Heart is happy !

By uniq11

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Hoseok a cheerful, bubbly boy who is always happy and thinks positive. He and his mother and younger brother... More



108 12 4
By uniq11


Jimin and his friends were silently enjoying when Yoongi called him out. 

Jimin got nervous. "Yoongi Hyung's sixth sense is quite sharp. I just thought of doing a misdeed and he came."

Yoongi told him to get up. They strolled away.

"Jimin I want to say something." He said.

Jimin frowned. "What's the matter ?"

"How do I explain it ? Sometimes to say a few things you need guts. I want help from you." Yoongi said.

"I'll bring a drink for you then you will get a lot of guts." Jimin said while going but yoongi pulled him.

"This is not something to do with drinks. This... how do I explain ?" Yoongi said desperately.

"We have a problem coming up now." The host announced.

Both jimin and hoseok on other side sighed.

They shouted simultaneously. "It's not a problem, but a program. Such stupid host."

"Hyung I will deal with your guts later now let's enjoy." Saying this jimin left.

"What to do ? It's do or die situation. If not today, someday, I have to gather courage to say it..."

Just then jimin passed from there and stopped.

"Hyung, let me tell you that guts come from within. It's here." He said while pointing to his heart.

"Close your eyes and listen to your heart. You will feel confident then say what you want to say." Jimin smiled and left with his friends.

Just then hoseok passed from there. Yoongi closed his eyes. His heart beat raced.

He opened his eyes and saw hoseok laughing.

The typical romantic song started playing in background.

Yoongi smiled.




"Hoseok don't forget your steps." Moonhyung said.

"I won't." Hoseok said assuring.

"Hurry up boys." Wooshik said.

Hoseok was about to drink from the juice with pills when wooshik pulled it away and kept on table.

Yoongi was standing nearby and watching.

"Either you drink or dance. Announcement has already been done. The last line has to go first on stage." Je said.

Hoseok pouted. "Why you always hurt me by saying last line. You see the one I'd marry would be a great dancer that he/she would set stage on fire."

Yoongi spoke lowly. "He wants a dancer guy.. Mom and Grandma say that there is something 
impressive about my dance. It may be true. Anyway, I dance good in front of my mirror."

"Today neither I will hesitate to dance nor to propose him." Yoongi said determined.

Hoseok and others left. yoongi came and picked up the glass of drugged drink. "Sharing is caring. Maybe if I drink hoseok's drink I will get the courage to propose her."

Yoongi drank the whole glass.




Hoseok and boys danced on boy with luv from BTS. 

Everyone cheered and clapped. Jimin and his friends came to watch hoseok getting humiliated but nothing happened. Hoseok danced energetic and correctly. Jimin frowned.

"Why there is no effect ? I hope he had the drink." Jimin asked. "Dude sometime ago I saw him carrying the glass." Yeji said.

"I don't think he drank it." She said. "What if somone else drank it ?" Hoshi said.

Yoongi emerged from behind the stage. He started dancing drunkly. Everyone got shocked.
Grandma whistled and stood up. "That's like my grandson." 

"What is Yoongi doing ?" asked Seojoon. "Yes. What is he doing ?" said Grandma nervously.

"I never knew hyung was this brave." Jimin said being amused. 

"I didn't do anything this time." Hoseok said.

"Did Yoongi hyung had that drink ?" Yeji said and Jimin got wide eyed.

Yoongi was wriggling on ground like a snake. Jimin ran towards stage to stop him.

Hoseok was too stunned to speak. Yoongi got up and saw hoseok. He smiled. He was about to go towards him when jimin shut the lights.

jimin came to stage and grabbed Yoongi. "Hyung let's go." Hoseok saw him with squinted eyes.

"no I wanna dance." Yoongi whined. "We will dance all night but let's go from here. If father sees this he will think I am behind this." Jimin pleaded.

"Yes, it was you who..." Hoshi spoke but jimin cut him off angrily.

"Shut up you moron."

Hoseok understood what was happening.

He said his friends to take him away.

Yoongi struggled in Hoshi's grip. "I need to speak to hoseok..."

He was dragged away.

When jimin was finding the dj hoseok called him.

"Tell me truth. You've created this mess, right ?" Hoseok asked.

"Have you heard.. those who create problems for others often get caught in the same problem." Hoseok said.

"You had planned to humiliate me, but look, you caused harm to your own brother." Hoseok said mocking.

"You.." jimin was about to reply but he saw his father coming their way. He left from there cursing.




Jimin called Hoshi.


