She's Charlotte Bass

By Hannahthee1954

385 19 0

Charlotte Bass, the twin of Chuck. She's always loved Nate but wouldn't DARE to step on her beloved Blair's t... More

The Wild Brunch
Poison Ivy
Bad News Blair
The Handmaiden's Tale
Seventen Candles
Blair Waldorf Must Pie
Hi, Society

Dare Devil

11 1 0
By Hannahthee1954

The weekened is approaching and one event is coming that is an event of all events. The Waldorf sleepover. The only thing missing during Blair's set up, is her best friends, Charlotte and Serena.

At school Serena finds Jenny, Dan's little sister. "Hey, just the little sister I was looking for. I need answers and I need them now. Your brother is being very mysterious about our date tonight." Serena tells the freshman girl. "Well, he's a very mysterious guy, apparently." she responds. "Look, he won't even tell me where we're going. Can you just give me a hint? Are we going to some secret club to see the best unsighned band in Brooklyn? Or-or a guerilla art exhibit in Dumbo? Or, hey, isn't the New York Film Festival still going on?" she asks. "You dont' leave much room for surprise, do you" Jenny thinks aloud. "Well, I don't know how to dress for a surprise. Not everything goes with it, you know." "Well, I'd say jeans and a T-shirt is a safe bet" Jenny responds. "The Humphrey men do casual Friday every day." Just then Serena announces she's getting a call from her brother. Finding out Eric is able to leave for a weekend.

Just then the two approach Charlotte, Blair, and the minons. "What was that I heard? Eric's coming home? It's perfect timing." Blair sates. "How so?" Serena questions. "Well, it gives your mother and brother time to bond alone tonight while you get drunk on Schnapps and moon the NYU dorms from the limo." "Blair, what are you talking about?" "S, it's only the most important night of the fall" Charlotte chimes in. "Oh, the sleepover." S relaizes. "I prefere soiree" B adds. "Sleepover is so sophomore year." "Look, you know I can't go to that. I have that plan." "Serena, when there's a Waldorf soiree, there's nothing else on the social calendar." "Blair, the plan is Dan. Remember, the guy you realized is actually a human being and worthy of your time and attention?" S tells B "No offense" she adds turning to Jenny. "None taken" she assures. "Look, I'm really sorry, but this date is unbreakable. Maybe we can swing by later or something-" "I'm not a stop along the way I'm a destination. And if you refuse to attend, I'm gonna have to find a replacement." Blair turns to her minoins "Girls, the waiting list" "Okay. Well, uh, I should get going." Blair waves her off, Charli smiles, and Serena leaves. That's when Charlotte looks up. "Little Jenny Humphrey, why haven't we thought of this before?" Charli asks while getting B's attention. "You have no plans. You're coming to the soiree" B tells Little J. "Me? Really?" "Her? Really?" the minions add. "The thing is, if you come, you'll have to be up to a little more than just sleeping." B warns. "I'm up for anything" Little J assures. "My place. 7 o'clock sharp." Jenny agrees then walks off. "Oh, a girls first sleepover" B starts. "Something she'll never forget" Charlotte finsihes. "Let's make sure of it" B adds. "Taking bets on how long she lasts" a minon says. "Fifty bucks says an hour and not one minute more." Followed by smirks and chuckles from the girls.

