt like she should stop existing. Just disappear.

Choe finally broke through to her when the team started noticing what was happening and alwaya checked on Lila.

Lila told Amanda and her teammates...... Georgia was mad and upset. Amanda got Lila speak up about how she felt and got her help for her mental health.

Fans at next coming games kept saying things about Lila

It broke Lila and she had a breakdown on the field after getting in her own head and falling and hurting her ankle

Both teams agreed to stop the game for the sake of Lila

Leah, Ellen, Georgia, Chloe and Lauren checked on Lila

The crowd still booed her

Gareth came over and spoke with the ref

He then went to Lila and told her go inside and have a break

Chloe, Georgia and Lauren walked behind her

All of the players patted her back as Lila had her head lowered and she walked inside with one of the staff members

After a few minutes Lila came back out and continued to play

Still the crowd continued their actions at her

Again both teams agreed to stop the game

Beth kicked the ball to Steph who held the ball at her feet not kicking it at all

Lila sat in the centre of the pitch with her head in her hands the words and "boos" getting to her, she couldn't take it

Chloe, Ellen, Leah, Lauren and Georgia were sat with her (Leah and Lauren were stood with their hands on their hips giving the crowd disapproving looks)

Georgia asked Gareth to get a mic for her to speak to the fans

Gareth spoke to a staff member and they got one

The commentators were talking about it, one saying "It's amazing how both teams have agreed to stop the game for her. It shows how powerful sports can be." The other agreeing and saying "Yes it shows that. It also shows how much sportsmen or women and other celebrities don't want to disappoint fans but it also shows the effects haters can have on someone. I hope Lila is ok." The first one saying "Oh look Georgia Stanaways asking her coach something." The other one says "Look how they're surrounding her. Looking after Lila." The first one says "A member of staff has just given Georgia Stanaway a microphone. Let's have a look at what's going on."

They switch cameras for a better view for viewers at home watching

Georgia talks into the mic

Georgia: Testing one, two. Can everyone hear me?

The crowd cheers

Georgia: Um great. * clears her throat (Ahem)* Ok.... Now then. Some fans in the crowd on our side and on Arsenals side have been saying things about Lila. Saying things that aren't fair to Lila at all. Now this girl works her butt off just to play football and come to games. She commits to this team. And this game we all love. She is one of my best friends. And she's being torn down by people who don't really know her. They just know her from football. No one knows that she wakes up every morning at 4am just to workout and prepare for a day of training with us. No one knows how these words effect her. * looks at Lila* Lils can I say what's been happening?

Lila asks Chloe to say it

Chloe goes to Georgia and takes the mic explaining Lila wants her to speak now. Georgia nods and then goes to Lila

Chloe talks into the mic

Chloe: This girl.... Because of your words has been starving herself. Forcing herself to puke to the point where her self esteem is really low. She's become so thin I can see her rib cage. All because of your comments about her!! And for what? What? Because she isn't her sister? That doesn't matter! Leah doesn't define her! She's her own person!! She got here through hard work and being who she is! I wouldn't change her for the world. I don't think anyone who really know her would. So don't say things like that about her or even near her. Don't boo her because she's doing so well. Ask yourself this. How would you feel if it was you?

All the players, both coaches and all the staff members clap at her words, agreeing.

Chloe: If you haven't got anything nice to say to Lila then keep it to yourself. No one asked for your opinion!

Chloe gives the mic to Gareth and then goes back to Lila


Lila remembers what the fans said

She thinks to herself "I'm still not good enough.", "I'm fat.", "I'm nothing but Leahs stupid little sister."

She's knocked out of it by a knock on the door

Lila puts her shirt and hoodie back down and answers the door

It's Leah

Leah: Everything ok? Your blasting music.
Lila: Fine just getting in training mode.
Leah: Ok. Well get in training mode in the car. It's time to go.
Lila: Ok.

Lila grabs her stuff and then gets in her car following Leah to the grounds

They park their cars and go inside

Jonas tells them in the changing rooms that they're going to do some shooting and defensive drills and then finish off in the gym

They do the drills but Lila is stuck in her own head again and it's making her play bad

Lila falls hurting her arm from a rough tackle off Leah

She rolls over so she's lying on her back

Lila holds her arm and closes her eyes and then hits her head on the ground

Lila: * quietly to herself* Come on. Focus you idiot.

Leah stands up infront of her

Leah: You ok?
Lila: * harshly* Fine.
Leah: You sure? That was quite a fall.
Lila: I said I'm fine Leah. I don't need a babysitter.

Lila gets up and they continue the drills before heading inside

To be continued.........

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