By NCTAroundTheWorld

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Jeno is an adorable omega, who, unintentionally, has an alpha and another omega yearning for him. This alpha... More



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By NCTAroundTheWorld

Renjun and jeno were getting ready for the get-together, the food was all ready and they had house help available. 

"Baby, please wear something comfortable not flashy please! Everyone knows you're pregnant and they are just family nobody is distant family." Jeno mumbled as he himself just wore a sweat shirt and sweat pants.  He felt comfortable in them and it was the only outfit that didn't cling on to him. 

" I know, but I just bought these pants! I need to wear them." Those pants were tight and jeno felt claustrophobic just by looking at renjun wearing them.
" fine! Wear whatever you desire." He sighed and walked away.

He decided to head downstairs to the living room and made himself comfortable on one of the sofa seats where Jaemin was already sitting, attending a phone call. 
Jeno rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

" baby, are you tired?" Jasmin asked jeno.
" I couldn't sleep last night as well as in the morning because I kept peeing." Jeno mumbled. " can you please pass on a throw to me." He requested pointing at the blanket. Jaemin quickly handed him the blanket and laid it on him.
" please go and help Renjun. He must be ready now please go and bring him downstairs." Jeno told Jaemin.

"alright, darling." Jaemin quickly went upstairs and saw Renjun standing in front of the mirror trying to fit into the pant while mumbling curses.

"Honey, what's wrong." Jaemin frowned as he went over to the other side of the room.
" uhhh... I just bought these fucking pants for the occasion and now these won't fit me! Fucking shit!" Renjun said a bunch of curses after that. 
Jaemin hugged him from behind and kissed his neck, " calm down baby, it's alright. They'll fit you in no time after your pregnancy." He turned the omega around to face him, he gently pulled Renjun closer and placed his hands on his waist, then kissed him softly. 
"C'mon, let's get you changed into something comfortable, yeah?" Jaemin smiled, he knew he had to handle the situation carefully otherwise, Renjun would get irritated.
" Fine! I hate it!" The omega whined.

Jaemin made him sit on the bed and went to the closet room, he selected a pair of sweats and helped Renjun change into them.  After that both of them headed downstairs where jeno was seated. Renjun sat beside him and began scrolling through his phone. There was a comfortable silence in the room and both omegas were minding their own business. However, it was short lived as, renjun's parents arrived first. His mom and all of his dads entered the room along Jaemin.

As soon as renjun's gaze fell on them, he started crying. Jeno and jaemin panicked because he looked fine just a minute ago.
HuaLian immediately ran towards his son and wrapped his arms around him and kissed his head. "What's wrong sugar?" He asked when he felt his shirt getting wet.
Renjun didn't reply and sobbed, " honey, what's wrong wrong?" His dad asked.

" I.. I just missed you all so much! Why didn't you come to visit me before?" He cried out.

"Oh, honey... I thought you were doing fine and jaemin reassured us that you were fine.  Apart from that you never once asked us to come over during our calls." His mom hugged him and held him in his arms until he calmed down.

Jeno had tears in his own eyes he was crying because he hadn't realised that he yearned for motherly affection as well, watching renjun and his family made his heart ache. Jaemin noticed him wipe his tears away and walked over to him. He rubbed jeno's back and squeezed it. Jeno was startled but smiled once he saw it was jaemin. After prying himself away from renjun, hua-lian hugged jeno and asked about his health. Jeno eagerly told him every thing. Hualian patted his head and smiled at him.
" Such a cute boy. You haven't changed since I last met you." He said.
"Timid as ever." One of the fathers spoke.
Jeno blushed and looked down. " don't tease him." Hualian snapped at the alpha, " he is nervous, as it is."

" What?? I was just stating the obvious." Father shrugged his shoulders, " and it's not a bad thing." He said.

Everyone was sitting on the couch watching and catching up with each other. One by one, renjun's brothers started to come. Jisung followed Chenle, however. Jeno was surprised to see Yuta enter the house with Kun and Sicheng along akkun. He was delighted to say the least.

Elder omega excitedly hugged Jeno and renjun. Akkun leaped towards Jeno from sicheng's arms, Jeno took the baby and hugged him as well.

Renjun had a frown on his face as he sat silently glancing at everyone. They were all laughing and talking.

He flinched when he suddenly felt a sharp pain below his abdomen but he ignored it. He tried to listen to the conversation however the pain distracted him each time.

" Owww...!" He cried out loud. Everyone paused their activity to look at him. 
" What's wrong?" Jaemin asked.

" I  don't know, it hurts." He seethed as he was hit by another wave of pain.

" Oh my god! Mum, he's having contractions!" Chenle yelled.

" What?" Jaemin panicked. He got up immediately and crouched down to renjun's level.

Renjun hit him on the shoulder,

" you did this to me, bitch." He seethed.

"I am sorry honey, but that is our baby." Jaemin smiled.

"Let's get you to the hospital, yeah?" Renjun nodded, jeno stood up as well but jaemin stopped him, "baby, i know you want to come with us but please... come with jisung chenle, it'll be too stressful for you to follow us. alright?" Jeno nodded as he looked at Renjun then at Jaemin.

Yuta made him sit and patted his shoulder, " let them go, you can go in a bit. We don't want you to fall accidently, harm yourself or the baby."

Jeno looked at everybody, Jaemin was leading Renjun out of the house while Renjun's parents followed them out and the brothers just stood by the door.

" who's gonna take me to the hospital?" jeno asked restlessly, his heart was thumping loudly. Jisung held his brother's hand and squeezed it.

