Nether Love | Cassandra x Mal...

By eclipseonamethyst

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"Good! the more scared you are, the thicker the blood!" More

The Game of Regret
Sultry Stratagems
Early Intrigues
Foreseen Oppression
Dark Seduction
Cryptic Feelings
Sustained Harassment
Untold Sentiments
Lust of Intimacy
Love Talk

Conflict of Wills

290 25 1
By eclipseonamethyst

Cassandra cautiously steps into the room, opens the door, and is greeted by a strange scent emanating from every corner, this fragrance prompts her to inspect the room attentively, and in doing so, she discovers that the person she was treating has vanished, as if he swiftly moved to another place without leaving any trace except for the lingering unusual aroma that continues to caress her senses, persisting in the air.

She wanders among neatly arranged furniture and scattered book pages, stumbling upon open pages revealing old pictures of herself, these weren't just ordinary images, they reflected moments from her past, where brown seamlessly blended with black snapshots, the fusion of colors and shades in these pictures comes to life, laden with emotions and intricate details, in that moment, she realizes it's the same book she left for Daniela.

Cassandra leaves the room, forcefully closing the door, the echo of this violent closure distinctly reflects the sharpness and firmness of her nature in every movement, the clear and powerful sound harmonizes perfectly with her decisive and abrupt actions until she receives a comment from her elder sister's room. "Cassandra, wouldn't it be better to soften up a bit? otherwise, there might be a day soon when all doors collapse around you."

"She's highly strung, but I believe it's a fundamental trait in her nature, she experiences everything intensely." Daniela remarks, exiting the kitchen with food in hand, heading towards Bela's room, while Cassandra stands still.

Bela displays signs of annoyance on her face and asks indignantly. "Where were you, Dani? I think you missed the crucial part."

Daniela takes a bite of food in her hand and starts consuming it with light murmurs, but soon sounds of disgust emerge, and her face reflects dissatisfaction with the ordinary meal.

"I don't understand how people enjoy this simple food, it seems tasteless and dull to me." She sticks out her tongue and tries to avoid looking. "Even its smell disgusts me, I don't know how humans can consume it daily."

"Just let me enjoy my own delicious scent, carrying diverse flavors that suit my taste." Bela says as she inhales the scent of blood in her container and sprays it.

Daniela continues eating with her hand, showing signs of discontent on her face. "I guess I'll never understand that, I can't continue consuming human food that doesn't fulfill my desires, I imagine all that energy and purity with the intake of blood, it's something exciting and delicious."

"My fragrance grace echoes the scent of blood, igniting my sense of excitement."

Daniela laughs with a smile. "Although I believe you're not alone in this, I remain adamant that blood provides an irresistible taste."

Bela uses a spray of blood scent and sprinkles it on her food. "I feel pleasure when the fragrance mimics the scent of blood, give it a try, you might be surprised."

Daniela attempts to taste a small bite of the food with a reluctant smile. "Does my reliance on blood hold a secret for a beautiful escape from routine?"

"Trust my word."

"Bela, it was your scent that permeated my room, and Daniela, it was you who placed those picture books there, does that mean you both intruded into the room, and therefore, where has the man who seems to be missing disappeared to?"

"We're here to enjoy beautiful moments, not to be suspected." Daniela hints at her feelings with a calm expression.

"It's sad to be accused of kidnapping a guy who isn't even present, we're here for a good time, not to snatch anyone." Bela responds with a warm and enthusiastic expression, effortlessly transitioning between smiles and seriousness.

"There's no need to gloss over things in front of me." Cassandra challenges with sharp, steady looks.

"We are sincere." Bela confirms.

"Why does this pique your interest? it's not justified, even if he's wandering around the castle without knowledge of his whereabouts after leaving your shelter." Daniela calmly states with a cheerful expression in her eyes.

"I'm responsible for concealing my small reasons and maintaining my fleeting feelings towards people, in my own way, I transform my emotions into a sense filled with intensity, anger, or any other feeling I desire, and you're responsible for dispelling your curiosity towards me."

Cassandra fades into one of the corners as her sisters head in different directions, and the calm silence continues to reign over the corridors of the castle.

