Cornered: On the Ropes

By combatfaerie

525 12 11

After several months away from WWE, Liv gets an offer to wrestle again, but she's not sure she's willing to g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

52 1 0
By combatfaerie

Liv never thought she would get sentimental about a strip club, even one as nice as the Corner Shop. It wasn't the most upscale joint around, but Asha kept it clean and safe for the dancers, and the security crew were considerate and well trained. The dancers had more autonomy than they would at many other clubs, and there was a camaraderie throughout the establishment, from the owner to the DJ and the newest dancer. That sort of teamwork could be lacking in the WWE locker rooms, with everyone out to elevate themselves, chasing championships and bigger cheques. For a wild moment, Liv reconsidered, wondering if she should tell Hunter she changed her mind. I could still hook up with Rhea during the week, she thought. I've been making everything work so far.

But that said it all. She was making things work, but she wasn't making anything better. Aside from her self-confidence, very little in her circumstances had changed. Stripping—at least at the level of the Corner Shop—was never going to make her rich, and her savings wouldn't last forever. To rise through the ranks, she would probably have to start doing things she wasn't comfortable with. Maybe she would get used to them in time, but the contract back home on her dining room table said she didn't have to. WWE was another type of comfort: familiar, constant, controlled. It's for a year, Liv reminded herself. Twelve months wasn't that long, in the grand scheme of things, and if she really hated it, she could quit again.

Waiting for Asha felt strangely similar to waiting for Hunter, even though the situations were reversed. The club wasn't open to patrons yet, so Liv was sitting in one of the private dancing booths, and she was struck by how different it looked when it was fully lit. She was just about to look for the camera when there was a knock and the door opened a moment later. "Hey, Liv. Sorry about the wait." Asha held up her phone. "Plumber finally got back to me."

She's already calling me Liv. She didn't necessarily think it was a bad sign. Everyone at the club knew her name wasn't Marley, but they used it at the club to maintain their characters—and as a safety measure, so any obsessed patrons couldn't try to look them up by their real names. "If you're busy," she offered, already starting to rise, "we can talk later...."

"No, that's okay." Asha gave her a bittersweet smile as she sat down beside her. "I'm pretty sure I already know what this is about. Your meeting with WWE went well, I take it?"

Liv nodded. "For the most part, yeah. I mean, I'm not getting a blockbuster contract, but I knew I wouldn't. They were open to a lot of my concerns, though, and they were willing to re-sign me to a one-year contract so I can try things out again—so both sides can give it a try, I guess."

Asha leaned in and gave her a hug. "I'm so happy for you! We'll all miss you, of course, but I know this was never going to be your endgame. I'm glad you're back on track."

"I feel bad, though. You were so nice to me, giving me a chance when I had no clue what I was doing," Liv replied. All her hesitation and doubt was coming to the fore now. "Maura gave me lessons and all the girls were so kind with giving me pointers...."

"You're welcome back any time," Asha assured her, "as a dancer or a patron." Then she gave Liv a wink. "We won't even charge you cover or for drinks when you come back to visit. When do you start back in the ring?"

"I don't know yet. They have to build up a storyline first, which can take time," Liv confessed, "but I'll need to start working out more regularly and practising in the ring again."

Asha's grin only grew. "I imagine Rhea will be helping you with that."

"She will. A couple other friends are going to train with me too." Then Liv paused. "I probably shouldn't dance much more just in case. I did tell them what I was doing after I quit, so they know and they're... not exactly happy about it, but they understand."

Asha nodded knowingly. "Dancers get that a lot. The don't ask, don't tell mentality. It can seem good on the surface, but... not always."

"Yeah. But...." Liv patted the plush couch. They weren't in the booth where she had first taken Rhea, but it was similar enough that it brought back a flood of memories. "For this coming weekend, anyway, I know I was scheduled to dance, and I'd still like to, if that's okay. I don't want an announcement or anything," she said quickly, "at least not to the patrons. Then someone might connect the dots, you know? But I'll definitely tell the girls and the rest of the staff."

"Of course. However you want to handle it is fine with me." Asha rose and shook Liv's hand. "Like I said, we'll all miss you. Marley was a joy to watch, but watching the transformation in you was even better. I don't think you would have stood up for yourself in the same way if you hadn't been here. Maybe I'm being dramatic or whatever, but...."

"No, you're right. The club definitely helped, and I'll always be grateful for that." Liv stood and gave Asha a hug. "Thank you for being so understanding."

"You're welcome." Then Asha laughed. "You know that as soon as the girls find out you're leaving, they're going to want to throw you a party."

Liv smiled. "Good thing I know a good club we can all go to."

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