In the end it is all a game (...

By jaydendush

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In search of a powerful ally, she goes throughout the world at Elio's request to find a partner More

chapter 1: the search begin
chapter 2: Bound by Fate
chapter 3: the resolve part 1
chapter 4: the resolve part 2
chapter 5:y/n origin: part 1
chapter 6: y/n origin part 2
chapter 7: y/n origin final
chapter 8: awaken trailblazer
chapter 9:echos of uncertainty
Christmas short part 1
Christmas short final
chapter 10:Frozen Destiny
Chapter 11: Workshop Wonders
y/n and silver wolf shorts #1
chapter 12: return to underground
chapter 13: vagrant shenanigans
chapter 14:new yet old faces
chapter 15: a broken resolve
chapter 16: The Gatekeeper's Test
chapter 17: svarog dramatic battle
y/n and silver wolf short #2: late birthday gift
chapter 18 : not good with goodbyes

valentine day!!

944 20 2
By jaydendush

(stellaron hunter base)
*Silver wolf pov*

Silver wolf: Greetings, everyone! You may recognize me as the genius hacker in this vast world. My close companions affectionately refer to me as Silver Wolf. However, I find myself entangled in a genuine predicament...

Silver Wolf paced anxiously in her room, her thoughts a turbulent storm within. Restless steps echoed against the walls, mirroring the unease that gripped her.

As she thought to herself, Silver Wolf's room became a stage for the dance of excitement and confusion. Her movements mirrored the whirlwind of emotions, creating an intricate choreography in the midst of her swirling thoughts.

Silver wolf: Today is February 14th, and Valentine's Day just snuck up on me. I mean I'm Grateful that Kafka generously gave us a day off for both me and y/n, but the real kicker is Elios' note-it's apparently Y/N's birthday today. I vaguely recall Y/N mentioning their birthday coincides with Valentine's

As Silver Wolf pondered the unexpected convergence of Valentine's Day and Y/N's birthday, she found herself caught in a moment of realization. Stuttering with a blush

Silver Wolf: (blushing and stutter )A-and what's even bad is, um, Valentine's Day is, you know, a day where you go out with the person that you, uh, supposedly like and... ask them out.

As Silver Wolf shook her head, a sense of understanding washed over her.

Silver Wolf: No no no, what am I thinking? It's not like Y/N to think much about Valentine's Day. He might be thinking it's his birthday since he's a dense person after all.

As Silver Wolf regained her confidence, she slyly opened the door.Hesitating at the threshold, Silver Wolf pondered her next move, a cascade of thoughts swirling within.

Silver Wolf: What am I doing trying to invite him on a day out? He might think I'm asking on a date. Okay, I'm going to be low-key about it and make sure I don't give out any overt motive

Silently slipping out of her room, Silver Wolf navigated the corridor with a subtle grace, making her way towards Y/N's room.

Standing outside Y/N's door, Silver Wolf hesitated, her conviction waning as doubt crept in.

Silver Wolf: Maybe Y/N doesn't want to be disturbed during the day off, especially on this special occasion. What if he prefers some quiet time? Perhaps I should reconsider. It's unlike me to ask him to go out...

she admitted, a blush tinging her cheeks as she grappled with the unfamiliarity of her own actions.

Despite her hesitations, Silver Wolf mustered the courage to gently knock on Y/N's door.

Silver Wolf: Y/N, are you in your room right now? Do you have a moment to spare? I mean, if you're busy right now, I'll be visiting you another hour or so.

As Silver Wolf uttered these words, she caught the sound of approaching footsteps, signaling Y/N's potential response to her unexpected visit.

As the door swung open, revealing Y/N holding a book in his hand, Silver Wolf was met with a surprised but friendly gaze.

Y/N: Hey, Silver Wolf, what brings you to my front door so early in the morning? You don't usually wake up this early on our day off unless there's a mission or operation we need to attend to.

Silver Wolf, seeking to gauge Y/N's availability, straightforwardly inquired.

Silver Wolf: Are you doing anything right now?

Y/N, a hint of apparent confusion, responded,

Y/n:Well, I'm peculiarly doing nothing much-just sitting on the bed and reading books during my free time

Silver Wolf, in a moment of self-reflection, realized the nature of her question and pondered her own actions.

