Chapter 6

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"I can't believe you're coming back!" Natalya exclaimed. "This is great. I can't wait to fight you again." She gestured around the New Dungeon, her version of the training centre her famed family had used to work out and practice decades ago. "You've been here often enough. You know where everything is still, I'm sure. TJ's a creature of habit, so we haven't moved much around."

TJ looped an arm around his wife's shoulders. "No need to change something if it works, right?"

Liv smiled at them both. Natalya was an underrated fixture of the women's roster, able to put on a great match with rookies and veterans alike. TJ couldn't wrestle anymore due to an injury, but he was a phenomenal teacher and producer, and all the women were grateful whenever they saw he was going to be the one producing their match. "I really appreciate this. I know haven't been gone all that long, but... I don't want to be rusty."

Natalya patted her shoulder. "We'll have you ready in no time, I promise. Are you and Rhea comfortable in the guest house? Is there anything you need?"

Liv shook her head. She and Rhea had been hesitant to tell Natalya about their relationship at first since Nattie had such a reputation for letting secrets slip, but so far so good. "Everything's perfect. Thank you. This is really amazing."

"And thanks for letting me tag along," Damian added. "Liv's obviously not going to have a lot of opponents my size, but I couldn't pass up a trip to a Hart Dungeon, you know? Legendary."

Nodding, TJ motioned to the far end of the training centre. "Liv and Rhea have already been here, but if you'd like a tour...."

"Sure." Damian gave Rhea a fist bump before he tugged on Liv's hair. "I'll catch up with you two later, okay?" He followed TJ across the room, taking in the whole set-up with a sense of wonder.

Natalya shot Liv a sheepish look. "I hate to chat and run, but my sister's here and she's filming something for her YouTube channel. I'll make sure she doesn't get you or Rhea or Damian on camera," Natalya promised quickly, "but I should go see how she's doing. I usually make an appearance...."

"Go ahead, go ahead," Liv urged. "We're good. We know our way around. Thanks again, Nattie."

"Any time!" Waving, Natalya hurried back into the main house.

"It's been a while," Rhea declared as she started walking around the New Dungeon. "I can't remember the last time Nattie had one of her girls' nights." Then she turned and winked at Liv. "Nothing like the Corner Shop girls' nights, huh?"

Liv blushed a bit. "Well, they both involve practising moves," she allowed, "but other than that, no, not much." She stopped a few steps away from the ring, the centrepiece of the New Dungeon. Natalya had grown up in a wrestling family and had been able to practice in their basement—hence the Dungeon. Now she helped wrestlers across promotions with their training, carrying on her family's legacy. Liv started moving again, but only got as far as the ring steps. Her contract was signed and Hunter was already booking practice time for her at the Performance Center, but now her brain was flooded with indecision. "Maybe I shouldn't," Liv said softly. "I mean, they let me go for a reason, right?" That had stuck with her, the fact that WWE hadn't really reached out after she quit. If Rhea or Becky had pulled the same thing, Hunter would be calling them every day, trying to figure out how to fix things.

Rhea came up behind her and wrapped her arms around Liv's waist. "Their mistake. Show them how wrong they were. I'm sure Ruby would do the same if she had the chance."

The mention of her Riott Squad sister didn't exactly lighten Liv's mood, but she turned and kissed Rhea anyway. "Yeah. Okay. Let's get in there."

"Do you need me to hold open the ropes for you?" Rhea teased, following Liv up the ring steps.

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