By Alexaaneli

27.6K 497 549

Warnings- cussing, smut Will include Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man noir and others from atsv I do not own any o... More

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Professor O'Hara ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ

3.2K 58 90
By Alexaaneli

Warnings-long chapter! Cussing, smut!

Summary - You're failing science.

"Please. Please." You mutter, your eyes closed, praying to the homework gods. If you fail again, it's goodbye to your trip to Paris. Cheerleading has taken most of your time. If you could, you would solely focus on that, but your parents care about other academics.

You find the courage to open your eyes and stare at the grade before you.


"You got to be shitting me!" You said out loud. Science was your least favorite subject. You ditched it a few times. Now that you think about it, you don't even know the teacher's name.


"My parents are going to kill me." You sighed. You walk and try to find the science lab. "Excuse me, where's Mr O'Hare's class?" You ask a nerd.

"You mean Mr. O'Hara? He's in room 105, but his class is over."

"Shit... really?"

"Yeah, you're 45 minutes late."

Son of a...

"Thanks." You walk past him and head over to room 105. You knock and wait for an answer.

"Come in."

You open the door. "Sorry, class is over. Can I help you?" A six-foot-two brown-skinned gorgeous man with dark hair, a chiseled jaw, and dark reddish eyes says to you but all you can hear or see are angels singing.

Oh, God,


You couldn't even talk, you were stunned by his sexiness.


"I um wanted to talk about my grade." You say softly, your eyes still mesmerized by his beauty. "Sorry Miss, L/N but you didn't even show up for class today or yesterday or the month before. Why should I give you a chance?" He sat on the edge of his desk.

"You know my name?"

"I know all my student's names, including the absentees. Plus, I am aware you are the captain of the school's cheerleading team. I see you practicing on my way to my car."

You feel a jolt shocking through. Does he watch you?

"You are pretty popular, Miss Y/N, it's a shame you don't come to my class, and you solely focus on cheerleading. Because of your grades, you're at risk of being dropped."

"That and my trip to Paris." You added. "Please, Mr. O'Hara, can I do a makeup text or extra work? I need to bump my grade for this class. I can't get dropped from cheerleading. It means everything to me."

"You should have thought that beforehand."

Yeah, you should have.

"I know, sir but please I need a good grade." You plea, but he shakes his head no. "Sorry but no. If you excuse me, I have a meeting."

He walks past you and you grow desperate.

"I'll do anything!" You blurt out.

He stops dead in his tracks, and you sigh in relief. He turns around with a raised eyebrow. "Anything?"

"Anything." You nod.

He thinks momentarily. "Alright, I'll propose you a deal. You join the tournament for the science club, and I'll excuse half of your work, bumping your grade to C+. But if you help the science club win, I'll give you a B-."

You make a funny face. Tournament with nerds? You were about to say no, but if you say no. It's goodbye Paris and cheerleading.

"You drive a hard bargain, Mr. O'Hara but deal." You stick your hand out. He chuckles. "Cheerleading must mean a lot to you." He shook your hand, agreeing to the deal.

"You have no idea."

"I'll see you Friday, six o'clock sharp. The bus will leave you if you're late."


You smile as the two of you walk out. "Does this mean I have to show up for class tomorrow?"

He frowns deeply. "Yes."

"Okay, just making sure."


You run with your duffle bag wrapped around your body. "Wait don't leave!" You yell at the stupid yellow bus. However, the bus driver ignores you and drives.

"Son of a bitch!" You curse out loud. You got here as fast as you could, but there was a game and you couldn't miss it. Now you're stranded at the school parking lot dressed in your cheerleading uniform and full glam and soaked in glitter.

Or so you thought...

"Miss L/N, I thought I was clear on the time." A voice spoke behind you. You slowly turn around to see Mr. O'Hara dressed in a suit.

"I-I'm sorry, I had a game too, but I want to join. Believe me."

He looks down at your cheerleading outfit, and you feel your cheeks flaming as he inspects you. He lets out a short sigh.

"C'mon." He motioned to his car.

"I thought you would go with the other students." You say. "No, I always drive myself to the tournaments."


"Is that a problem?"

"No, I just. Isn't this kind of inappropriate?"

"Only if you make it so."

He opens the door for you and you get in. "Thanks."

He drives and you guys start to make your way. "So... How long have you been a teacher?"

"Fifteen years." He says, his eyes on the road. "How old are you?"

"That's inappropriate and rude."


"I'm forty-two."

"Why are you making that face?" He now acknowledges your jaw-dropping. "Shut the hell up, no you're not!"

"Again, inappropriate and rude."

"I am."

"Well, you look good for forty-two." You say, then cringe. "Ehh sorry." You chuckled nervously.

"It's fine." He shook his head, laughing.

"How long have you been a cheerleader?"