Later that night Serena gets a knock from Dan, finally, an uninterrupted date. "Hey, uh, am I early or..." Dan asks looking at Serena in Jeans and a shirt. "No. No, I, uh, I'm just running late" Serena says with an embarassed look. "Come in". Dan of course enters. "Excuse me while I slip into something a little less comfortable." "Sure, sure" he says as they laugh and enter the living space of the hotel suite. "Talk to me while I change?" a hopeful Serena asks. "Yeah, I will" he replies, "Say, it's a nice place that you and... 800 other people have got here." "Yeah, the, uh, identical surroundings do make you crazy after a while. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a secret government experimetnt." "Most government experiments don't have plasma TVs or... maid services. Just something I've noticed." "Dan!" a familiar voice alerts. "Does Serena know you're here?" he turns his head to see Serena's mother, Lily van der Woodsen. "Yeah, of course. yeah, she let me in. At least, I hope that was her. She's about uh, yea tall and very blond?" he struggles for words as he brings his and up to mark the height of the girl. "It makes jokes. Cute." the mother hatefully says. "Big shopping day?" hey asks noticing several bags in the woman's hands. "I had a lot on my mind." she claims. "So, where are you taking my daughter tonight?" "Uh, I don't know. I thought we'd do a tour of the New York underground and visit my friends, the mole people. They're great, except they only ever eat leftovers." he pauses, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I just said any of that. I have, I have this thing, this nervous tic where I never stop speaking, like, ever. In fact, when I was a little boy, my mom used to say there was never a word I met that I didn't like. You know what else I like? Your daughter. I-I really like your daughter I-" he finally gets cut off by Serena opening a door revealing her in a cute short black dress. "You're not wearing that with that are you?" her mom asks noticing Serena's bag. "Ugh mom" Serena fades. "Here, take this" her mom turns to grap a little hand bag. "Aww thank you" S starts. "Hey um, where's Eric? I thought he was gonna be home by now."
"Oh, he was to tired to come home tonight." "Mom." "Later". Serena scoffs taking the hand of the Brooklyn boy and leading him out the door. "Home by 1 o'clock. Bonus points for 12:45" Lily adds as they walk out the door.

"OMG a vespa!" S expresses. "I can't believe it. I love vespas! Oh my gosh you don't understand. I spent one of my favorite summers riding all around Italy on one of these. How did you know? My mom won't let me learn to drive cause she says that's what drivers are for. But really, Dan, this is amazing. Really, come on where are the helmets?" An embarassed Dan looks at her as a drive calls for "Mr. Humphrey." "Is he, is he ours?" "Yeah"

Spotted at the steps of The Palace
Stepping into a pumpkin
Insead of her carriage
Lucky for lonely boy,
There's more than one fable
Filling our inbox

Jenny enters the Waldorf "soiree" mesmorized by the help she sees and the treats all around. She finally meets Blair's eyes and gets overwhelmed with glee.

Across the Upper East side, Dan takes Serena to a very nice reasurant. Yet, she isn't amused. This is what she's used to. Where's the excitement? The fun?

Back at the soiree, B has Little J try on clothes to fit the environment a little better. Jenny gets a little uncomfertable. "Um. I don't know, I mean, I don't really... feel right" Jenny admits. "B what was it Elenor always said..." Charli think, "Oh yeah, 'fashion knows not of comfort, all that matters is-" "The face that you show the world" B chimes in with her. "Yes, exactly. And your face," B turns to Jenny "Looks like it's going to a bat mitzvah. But before we finish the renovation... martini" B hands a martini glass to the young girl. "Oh, no, thanks. I don't like vodka." "Well that's nice becuase that's gin... as it should be" Charli reassures as B hands the glas to Jenny. "It's a party Jenny, either swallow that or swipe your metro card back home. It's up to you" B states. Jenny then hesitantly takes a sip. "Alright, people. Who's ready for a game of truth or dare" Blair asks as she turns to the rest of the party. "Oh I love truth or dare, one time I had to eat an entire bag of marshmallows." "That's nice little Humphrey but, um, that's not how we play" Charlotte tells her. "Well, how do you play" little Humphrey asked. All she got was a smirk.

At the resturant with Dan and Serena, he decided to get an appetizer instead of a main course for his entree. When it was time for the bill, he finds out Serena had taken care of it for him. "I just charged it on my mom's card it's not that big a deal." she admits. "I-I can pay" "Yeah, I'm sure you can, you just shouldn't have to spend it here." "I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?" he asks. "No. Look, I wanted a date with you. Just not the date you thought I wanted. It's it's fine." "Alright, alright. If it's a real Dan Humphrey date that you want, it's a real Dan Humphrey date that you're gonna get. Let's go." "Really?" "Yes". With that he takes the hand of a girl with a smile running from ear to ear.