Bounded only by walls reflecting mystery and isolation, with no mirrors in sight in any corner, in the harmonious backdrop of the castle, where the atmosphere is steeped in tranquility and silence, the quiet melody of ancient bells emerges, in that serene abode, I contemplate my aching body and bruises, nevertheless, within me grows sealed optimism in silence to bring an end to all of this, while reflecting on that, my heart beats rapidly in fear of a potential encounter with anyone from Dimitrescu, I imagine the possible meeting between awe and curiosity.

Remaining standing in a dark corner, I try to avoid my painful memories, even the sound of the music becomes ingrained in my mind involuntarily, from hearing it incessantly in the castle, sometimes deadly silence and sometimes uninterrupted music, I stay lost, contemplating my body, until suddenly I feel a liquid being poured over me, the daughters reappear in their black dresses and broad smiles, I thought they wouldn't know I was here and wouldn't reach my location, but I was wrong in every expectation, as long as I'm in their castle, I can't escape them, no matter where I change my position, I remain silent, cautiously retreating, and here they appear in front of me with mocking smiles.

Bela calmly says. "Do you feel the chill in your fragile body?" Her lustful eyes examine my body.

I step back cautiously, my face appearing tired and disfigured, while Daniela forcefully grabs my shoulders. "Perhaps you should taste some of the liquid that was poured on you, now I feel our closeness even deeper."

Daniela's hand touches me from behind, feeling my body from top to bottom, I try to ignore it, but Bela approaches, grabbing my waist, while her cold fingers move toward my chest, touching it as she engages in conversation. "We're not here to offer comfort but to teach you how pain suits your strength."

I step back from Bela, suddenly feeling Daniela behind me, our bodies merging from the back, she continues to stare at parts of my body with a proud smile. "Oh, did you like the bruises and marks I caused?"

"Let me go."

Daniela chuckles joyfully and pushes me towards Bela. "It's a new day, which means we need to have our share of fun, don't we?"

"Can a man say 'no' without feeling guilty?" Bela asks, circling around me, her sharp eyes observing my body.

I remain confused due to Bela's glances until Daniela suddenly sensually touches my chest. "Do you think their gender can control their pecs like any other part of their body?"

"And does red consider more appealing to men than blue?" Bela said, bringing her blood-stained lips close to my face.

"Don't hurt me, I apologize for what happened between us before."

"Do you consider yourself capable of enduring physical pain more than us? do you think you can handle pain better than us?" Bela spoke with a tongue of anger, a provocative expression on her face.

"I told you I don't challenge you."

"Is this how you address me?" Bela pulled my hair forcefully.

"My lady.."

"That's a bit better." Bela said with a playful smile. "Now tell me, do you prefer the pretty woman who buys you flowers or the brilliant woman who seduces you with words?"

"I won't choose either of you, what do you want now?"

"Do you believe love can happen without food?"

Daniela looked at me sternly. "The desire to establish relationships with humans has one purpose, obtaining a constant source of blood, that's why my sister Cassandra treated you after you lost consciousness."

Bela and Daniela remained silent after noticing my awakening.

"Do you think a man really listens when you speak, or is he thinking about other matters?" Bela inquired.

"Do you care, my lovely little one?" Daniela looked at me with a smile.

"I don't care about either of you."

"But we do care about you, you're the delight that came at the right time for us." Bela said, turning curiously to the mark she noticed on my body, whispering doubt into her heart, she looked at Daniela with a twisted smile. "Isn't this a trace of Cassandra's bite?"

Daniela tried to challenge with raised eyebrows. "She drank from his blood, and I want to as well!"

Bela chuckled softly. "It's an honor for us to drink from you, isn't it?"

Silence fills the air, and I find myself surrounded by their bodies enclosing me completely, Bela and Daniela roam around me with their heated mouths, touching different areas of my body with initially gentle touches that turn into painful ones.

Daniela dropped me onto her lap where I sat on her knees, bound with my body pressed against hers, she licked my neck from behind, while Bela held my hands then touched my lips with her fingers, teasing my neck and sucking from an angle on my neck with the wetness of her black lips on my skin. "The blood.. I feel its scent filling my body with strength."

Daniela, moving towards my ear with a eerie smile. "Remember, this isn't just a task, but a blessing, you work as a blood servant for us."

Bela heads towards my hands, looking at me with eyes that don't deny hunger, overcoming hesitation to bite, while Daniela approaches the lobe of my ear.

