Eddie Baby

By amy96525

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This is the story of how you joined Hellfire club and got a chance to be close to the leader Eddie Munson. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.
Chapter 57.
Chapter 59.
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61.
Chapter 62.
Chapter 63.
Chapter 64.
Chapter 65.
Chapter 66.
Chapter 67.
Chapter 68.
Chapter 69.
Chapter 70.

Chapter 58.

16 1 0
By amy96525

Eddie's P.O.V

It's not what I expected.

And I had to explain to my girlfriend what happened. The last thing I wanted was for her to be angry at me.

The two of us sat down on her bed and I told her exactly what happened.

Earlier that day...

"Hey, Chrissy," I said walking up to her. "So (Y/n) might be a bit worried about you. If you want to talk we can go outside."

Chrissy nodded her head and I led the way to the backyard.

We sat down at the picnic table that was out there.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't want you to be mad, and I certainly don't want (Y/n) to be mad."

"I won't be mad."

"Okay, but still. If you're not going to be then (Y/n) definitely will be."

"Chrissy you can tell me anything."

"Just know that I am super happy for you and
(Y/n)." She said with a sad smile.

"Thank you."

We sat there in silence for a moment.

Chrissy looked down at her lap "I have to tell you something Eddie, and I am not sure you're going to like it very much."


"Remember before spring break when I asked you to give me some drugs."

"Uh, yeah, I definitely remember that." I laughed nervously.

"Well, that day I thought that it was nice of you to help me out. And you told me that you couldn't give me the drugs..."


"When I got home that night I was so pissed off at you. I wanted you to give me something to help me. I've been having such a shitty time at home with my mother."

Chrissy looked up at me, "Of course, I got over it. You were right, I didn't need to do drugs."

"Chrissy, why would I be mad?" I didn't mean to rush her, but I wondered why I would've been mad at her.

"I knew Jason wasn't good for me either and I know that you had a crush on me years ago. I didn't think anything of it though, and I did remember you back in middle school. I just played along with the 'dumb blonde' who's dating the jock."

Where the hell was this going?

"I'm confused," I said arching my brow.

"I had a crush on you too. While I was with Jason I had such a huge crush on you."

Oh shit!

"Jason and you were somewhat friends at the time and I eventually told him I wanted to break up with him and he was pissed and he asked why I wanted to break up."


"I told him that I liked someone else and he asked who and I told him it was you."

"That explains why he's was always so pissed with me."

"I never thought I would feel that way for you Eddie.."

"Because I was a freak?"

"No, not that. You and I were so completely different from each other. But I found you so endearing and kind and so sweet."

Chrissy..." This was a bad idea.

"Let me finish, please."


"Jason and I continued to date and I never talked about it with him ever again. When we got into high school I started to realize I wasn't even in love with Jason anymore. But I stayed with him because was all I knew."

"Let me just stop you for just a second there..." I was trying to comprehend everything that was being said.

"You had a crush on me and you told Jason..."

"Yes." She nodded.

"And I'm guessing you still have a crush on me?"

She nodded.

Are you fucking kidding me???

"You and (Y/n) started to date and I was happy but at the same time, I was pissed off. I wanted it to be you and me Eddie." Chrissy took my hand into hers.

"Chrissy." I removed my hand from hers.

"You are so happy together and of course I'm jealous. I want to have this kind of relationship with someone and I didn't have that with Jason."

Fuck, get away from her.

"Eddie I'm sorry, I am so sorry."

"It's okay. I am happy with her though, we're engaged now. We plan on getting our place and someday start a family."

"And that's great. I'm so happy for you two."

"I'm sorry Chrissy..." I felt bad, but this isn't right.

"I lied to (Y/n) though, telling her I didn't have feelings for you. I am so sorry."

"It's fine, okay." I tried to get up from the table.

"Eddie please, I need to talk to you about this."

"Chrissy, it's fine, you told me and you know that this could never happen."

"I know."

"Let's just get back to the party and..." Before I could finish my sentence she stood up and kissed me.

The kiss lasted a few seconds, and I didn't even kiss her back. I knew that it was wrong and I knew that (Y/n) wouldn't be happy.

I pulled away, "Chrissy, I'm sorry but you should leave."

"Oh god." She wiped her mouth, "Eddie, I am so damn sorry. I messed up."

"Please Chrissy, I honestly think you should go."

Chrissy didn't say anything, she just walked away. Of course, I felt bad but there was no way I was going to be able to be okay with this. And I know damn well that (Y/n) wasn't going to be okay.


"And that's what happened and I swear to you I did not kiss her back, I wouldn't. It shouldn't have happened."

(Y/n) was quiet.

"Please, please, talk to me," I begged.

"I'm not mad at you Eddie."

"Still I never meant for that to happen, I am so sorry."

"Eddie, please, I know you didn't mean for it to happen. I'm telling you that I'm not mad at you."
(Y/n) took my hand into hers and placed it over her chest, her heart beating rapidly.

"I mean it Eddie, I'm not mad at you. I love you more than anything in this world. Am I angry about what happened? Damn straight I am."

She took a few calming breaths before she continued.

"I knew that Chrissy had a thing for you. She lied and told me that she didn't and I believed her. I am angry at myself for even inviting her here."

"It wasn't your fault." The last thing I wanted was for her to blame herself.

"It was, I felt bad and wanted her to be surrounded by people she knew and have her not feel left out. I mean, I do feel bad for her, but what she did was..."

"Wrong." I finished her sentence.


"I know and I told her to leave."

"I know you did."

"I promise you, I will not let her do that ever again. I won't let it happen again."