"Since I was five years old." You smile.

"I know it sounds dumb, but cheerleading is all I know. It's the only thing I'm very good at." You fidget your fingers around.

"It doesn't sound dumb." He said softly. You turn to him staring right at you, and you're convinced you guys are about to crash by how intense he's staring at you.

You gulp and you slowly nod.

You guys arrive, and he opens the door for you, but he hands you his suit jacket. "Wear this." He says, almost demanding.

"Why?" You ask confused.

"Because your skirt is too short and there will be horny teenagers staring at you, and it's also cold." He says, not acknowledging you.

"Ehh, I'm used to getting checked out." You shrug. "You're going to wear it." He now said sternly.

"Yes, sir." You gulp.

You put the oversized suit jacket on and you guys walked inside. Shortly, you join the other students. "Sup nerds, please tell me we're going to win."

They all stare at you with jaws dropped, and you roll your eyes. "Boys, her eyes are up here." Mr. O'Hara scolds.

"So, what do we have to do?" You ask them. "It's trivia." One of them says. "Oh, okay, that shouldn't be too hard."

"It's about everything we learned this past week."


"Are you shitting me? I haven't been to one class in over a month."

"Well, just sit there and look pretty and pray they don't ask you a question."

God, please.

You suddenly feel him behind you, his hands resting on your shoulder. "Relax, don't stress." He whispers.

You form goosebumps to the tone of his voice. You shouldn't feel this way, especially about your teacher.

You nodded, and the trivia tournament began.

You guys are neck to neck. Whoever gets this last question wins the donation money for new lab coats and accessories. And, your grade will move up and it's hello Paris.

"Okay, for this last question, we'll call out one player from each team. Can I get Arthur and Miss Y/N to the front stage, please?"

What the fuck...

"You said just to sit and look pretty!" You scowl at one of your teammates. "I also said pray."

You didn't pray hard enough.

You turn to your teacher. "I-I can't go up there."

He gives you a sympathetic smile. "Looks like you don't have a choice. Just do your best."

You walk up there on wobbly legs. "Alright, whoever gets this right wins."

You nodded and just hoped it was an easy question.

"What does DNA stand for?" She asks. Your eyes grew wide.

Does DNA stand for something?

You pressed the buzzer first, but you had no clue. "Yes, Miss L/N?"

You pressed it because you heard your two nerds say it earlier before the game, but what was it? Something acid...

You side-eye the nerd trying to mouth the word for you. "De-oxy-ribo-nucleic acid?" You say nervously.

"That's correct, congratulations. The Newark High School is the winner!"

"Oh, thank god." You sigh.

The nerds come running at you. "Holy shit, you did it."

"Thank god for reading lips." You mumble. Mr. O'Hara gives you a look. "I mean m-memory." You correct yourself.

"That's more like it."

"Bye, Y/N!"

"Bye!" You wave at the bus.

You turn to Mr. O'Hara standing behind you. "Is everything okay?" You ask as he has this look on his face.

"Actually, no, I just got a phone call. I have to stay close around here. They want me to talk to some kids tomorrow morning. So..."

"So?" You repeat, confused.

"I have to get a hotel."


"Can someone pick you up?" He asks.

"Um, my parents are in Bali." You say shyly. "But, I can Uber, it's only two hours."

"No." He shook his head hard and fast. "It's late, and I don't want a guy driving you."

He looks both ways and sighs. "C'mon." He opened the door for you. You hesitantly got in.

At first, it was silent, but you decided to speak up. "You know, it did feel good to win something other than cheerleading."

"I'm glad." He smiled. "So, is there a chance of you joining the club?"

"God, no." You say quickly and he chuckles.

"So my grade-

"B- as promised." He assured. "How about B+, I mean I got the question right." You offer with a slight smile.

He narrows his eyes at you. "How about a B?"

"B- is good too." You chirp.

The two of you arrive at a cheap motel. "Stay here, I'll check us in."


He took ten minutes, and he came back with another frown on his face. "What's wrong now?" You whisper.

"There's no two rooms, they're all booked."


Actually... not shit, You're starting to have a crush on him.

"Oh, um, I can still Uber."


"Are you okay with spending the night in the same room as me?"

"Yes." You said a little too quickly.

"Y/N, I hate to ask, but you can't say anything about this. I can lose my job."

"I understand, I won't."

He nods. "C'mon, we had a night. Let's get some rest." You guys head inside and as soon as you do, he groans.

"I said two fucking beds."

"Woah, you curse?" You say sarcastically. "Sorry, I just- this is-

"Lemme guess inappropriate and rude?"


You look around. "I'll take the couch." You set your duffle bag down.

"What? No, I'll take the couch." He frowned. "No, you need the most rest, you're kind of crabby." You chuckle.