"Have you buried your phone under ground ? Why aren't you answering ?"


"Where is hyung ?"

"He's with me. He is safe."

"Don't leave him alone even for a moment. Got it ?"

"Yes don't worry. I'll handle him."

Yoongi was sitting beside him mumbling.

"I want to tell hoseok that I love him."

"Pal, relax."

Hoshi hung up the phone. "I've been telling him that I'll handle him. He doesn't listen. He wants to know where he is,where he is he is right here..." Hoshi turned around.

His eyeballs popped out. There was no sign of yoongi.

"Where the heck did Yoongi-ssi go ?" Hoshi panicked.




"Today I want to tell hoseok this.. "hoseok I love you." Yoongi said drunkenly.

"Yoongi-ssi is very peculiar it's like he has split personality." Hoseok came from other side.

"When hoseok listens to my heartbeat, she'll hear the throbbing of my heart." Yoongi said smiling.

"Both brothers are of same type. They created ruckus on stage like uncivilized people. Younger is uncivilized so is elder." Hoseok huffed.

"I didn't expected yoongi-ssi to be like this, well he wouldn't have expected this from himself." Hoseok said but he stopped.

"Why am I going opposite ?" He turned around but collided with yoongi.

"You ? I..I mean yoongi-ssi ?" Hoseok asked.

"Hoseok, I want to tell you something." Yoongi said excitedly.

"What do you want to tell mister ?" Hoseok asked.

Yonngi furrowed his eyebrows. "You told you won't adress me that again."

"You forgot." Yoongi pouted.

"I will tell you something important so remember it always. Okay ?" Yoongi said seriously.

"Hoseok I love you." Yoongi confessed. Hoseok was surprised.

"What?" He asked. "I love you." Yoongi shouted while smiling.

"Are you out of your mind yoongi-ssi ?" Hoseok said annoyed.

"You are so drunk that you can't stand properly. Please don't say nonsense." Hoseok said.

Yoongi whined like kid. "You just had to say love you too."

"Are you even able to hear what I am saying ?" Hoseok frowned.

"Yes I am able to hear..." yoongi said then placed his hands on his chest.

"My heartbeats. Are you able to hear ?" Yoongi said smiling.

"What's wrong with you ? What are you saying yoongi-ssi ?" Hoseok said worried.

"Why are you not understanding ?" Yoongi frowned.

"Tell me. You were the one who had told me, right ? That if you dream about something fulfil it immediately." Yoongi said.

Hoseok remembered it. "Hoseok."


"Now you have become my that dream that I want to fulfil immediately." Yoongi said smiling.

"I am sorry. I am intoxicated but that's why I got the courage to express my love to you." Yoongi spoke.

"Hoseok, I like you very much." Yoongi said pouting.

"Look, you are happy at present, right ? I'll keep you very happy in future." Yoongi said smiling.

Hoseok stood awkwardly.

"Yoongi hyung." Jimin shouted.

Yoongi turned around and made disgusted face seeing him.

He turned around to see hoseok gone.

"I searched all over the place and you are here." Jimin said coming near yoongi.

"Where did he go ?" Yoongi said.

"Whom are you talking about ?" Jimin asked catching a wobbling yoongi.

"I was speaking to hoseok. Where did he go ?" Yoongi said irritated.

"I was so scared hyung." Jimin said trying to hug him but yoongi pushed him away.

"Your timing has been wrong since childhood. You always enter at wrong point and time." Said yoongi annoyed.

Yoongi tried to go but jimin back hugged him.

"I need to find hoseok."

"No one is here hyung."

"I was speaking to him."

"Let's go. I wonder what all dad would imagine."

"Forget about dad.. where is hoseok." Yoongi struggled to get free from his grasp.




Jimin and Hoshi made yoongi lay on bed.

"Oh my god !" Grandma said.

"I'll bring water." Chareyoung said going.

Grandma sat beside yoongi.

"Look at my gransson's condition. That nasty boy, hoseok has caused his this state." Grandma said annoyed.

"Come on now." Said jimin's uncle.
"He was the one to create a ruckus after getting drunk and you're blaming somone else."

"No. I am fully confident that someone has played a prank on him." Seojoon said.

"Brother-in-law, look at him carefully. He is Yoongi not jimin." Seojoon said.

"He has been trapped in a prank by someone."

"Not someone, that boy, hoseok is responsible for his condition. " Chareyoung said while she came with water.

"I had already told you that nasty boy is responsible. I don't understand why she is after our lives." Grandma said.