Silver Wolf: (Why the hell did I ask that question? He obviously has free time right now; he's literally holding a book in front of me. Am I just being stupid, or is it the cause of being nervous?)

Y/N, noticing Silver Wolf's distant expression, voiced concern.

Y/N: Silver Wolf, you good? You seem to be spacing out.

Silver Wolf, shaken from her internal dialogue, snapped back to the present.

Silver wolf:Uh, uh, uh...

Y/N observed Silver Wolf, noting the rhythmic movement of her shaking leg, yet unaware of the nervous undertones accompanying her actions.

Silver Wolf, her words stumbling with a subtle stutter, expressed her thoughts.

Silver Wolf: Y-you know, Y/N, I was j-just wondering what you're d-doing today but since you're already absorbed by doing something, I don't want to b-bother your personal time since, um, you're we will always see me during missions because we're partners,W-with that, I'll s-see you soon.

As Silver Wolf hastily retreated from Y/N's room, the unease of her stammered words lingering in the air, she felt a sudden halt. A firm grip on her wrist disrupted her escape, bringing her to a standstill.

As she turned around to see who was holding her wrist, Silver Wolf met Y/N's gaze. His expression, a blend of concern and genuine curiosity, mirrored her own internal conflict.

Y/N: Are you sure you're feeling well, Silver Wolf? It's unusual for you to come over and quickly run off. How about we have a cup of tea or coffee and accompany me to have a chat a little?

Silver Wolf hesitated for a moment, torn between the nervousness that prompted her retreat and the genuine concern reflected in Y/N's eyes.

Silver Wolf, attempting to downplay her initial discomfort, insisted.

Silver Wolf: Um, no, Y/N, I'm honestly fine. I don't want you to take your time on your day off.

Y/N: Don't be silly. I don't mind if it's you. Besides, when was the last time you came over to my room to hang out?

Silver Wolf, her words marked by a subtle stutter, gently declined Y/N's offer.

Silver Wolf: Th-thank you, Y/N, but I think I'll pass. I appreciate the offer, though.

Y/N studied Silver Wolf's expression, keenly sensing her unease. He released her hand and ran his hand through his hair.

Y/N: You know, I was thinking, maybe if you're free this afternoon. We could go down to some random planet, have lunch, and shop around if you want. It's not like I'm busy today.

Silver Wolf, caught off guard by Y/N's unexpected proposal, looked at him with a mix of surprise and a blush coloring her features. She was clearly flustered and flabbergasted, unprepared for the idea that Y/N would suggest going out.

Silver Wolf: Y-yo... you sure it's okay for me to tag along?

Y/n: Of course I do, why wouldn't I? If I were ever annoyed to have you by my side, I would have already soloed my operation. Wouldn't I?

Silver Wolf: Fine, I guess I'll accompany you then.

She looked down at the floor, trying to hide her blush, not wanting Y/N to notice the subtle warmth that crept across her cheeks

Y/N: Well, shall we go to my room? We still have much time till afternoon. How about playing some games or having a snack? What do you say?

Silver Wolf: Sure, Y/N, sounds like a plan. Games and snacks it is.

She managed a subtle smile, attempting to mask the lingering traces of embarrassment.

As Silver Wolf entered Y/N's room following him, he offered her hospitality.

Y/N: Well, feel free to make yourself at home. I have tea and coffee. What do you want?

Silver Wolf, attempting to maintain composure, responded with a casual choice.

Silver Wolf: Uh, coffee sounds good. Thanks, Y/N.

Silver Wolf settled into the seat on Y/N's couch, while Y/N went over to his electric kettle and started the power, preparing to make the coffee. The room filled with the anticipation of a cozy and relaxed morning together.

Both of them took their seats, engaging in a chit chat as they waited for the kettle to whistle. Five minutes passed, the room filled with the pleasant anticipation of a brewing conversation and the aroma of impending coffee.

Y/N, handling the freshly brewed coffee, poured it into cups and placed them on the table. The rich aroma wafted through the room.

Y/N: Here you go, Silver Wolf. Freshly brewed coffee. Just the way you like it.

Silver Wolf, accepting the cup with a grateful nod, smiled, the earlier tension starting to fade.

Silver Wolf:Thanks, Y/N. Smells amazing.