"Do you feel this warmth, sister? his blood quenches our thirst quite well."

Bela nodded in agreement to Daniela, and then they began to explore different parts of my body, Bela touched my face, descending to my chest where she teased my back and then my waist, while Daniela focused on touching my thighs and the lower region.

"What are you two doing?"

"We take what is rightfully ours." Bela whispered as she bit my shoulder. "We draw our strength from this vital nectar."

Daniela seized my thigh with her teeth and continued with a wink. "The lower places, those hide delightful moments."

Bela sipped from my neck, her blonde locks wrapping around my neck and scattering over my face, while I released a moan from her bite and even from Daniela's delicate bite.

The temperatures suddenly rise, and with hot air engulfing the dark atmosphere, they feel energetic pulses piercing through their bodies, leaving traces on my skin from their bites, Bela and Daniela exchange glances, realizing they have satisfied their thirst for my blood, a radiant light falls in the castle hall, accompanied by a strong ancient smell filling the place, and the candles flicker in an unfamiliar color.

Bela and Daniela smile repeatedly, pulling me towards them.

I pause, burdened with tension for a moment, then respond with noticeable unease. "What do you two plan to do?"

Bela laughs playfully. "We'll make you experience fun with us, but on our terms of course."

Daniela says, licking her lips. "First, smile, because the delicious taste of your blood made us reconsider a previous idea, we decided not to soil our hands with your tasty blood this time."

Bela looks at Daniela with a mysterious smile, then looks at me. "Initially, kiss our hands to show you how sweet the sultanas taste."

Daniela grips my arms firmly and whispers gently amidst laughter lines. "We'll show you how your pain can be entertaining for us."

Bela quickly extends her arm towards me, grabbing my hand forcefully, and says with a smile. "Let's start with the first thing, dear."

Daniela steps forward, placing her other hand on my shoulder, teasingly saying. "Remember, your pleasure lies in satisfying us, so don't be coy!"

"Very well, ladies." I said in a low voice filled with intensity.

Bela chuckles slyly and remarks. "That title seems fitting for you."

I kissed each of their hands, starting with the elder daughter and ending with the younger one, amid their laughter echoing the joy of the kisses.

"Now, bow and say, 'My ladies, in your mercy.'"

I cast a silent gaze at them for a moment, then took a challenging breath. "Of course I won't do that, my dignity is more important than being a compliant servant to your superficial desires, you two aren't the only goddesses in this hell."

Bela expresses her surprise and adds mockingly. "Are you ignoring the ladies' instructions? you aren't allowed to refuse, little one."

Daniela grabs my hand forcefully and launches a threat in her words. "Your dignity is nothing but fragile, and we will break it in any way we find appropriate, so bow immediately and say our words."

"You won't be able to break me, even if I have to bear the consequences of your decisions."

Both exchange glances and laugh loudly. "Let's see how long you'll persist in this stubbornness, the curse won't end until you yield."

"Do as you please, nothing will change because I won't bow my head to any empty authority."

Bela grips my hand tightly and pulls me downward, while Daniela advances with a threat, placing her other hand forcefully on my shoulder.

Bela looks at me with a determined gaze. "Let's make things clear, you're here to serve us, not to challenge us."

"I'm not your plaything, do you need a pedagogical lesson plan to get this into your minds, or are you incapable of understanding things without detailed steps?"

Daniela says with a bright smile. "What stubbornness! we'll make you live unforgettable moments until you learn your lesson."

Bela smiles openly and says in a mischievous tone. "Let's see how the brave young man can handle the pressure."

Daniela confidently moves quickly, grabbing my hands forcefully and restraining them behind my back in a violent manner, then she touches my face with her fingers, provocatively saying. "Are you ready to play?" In a challenging tone.

"Play?! is this your definition of play? let go of my hands and face, I don't need entertainment like this." I retort.

Bela and Daniela share a mutual laugh, then sway backward, causing me to fall to the ground.

Bela wonders sarcastically. "Looks like the game is over, but the punishment doesn't end here, does it?"

"We haven't forgotten that delicious part." Daniela says, looking at Bela conspiratorially.

Bela hints with a playful smile. "Well, let's rectify that."

