Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3...

By AlexisKindness

33.8K 728 968

So for this one you're a male. (Sorry to the ladies!) You're either gay. Also credit to the person who made t... More

New world
Mario lost his liver?!
The video ends when no one is watching it.
Mario goes Bowling!
All I want for Christmas is for Mario to freakin' behave!
Mario updates his data plan and I get a new phone!
Mario bakes a cake and so do I!
VINES or short stories...
Staying home for the day
Mario goes on a diet!
Mario, SMG4, and I play Slendytubbies 2
Mario goes fishing!
SMG4...Are you okay?
Mario goes to Ohio
Mario steals the..THE WHAT?!
Mar10 day!
Some drawings i did of SMG5's emotions
It's gotta be perfect... Pt.1
Its gotta be perfect... Pt. 2
Waking up...and spending time with SMG3!
Going on a road trip!
Different world!
Our new home!
A very safe and legal SMG4 show!
Every Luigi is personalized...
A dream?
Ginger bread houses
Mario breaks McDonald's ice cream machine...
Finally playing gmod
Going to a carnival!
Mario is fine
The Game Cube
We interrupt this broadcast
Have a picture
School is boring but killing isn't! Also HOME!
Vine sor short stories 2.0
Western Spaghetti...
Im tired. But i aint stopping!
You made Mario do this
Let's go visit Peach!
They're back...
Ten...ten thousand+?!?
Watermelon man...
We don't talk about what happened in the elevator...
Mario goes coo-coo crazy
SMG4 kids
Have drawings/doodles I did
The lads play Shrek online
Forced to hold hands and telling the truth...
Trust no one..
(CLOSED) The questions for the WOTFI..
WOTFI: Its time to be spies!
Wonder flower!!...gross

Three's browser history.

473 9 2
By AlexisKindness

I'm in Four's office/bedroom with Three, who is on the computer searching whatever. I'm looking more throughly in Four's room.

Don't judge me! I didn't really get a go look around when we were decorating. Right now I'm at the chest looking through it.

A lot of random stuff...but I do like the plushie version of Four and Three! I pick them up and smile at them. I honestly want to steal this from Four...can never have to many plushies? Am I right?

Just as I was about to put the plushies in my hat Mario crashes through the door. It made me jump, dropping the plushies in the chest and frantically shut the chest. Though...I accidentally slammed my fingers and caused me to silently scream while standing up.

Mario dust himself off before looking at me and Three. Three is smiling nervously while I'm trying to be chill because my heart is beating fast. He tries to see what he's looking at while SMG3 looks at him with a nervous look.

"Mario! What brings you in here?" Three ask anxiously.

Four walks in, "SMG3...Five? What are you doing in my office?"

"Oh... Uhh... NOTHING! Was just uhm... TRYING TO STEAL YOUR VIDEOS!" Three chuckles nervously, "Yeah! That's something I used to do!"

"I was..uh...hanging out with Three.." I said walking up to Three.

Four doesn't think much of it...well...actually he's a bit jealous of Three but don't think much else, "Well... anyway!" Four pushes Three off the chair, "Mario you've got to see this! It's the funniest meme I've ever seen!"

I gestured Three to the door and he nods. We both start walking out.

Mario looks over to the screen to see the memes, but nothing is there, and Four freezes.

"SMG4... Where's the memios?"

Four was about to say the website but sighs, "Crap... I don't remember the website. Uh... Lemme just search my history!"

Three overhears this and looks over to see Four about to click the browser history. He tries to think quickly while panicking.

"Three?" I ask worried.

"I can't let him see what I searched! My life will be ruined!" He whispered/shout to me.

"I'll help you!" I smile confidently, doing a thumbs up. He smiles at me compassionately and whispered a thanks.

Three got in character. "AHH!!! A SPIDER!"

"WHAT?! WHERE?!" I scream as well.

Three grabs Beeg and uses it to 'kill the spider.' Four's monitor starts coughing, and I pull a Thomas Thermonuclear Bomb card out of my hat and slapped it on the monitor, which causes an explosion. The monitor falls into broken pieces, but Three pours gasoline on it, grabs a lighter from me cause I was holding one out to him and sets it on fire. He sighs of relief, while Four and Mario are shocked about this.


"It was uhh... It was a spider!"

"What Three said! You know I'm scared of spiders!

Mario peeks out from behind Four, "Did you kill it?"

"I hope we f—king did." I mutter.