Silver Wolf, taking a sip of her coffee, let out a satisfied sigh.

Silver Wolf: (sips and sighs) Y/N, your coffee never fails to impress me, no matter how many times I drink it.

Y/N: Glad you like it. It's all about finding the right blend, you know?

As Silver Wolf continued to sip her coffee and set the cup down,as her eyes gaze subtly flickered towards the unwrapped box of chocolates beside Y/N.

Silver Wolf: (casually) So, Y/N, I'm wondering about the thing that has been next to you till now.

Y/N: Oh, you mean this box? Firefly comes by my room this morning and passes it to me as a present , but unfortunately, she's unable to accompany us today due to an operation that a bummer

Silver wolf: what a bummer indeed...

Silver Wolf, despite maintaining a composed exterior, felt a faint twinge of jealousy hearing that Firefly had sent Y/N a birthday present. Y/N, engrossed in the conversation, remained oblivious to the subtle undercurrents in Silver Wolf's emotions.

Silver Wolf: That's really nice of Firefly. It must be a special gift if she went out of her way for it

Y/N: Your praising her too much,it's just chocolate. Surely It couldn't mean anything. Beside this is probably a chocolate of courtesy.

Silver Wolf: Well, you never know. Sometimes, even simple things can carry a lot of meaning.

Y/n: (raise eyebrows)oh really what is it then silver wolf

Silver Wolf, caught off guard by Y/N's inquiry, hesitated for a moment. The room fell into a brief silence before she managed to respond, her cheeks tinged with a subtle blush.

Silver Wolf: Well, um, sometimes... it's about the person giving it and the sentiment behind the gift that makes it special.

Y/N, seemingly unaware of the underlying emotions, chuckled.

Y/N: True, true. Well, I appreciate any gift, whether it's simple or not. It's the thought that counts, right?

Silver Wolf, managing to compose herself, nodded in agreement

Silver Wolf took a moment to delve deep into her thoughts, the subtle blush on her cheeks reflecting the internal turmoil.

Silver Wolf: (Ah, what is this feeling is it relief ? in the end, I knew it would turn out like this. There's no need to be envious of Firefly in getting the first step ahead of me since Y/N can't seem to pick up on girls' feelings.)

As she looked up into Y/N's eyes, her own gaze seemed to dazzle with an unspoken depth. While Y/N continued the conversation, unaware of the intensity in Silver Wolf's eyes, hers reflected a mixture of emotions-resignation, a hint of longing, and a silent resolve to cherish the camaraderie they shared. In that fleeting moment, her eyes spoke volumes, a silent language of feelings that went beyond the casual banter filling the room.

With a determined spark in her eyes, Silver Wolf, having sensed Y/N's willingness to go out, decided to persist on the idea of leaving early.

Silver Wolf: You know, Y/N, since we're going out later, why don't we head out a bit earlier? We could make the most of our day off.

Y/N, embracing Silver Wolf's idea, expressed enthusiasm.

Y/N: That's a great idea, actually. We could take the time to roam around the place as well. Let me grab my jacket.

As Y/N went to retrieve his jacket, Silver Wolf couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of spending the day with him

<Time skip to when silver wolf teleport to the destinated planet>

As the air shimmered and distorted, a faint cube-like shape materialized, revealing Y/N and Silver Wolf as they teleported to the familiar planet they had visited before for an operation. Emerging from the teleportation, they found themselves in a place they had once traversed for a mission, yet it held new possibilities for exploration and adventure.

As Y/N glanced around the area, a sense of nostalgia washed over him. The surroundings seemed to evoke memories of their first mission together on this planet, and he found himself recalling the terrain and landmarks with ease.

Y/n: Hey, I recognise this planet. Isn't it the first time we worked together to eliminate my first ever stellaron Together?

Y/N's words sparked a flicker of recognition in Silver Wolf's mind, bringing back memories of their inaugural mission against a Stellaron threat. She nodded, a reminiscent smile gracing her lips as she affirmed Y/N's observation.

Silver wolf: Yes, you are exactly right. This is the planet where we faced the Stellaron danger for the first time. It's hard to realise how far we've come since then, right?

Y/n: True, but I never would've guessed that out of all the planets, you'd choose this one for a day out.