Both of them advance lightly and swiftly, each heading towards me, specifically bringing her mouth close to my shoulder, the play flows in their movements as they gracefully dodge and playfully touch and nip at my body.

Daniela bursts into laughter, soaked with amusement. "Shouldn't you be feeling excited? are you really enjoying it?"

"Yes, but it seems I need to distance myself again, are you planning to chase me?"

Bela advances with a provocative look. "Wouldn't it be better for you to abandon these strange thoughts and surrender to our control?"

"We're your mistresses now, and you won't find a safe haven wherever you go, escaping us isn't advisable."

Taking a deep breath, I futilely attempt to escape, but both of them quickly catch me, wrapping around my body near the wall they pushed me towards, they leave me trapped in a tight corner, feeling my breath fading as their noses sneak into my face while tightening their grip.

"Don't exhaust yourself, sweetie." With a broad smile, Daniela utters words playing with my thoughts, her hand's grip ensuring I don't escape. "What could be better than serving us?"

Bela continues with an angry tone. "We have ways to teach you discipline until you realize the importance of submission."

Daniela slowly approaches my face, looks at me dominantly, and says playfully. "Don't we have more than enough time, honey?"

My body remains stiff, clinging to the wall, Bela holds my face with her hands, her forehead touching mine, her breaths tracing across my cheeks, then, with a teasing tone, she adds. "Time used to pass like wealth, but you took from us without giving anything in return, do you think you deserve all this time you've taken from us?"

I kept my silence, and they thought I could only speak with difficulty, meanwhile, Daniela clung to a wide smile. "There won't be a beautiful voice rising above your screams, so enjoy your last moments."

"I won't come back here again, I promise I won't tell anyone about you, just let me go."

Bela and Daniela exchange glances, then laugh provocatively, they get closer, starting to touch my body with their fingers strategically.

Bela hints with an authoritative look. "Tell us you'll be obedient, and then we'll consider matters."

"Dream on, I won't submit to you, I won't be your servant!"

Bela, in a threatening tone, warns with anger. "There will be a price for your rebellion." She forcefully grabs my head and throws me against the wall, I feel the wound on my head that hasn't been treated yet, and my fingers are stained with my blood.

Daniela throws a mixed look of fear and annoyance at her sister as she continues cautiously. "Be careful not to harm his head area, he's injured and we don't want to incur our mother's wrath or trigger Cassandra's anger."

The expressions of anger fade from Bela's face, and signs of concern emerge, she takes a step back and speaks with a voice carrying a hint of annoyance and hesitation. "If I had known he had a pre-existing injury, I wouldn't have pushed him like that."

Bela catches a glance from her sister, and silence dominates the atmosphere for moments before Daniela breaks it with a whispered voice. "Withdraw and leave."

Bela adds with a light tone and a perplexing smile. "It's strange sometimes how a person can overcome tough experiences and return to everyday life."

Daniela continues to ponder aloud. "Perhaps that was a good lesson for him, or maybe he'll come back seeking more horror once he feels its impact?"

Daniela throws me a narrow look, and as I groan in pain, I cautiously gather my strength and manage to free myself from their grip, they cast a quick glance at me, and I feel their instability in my presence, I quickly escape while they remain standing quietly and silently in their place.

Bela holds onto that memory slowly and adds with a reserved tone. "There seems to be something familiar about him, as if he resembles someone from the past."

Daniela opens her eyes in astonishment and continues with a perplexing smile. "He seems to have an exceptional ability to adapt to things, but I don't fully trust, this reminds me of what happened before with the last person here."

"Although our hurtful actions are intentionally meant to assess his intentions and protect ourselves from potential harm, we haven't obtained a clear answer, we still bear the responsibility of safeguarding ourselves from a past that isn't advisable to repeat." Bela continues with a cautious tone. "Cassandra has the ability to uncover things, perhaps she can see something we can't, let's make sure we're safe."

Daniela locks eyes with Bela, releasing a sigh accompanied by a subtle smile. "Shouldn't we carefully verify to ensure we don't unjustly harm someone undeserving? maybe we should be a little more wicked to see how he responds."