Four rolls his eyes, "Ugh, I'll get my laptop! My history is saved to my account! So I should just be able to login and view it!"

Me and Three gasps and gets in front of them.

"Wait! SMG4, I've got something to tell you!" Three shout, holding out his hands.

"...what?" Four ask, skeptical.

"I'm... pregnant" Three said nervously.

I blush a bit, Damnit Three! What the f—k?! They're gonna think we did that! Or you and Four did it!

Four looks at him and me in a confused face but also jealous, he's thinking they did 'that' without him knowing, while Mario is shocked and goes over to Four.

Mario has a smug smile on his face, "Naughty! Naughty!" He gets hit by Four.

Four walks over to his laptop.

SH-T! LOOK!" He calls Mario using his hands, and Mario answers.

"Hello Sir"

"Hello, Mario? I unplugged the fridge and spoiled all your spaghetti."

This causes Mario to be depressed.

I hold in my laughter from that reaction but stopped once Four was moving again.

"Wait! Four! Uh...uh..ah..I don't have a distraction...wait! I know!"

Four looks at me confused but then blushes when I did a quick peck on his cheek.

Four shakes his head, holding his cheek, "SMG3, Five, if I didn't know any better... you two don't want me looking at my browser history."


"Smooth Three, smooth." I mutter to him.

"Oh like you can do anything better?! Why did you kiss him?!" He hissed at me.

"I didn't know what else to say or do!"

Four and Mario look at Three and Me in a 'The Rock' way. We all look at the laptop and start fighting over it. Eventually, Three gets the laptop, starches up green and summons a green roll.

Hey! Plants versus zombies!

He places down three Ugandan Knuckles ready to fight Four and Mario.

Me and Three quickly leaves the room.

The knuckles start to spit at them until they bring out a flamethrower and burn all three of them. While me and Three tries to run away from them, by going out the front door, only for us to get caught up by them.

"YOU HAVE LOST PINGAS PRIVILEGES." Mario says, sniping the gardening equipment.

This scares us, causing him to drop the laptop.


Four grabs the laptop, only to find out it was a decoy laptop.

"GET DECOYED BI-CH!!" I shout as we run away.

"AHHH! It's a decoy laptop!" Fourthrows the laptop towards Mario, which bites his pingas.


We are still running away from them. We run into the gaming room, where Four and Mario chase us, only to see Saiko practicing her guitar.

"Saiko! Did you see where SMG3 and SMG5 went?" Mario ask.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She plays her guitar, but the sounds of the guitar aren't right; she looks down to see Three head as her guitar. Five is pretending to be a pillow.

"Ummm....." Three starts singing but gets thrown across the castle hallways.

"Oh sh-t! Three!" I morph out of the pillow and run after him.

It then shows Tari crossing five ducks before being knocked over by Three. I show up out of the hold, grab Three and takes off, followed by Four and Mario.

"Hey! Come back here!" Mario shouts at us.


Karen is driving home from work when, all of a sudden, Three and me jumps on top of her car.

Three points a gun at her, "GIMME THE CAR! OR YOU'RE DEAD!!"

Karen puts her hands up, "I'll take both" she jumps out of the car and rolls on the street.

Three pauses for a second, "Damn, bro..." He jumps in the car. I jump in the passenger side.

Mario catches up to us, "Stop right there!"

Three laughs, "EPIC GETAWAY TIME!!" He presses on the gas to max.

Three turns on music but gets jazz music instead.

"Goddammit, this isn't getaway music..."

"Pfff-! Here let me try." I set the music to a more upbeat but cool music. "There!"

Three nods his head to the beat as we drive off.

"HE'S GETTING AWAY!!" Four shouts.

Mario sees JubJub cleaning a racing car but is actually looking at Wheeler wheeling; he then kicks him, gets on, and presses the nitro button to go faster. Four and Mario catch up to us, but Three notices it. He drives into a Corn on the Bone, but the airport door closes.

"Hah! There's no way he's getting in there!" Four smiles.

Beside the door, there's a ramp. Me and Three eats some corn, drives to it, and makes it to the plane.

"HAHAHAHAHHA! Good job Three!"

Three grins at me.


Four looks at the plane, flabbergasted, "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!?"

Mario sees Eggdog and Eggcat drinking apple juice, and then he gets an idea.


Me and Three gets out of the car. I pull out two beach chairs and places them on top.

Three enjoys himself on top of the plane.

"Now, my secrets are safe... Huh?"

