(1) Metamorphosis (D. Winches...

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

5.6K 408 47

Content with her books and research, Astrid Singer is drawn into the physical world of hunting when Sam and D... More

Powers, Abilities, Etc
Before I Start
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Astrid Singer

1.4K 48 4
By Lone-wolf-fanfics

Birth Name: Astrid Von Marburg

Name: Astrid Singer


Kiddo. (Bobby)

Sweetheart, Princess. Kid. Hot Stuff. Buttercup. (Dean)

Cranky Pants. The Missus. Superstar (Crowley)

Weapon of Mass Destruction (Michael & Lucifer)

Child (Lilith)

Little One (Loki)

Pretzel (Gabriel)

Harbinger of Chaos. (Ingrid)

Scarlet Witch. (Ingrid, Angels and Demons)

Born: February 14th, 1983

Age: 23-24 (2006-2007)

Species: Demi-God (Witch)

Hair: Dark Brown (Dyed: Currently) Ginger (Naturally)

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'6"(168 cm)

Cast: Elizabeth Olsen


Bartender (Currently)

Hunter Aide (Currently)

Family Members:

Loki (Biological Father)

Emilia Von Marburg (Biological Mother; deceased)

Erik Von Marburg/Erik Singer (Twin Brother; deceased)

Ingrid von Marburg (Maternal Grandmother)

Cezar Lazarescu (Maternal Grandfather)

Bobby Singer (Adopted Father)

Odin (Paternal Grandfather)

Thor (Paternal Uncle)

Baldur (Paternal Uncle)

Jörmungandr (Paternal Half-Brother)

Fenrir (Paternal Half-Brother)

Narfi (Paternal Half-Brother)

Sleipnir (Paternal Half-Brother)


Astrid Von Marburg was born February 14th, 1983, alongside her twin brother Erik, to Loki and Emilia Von Marburg in Sedona, AZ. Astrid was initially raised as a part of the Grove Coven by her loving parents. And for the first five years, her life was peaceful.

Unfortunately, the coven was never really safe and when Astrid was five years old, the coven was attacked in a coordinated effort by hunters. Loki and Astrid were the only survivors, though Loki fled, leaving his worshippers, lover, and children to the mercy of the hunters.

Astrid and Erik were found by Bobby Singer tucked under their mother's body and covered in her blood from her wounds. She'd been shot trying to protect her children during the attack.

Feeling responsible and guilty, Bobby took Astrid with him when he left. John Winchester tried to talk him out of taking on the child, but Bobby was determined to make up for his part in the death of, he assumed, her entire family.

Bobby then single-handedly raised two young children, and whilst it wasn't easy, he managed and he loved them, coming to see them as his own children.

During the next sixteen years, Astrid and Erik would come into contact with Sam and Dean Winchester at various points, though Dean had little interest in the younger children.

Astrid and Sam bonded over their joint love of reading and research.

When the twins were fifteen, they wanted to get into the physical side of hunting, though Erik more so than Astrid. Whilst Bobby initially argued against it, he eventually caved and started training the twins to defend themselves from the monsters in the world. Whilst Astrid was more comfortable with the research aspect of hunting, Erik excelled at the physical.

At sixteen, Bobby finally allowed the twins to choose their first hunts. Erik chose to accompany John Winchester on a werewolf hunt whilst Astrid chose to wait. On his hunt, Erik was used a bait for the werewolf, unfortunately, Erik was bitten by the werewolf before John could kill it. Erik hid his injury from John and then returned home. During the next full moon, Erik turned for the first time and went on a rampage waking Astrid and Bobby. Bobby, caught surprised, ended up injured and would have died if Astrid hadn't stepped in a defended him from her own brother. To save Bobby though, she unfortunately had to kill Erik. And whilst she knows she did the right thing, it is still something that haunts her.

The next time that John came by the Salvage Yard, Bobby was left so angry that he nearly filled John with buckshot. And Bobby admits that if it hadn't been for Astrid then he would have for what happened with Erik.

Despite being born of two magical bloodlines, it appears as though Astrid has no magic in the traditional sense, and instead seems to have developed psionics. Though in truth, Emilia managed to lock away Astrid and Erik's magic before his death as a means of protecting them and once they were 'old' enough then the spell would break, allowing them to come into their magic. It is unclear when 'old' enough means as Astrid is in her 20s and still has no access to her magic. It could mean a spiritual or emotional age so that she is ready to deal with everything being a witch would mean for her, rather than a physical age.

Astrid is a Cradle Witch via her grandfather. Cradle Witches seem to stem from one single bloodline, making them incredibly rare. Cradle Witches are capable of opening Lucifer's Cage without first breaking 66 mystical seals and other than God, they are the only ones that are capable of doing so.

As later stated by Castiel, Astrid's bloodline is one of the oldest and highest among the witches. Her grandmother is also the legendary ancient witch currently known as Ingrid von Marburg, one of the last survivors of the true ancient witches, making Astrid a product of massive power. As the firstborn to Emilia, it is likely that Astrid, as a firstborn of their bloodline, has inherited great, but devastating power.