I roamed the castle halls aimlessly, enjoying the magnificent architecture but not memorizing the details of the place well, at some point, I found myself ascending the stairs unconsciously, as if following the aesthetics of the engineering, while climbing, I discovered the presence of a stranger in one of the rooms with an open door, it was a girl sitting on a wheelchair, swaying in harmony with her movements, humming a song softly, I approached slowly, step by careful step towards her, trying not to make any sound that would reveal my presence.

It seemed to me that she might be Bela or Daniela trying to tease me, but in a split second, I realized she was their other sister, suddenly, the girl with black hair swiftly turned her head towards me, a movement that startled me and made me jerk towards the stairs with hurried steps, yet when I tried to leave, a swarm of flies surrounded me as if forming a shield in every direction around me as I descended the stairs.

I distanced myself, and at the same time, I felt her presence as she followed me with quiet steps from behind, at that moment, memories of the harsh actions of Bela and Daniela infiltrated my mind, how they inflicted harm on me in an entertaining manner and described their sister as even more ruthless and damaging than their own actions, these memories created a sense of dread and panic as I retreated step by step, pleading with the girl in front of me with my eyes but to no avail.

"Don't come near me, please, I can't take any more."

I moved away quickly, attempting to create distance, while she advanced towards me with the same steady pace, her sharp and silent gaze closely tracked my movements without any reaction.

"I'm not intending to cause harm, I just want to escape from this prison, I never realized that your sister, or rather, Lady Bela, would do all of this, my intentions were peaceful, but her actions were shocking to me, something completely unexpected despite her calm appearance."

She remains silent, looking at me with a penetrating gaze, as if trying to read my thoughts.

"Why don't you listen..? I'm just trying to survive, don't force me to suffer."

I step back again, maintaining a distance between me and her, while she stays silent, her gaze turns mysteriously, contemplating me in an incomprehensible way.

"Don't pretend I'm suffering alone, as long as you're the one who treated me."

I continue to withdraw, avoiding looking back, while she advances with her steady steps toward me, remaining silent as if trying to understand something within me through her contemplative glances.

I almost lost my balance and was about to fall forcefully, due to my inattention to the backward direction, unbeknownst to me, in a state of panic and a whisper that crept inside me, in a crucial moment, Cassandra quickly grabbed my hands and cautiously pushed me towards her to avoid the inevitable fall that was about to be violent.

Her gaze reflected her strength and strict control, and as I tried to adapt to this surprise, Cassandra slowly lifted her hand from mine, I remained looking at her in awe, and the sharp beauty of the silence that dominated the moment surprised me, I felt an internal sensation creeping from fear as I explored her glances, which carried a threat but also a hint of mystery.

"I.. thank you." I took a deep breath as I spoke to her with tension. "Even if your heart doesn't beat with joy in offering help, I owe you for the rescue."

Cassandra remains silent for a moment, without uttering a word, hinting at me with a suspicious look, she plays with her dagger with her fingers while responding in a calm and somewhat stern tone. "Weakness isn't just your fault, but it's your crime, as for your strength, you need it here, so don't dream of escape, you'll never be free."

"Hope?" I touch my aching head, trying to understand the reasons behind the sharp pain emanating from me, I marvel at the irony of events, how can my physical pain be the least complex part of this ordeal?

A strong desire to escape and distance myself rushes through me, my heart accelerates with whispers surrounding me, I attempt to move but I find myself trapped in a loop of helplessness as Cassandra firmly grasps my hands and encircles my body forcefully, it feels like I'm ensnared in folds that won't release, and here come her sisters and a swarm of flies advancing towards us.

At that moment, I couldn't focus on anything but the girl's face that looms over mine, her golden yellow eyes directly meet mine, and her face, with its narrow eyes, gazes at me, I contemplate her white face as her entertainingly smiling and laughing mouth reveals only the serious, harsh, and even mysterious side, devoid of any other emotions or bias.

"Bela." Cassandra whispered with a tone of surprise, in that moment, Bela stepped confidently towards her, a faint smile playing on her lips, the dim lights cast some illumination on their mysterious faces, adorned with hooded cloaks covering their heads.

"Do you have an understanding about this young man?"

"I'm not sure about his origin or where he came from, he hasn't told us much about himself, he seems hesitant, like he needs a safe place."

"What's his name?"

"It's Y/N." Bela answered gently and calmly, a soft echo in her tone.

"His parents did well in choosing names, didn't they?" Daniela added with a light touch of joy in her smile.