Silver wolf: Sometimes revisiting familiar places can evoke feelings of nostalgia and adventure. Plus, you promised to bring me back here during our operation because you did meander about and locate some fantastic locations to have fun while I had to deal with a few things.

Y/n: Ah, that reminds me. I did leave you alone in the hotel room to wander around the area after we defeated the Stellaron. I thought our task was complete, so I went off to explore. When I got back, you were pouting at me for leaving all the work to you alone, didn't I?

Silver Wolf: Obviously, that's the sole reason we're here today-to pay off your punishment.

Y/n: Alright, if we're doing this as a punishment, I would kindly face the music and from henceforth, I will obey anything you tell me to do.

Silver Wolf couldn't help but laugh at Y/n's dramatic declaration, though she appreciated his willingness to humor her.

Silver Wolf: Alright, today you're going to be my butler for the day. Hence, whatever I tell you, you have to obey my request. And my first request is to find some sweets to fill my stomach.

Y/n's eyes sparkled with excitement as he bow down enthusiastically.

Y/n:Your wish is my command, my lady! I know just the place nearby that you'll love.

Silver wolf :Lead the way, butler Y/n. I trust your judgment when it comes to sweets

As Y/n led Silver Wolf down the alleyway, they arrived in front of a quaint crepe shop. The aroma of freshly made crepes wafted through the air, enticing them with its sweet and savory scent.

Silver Wolf's eyes lit up with delight as she gazed at the colorful display of crepes showcased in the shop's window. The tantalizing sight of golden-brown crepes filled with an assortment of delicious fillings made her mouth water in anticipation.

Y/n: Ta-da! This place serves the best crepes in town. The last time I stumbled upon it was by coincidence when I was lost, but the aroma is what led me to this store. Once you take a bite of their crepes, it's mouth-watering, and you can't help but want more.

Silver Wolf: As expected from my partner. Letting you decide where to eat was definitely the right choice. I guess letting you stroll around the town really pays off, huh?

Y/n: come on silver wolf you don't have to tease me that bad.

Silver Wolf chuckled softly, enjoying the playful banter between them

Silver wolf : Sorry, I can't resist making fun of you in situations like this. It's just too easy.

Y/n chuckled in response, taking her jest in good humor.

Y/n:I guess I set myself up for that one.Anyway, shall we head inside and see what delicious treats await us?

Silver wolf nodded in agreement As they entered the crepe shop, the waitress greeted them warmly and showed them to their table. They settled into their seats, taking in the cozy atmosphere and the enticing smell of freshly made crepes filling the air. With the menu in hand, silver wolf eagerly scanned through the wide selection of sweet and savory crepes available. Silver wolf excitement grew as they discussed their options and prepared to place their orders.

The waitress approached with a warm smile, presenting them with the menu and offering recommendations.

Waitress:Welcome! Sorry to disturb you two couples,Due to Valentine's Day, we're offering a special couple's deal. Would you two like to give it a try?

As the waitress words sank in, Silver Wolf felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of shyness creeping in. Frantically, she reached out and began to shake her hands nervously.

Silver wolf :C-couple,Madm you're mis-

Y/n: Sure, ma'am, we'll take the couple's meal if you'd be so kind, and besides, I want our first date experience to be enjoyable

Y/n chimed in, winking mischievously at Silver Wolf.

Waitress :Sure, do anything else?

Y/n:Oh, could you add one more dish before you go? I've heard your deluxe pancake is the best here

Waitress: Sure thing, I'll get that for you as well

With the order in place, the waitress made their way to the kitchen to ensure their meal would be prepared to perfection.

As the waitress departed, Y/n noticed Silver Wolf's head remained bowed on the table, a visible sign of her embarrassment.Y/n gently called out to Silver Wolf, noticing her embarrassment.

Y/n: Hey, Silver Wolf, you do not have to keep your head down like that. There's nothing to feel embarrassed about.

Silver Wolf: (head still on the table) This is terrific, someone just assumed that we're going out when we're actually partners, but...

As she trailed off, her face grew even redder, a deeper blush coloring her cheeks.

Y/n grinned wider, noticing Silver Wolf's shy response, and couldn't resist teasing her a bit more.

Y/n: Hmm, I never realized that others might see us that way. I guess I'll have to be more observant of my surroundings from now on, huh?

