Shadow Ga Kill! (Akame ga kil...

By Matiplayerspl

72K 1.3K 584

Y/n L/n died and was reincarnated in the world of Akame ga kill! With the knowledge of the world and the powe... More

Episode 1: Begining of the shadow.
Episode 2: Kill the Darkness
Episode 3: Kill the Authority
Episode 4: Kill the Grudge
Episode 5: Kill the Imperial Arm Users
Episode 6: Kill the Dream.
Episode 7: Kill the Absolute Justice.
Episode 8: Kill the Three.
Episode 9: I am...
Episode 10: Kill the Battle Fanatic.
Episode 11: Kill the Temptation.
Episode 12: Kill the Mad Scientist.
Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.
Episode 14: Kill the Nuisances.
Episode 15: Kill the Giant Danger Beast.
Episode 16: Kill the Religious Organization
Opening part 2
Episode 17: Kill the Puppets.
Episode 19: Rescue mission.
Episode 20: Kill the Fate.
Episode 21: Kill the Carnage.
Episode 22: The begining of the end.
Episode 23: Highest part 1
Episode 24(final): Highest (part 2)
Side Chapter: Y/n's first atomic.

Episode 18: Kill the Curse

1.3K 34 12
By Matiplayerspl

(3rd pov)

The epsiode starts with y/n's atomic clashing with bols imperial arms explosion as y/n's attack goes through it as it dies down.

Y/n: Is everyone alright?

Tatsumi: you could have at least warn next time you do that! Kurome isn't here.

He says as camera switches to Kurome who just woke up.

Kurome: That intense explosion earlier... It was Rubicante's self-destruct. If Bols has been taken out, it will be tough to stay there. I wonder what's happened to Sis...

She says as she feels pain in her head.

Kurome: It's already wearing off!

She thinks as camera switches back to exposion side as y/n lands.

Leone: Tatsumi is right warn us next time you do something like this!

Y/n: Well if Bols explosion could have killed you guys but mine was to counter the other so i knew you would be alright.

Akame: Oh, but really warn us next time.

Y/n: *Sigh* Now then Bols it's now my time to give you questions for your surival.

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter for part 2)

Episode 18: Kill the Curse.

The scene now switches to Bols as he is walking towards forest.

Bols: Looks like I got away. I did such a horrible thing to Wall... I hope Kurome is okay, as well.

He think as camera goes back to the first weeks of Jeagers as Bols is in Esdeath office.

Esdeath: Hey, Bols... Why do you always cook for us, but never join us for meals?

Bols: If I partook, the meal would taste unpleasant.

Esdeath: I see, you don't want to show your face.

She says getting close to him.

Esdeath: That makes me want to see it even more.

Bols: Wait, Captain! No!

He says as Esdeath takes off his mask.

Esdeath: What? That's nothing. I'm disappointed, Bols.

Bols: Huh?

Esdeath: No one would even be concerned by your face. We're all going to eat together.

She says as they're now in dining room.

Wave: You're late, Bols!

Meawhile Coro has meat in his face as he's running around thr table.

Seryu: Coro, stop that!

As then camera switches back to present.

Bols: I want to eat with everyone again.

Just then a cry was heard behind him as there is a kid crying.

Bols: Oh, my... How terrible! What's wrong, little one? It's dangerous here.

He says but as the kid looks at him he scares her by his look.

Kid: It's a ghost!

Bols: I'm not a ghost. It's okay, it's okay. Look, you're hurt...

Just as he picks bandage a footsteps rung as he sees y/n coming from the forest.

Bols: Shadow!

He says as y/n walks out of forest and spots the girl as his eyes tell "play along" as the girl nods.

Bols: Stay behind me! Are you here to finish me off?

He says as y/n draws his blade as he rushes at bols but as Bols was about to dodge he remembers the girl is behind him so he stands still as y/n gets closer he was about to stab bols in head but stops milimetrs from his face.

Y/n: So this is your awnser.

He says making blade dissapear.

Y/n: You were ready to give your live for a kid. Why?

Bols: This kid had done nothing wrong to die.

Y/n: I see but this kid isn't a kid.

He says as kid turn into Chelsea.

Chelsea: Shadow, i could have killed him here, why did you tell him?

Y/n: Because i have better option then killing. I kill those who are pure evil, corupted, but those who can be saved from dark path i save. Now Bols lets talk.

He says cutting tree as bols sits down.

Y/n: Tell me Bols what is your reason to fight.

Bols: What i fight for is my family. I know that the actions and people i killed in past will get me. But i at least want to be with my family. That's why i fight.

Y/n: then i have three options for you. 1st you can die here as a enemy. 2nd you can join Revolutionary Army and live with your family. And last option is to join people who have been save by shadow Garden and after revolution you can live with your family and you don't have to fight anymore. So what is your option?

He says as Bols thinks for a few minutes.

Bols: I choose option three. But can I bring my family with me?