Cassandra gives them a serious look. "Are you sure he poses no threat?"

"Not at all, he's harmless, we've had enjoyable times with him in our own way, and it seems like he has added a charm to this place, he's just a friendly spirit wandering among us, suitable to stay here as much as we please leaving him alive."

Cassandra looks at them cautiously. "No jokes, and don't get too close to him! don't forget, he has his own will, so if you interfere excessively, it would be appropriate for both of you to restrain yourselves."

"And he enjoys a life in different realms, doesn't he?" Daniela innocently asks.

"Yeah Cass, do you notice how he interacts with us?" Bela responds with an open smile.

Cassandra takes a deep breath. "I'm here for a serious mission, and I don't want any distractions."

"Sorry, but.." My head bleed increased, and I gradually slipped into unconsciousness, while Cassandra observed me attentively and rushed to grab me tightly before I collapsed to the ground.

"Ignorance spares no one, come on, step away from me and retreat."

With strength, Cassandra carried me, directing me away from her sisters to her room, where I quickly took hold of her hand.

"What's this?"

"I want to use your room's bathroom." I hesitantly approached with slow steps, but Cassandra stood in front of me as I attempted to enter.

"Well, I'll join you then."

I responded shyly. "No, I need a moment alone."

She kept watching me curiously. "Why are you acting this way? did something unusual happen?"

I refused to disclose and remained silent, but she discovered bloodstains on my clothes. "Ah, your wound is bleeding again."

She held my face and noticed the bloodstains, expressing surprise as she asked. "Are those careless twins with the troubled antics the cause of this?"

I refused to disclose after having kept it hidden, but she insisted, saying. "I'm here to treat you, don't play with me in silence, tell me what happened."

I took a deep breath before speaking. "I had a minor accident, I'll overcome it, at least that's what I believe.. I should go now."

I entered the bathroom, and when I tried to close the door, Cassandra appeared and held it before it could shut. "I can't leave you like this, let me in, and don't argue with me."

"No need, I'll handle it myself."

"No." Cassandra quickly entered the bathroom with me, where she began examining the fabric folds, searching for cleanliness, I was tense because of her presence, and any movement she made made me fear the possibility of being hurt, she noticed my silent pain, skillfully cleaning the wounds, easing the tension from my face, and she smiled at me gently, in temporary silence, Cassandra continued her treatment, and when finished, she opened the bathroom door to let me out first, then followed me closely, observing my steps and movements.

I shaded my face by lowering it and played with my fingers, but she advanced in front of me, pushed me onto the bed, then climbed on top of me.

"Why are you watching like this, boy? are you afraid of something?"

"Nothing m'lady, I'm just.. unsettled."

Cassandra chuckled when the word "m'lady" reached her ears, then leaned in. "Why this disturbance? what causes this discomfort?" Her words added a playful tone to the interaction.

"Could all of this be real? I mean.. won't you cause me pain?"

"Of course, everything is real, but what is it that disturbs you and makes you uneasy around me?"

"I'm not sure.. something strange is happening."

"Why is your heart racing like this?"

"Nothing, just passing tension."

"Do you know that tension is considered delicious energy for me?"

My mouth went dry as she approached my face, her black locks touching my heated face, the result of the tension, I even caught a whiff of her fragrant perfume, intensifying my turmoil due to her overwhelming proximity.

"Why are you trying to hide fear in your eyes?"

"No fear, I'm just uncomfortable."

"Mystery piques my curiosity, do you want to know how I can ease those disturbances?"

"It's not about mystery, as if I'm hiding my feelings in the shadows, I'm just trying to be calm."

"Calmness can be dull, let's make things more exciting, what do you think?"

The tranquility fades, and my facial expression changes as curiosity blends with tension, suddenly, Cassandra swiftly reaches out and lightly slaps my cheeks.

"Where is your mind wandering, you deviant?"

"What did I do?"

"Tell me, where is your mind wandering now?"

"Do I have to justify every fantasy that plays in my mind?" I responded in a calming tone.

"It's not a matter of fantasy, it's madness!"

"Madness sometimes entertains the mind with pleasures unimaginable through rational means." I raised my eyebrow challengingly.

"You're playing with words, you cursed philosopher!" She said with an irritated voice.