As Silver Wolf lifted her head from the table, her cheeks still tinted with a rosy hue.

Silver Wolf: Don't do that! that will be troublesome fo-

Y/n furrowed his brow in confusion, trying to make sense of Silver Wolf's sudden interruption.

Y/n: Silver Wolf. Are you all right? Your hand appears to move on its own when you try to utter something.

As Silver Wolf caught herself mid-sentence, she quickly covered her mouth, realizing the potential implications of her words.

Silver Wolf hesitated, her mind racing to find a suitable response.

Silver Wolf: I, um, I was just going to say that it might be troublesome if people keep assuming things about us, but, um, it's not a big deal, right?

Y/n's smile widened as he spoke reassuringly.

Y/n: No, it doesn't matter at all. Besides, I don't mind if people see us that way when the fact is we're actually partners, am I right?

Silver Wolf nodded in agreement, her mind racing with a mix of relief and apprehension.

Silver Wolf: (That was close. I was about to give away my feelings to Y/n.)

The waitress then emerged from the kitchen, balancing a tray laden with their order. With practiced ease, she placed it on the table before Silver Wolf and Y/n.

Waitress: Here's your couple's meal and deluxe pancake. Enjoy your meal!

Y/n: Thank you so much!

As the waitress departed, Y/n's attention returned to Silver Wolf, who seemed surprised by the size of the pancake.

Silver Wolf: Y/n, why did you order such a large pancake? Do you honestly believe you can complete it?

Y/n: who said that the pancake is for me ?

Silver Wolf's confusion lingered, evident in her furrowed brows.

Silver Wolf: Then, who is it for?

Y/n: Well, none and either you, of course! Who else will be eating it? I've been worried if you've been eating properly since your body is slim and small. And besides, you look like you need a big appetite since you haven't eaten anything for breakfast, have you?

As Y/n's words hung in the air, an awkward silence enveloped the table. Silver Wolf's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude, touched by Y/n's concern for her well-being

Silver Wolf: Y/n...

Y/n turned his attention towards Silver Wolf, awaiting her words with anticipation, expecting something pleasant.

Silver Wolf: Isn't it considered sexual harassment for you to be concerned about my body?

Y/n's surprise was evident as Silver Wolf's words sank in. A flush of embarrassment tinged his cheeks, realizing the unintended implications of his concern.

Y/n: I'm sorry... Was it too weird and uncomfortable for me to say it?

As Y/n's words hung in the air, Silver Wolf took a moment to collect her thoughts. Despite feeling slightly flustered, she understood Y/n's intentions weren't malicious.

Silver Wolf: No, it's not that... It's just, um, a little unexpected, that's all. But I appreciate your concern, Y/n.Let's just enjoy our meal, shall we?

As Y/n felt the atmosphere growing tense, he decided to lighten the mood

Y/n:Yeah, I think we should proceed with eating first but first ...

With a gentle smile, Y/n rose from his seat, grabbing the pancake and placing it on Silver Wolf's lap. The unexpected gesture caused Silver Wolf to raise an eyebrow in surprise, but she didn't resist.

Silver wolf: What's this for, Y/n?

Y/n:Oh, well, you know, for memory keeping.

Y/n replied casually as he pulled out his phone.

Y/n:Probably, we'll be sending the photo to Kafka later.

As Y/n positioned his phone, capturing the moment, Silver Wolf couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her. She glanced up, meeting Y/n's gaze, a fleeting moment of connection passing between them as the camera clicked.

Y/n: And perfect.

Silver Wolf: How did it turn out, Y/n?

As she placed the pancake on the table, Y/n grinned and showed her the photo.

Y/n: (admiring the photo) Hmmm... oh yeah, it's cute. Wanna see it?

Upon hearing Y/n's compliment about the picture, Silver Wolf felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks, her embarrassment evident. She quickly averted her gaze, hoping Y/n wouldn't notice her blushing.

Silver Wolf: (blushing) Hmmm... it's really cute, isn't it?

Y/n: well I can't describe it by it cuteness it's god damn adorable

As Y/n continued to praise the photo, Silver Wolf's blush deepened, her heart fluttering at his words. She couldn't help but feel a sense of joy knowing that he found the pictu
re adorable.