"It wasn't easy getting the entire uniform but... done and done" a minon says someones clothes on. "What's the doorman wearing?" Jenny asks. "Don't you worry about that, Little J" Charli says. "Just drink up. You're lagging behind." B adds. Just then, Jenny's phone goes off with a text message from Eriv. SOS: sitll in prison with a picture of him. "I thought he came home for the weekend" Charlotte asks. "Guess not" Jenny says. "Is, why dohn't you take the girls to Visconti? Meet you there in an hour?" suggests B. "Let's ramp this up shall we? Truth or dare... oh and you already used your truth." "So... dare?" Jenny asks. "I dare you to jailbreak Eric" "Blair" Charli says. "It's perfect. You want in, and he wants out. What's it gonna be? Do or die, Little J."

Spotlight on Little J
Now put to the test by one
Queen Bee
Will J take the bait
And go from Brady to Britney
Or will her goody two-shoes mind-set
Turn into the night's
Biggest buzz kill

"Let's do it."

Jenny sneaks into Eric's room  "Surprise". He was laying on his stomach reading a magazine. "Jenny what-what are you doing here?" he asks as he takes a double look to make sure it was her. "Your SOS was heard and answered. Come on, we're breaking you out." He had a smile to his face "Wait, how?-" his smile then faded "Wait, what do you mean 'we'" Blair and Charlotte were distracting the front counter lady. Blair was pretending to be addicted to drugs and Charlotte was the concerned friend trying to admit here. "Code yellow, floor six" the nurse says into her phone. "Why don't you wait right here, I'll get a doctor." "Come on, let's go" Charlotte says as her and B entered the boys room. They snuck away once the nurse left. Eric looked at Blair with a confused look on his face. "I heard you were bored, and I figured I owed you one." B admits. "Yeah, try 50" "Oh he has jokes" Charli laughs. "Okay, come on" B prompts.

At Visconti Jenny and Eric are excited. On the way back from the bar, Charli and B get cat called, "Hey ladies, maybe either one of you... or both" he chuckles "can show me to the bathroom? Get lost somewhere along coat check?" "Well my answer is usually, never say never, but for you I'll make an acception" B boldy says as she meets the girls on a couch. "So Eric's here. Now it's your turn. Truth or dare?" Jenny asks B. "Do you have to ask?" "I dare you to make out with that guy." "Easy" B boasts. "And mean it" Jenny adds. "Watch and learn little Humphrey". Blair then struts over to the man, turns his head to face her and does exactly that. "I hope Amanda doesn't find out" says one of his friends. "Who's Amanda" B asks. "Just my girlfriend". "Oh. Amanda never has to know does she?" "Well I'm not telling her" She leaves to join the girls again as he turns to his friends to get high fives and compliments. "Look what I gooot" Blair says smiling and holding tha man's phone. "I dare you to call his girlfriend. Her names Amanda" "Done and done" Jenny responds. A few moments later, "Hello. Amanda? Hi this is Bl- Claire. Yeah. I just had my tounge down your boyfreind's throat and he neglected to tell me you existed until after it was over. Just thought you should know. He's a real catch. Bye!" The girls laugh and cheers to "The sleepover of the year".

Hey everybody's gotta start somewhere
Maybe Little J
Isn't so little anymore

Dan had taken Serena to a hole in the wall bar. Teaching her to play pool and surprisingly turning the date around. They get close as if to kiss then, "Something's vibrating in your pocket and I hope it's your phone" Dan grabs his phone out his pocket. "Oh, it's my dad. He knows I'm with you. He wouldn't call if it wasn't important." "Oh, yeah, of course. Take it" she tells him. "Hello? What? No, no, no, he's not. Serena left her phone at the hotel?" "What? What's up?" Serena's attention being caught. "Oh uh, yeah yeah yeah dad. She's standing right here next to me. We'll take care of it." he hangs up the phone. "Wait, take care of what?" "Slight change of plans" "No. No, no. No change of plans. I like this plan of you teaching me the angles." "I know" "Remember cute girl with total lack of pool skills?" "I remember, so does the table" he jokes. "Come on, what could it possibly be that's more important than this right here? Can't it wait till tomorrow?" "Actually, it can't. You need to call your brother right now." She then takes his phone and does just that.