"I wasn't wandering anywhere, it's just a fleeting moment of curiosity."

"Is curiosity displayed on human faces in this manner?"

"Don't overinterpret things, may I ask, do you enjoy stirring curiosity within yourself?"

"I hate it."

"Same goes when you don't try to justify your mystery, you know you're drawing me into an incomprehensible world."

"Don't worry, you might find surprises if you immerse yourself in it."

"I don't like surprises, especially if they come from you, I mean your sisters."

"I've developed a liking for the language of rejection, but a warning, the next time might be harsher."

"Thanks for the warning, but I think I'll be on alert from now on." I sighed. "I never imagined I'd have a face other than the one that's perpetually optimistic, I guess I've lost some control."

"Did your mind need guidance?"

"Perhaps I was looking for something intriguing, or maybe I had jumbled thoughts."

"Now, let me rearrange your thoughts in my own way."

Cassandra held my face in her hands, her deep eyes looking at my wounds, as she leaned in slowly, her cold fingertips touched my forehead, I felt a warm sensation coursing through my body, she began to trace the edges of the wounds with her cold fingertips, drawing small circles around them.

She observed my facial reactions as the warm touch of her hands started to show its effect on my expressions, in a serene moment, her fingers moved skillfully, and she began to lick the blood dripping from my wounds, her saliva touched the injured skin, and in a strange way, I felt a moment of calm and healing as the pain faded away, replaced by a sense of comfort.

Cassandra continued to touch my face, silently conveying that everything would be alright, after finishing, she released her grip and smiled contentedly.

"Thank you.. m'lady."

Cassandra smiles mockingly. "Don't you know my name? do moments really pass at the speed of light, or are you forgetting the basics?"

"Oh, sorry, the moment was astonishing, and I forgot to ask."

"Really? haven't you heard about me before? odd, as my sisters have a special ability to share everything, even the little things."

"Yes of course, your younger sister told me your name when I saw your pictures in the book.. although not much information has been shared with me until now, nevertheless, I feel like I've gained more knowledge about you."

"More knowledge? it seems you enjoy learning new things."

"Yeah, I'm always ready to discover more, especially when the information comes from someone with such charisma."

"More information about me means you're now delving into my hidden world."

"Frankly, I feel a mix of excitement and awe because of this."

"I liked your humility, boy, but you're not just a pretty name, let me help you unveil some secrets."

"What secrets are you hiding?"

"A timely question, I have special abilities, I can glimpse into your future in a simple way, but I won't reveal everything at once."

"My future? it's just a glimpse of possible things."

"I'm already aware of what awaits you."

"So, what is my future?"

"Haha, I can't say now, oh handsome knight, but time will gradually reveal it to you."

"I want to know."

On the bed, Cassandra held both my hands tightly, her fingers entwining with mine in a firm grip, our bodies were pressed together, and her whispered words filled my ears with an authoritative tone.

"You're my blood servant." She said with a haunting tone, her eyes gleaming provocatively. "My fingers entwine with yours, and my body blends with yours, you're the servant to that ancient energy residing in my blood, but you still need to understand exactly what this means."

"Blood servant? what does that mean?"

"You must listen to my commands and execute them."

"I'm not sure about this.. what are these commands? what are your intentions?"

"I want you to realize, boy, that your presence here isn't arbitrary, you need to understand that you now bear a great responsibility, and your presence here has meaning."

"But I don't know why I was chosen."

"I chose you simply! and you must believe that there is nothing safer than obeying me and staying by my side, or do you see yourself eager to return to Bela and Daniela? I mean, if you think about them, continue living with them, where your refuge is calm, silence, the pleasure of fun, and the price of joy that you don't need to pay here."

"Your siblings portray you from an entirely different angle than the image you present to me, or perhaps I'm the only person you interact with in this way, they narrate that you're more dangerous, harmful and damaging."

"You won't fully know me as long as I don't desire that, you'll always discover the part that doesn't resemble me and I have chosen deliberately for you to see it, anything else is an effort from your vivid imaginations."

Her finger wrapped around my lip carefully, ensuring not a single word escaped, at the same time, she touched my chin, then her fingers roamed through strands of hair behind my ear, her touches pursued delicately on my face, and as our fingers harmonized, we exchanged light touches, our breaths merging in silent moments.