Silver Wolf: (embarrassed) Th-thank you, Y/n. I'm glad you liked it.

Y/n: (confused) What for?

Silver Wolf: Nevermind. Shall we dig in?

As they dug into their meal, the savory and sweet flavors danced on their taste buds, eliciting satisfied hums and occasional murmurs of delight from both Silver Wolf and Y/n.

<Skip to after they are done with their meal>

With their meal concluded and their hunger satisfied, Y/n graciously settled the bill for their food, thanking the waitress with a warm smile. As they made their way out of the crepe shop, Silver Wolf and Y/n stepped back into the bustling streets, the vibrant energy of the city surrounding them.

Y/n: Phew... Well, wasn't the food delightful and delicious, Silver Wolf? Just after eating half of the pancake, I already feel full.

Silver Wolf: Indeed, it was quite a feast. I must admit, I didn't expect to feel so full after just a few bites. But the flavors were exquisite.

Y/n nodded in agreement, a content smile gracing his lips.

Y/n: That's the charm of good food, isn't it? It has a way of satisfying not just the stomach but also the soul, anyways what do you want to do now since we have a lot of time to spare ?

Silver Wolf pondered for a moment before an idea sparked in her mind.

Silver Wolf: Well, since we're already here, why don't we do some shopping and hang around in the mall?

Y/n: That sounds like a plan! I'm up for some leisurely browsing. Lead the way, Silver Wolf.

As Silver Wolf and Y/n strolled through the mall, they indulged in leisurely browsing, exploring various shops and enjoying each other's company. Time seemed to slip away effortlessly, and before they knew it, the evening had descended upon them.

Now, as they walked down the streets' pavements, the city lights began to illuminate the dusk sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets. Despite the growing darkness, Silver Wolf and Y/n remained engrossed in conversation, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the city.

Silver Wolf: Today was quite enjoyable, don't you think, Y/n? It almost makes me forget we have any operations tomorrow.

Y/n: hmmmm...really, I would admit that it's fun, but to me, it's just another ordinary day.

As Silver Wolf turned her head directly to Y/n, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves.

Silver Wolf: Don't you have fun today?

Y/n: no it's true that I had fun to it's fulliest when browsing around the shopping mall.

Silver Wolf's heart skipped a beat at Y/n's words, a mixture of relief and happiness washing over her.

Silver Wolf: I'm glad to hear that, Y/n. I had a great time too, especially knowing that we both enjoyed ourselves.

Silver Wolf's pace slowed. Y/n, noticing her change in walking pace , turned to her with a concerned expression.

Y/n: Silver Wolf, what's up? Do you feel unwell?

Silver Wolf shook her head, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Silver Wolf: Y/n, the truth is...

With a hesitant gesture, Silver Wolf extended her arm, revealing a small wolf keychain nestled in her open palm.

Silver Wolf: this is nothing much but I've been wanting to give this to you as a birthday present, but I... I didn't have the courage to bring it up until now.

As a light grin appeared on Y/n's face, he approached Silver Wolf, smiling warmly. As soon as he reached her, he gently patted her head, a gesture of comfort and reassurance.

Y/n: Don't worry about it. It's the thought that counts in the end. Besides, how could I refuse a present from my partner? I'll graciously accept it.

Y/n gently took the keychain from Silver Wolf's hand, holding it up by the chain end, and presented it to her with a warm smile.

Y/n: And besides, having this keychain with your iconic logo would mean a lot to me!

Silver Wolf's heart swelled with gratitude as she watched Y/n's genuine reaction. She couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of warmth wash over her.

Silver Wolf: Thank you, Y/n. I'm really glad you like it.

Y/n: well if it's from none either then my partner what's there not to like ?

Silver Wolf's heart skipped a beat at Y/n's words, a rush of emotions flooding her.

Silver Wolf: Y/n... Thank you.

Y/n: Alright, let's keep the fun going since the day isn't over yet. How about we head to the arcade next? I noticed you've been eyeing it eagerly since we passed by earlier.

Silver Wolf: Really? I mean, you don't have to go to the trouble of going back there.

Y/n: Nonsense, it's no difficulty at all, and you're looking forward to playing it, aren't you? Let's say it's a gift of appreciation for giving me a present.