Y/n: Yes, and to do that we're gonna need your help.

Bols: Why is that?

Y/n: Chelsea. If you killed Bols that action could affect in a bad way that would led to death of two people.

Chelsea: Who?

Y/n: His family.

Bols: What? What do you mean?

Y/n: When you have so much power once a few years i have a grasp on the future. I don't i'm just lying about the future sight. It's just from what i watched but i need to convince him to help save his family. Since they don't deserve the death they would get.

Chelsea/Bols: Future?

Y/n: But since it's already changed thanks to my action let me show you.

He says as they're being surrounded by his slime.

Y/n: What would happend.

He says as environment changes and now they're at the graveyard and it's raining as Bols wife and child are there.

Bols: Is this the future?

Y/n: Yes, but the next sight you'll see it's not gonna be good.

He says as Bols looks he sees that three people are making way towards them as they're being surrounded as next thing that happen breaks both bols and Chelsea.

Bols: No. No. No. No.

Chelsea: Did by killing him i would made this to happen to them.

Y/n: Yes, and Bols i promise you, shadow Garden will make them pay. But first will have to save your family.

Bols: Thank you.

He says as y/n snaps his fingers and Alpha, Zeta and Beta arrives.

Y/n: I need you three to take Bols near capital and prepare for a next mission.

Alpha/Beta/Zeta: Roger.

They says as they walk away.

Y/n: Thank god it worked. It thanks to slime i could do the manga panels feel real to make them believe that was real memory from future.

He thinks as he looks at Chelsea and helps her get up.

Y/n: Are you okay?

Chelsea: I don't know. I didn't thinks that it would led to those two to die such a way. Now i see why you do things like that. It's to prevent to people dying that way.

Y/n: Yes.

He says headpating her as Lubbock arrives.

Lubbock: Another enemy turned into ally... You don't fail do you.

Chelsea: Lubba.

Lubbock: Let's rendezvous with the others.

Chelsea: I'm going to go after Kurome. I'll finish her before she can meet up with Esdeath and the rest.

Y/n: I refuse.

Chelsea: Huh? Why?

Y/n: It's time for me hold up to promise i made to Akame.

Chelsea: I see, but how would you do it.

Y/n: Once i touch her head I'll increase healing magic healing her completely from drug effect.

Lubbock: I see.

Chelsea: Good luck y/n.

She says with a kiss to a cheek as she and Lubbock leave y/n alone.

Y/n: Sate sate sate. I guess it's time to wake up Kurome from her manipulation.

He says disappearing in the shadows as camera switches to Kurome walking through the forest.

Kurome: The medicine wore off.

She says as camera then shows her eating cookies as then camera goes in the past.

General: We were supposed to train a hundred kids we bought from various areas into becoming assassins... But no matter how you look, there are definitely more than a hundred.

Captain: It's fine... There has to be this many to start.

Now the scene switches to a forest.

Captain: A few dozen will die during the skill test, anyway.

General: So the weak ones will just die off on their own.

Captain: Right.

Now it shows as bunch of kids run through the forest.

Captain: I'll train seven of the most elite.

As then one of the kids is eated by beast.

General: Understood. Then we'll take the rest of them.

As two kids were watching one of them being eated the are also eated in proces.

Captain: Now, them... I wonder which kid will make it through this forest first.

He says as camera switches to Akame and Kurome.

Kurome: S-Sis... I can't run anymore.

Akame: The goal is just up ahead. You can do it Kurome.

Just then she sees a plant like Danger Beast eating two kids.

Kurome: Th-They're being eaten!

Akame: We can't go this way! Let's go that way. It'll be okay. Your sister's here with you.

Kurome: Okay.

She says as they start running as wolf attacks Kurome.

Akame: Kurome!

She says rushing at the wolf killing it. As Kurome then spots another one jumping at Akame.

Kurome: D-Don't touch my sister!

She yells killing the beast. As they kill more they finally manage to get to the cliff.

Captain: You pass.

Akame: We did it. We passed, Kurome.

Kurome: Yeah... Thank you, Sis.

They say as now camera is in the room.

Captain: Those sisters are among the seven, huh?

General: No, we don't allow siblings on the same team. If they relied on each other, it'd be problematic.

He says as he enters the tent where Akame and Kurome are.

General: You two will train separately, in different locations. Akame, you're coming with me. Kurome, you're going to the capital.

Akame: No! I'm staying with Kurome!

Kurome: Sis!

She says as general snaps finger they take Akame away.

Akame: Kurome...

Kurome: Sis...

As now camera switches to the room as they're doing experiments on Kurome.

Captain: We'll begin the experiment.

He says as they inject drug to her body.

Captain: You're now the ones that didn't measure up to the elite seven. But with this drug, it won't be an issue. Soon, it will be complete, a fearsome band of assassins.

Kurome: I want to see you, Sis... Brother y/n...

And with that camera switches back to present as Kurome is still siting.

Kurome: I'm tired.