I felt bad, I proposed to the love of my life, thinking that nothing could go wrong. (Y/N) has been through enough. First being questioned by the cops, then losing our baby, and now the one day I try to make it perfect for her by proposing I get kissed by a girl that I had no intention of ever kissing. At one point in my life yes, I thought Chrissy was beautiful and I had a crush on her but that was before I even knew (Y/N). Before I even knew what it was like to be in love with someone. This was all my fault, putting (Y/N) through all this stress. I felt like an asshole, a failure. I failed the one person I truly love in life.

"I am sorry." I couldn't say it enough. It would never be enough. I'll apologize until I am blue in the face.

"Stop apologizing." She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly.

"I keep fucking things up with you."

"Excuse me?" She asked, looking at me like I just smacked her.

"I keep fucking up babe, I keep putting you through all this bullshit."

"Stop it. Just stop it now. None of this was your fault."

"The cops."

"I had proof that it wasn't you and they haven't been around lately. It wasn't you that broke into the house."

Just thinking about that pissed me off and then of course I remembered thinking about my dad and how he used to break into houses all the time. There was no way in hell that it could've been him, last time I checked he was in jail for a few years.

"I had a thought earlier today at Graduation." I looked at her with real intensity.

"What?" She asked, concern etched on her face.

"My dad..."

"What about your dad?"

"He used to break into houses a lot. And I do look like him, and who knows he's been in jail for a few years, his hair probably has grown out since." Saying it loud makes me sound crazy, but (Y/N) was staring at me attentively.

"I'm sorry..." she said shaking her head, "You're saying you think it was your dad that broke into the house."

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Eddie like you said he's been in jail for years, how long was his sentence?"

I had to think for a minute, I was a teenager when he was put away and I'm in my twenties now. He probably had another six years to go on his sentence. One of two things happened, either he was let out on good behavior, which was very unlikely. Or he broke out of jail.

I explained to (Y/N) my theories and she seemed to understand. I just had to tell Wayne, and then eventually I'll tell the cops. I had to make sure that it was him. I know that there are guys who grow out their hair like me. I just had a strange feeling that it was my dad.

"You should tell Wayne now."

"I will, but I want to be here with you and tell you how much I love you and that I would never hurt you like that." I kissed her lips softly, "I promise." I kissed her again.

We had to be careful, the doctors didn't want us to be sexually intimate with each other at the moment. (Y/N) was still bleeding from the miscarriage and we were told that it could last for at least a week. But I had other ways of showing her my affection.

Everyone was still downstairs at the party when we came back down. I showed my girl how much I love her in ways I never thought I could. She has my heart and I have her complete trust. She is my life and I will never fuck that up.

Of course, a few people asked if we were okay. And I'm pretty sure her parents have caught wind of what happened and I explained to them what happened before there were any assumptions.
(Y/n)s. Dad wasn't too thrilled but I explained that it wasn't what he thought.

After explaining what happened (Y/N)'s dad still wasn't completely convinced that it wasn't my fault. I sat him down and told him exactly what happened and how I felt like shit for it.

"I would never hurt her. I love her more than life itself. She means everything to me."

"Eddie," he cleared his throat, "Listen, I know you love my daughter and I understand that you want to marry her. This isn't the first time that you've done this, the last time Chrissy was involved it broke my daughter's heart. The kind of history you have with Chrissy..."

"I told Chrissy to leave, I'm telling you that I don't want to see her anymore. I'm sorry for what happened."

"Just don't do it again." He warned.

"I won't, I promise."

"Good." He glared at me, "Because if you do I'll have to kick your ass."

"Okay," I said, holding my hand out for him to shake. I wasn't going to be scared of him.

"Okay." He said, shaking my hand.

When I went back to (Y/n) I held her in my arms and kissed her.

"Ew, get a room," Max said.

"Oh stop it." (Y/N) laughed.

"It's so gross," Max said, making a gagging sound.

"You kiss Lucas, right?" (Y/n) asked.

"Well yeah..."

"Alright then." She said sticking her tongue out at Max.

Max stuck her tongue back out at (Y/n).

Once the party finally came to an end (Y/n) hugged her parents and told them she was coming home with me and she'll see them tomorrow.

When he got to my house my Uncle Wayne was sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette. I haven't had a chance to tell him about what I was thinking. I'm not sure how he'll react. How would he react if I told him his brother could be out of jail? I know my uncle hasn't spoken to my dad for a while, so I'm not sure what he will do.

"Hey Wayne." (Y/n) greeted him.

"Hey, darling." Wayne smiled getting up and hugging her. "Welcome to the family."

"Thank you."

"Now are you sure this is what you want to do?" He asked, "There's no turning back."

"I do want to do this," she laughed. "I love Eddie more than anything."

That made my heart warm.

"You're crazy." He laughed.

"Maybe I am." She contemplated. "But that's okay, I know that I love him and I am ready to live the rest of my life with him."

"I'm happy for you two." Wayne hugged the both of us.

"We love you, Uncle," I said patting his back.

"I love you too you pain in the ass."

"I feel the love." (Y/n) said as she pulled away from the group hug.

"I can't believe that my nephew is settling down," Wayne said, taking a puff of his cigarette. "I never thought I'd see the day."

I shrugged. "What can I say? I'm in love."

"I know and I'm happy for you. This young lady is lucky to have you and you're lucky to have her."

"I am," I said putting my arm around her.

When we went into the house I thought it would be a good time to tell Wayne about my theory.

"Wayne, before you head to bed.."

Wayne turned around to face me.

"You might want to sit down."

"What's this about?" He asked.

Here we go...

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