Silver Wolf: Well, if you insist, then I suppose it would be rude to decline.

Y/n led Silver Wolf through the arcade area, their footsteps echoing off the walls as they chatted and laughed together. Y/n, always full of surprises, decided to take a shortcut through a nearby alley that he knew would lead them straight to the arcade.

Y/n and Silver Wolf were engrossed in a lively conversation as they made their way through the bustling arcade. Y/n, caught up in the excitement of their discussion, wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. With his attention focused entirely on Silver Wolf, he failed to notice the people milling about in front of him.

As they rounded a corner, Y/n's distraction proved costly. Lost in conversation with Silver Wolf, he failed to notice someone approaching from the opposite direction. With a sudden impact, Y/n collided with the person, causing both of them to stumble backward in surprise.

Y/n managed to regain his balance, but the other person wasn't so lucky. She stumbled and fell onto her backside, letting out a surprised yelp as she hit the ground.

Y/n:Oh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going.

Y/n exclaimed, reaching out to offer a hand to help the woman up

The girl rubbed her head, wincing slightly from the impac

Girl:(rubbed her head)Oh, no, I'm to blame too. I was completely engrossed in the cherry pancake they have to offer. I wasn't looking where I was going.

As the girl looked up to see who she had just bumped into, she froze in shock and disbelief. Standing before her was a stranger who bore a striking resemblance to someone that she knows , a caring and compassionate caretaker who used to take care of her in the past

As the girl looked up to see who she had just bumped into, she froze in shock and disbelief. Standing before her was a stranger who bore a striking resemblance to someone she knew well-a caring and compassionate caretaker who had once looked after her with kindness and warmth.

As the girl stuttered out the name

Girl:Y/n-oni... Bronya-onee.

both Silver Wolf and Y/n exchanged puzzled yet curious looks.Silver Wolf furrowed her brow in confusion.

Silver wolf:Y/n? Is that someone you know?

Y/n:Don't look at me. This is my first time encountering her. I've never met her before.

The girl cleared her thoughts with a shake of her head.

Girl:I'm so Sorry ,but you two bear a striking resemblance to someone I know from the past, both in appearance and demeanor. It's quite surprising, actually.

Y/n and Silver Wolf exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the girl's words.

Y/n: I mean, you know what they say. There could be ten out of a thousand people out there who bear a strikingly similar face to yours.

The girl dusted herself off and got to her feet, smiling gratefully at Y/n and Silver Wolf for their assistance.

Silver Wolf inspected the girl appearance intently, noticing the intricate details of her outfit and the distinctive design of her horns.

Silver Wolf: Hmm... That's a nice outfit you have there. Are you a cosplayer or something?

The girl chuckled softly, shaking her head.

Girl: No, I'm not a cosplayer. these horns are real, not part of a costume.

As Y/n reached out and gently touched Silver Wolf's head, he turned his attention to the girl

Y/n: Look, Silver Wolf, stop intruding other people's personal lives...I'm sorry for my partner here, Ms...

Girl: Delta... You can call me Delta.

Y/n: Alright then, Delta. My partner here is sometimes insensitive and overly curious. When she gets absorbed in something, she tends to pry into people's privacy. Just giving you a heads up.

Silver Wolf felt a warmth spreading through her cheeks as Y/n's hand rested gently on her head. She glanced up at him, her expression betraying a hint of embarrassment.

Silver wolf: Hey, when are you going to let go of my head

she muttered, trying to hide her flustered state.

Y/n: Alright, alright. No need to get flustered. I'm sorry, Delta, but my partner and I actually have plans to attend to. Let's hope we'll meet again.

With a friendly wave, Y/n and Silver Wolf continued on their way, leaving Delta behind. As they walked toward the arcade.

As Y/n and Silver Wolf disappeared into the bustling streets, Delta couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that lingered in her mind. She pondered over the encounter, her thoughts swirling with questions about the implications of meeting someone who resembled individuals from her past.

Delta: (I see ,So, it's Y/n-oni and Bronya-onee in this universe, huh? Never thought I would cross paths with someone I knew. The captain didn't inform me ahead of time.)

Delta's emotions overwhelmed her as tears streamed down her cheeks, her sobs echoing softly in the empty alleyway. Despite her best efforts to remain composed, the unexpected encounter stirred up memories and emotions she had tried to bury deep within her heart.