She says as camera switches to the hut as Susanoo is dusting off with the rest.

Mine: Y/n really need to warn next time he does that we're all in dust!

She says as Susanoo is also treating her injures.

Susanoo: I'm going to apply medical herbs. It may sting a little.

Mine: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Tatsumi: It's rough being so lame, while trying to say something cool. I know the feeling.

Mine: Why are you pitying me, you open-fly loser?! Don't bring me down to your level!

Just then the door opens as Lubbock and Chelsea comes in.

Leone: Hey, Lubba, Chelsea...

Lubbock: Y/n's...

He says as camera switches to kurome.

Kurome: *sigh* Besides Gettan, all of my toys have been destroyed. It's probably impossible to gather that kind of strength again. Those snacks are yummy.

She says as she hears something for forest as she turns there but she sees nothing. As then she looks back she hears something again as she stands up and draws her blade as gettan is next to her. As she starts walking away from there as y/n is in the shadows waiting for moment to attack. And camera switches back to Night Raid.

Mine: And y/n's going after Kurome alone.

Chelsea: Yes but he also said something about keeping the promise to you Akame. What did he mean?

She says as Akame eyes widen and smiles.

Akame: That means kurome will be back to normal.

She says as camera switches back to Kurome as she's walking through the forest as she falls down.

Kurome: It's because i didn't eat all my snacks.

As then a sound was heard as she turns around and her eyes widen as she sees from the shadows y/n coming out as she draws her blade y/n steps.

As she blocks y/n attack he's now next to her as she turns she then sees him disapear as she turns again she blocks his attack as he sends her blade to the three.

Y/n: It's time to free you out of their control.

He says touching her head as she's surrounded by his magic as she grabs by her head from pain.

Y/n: Do not fight it. Embrance the truth.

He says as Kurome closes her eyes and concentrates as she sees images of coruption in capital and the truth Akame saw as it stops.

Y/n: How do you feel?

She doesn't say anything as she starts crying.

Y/n: The truth hurts. But you still have someone even if you tried to kill her.

Kurome: I don't know that.

Y/n: Then you can talk to her and see how it goes.

He says extending his hand as she grabs it and stands up. As he sends a purple flame in the air as Night Raid see it.

Tatsumi: it looks like he succeeded.

He says as it's nightime and y/n with kurome are getting closer to the hut as akame is outside as she spots Kurome she walks towards her as they stands close to each other.

Akame: Kurome.

Kurome: Sis.

She says as Kurome hugs akame.

Akame: It's good to see you not trying to kill me kurome.

Kurome: I'm sorry for everything.

Akame: Don't worry you didn't saw the truth. And you should join too.

Y/n: right.

He says changing back to normal shocking kurome.

Kurome: Brother y/n you were Shadow!

Y/n: Yep. And thanks to that i keep my word. That i would try to bring back the days we had in past.

He says as kurome hugs him too.

Y/n: Besides i already keep you two safe in the forest first day when you were in forest.

Akame: What do you mean?

Y/n: You thing why there weren't too many Danger Beasts attacking you.

Kurome: You're right. That was you.

Y/n: Yeah.

Meawhile the rest of Night Raid is just watching the scene before them.

Chelsea: You're right y/n. Some people can be repaired by helping them.

Y/n: Kurome. I know you want to stay with me and Akame but can you still be with Jeagers until the revolution.

Kurome: Why?

Y/n: That way they won't hunt you until the revolution.

He says as Akame nods.

Kurome: Alright.

Y/n: Good. Let me take you back to them okay.

Kurome: Wait what about Captian and Seryu.

Y/n: Oh esdeath know about my persona and she also when revolution will begin she'll stop acting.

Kurome: Wait what! She knows.

Y/n: Yes, but Seryu still needs to be saved. I can feel that the chip in her head is getting worse effects for her.

Kurome: I see. It's been nice seeing you again. Sis.

Akame: You two, Kurome.

They hug one last time as y/n teleports him and kurome to Esdeath as she's in capital.

Y/n: Esdeath.

Esdeath: Y/n.

She says as she hugs him and gives him a kiss.

Esdeath: So Kurome you know the secret.

Kurome: Yes.

Esdeath: Okay, but remember until the day of revolution you need to act and when fighting Night Raid do not hold back since fighting Jeagers is now their test.

Kurome: Okay.

Y/n: Also I'm going to evacuate Bols family. They're in danger.

Esdeath: I see and what about him.

Y/n: He's alive, but he can't fight anymore since his Imperial Arms got destroyed.

Esdeath: I see. It's been good to see you again.

Y/n: You too.

With a quick kiss he teleports away.

Y/n: Two Jeagers left to save and Lubbock and then the revolution begins. It's almost time to finish this once and for all capital's corruption.

He says as his eyes flames in purple flame as it dies down.

Y/n: But first i need to save Bols family.

With that camera turns black.

Y/n: Next time: Rescue mission.

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