"Jeno, dont worry. We'll take you." Kun replied as he heard younger omega. jeno released distressed pheromones making all the alphas turn towards him.

" I am sure they also forgot to take the hospital bag with them." jeno cried out.

Kun helped Jeno get up and walked him to the car while others grabbed the hospital bag. They went to the hospital. Jeno was advised by the doctor to wait outside Renjun's room to prevent any psychological stress in the weaker omega. Renjun was having contractions and nurse had told him to move a bit. His mother was inside too and he was trying to console his son but he was also releasing pheromones which in turn was only agitating Jaemin.

" Dad, please leave." He said coldly. " Wait outside and calm down." He looked at Renjun's father and told him to escort Hua Lian out.

" How can I leave my son?" Hua lian cried out while looking at his husband. " Jaemin is his HUSBAND, baby." Alpha said stoically.

Jaemin supported Renjun's body against his. "Baby, sit down okay? I know you're in pain but I really need you to calm down a little okay? The pain is too much for you to handle right now but think about how much stressed you are, emotionally? That in turn is only going to stress the baby out. I am here with you at all cost. I am not going to budge anywhere all I need you to do for me is take deep breaths like we practiced earlier, alright?" Jaemin coaxed Renjun and pecked his forehead.

" We'll be fine, soon we'll have our baby with us." He hugged Renjun like a baby. He knew Jeno was outside the room but he couldn't leave Renjun alone for a second.

"mmmh.... Ahh.." Renjun kept whining which seemed like an eternity. Poor boy was in labour for fourteen hours. He didn't even have the energy to cry during the pain. Jaemin kept encouraging him and cooed praises in his ear.

Jeno came inside for a minute and kissed Renjun's cheek, he encouraged and praised him. He was taken back outside immediately when he started crying after seeing Renjun.

Hua Lian hugged jeno then made him lean on him so the pregnant boy could rest for a bit.

" Jeno, honey. You should go home and sleep for sometime. You can come back when the baby is born." Jeno looked at hua Lian and wrapped his arms around elder's neck. "I don't want to leave."
Elder omega felt his heart ache with motherly affection when he saw jeno cry.
" okay." He whimpered himself while wiping Jeno's tears. His mates observed his tone but decided to leave it alone as they sensed the nurturing bond between the two.

An hour later

The midwife rushed out of the room to inform the family that Renjun had successfully delivered the baby and both of them were healthy. He invited jeno to come inside and see both, his mate and the baby.

Everyone congratulated each other, jeno rushed inside to see Jaemin holding the child wrapped in cloth while Renjun was being cleaned. Jeno walked closer and his gaze met Renjun's. Looking at elder's tired and tear stained face pulled strings in jeno's heart.

" You're next."Renjun whispered while extending his arm to reach out to jeno. Jeno snorted and kissed Renjun's cheek. " You did it and I am so proud of you." He whispered.

He then stood back up to see jaemin looking at him affectionately, he extended his arms to handover the baby to jeno. Younger omega hadn't see the baby's face yet.

Once he held the baby he started crying again. He held little one's hand and kissed it ever so gently. Jaemin wrapped his arm around jeno while caressing youngling's head.

Once Renjun was cleaned properly he was transferred to the private room and everyone was excited to see the baby and the mother. Renjun was exhausted and he wanted to sleep however the nose in the room was too much for him to sleep. Jeno couldn't get enough of the new born baby. The baby was sleeping without any care in the world, he was tossed around in several arms yet he didn't care and slept peacefully.

Jeno lifted youngling's hand and kissed it gently. He was so happy, he looked at Renjun who was sleeping peacefully and then at Jaemin who was also looking at the baby.

Everyone had gone back home, and it was just the little family at the hospital. Jeno placed the baby in the crib, " Jeno, please take a rest. You are tired too and don't even try to argue with me. Go sleep." Jaemin said as he directed jeno towards the bed on the other side of the room and jeno obliged.

Jaemin fast on the couch looking at the baby in the crib. His baby.
He didn't even realise when he started crying. He was so happy and he couldn't wait for another child.

He wiped his tears basking in the peace. He scrolled through his texts and replied to the congratulatory messages that he had received.
He then went over to the crib because he couldn't stay away from the baby. He looked at the small hand and fingers and touched them with his index finger and the baby responded by holding on to the finger while letting out a big sigh.
Jaemin couldn't help but grin at his baby who seemed like he had had enough of everyone today. Jaemin stayed beside the baby clicking the pictures while his mates were asleep the entire time.

However, the peace in the room broke once the baby started whimpering and then began crying loudly. His cried woke up both omegas and Jaemin panicked. Jeno immediately rushed to the crib.
"Jaemin, give the baby to Renjun! What are you ogling?" Jeno growled.

Jaemin immediately handed baby to Renjun. " nurse told us that you need to feed our cat again once it wakes up." Jeno offered a gentle smile to Renjun.

Renjun grinned at younger boy, " Awww...! I just wanna hug them both and squish them." Jeno said grabbing onto Jaemin's bicep and squeezing it with all his might.

They stayed in the hospital for two days. At home, Haechan, Taeyong and Yuta came to see the baby and all of them brought their own little ones. The atmosphere was all sunshine and rainbows until one child started crying. After watching one baby cry the other infant followed the other and all of them started crying which led each mother to get up and go to different room to calm their baby and then gather back in the same.

And.....It happened more than once.


Hey, y'all can you guess the gender of the baby.

Also, a heartfelt thank you to everyone for a warm response in the previous chapter. Love you all 💕

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