Astrid is also the personification of the angelic and demonic figure of the Scarlet Witch.


A mysterious, mystical, and beguiling young woman, Astrid has an otherworldly aura and an enchanting charisma to her. She is compassionate, generous, kind, intelligent and deeply curious. Astrid has been known to be rather short-tempered, especially in regard to women and children being wronged, surprisingly, this is seen less when it is her being wronged.

When someone she loves and cares about is hurt, becomes far more relentless and ruthless. Astrid can also react indigently and negatively towards people who disrespect her, Bobby, or those that she cares about.

At a young age, Astrid developed a tendency towards escapism. She often engulfs herself in the imaginary world of books and television as a way to comfort herself or when she is stressed. She is an avid fan of movies, particularly westerns, as well as sitcoms from all eras, though vintage sitcoms seem to be her go-to television for cheering herself up. Notable shows that she owns box sets for:

- The Dick Van Dyke Show

- I love Lucy

- Bewitched

- Dr. Sexy

Astrid keeps herself in excellent physical shape by jogging most mornings and partaking in yoga, though she is slightly less careful with her diet, she is more than happy to devour greasy, fattening or otherwise unhealthy food alongside salads.

Astrid enjoys the uncomplicated things in life, such as good food and television. She almost constantly displays some level of humorous behavior and frequently makes light of tense situations. She sometimes appears foolish due to this habit, but this seems to be merely her means of dealing with stress.

Astrid is a gifted researcher and according to Bobby is the reason why he hasn't died 100 times over if it wasn't for Astrid. She enjoys reading from the supernatural and mythology books in Bobby's collection.

Physical Appearance

Physically, Astrid is a very beautiful and attractive young woman with an oval face, light olive complexion, almond-shaped green eyes, and long dark brown hair. Her height is 5'6"(168 cm), and she has a slim, slightly athletic physique.

Astrid often wears black dresses, jeans, shorts, skirts, tank tops, vests, as well as, black combat boots along with jewellery, topped with a red leather jacket or black cardigans.

When working as a bartender, Astrid tends to 'slut up' her outfit as she finds that it gets her more tips.

Pairing: Dean Winchester

Note: So the initial vote I put up for this pairing came back as a tie between Dean and Dean and Castiel. So what I will do is have her pairing be Dean, and then when Castiel comes into the plot, we can see how well she interacts with him through season 4, and then at the end of that season, I will post a little poll as to whether or not you guys want me to add in Castiel as a pairing.

Family Information:

- Emilia Von Marburg:

Emilia is the son of Ingrid von Marburg and Cezar Lazarescu. Emilia was born an ordinary witch, much to her mother's disdain as she was hoping that she would be born a 'Cradle Witch'. Emilia spent much of her youth with her mother before taking off on her own. She ended up joining a small coven of Loki-worshipping witches in Sedona, AZ, unaware that Loki himself was living among the coven posing as a simple witch.

Emilia and Loki would eventually fall into a loving relationship which then resulted in a child a few years later.

- Cezar Lazarescu:

Cezar was 250 years old at Emilia's birth and it is unknown how old Emilia was at the time of Astrid's birth, so Cezar's current age is unknown. He and Astrid have never met and as such have no relationship. Though she inherits her status as a Cradle Witch from him.

Cezar was seduced by Ingrid for his Cradle Witch abilities as she wished for him to open Lucifer's Cage, unfortunately for Ingrid, Cezar refused to do so and Ingrid slit his throat. Believing him dead, she moved on, later discovering her pregnancy with Emilia. Cezar did in fact survive his injuries but it left him unable to speak, following this, he went into hiding, fearing that Ingrid would try and force him into opening the cage again at some later point. Despite not being able to talk, he has managed to continue his witchcraft without his voice.

Ingrid von Marburg:

"Did you never wonder what happened to the witches of the other old lands, the Scythians, the Magyars, the Roma? Only a handful of the old breeds survive, hidden or scattered like dust on the wind. What happened to them? Not hunters, her." - Crowley about Ingrid Von Marburg

As later revealed by Castiel, Ingrid Von Marburg was actually one of the oldest witches alive — she was already alive when Lucifer fell and was one of the first who made a pact with him, becoming his first lover, worshipper, and one of the very first witches in all history.

"Ingrid Palatine von Marburg was already alive when Lucifer fell, and she was one of the first to call him Lord, to kiss his infernal lips, to make herself his bride, and that still she dreams of the return of her lover and works ceaselessly to that end. There is nothing she would not do, no one she would not kill - men, women, children, even witches - to bring him back."

"And that's your grandmother" - Castiel and Dean to Astrid, as well as Sam and Bobby

Unfortunately for Ingrid, despite her utter devotion to her master, Lucifer, and her ruthlessness in her efforts to truly bring him to Earth, all her attempts were futile. According to Crowley, Ingrid had been the end of the Scythians, the Magyars, and the Roma from the Old World, with only a handful of the old breeds still surviving, but were also either in hiding or scattered across the world. Hence, she was the last of what she liked to call "true witches".

Astrid and Ingrid have never met and have no relationship,

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