"I'm deeper than the image in your imagination, more powerful than this one singing sorrow, more indifferent than this one suffering from anxiety and fear, and more withdrawn than you think I won't surpass, I'm another person that days won't explain to you, and your assumptions will never comprehend me."

"M'lady, your words are inspiring, and, well, I will comply, but will there be benefits for me?"

"You won't understand the value of service until you experience it."

"But I want there to be limits."

"Boundaries mean nothing when it comes to service."

At that moment, the door creaked open slowly, and Daniela appeared, carrying the aroma of delicious food. "Dinner time has come." She announced in a soft tone, taking a moment to cast a glance at Cassandra, who was standing over the man lying on the bed.

Cassandra gave her sister a discerning look. "Yeah, thank you for bringing the food."

Daniela hesitated for a moment, then a twisted smile appeared on her face. "Well, if the boy has any requests, I'm here."

"If you truly can fulfill my desires, Lady Daniela, then I wish to stay in a private room instead of the shared accommodation.. I understand your intentions behind those sweet words."

"We'll enjoy dinner first." Cassandra said in a raised tone. "Then I'll guide you to your quarters, neither Bela nor Daniela will bother you afterward."

Daniela shrugged and continued eating with one hand as she left, after dinner, I checked my wounds in the bathroom, Cassandra entered, detecting the scent of blood, touched my wounds, and sterilized them, then I left her room, with Cassandra behind me, indicating one of the rooms for me to sleep in.

"Why are you still here?"

"I returned because I.. I'm not used to the castle and the similar rooms."

Cassandra sighed. "I think you should reward me with a refreshing blood juice after my efforts with you."

"You have rights over the blood servant after all, you must take care of my well-being as much as you need to use my blood in your service."

"There are matters not open to discussion, now I'll lead you to the destination to rid ourselves of the annoying gazes of my sisters all at once."

I glanced at the other corner and saw Bela and Daniela standing at a distance, observing everything with a smile and an annoyingly clear challenge, I turned with Cassandra towards one of the rooms, while Bela's eyes caught a moment of annoyance with her little sister who was giggling.

"He has returned more than once to ask her for directions, it seems he's intentionally lost."

"It's evident that he's peculiar when he's among us, but he finds tranquility with Cassandra." Bela spoke with precision. "A human instinct that makes him unable to distinguish between safety and the danger associated with a real threat, just because Cassandra showed interest in him and gained an initial impression without considering the consequences."

"Anything here can bring him loss."

"Yes, even losing the ability to differentiate between morning and evening when he wakes up, he will remain isolated until his mind adapts to a different lifestyle, and worst of all, it won't suit him."

"What if someday he vanishes, like the others who came before him?"

"Well, he doesn't need a sympathetic reaction."

The two remained silent until they heard the sound of rain pouring heavily.

"My patience runs thin when talking about these matters, I just want a glass of wine and silence."

"Or better, music and a shared night."

"What about Cassandra? she hasn't left the room she headed to with the man."

"Everyone enjoys in their own way."

"Do you think I have a little dirty secret?" Cassandra appeared before them, while Daniela chuckled lightly, directing her words to Bela.

"Imagine Cassandra with the young man alone in the room, oh, you with your awkward situations."

"No, I didn't picture it that way, besides, Cassandra doesn't take things too seriously to be bothered."

"A part of me is indeed like that, however, don't expect me to explain anything."

"If you're indirectly making a big deal out of it."

"Firstly, I'm not someone aiming for anything specific, secondly, you judge secondary matters and forget the main thing revolving around my character and existence, which you've portrayed in an exaggerated way, you know that our interaction with some humans isn't the same as how we deal with our victims and worshippers."

"Do we understand from you that you don't want us to touch his blood or enjoy those cheerful moments with him again?" Daniela asked with a frown.

A silent smile adorned Cassandra's face, affirming her stance.

"Really?" Daniela asked again with a saddened tone.

"Just don't cross the boundaries, your personal enjoyment stops when it surpasses the limits of my possessions."

"Our pleasure, thank you." Bela uttered dramatically and left with Daniela, who hugged her playfully from behind, meanwhile, Cassandra headed to a corner of her room, and as she approached the window, she wrote his name with her finger before turning off the lights.

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