Delta: (Huh... This is weird, I thought I promised myself that if I ever crossed paths with him, I would never tear up again...)

Delta's heartache was palpable as she admitted her lingering feelings for Y/n. Despite the passage of time and the distance between them, her emotions remained raw and unresolved.

Delta: (I see... I guess I still miss Y/n...)

As Delta walked through the bustling streets, her heart heavy with emotions, she couldn't shake the feeling of longing that enveloped her. Memories of her time with Y/n flooded her mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of the bond they once shared. Despite the uncertainty of the future, a glimmer of hope flickered within her-a hope that one day, she would be reunited with her's Y/n, and the ache in her heart would finally be eased

(Back to y/n pov)

Silver Wolf: Hey, y/n, why did you halt my integration? She's not a local, and even if she was, it's strange to have a culture with a horn with her tail, don't you think?

Y/n: You're right, Silver Wolf. It's unusual for someone to have horns like that in this world, and you're right to be cautious about her intentions. But sometimes, you have to analyze your surroundings before interrogating someone. Her eyes seemed filled with sorrow and sadness, like she had lost someone close to her, and I took that into consideration. Besides, everyone has moments when they want to maintain their privacy and not be questioned about their personal life right ? including you

Silver Wolf nodded, understanding Y/n's perspective. She realized that sometimes it's important to approach situations with empathy and understanding rather than jumping to conclusions. As they walked towards the arcade, Silver Wolf couldn't shake off the feeling of curiosity about Delta.

Silver Wolf: So, what you're saying is that Delta might have experienced some tragic losses in her life?

Y/n: Yes, that's one way to put it. It's possible, but it's just a theory,She seemed to be deeply affected by something, perhaps a loss or some other personal struggle. Anyways, that's the reason why I halted your interrogation. I followed my instincts and felt sympathy for her.

Silver wolf: I see. It's commendable that you follow your instincts and empathy,I'll trust your judgment on this matter.

As they reached the arcade, the vibrant lights and cheerful music greeted them, promising an afternoon of fun and excitement. Y/n and Silver Wolf wasted no time in immersing themselves in the array of games available.

As they played, Y/n couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Silver Wolf's eyes, her enthusiasm contagious as she tackled each game with gusto. He found himself getting swept up in the excitement, the cares of the day melting away as they lost themselves in the thrill of the arcade.

Hours flew by in a blur of laughter and friendly competition, until finally, they found themselves exhausted but exhilarated.

as the night wore on and exhaustion began to set in, they reluctantly tore themselves away from the games, their hearts still racing with the thrill of the competition. But despite their fatigue, their spirits were high, buoyed by the memories they had created together in those fleeting hours of fun and camaraderie.

As they emerged from the arcade, a sense of restlessness lingered in the air.

Y/n: Well, that was fun, but I'm actually feeling pretty burnt out from all that gaming. Shall we call it a night?

Silver Wolf nodded in agreement, her energy also waning after hours of excitement at the arcade. Together, they made their way back through the bustling streets, the neon lights of the city casting a soft glow around them.

As they walked, they exchanged stories and reminisced about the day ,their laughter mingling with the sounds of the city.

Silver wolf:Thanks for today, Y/n. It was really nice spending time together like this.

Silver Wolf remarked, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

Y/n: Yeah, we should probably hang out often when we're having a day off. Shall we head back to the basement?

As Silver Wolf nodded, she reached for the aether editing sword , As Silver Wolf's finger pressed the button, a low hum filled the air, and their bodies began to disintegrate into pixelated cubes, a telltale sign of the teleportation process. Within moments, they vanished from the arcade street, reassembling in the familiar surroundings of their basement base.

Together, they reflected on the day's adventures, reminiscing about the fun they had at the crepe shop, the unexpected encounter with Delta, and the exhilarating games they played at the arcade. Despite the challenges they faced in their line of work, moments like these reminded them of the importance of friendship and camaraderie.

As they settled in for the night, Y/n and Silver Wolf looked forward to many more adventures together, knowing that no matter what the future held, they would always have each other's backs.

Valatind day chapter end.

Some unused photo

If you're curious where this delta came from, please read my newest novel in my writing list under "herrscher of destruction x delta"

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