"What the..?"

Three notices that Eggdog is calling him on Discord, which he answers.

"Hello, my little Eggdo- AH!"


We sees what looks like Four holding Eggdog and Eggcat while Mario pretends to hump on it, which causes Three's eyes to set on fire, screaming, and slide onto a windshield.

I get mad, "No one touches Eggcat like that."

The airplane worker screams.

The old man scoffs, "I'll park the car and wipe it off!!"

The plane goes down.


Tari is done. Duck Crossing: All of a sudden, the plane crashes in the water. She sighs in relief but gets crushed by a car.

Me and Three falls to the ground, where Four and Mario are sitting for us.

"YOU BASTARDS-" I get hit in the head with a bat by Mario, causing me to pass out. Four and Mario catches us.


Three and Me are in a cage, Three is terrified. I am annoyed.

"Those mother...I'm gonna...grr..." I mutter under my breath. Glaring at the two over at the computer.


"Yeah boy!"

Four and Mario click the History tab, and Three looks away to not see what's going to happen. I get confused and worried about Three so I place a hand in his back. He immediately wraps his arms around me, his eyes closed shut, holding on to me tightly. I blush a bit and hold him in my arm.
Four and Mario look closer to the screen and press the Browser History tab.

Four gets confused for a minute, "Oh, What's this?-" he then glitches while screaming.

"What? I don't get i-" Mario screams out of existence.

Meggy comes barging in. "Hey guys! What's all the noise about-" She looks at the browser history and glitches while screaming.

Luigi came in and looked at the screen, "Hey, that's pretty good." He goes to the bathroom and vacuums himself.

When they were screaming, I got the door open and Three let's go of me.

Three cries and leaves the castle. I tried to follow after him but he shoos me away. I frown and watched him leave. I get a bit curious and looked at the screen.

"What the-? Oh." I blink twice, "Uh..why the hell was everyone screaming?! This is nothing bad! We went into a literal hell cave and they scream about this!" I roll me eyes. Everyone goddamn overreacted. I take the mouse and delete the history.

"Next time Three, use your own damn account."


I called the doctors after a day when everyone didn't wake up yet.

"CLEAR!" The medic puts the things on the back of him.

"Ughh my head SMG3...bro... that was uh... that was something.." He finds out that Three is gone.

Mario wakes up, "DUDE WHAT'S-A WRONG WITH YOU????" He also finds out Three is gone.

It has been shown that Three had left the castle.

"where'd he go?" Four ask.

"He left because you guys just HAD to look at his search history when you could've asked Three to find the damn website for you, keeping his privacy. But NO! You guys just had to invade his privacy. God! I'm not mad at you Meggy or Luigi but I am mad at you, Four, and Mario. I thought you were better then this Four!" I cross my arms, upset at them.

Four look at me ashamed. "I'm..I'm sorry but..I was curious! I..I'll apologize to Three when I see him..." Four rubs his arm up and down.

"You too Mario!" I said sternly.

Mario nods and hide behind Four.

I turn and walk away.


I've been home for a while, reading a book. But then I hear a door knock. I get up and answer it.

There at the door is Three.

"Three! Oh thank goodness! Are you okay? Did Four apologize to you?"

Three nods, "Did..did you also look at my history? Because when I went to delete it, it was already gone."

"Well yea. But I didn't scream or anything like everyone else did. It's normal to search stuff like that. normal as it can be."

Three looks at me surprised. "Really? Uh..."

"What?" I see him holding something? "What are you holding there?"

"Uh!" He hides it behind him, "Nothing! promise you won't say anything about it."

"I promise." I smile at him softly.

He lets out a sigh of relief, "Thanks...I'm..I'm gonna go now. See ya later."

I wave, "Bye!" I watch him leave and shut the door.

Dear Journal,

Today I hanged out with three for a bit in Fours room/office. But Three got caught searching and me and Three had to run away from Four and Mario because they wanted to see what Three searched up.

Unfortunately, they got their way and saw. I also saw what he search and everyone fucking overreacted. They, and me, dealt with weirder, scarier shit then what Three searched up.

I'm upset at Four and Mario, mostly Four, for invading Three's privacy. But I can't stay upset at Four...especially with his cute baby face...pretty blue eyes...god...I don't know how much longer I can hide it. I EVEN KISSED FOUR ON THE CHEEK! IN FRONT OF THREE AND MARIO! AHHH-




Words: 2278

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