He sits on the edge of the bed. "I guess I am, I just um I guess this wasn't what I envisioned." He rubs the back of his head.

"I'll be out of your hair by the morning." You say. "No, it's not that. I just-

"Just what?"


"Alright. Do you mind if I take a shower first?"

He looks at you up and down. "No. I don't mind."

Nodding, you go into the bathroom and take a shower. As you take a shower, all you can think about is your teacher is in the next room. And how much you wanted him.

But of course, he wouldn't want you. You're his student.

A knock at the door startled you. "Y/N?"

"Yeah?" you call out. "I'm going to get us some food, any preferences?"

"Burger, fries, and a milkshake."

"You sure you're a cheerleader?"

You giggle. "Yup."

"I'll be right back."

You finish washing your body and you turn the shower off.

Wrapping the towel around your chest you step out into the room since Mr. O'Hara stepped out.

Or did he?

You drop the towel and open your duffle bag to get into some sweats and a T-shirt. But right when you do the door opens.

"Coño, I forgot my wallet." he steps in with his head hung but his head lifts and spots you dead in your tracks.

Oh my god.

Your teacher just saw you naked. And you can't seem to move.

He quickly turns around. "Dios mio." he gasped. You pick up the towel and scream to the bathroom squealing with horror.

You rest your head back on the door and groan internally.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." he knocks on the door.

"Go away. I'm embarrassed." you shriek. "No don't be, I should have knocked first."

"No, I should have changed in the bathroom." you sighed.

"Please come out."

You push yourself off the door and creak it open. "I'm sorry you saw my ugly body." you cringe with a dry joke.

He looks at you unbelievably. "Don't say that, you don't have an ugly body on the contrary-

He stops talking. "On the contrary what?" you step closer.

"Damn it y/n don't make me say it. It's already bad I'm thinking of it."

You take another step closer and his breath hitches. "Say it, please."

His throat bobs up and down. "You have a beautiful body. You're beautiful and you know you can have any guy you want."

"Including you?"

"Especially me."

Your core is on fire. "Mr. O'Hara-

"Miguel call me Miguel, baby. Come here."

You lean in closer and he kisses you profoundly. You drop the towel.

He kisses you so passionately your head is spinning. You guys are starving for each other and you guys didn't notice you guys fell onto the bed.

"Please tell me to stop," he mumbles in between kisses. "I don't want to stop," you mumble back.

"If you let me continue, I won't have any other choice but to make you mine."

"Then make me yours."

"You don't know what you're saying."

"Yes, I do. I want my professor to claim me. To make me his."

"Damn it y/n."

"Okay, spread your legs for me. I want to see you."

You part your legs for him. He lets out a shakey breath. "Fuck, you're going to make me lose my mind."

"Do you want me to give you head first?"

"No if you do I'm going to cum quick and I'm going to claim you. I need my cum inside you."

Oh fuck, that was hot.

"I'm on the pill."



"I know Miguel. This will stay between us."

He nods.

His clothes come off and you can't help but check him out. For a teacher, he was ripped.

He kissed you from head to toe, sucked on your boobs and now he was sucking on your clit, whining your moans out of you.

You mess with his hair as he goes deeper. "I-Miguel." you breathe out. You look down seeing your teacher sucking you dry and it was so fucking hot.

"Don't hold back, I want to hear your cries."

You tugged on his hair as you screamed his name. You were in a haze when he yanked you down and slammed deep inside you.

You let out another groan. "Oh god, Y/N, you feel so damn good baby." he whimpered. And you're positive you just discovered a new kink. Hearing men or mainly Miguel whimper was a new favorite.

"You feel good too." you moan.

"You're taking me so good, good job baby. Look at you. Qué Rico." He murmured.

"Miguel, it's becoming too much." Your tears run. "Hang in there for me, a little bit more, baby." He coos thrusting harder.

"Please baby, just a bit more. I want to be buried in this pussy a little longer." He whimpered.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." You strain out, feeling the unbearable sensation.

"I know baby I know. You're doing so good."

He breathes out a laugh as he caresses your cheek. "So good y/n, you hear me. You're fucking me so good."

You couldn't hand on anymore. You needed the release. "No don't close your eyes. You have to let me see those beautiful eyes when they cum for your professor."

"I'm cumming!" You cry out, your back and head arched.

You cum on him and he thrusts his cum inside you. His pace slows but he keeps thrusting lightly. "Tighten around me as I pull out, all of me has to be in you."

You do and he strokes whatever's left and makes sure it's planted inside.

He brushes the side of your face with his fingers. "Are you okay?" He whispers.

"More than okay. I'm glad I joined the tournament." You say, making him laugh.

"I'm glad too."

He rolls next to you pulls you into his chest and caresses your hair.

"So out of curiosity... is there any way my B- can change to A+?"


"Okay, just making sure."

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