Jimin smirked seeing all the blame shift to hoseok.

"I know why he did that." Jimin's aunt said.

"Mom you humiliated him many times so it was bound to happen."

"As long as you're alive, you'll be mine.." yoongi slurred.

"Look, he is singing happily. What a shame !" Narin said grimacing.

"My seunghwan would have never done this." She said.

"Your seunghwan is not here to do such things." Grandma said annoyed.

"On other hand my grandson even drunk atleast is in front of us." Grandma said.

Then Dahyun and Jungsoo entered.

"Is everything ok?" Jungsoo asked.

"Is yoongi ok ?" Dahyun asked.

"If you are so concerned about how yoongi is why do you ask us ? Why don't you ask your son ?" Grandma said mocking.

"We understand that youngsters like to have fun during weddings. But if things cross their limits, they are no longer fun but turn into unruliness." Chareyoung said.

"Look if you came here then I want you to decide once and for all now. It will be either all of us or hoseok." Grandma said.

"Hoseok.." yoongi said smiling.

"Hoseok." He again said.

Jimin frowned and grandma too was annoyed by that.

"I know what happened to yoongi is wrong but my son is not responsible for this..." Dahyun said but Grandma glared at her.

"But if you wish so, I'll take hoseok and go away from here." Dahyun said.

"Please forget this issue." Seojoon said.

"Seojoon." Grandma said.

"Mom, no one will leave from here. Neither us or hoseok." Seojoon said.

"You listen to me.." chareyoung said but Seojoon cut her off.

"Keep quiet ! You cannot blame anyone on the basis of guesses and theories." Seojoon said.

"By the way, do any of you have the proof that hoseok spiked his drink ?" He said.

Dahyun smiled at this. "There were also other people present there who are capable of doing such things." Seojoon said eyeing jimin.

Jimin looked away. "When we have spoilt brat in our family we can't point fingers at others." Seojoon said.





Yoongi looked horrified while seeing his video dancing onstage last night.

"Hyung, you were rocking last night." Jimin said while eating apple.

"Jimin.. not me.." yoongi stammered.

"You were the one.." jimin said and laughed.

Jimin got up and sat beside his mother while pouring juice.

"Whoever sees your dance, will be stupefied by your performance." He said.

Chareyoung also smiled.




"Yoongi came out to be weird person. He has misunderstood my friendliness to be something else and confesses." Hoseok mumbles while folding clothes.

"Let me meet him today. I will ask him to keep his feelings within himself and not trouble me anymore." Hoseok said.

"Hoseok why are you speaking to yourself ?" Dahyun asked.

"Nothing mom, that Yoongi.." hoseok said but Dahyun spoke.

"Yoongi is very nice guy. But whoever played this prank on him has done very wrong." Dahyun said.

'He is also no less. He has also played a prank with me.' Hoseok thought.




Jimin was laughing when Seojoon entered the room. Chareyoung smile vanished.

Jimin looked behind.

"Give advise to your notorious son." Seojoon said. Jimin looked away.

"He is the one who brought shame to the family reputation. So let him not camouflage his blunders under somone else minor mistakes." Seojoon said mocking.

Jimin sighed and got up. Chareyoung also got up.

"Jimin.." She called but he left from there.

Seojoon sat on chair. Chareyoung went near him.

"You could have allowed him to atleast  have breakfast. Tell me something. My elder son was lying unconscious all night. My younger son left without breakfast." She said.

"Who is responsible for all this ?" She said and Seojoon looked at her.

"That boy, hoseok." She said.

"Mother-in-law is right, he is a devil."

Yoongi remembered last night's confession. He panicked.




"You know because of Mr. Seojoon we are here. He us such a good human being.." Dahyun said.

"Mom please, Since you are a good soul you think everyone is good too. I think all of them are cunning and shrewd." Hoseok said angry.

"What are you saying ?" Dahyun said.

"Forget it. If you knew what happened, I am worried that your diabetes will worsen." Hoseok said.

'I will close yoongi-ssi's love chapter today.' Hoseok thought.

Here yoongi was panicked for his confession and here hoseok was determined to have a good talk with him.


"Neither you nor your brother deserve to talk about me. Do you get it ?" Hoseok shouted angrily.

"Hey !" Jimin also shouted. He went close to hoseok.

"Say whatever you want to say about me. If you dare to talk nonsense about my brother. I'll push you into the pool !" Jimin said and grabbed hoseok shoulders and pushed him in the pool.

"Ahhhh!" Hoseok screamed.

Word count - 2347 words



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