Professor O'Hara 🌶️

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Warnings-long chapter! Cussing, smut!

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Warnings-long chapter! Cussing, smut!

Summary - You're failing science.

"Please. Please." You mutter, your eyes closed, praying to the homework gods. If you fail again, it's goodbye to your trip to Paris. Cheerleading has taken most of your time. If you could, you would solely focus on that, but your parents care about other academics.

You find the courage to open your eyes and stare at the grade before you.


"You got to be shitting me!" You said out loud. Science was your least favorite subject. You ditched it a few times. Now that you think about it, you don't even know the teacher's name.


"My parents are going to kill me." You sighed. You walk and try to find the science lab. "Excuse me, where's Mr O'Hare's class?" You ask a nerd.

"You mean Mr. O'Hara? He's in room 105, but his class is over."

"Shit... really?"

"Yeah, you're 45 minutes late."

Son of a...

"Thanks." You walk past him and head over to room 105. You knock and wait for an answer.

"Come in."

You open the door. "Sorry, class is over. Can I help you?" A six-foot-two brown-skinned gorgeous man with dark hair, a chiseled jaw, and dark reddish eyes says to you but all you can hear or see are angels singing.

Oh, God,


You couldn't even talk, you were stunned by his sexiness.


"I um wanted to talk about my grade." You say softly, your eyes still mesmerized by his beauty. "Sorry Miss, L/N but you didn't even show up for class today or yesterday or the month before. Why should I give you a chance?" He sat on the edge of his desk.

"You know my name?"

"I know all my student's names, including the absentees. Plus, I am aware you are the captain of the school's cheerleading team. I see you practicing on my way to my car."

You feel a jolt shocking through. Does he watch you?

"You are pretty popular, Miss Y/N, it's a shame you don't come to my class, and you solely focus on cheerleading. Because of your grades, you're at risk of being dropped."

"That and my trip to Paris." You added. "Please, Mr. O'Hara, can I do a makeup text or extra work? I need to bump my grade for this class. I can't get dropped from cheerleading. It means everything to me."

"You should have thought that beforehand."

Yeah, you should have.

"I know, sir but please I need a good grade." You plea, but he shakes his head no. "Sorry but no. If you excuse me, I have a meeting."

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