"Do you see Jenny or your brother?" "No" they ask and respond upon entering the club. "Are you her? Are you Claire?" "What? no" Serena says looking at a woman. "Uh, are you sure we're in the right place?" "Yeah" then they head downstairs. "HEY!" the man from earlier yells. He walks to a dancing Blair and grabs her shoulder. "Where's my phone?" "Hey, hey, let go of her." Dan defends. "Who the hell are you?" "Your phone is at our table.  If you weren't so drunk and drooling over every girl in this place, you would've seen that." "I'm gonna kill you". "Oh, you must be Amanda, right? Well I would think twice before marrying him cause he's a pig." Amanda charges toward B but S grabs her arm "Hey, hey back off of her". "I don't need you to defend me." "It wasn't even her who called you, it was me." "Jenny?" Dan says surprised. "So she's the one with the tongue?" Amanda asks. "Tongue? Tongue? What are you even doing her Jenny? You're suppsoed to be at a sleepover." asks Dan. "You made out with a girl from a sleepover?" Amanda asks the man. "You made out with him?" Dan loudly asks. "No I made out with her" the man admits pointing at Blair. "Ew" she says. "It was a dare". "A dare? What are you, childere?" "Yeah, pretty much, she's 14" Dan says nodding towards Jenny. "14?!" the couple says in unicen. "Gosh I swear I had no idea baby. I mean, look at her. I mean, she's jailbait." "What, what's that?" Dan asks the man. "Dan just stay out of it okay? You're causing more problems than you're solving." Jenny attempts. "Only thing causing a problem is the cocktail napkin you're wearing." "That's what I'm talking about" the man foolishy admits. "You're not talking about anything" Dan charges the mad to get pushed by him into a security man. "Alright, all of you out before I call the cops." "Hey Serena, see I told you everything was okay." Eric says with a smile.

Big brother to the
Not-quite rescue
Too bad nobody told him
You can't save a damsel
If she loves her distress

"What were you thinking" Serena asks B sternly outside the club. "He was bored. He wanted to get out and have some fun." "So you took him to a bar?" "He didn't do anything wrong. I thought you'd be happy." "Well, I'm not, okay? I can't believe that you did this." "Hey, I wasn't kidnapped, Serena." Eric cuts in. "I left of my own freewill. Blair was tyring to... do me a favor." "Told you." "Well, it's no favor, Eric. You're in a lot of trouble." "Yeah, I know. And you know what, it was worth it. To be out after dark and to talk to someone who isn't you or mom, even if it is Blair. No offense". "None taken" Blair says with a smile. "Well, I'm sorry this was the only way. We'll work on mom, okay? And since she knows you're okay, ther's no real reason to rush. Let's walk." "Ugh, call me" "Yeah, I will" "I was talking to Eric" B says returning to her party. Serena walks up to Dan and her, Eric, and Dan walk Eric back to the Osteroff center.

"You want me to steal clothes off a manequin?" "That's right." "Blair, it's your mom's store. I mean, you could have anything you want." "So can you. Unless you don't want to. Which is totally understandably. And I woudn't judge you for that." B tells Jenny. "I don't get it." "Then you don't have to do it. It's just a shame, cause you've come so far." Jenny stares at the display booth.  "The jacket?" "Just the jacket." Jenny holds out her hand wehre Blair places keys for her. Blair counts down from five while Jenny is in the store. "Okay, come on. Run." the girls take off to leave Jenny alarmed when the alarm goes off. All alone. 

"We need some sort of identification" "I don't have any I'm only 14" Jenny pleads. "Well what's your name?" "I-I My name is Blair Waldorf. This is my mothers shop. Her name is Eleanor. I left my jacket here earlier. I mean, which irritates my mother to no end. And I completly forgot about the alarm." "Alirght, what's your home phone number so we can call her?" asks the officer. "Oh, she's not home. I mean, she's in Paris until Thursday. It's six hours ahead if you want to call. She's gonna be so angry." "Well, look, we can't just let you go without confirming your story." "I have my own set of keys" Jenny states holding said keys. "You could watch me lock up" she suggests.

After dropping off Eric, Dan and Serena have a nice talk about their younger siblings. Serena had prompted a kiss. Which Dan gladly went in for. Lonely boy's first kiss with the Upper East Sider. What could go wrong from there?

Lily sneaks into Eric's room at the Osteroff center and gets news of his homecoming.

Late into the night, Jenny enters the Waldorf penthouse to returnt he keys. Yet, she didn't stay. Never before done before. Leaving the sleepover. But there's a first for everything.

XOXO, Gossip Girl

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