The Underground

By Giftednoob

653 149 629

Delve into the abyss of a post-apocalyptic world where the surface is a wasteland infested with ravenous crea... More

Update Chapter
Chapter 1
The Legendary Scavenger
A Letter For QG
A Knife That Belongs To No One
A Plan Gone Bloody
My Dream
Sometimes It's Hard
Zephyr Hawthorne
Niazia Jenkins
You Get Used To It
I Have A Job For You
The Raided Village
The Great End?
I Found Her
Tweazy's Insane Training Session
Humanity's Last Hope
Chapter 2
The Rescue Mission
The Creation Of A Monster
H-Anti 51
The Job
The Monk
Art Is An Explosion!
Follow Me Then
Under The Helmet
Welcome Home
Training Days
The New Guy
Akari And Levian Special
Patch Things Up Maybe?
What Do You Wanna Do?
Lovers Interest
Its Been A While
Eye Of Monox
I Know Everything!
At What Cost?
Until I Met The Boy

Speed VS Time

12 2 15
By Giftednoob

Side Chapter


In the desolate expanse of nowhere, I found myself locked in a fierce confrontation with the person I loathed most, a visceral hatred pulsating through every fiber of my being.

His arsenal of artifacts granted him an undeniable advantage, and no matter the strategy I employed, he effortlessly countered every move. The relentless assault left me battered, yet the fire within me refused to be extinguished. I had spent years preparing for this day, and I wouldn't allow this bastard to escape now that I had finally caught up to him.

With a swift motion, he vanished into a portal, a dark abyss that swallowed him whole. A heartbeat later, another portal materialized farther away. Determined, he emerged, steps ahead as always. The rhythmic dance between dimensions created a disorienting spectacle, but my focus remained unbroken.

"This is futile, Johnny. Why don't you be a good boy and listen for once?"

I halted, allowing his words to hang in the tense air.

"Can't you see that everything I've done, I've done it f-"

I cut him off, my hand raised in a sharp pause.

"It doesn't matter whether you did it for me or you did it for yourself, I will not stop hunting you down until you're dead."

No matter what he said I didn't care at all, all I want is for him to feel the pain I felt when he murdered them.

"You're such a child, Johnny. I thought you would be rational and more reasonable, but it seems like you still have a lot of growing up to do."

With a snap of his fingers, he whisked us away to an otherworldly realm. The surroundings were an expanse of pure white, stretching infinitely in all directions. The stark emptiness mirrored the void he had left in my life, a blank canvas upon which the echoes of our vendetta would unfold.

"You leave me with no choice, Johnny. Since you refuse to cooperate, I guess this will be your new home for eternity."

I lunged at him, but he effortlessly teleported out of my reach.

"You're a psychopath!" I spat, my voice seething with anger.

"Sometimes people mistake brilliance for madness, distancing themselves from the extraordinary because they can't comprehend the greatness of the rewards it holds. I'm the outlier capable of achieving something extraordinary, Johnny, and I promise you, it will all be worth it."

His laughter echoed, the triumphant cackle of a man who believed he had conquered the world.

"Over my dead body," I retorted with unwavering determination.

He rolled his eyes, a mocking display of how predictable he found me.

"Well, it's time to leave. See you never, brother." The words hung in the air, a bitter acknowledgment of the irreparable rift between us.

He then teleported out of this place, leaving me stranded and abandoned.

"MARLOOOOOOOON!" My desperate cry echoed through the empty expanse, the name resonating with both longing and frustration, lost in the void of our shattered connection.

Five years ago...

My family and I resided in Nord City, a bustling metropolis teeming with merchants and scavengers. Renowned for its security, the city stood as a formidable fortress against Ellacs and any other threats, thanks to its formidable military force and the sheer number of skilled scavengers who called it home. Nord City served as a global hub, attracting people from all corners of the world eager to engage in business, trade, and establish lasting connections. The air buzzed with the dynamic energy of commerce, creating a vibrant tapestry of cultures and opportunities in this thriving urban haven.

While Nord City thrived with opportunities, caution was paramount in a landscape where some individuals sought to exploit unsuspecting newcomers. The city, while a haven overall, harbored its fair share of scammers. As a naturally cautious individual, navigating the bustling streets required a discerning eye and a keen sense of self-preservation.

Despite the vibrant commerce and robust security measures, the city's infrastructure bore the scars of neglect. Potholed streets and crumbling buildings told tales of a once-grand city facing the challenges of time. Yet, amidst the visible decay, Nord City stood resilient and safe, a testament to the collective strength of its inhabitants. Though the physical infrastructure might falter, the spirit of the city endured, providing a haven for those who sought opportunity and refuge within its lively, imperfect embrace.

Five years ago, towering walls were erected around Nord City, a fortification designed to thwart the menacing presence of Ellacs and ensure the safety of its inhabitants. My parents, resilient scavengers, formed a formidable team within the city's protective confines. Operating seamlessly, my mother took charge of client relations, deftly gathering requests and negotiating deals within the bustling marketplace. Her connections and charm made her an invaluable asset to their dynamic duo.

Meanwhile, my father, a master negotiator, showcased his skills beyond the city walls. Whether hunting down Ellacs in the perilous outskirts or taking on mercenary roles, he became the linchpin in acquiring rare items or fulfilling the unique demands of discerning clients. The walls not only shielded the city from external threats but also influenced the intricate dance of commerce and survival within, transforming my parents into key figures navigating the delicate balance of trade, security, and opportunity in Nord City.

Through their expert collaboration, my parents thrived as scavengers, forging a prosperous life for our family within the secure walls of Nord City. Their ventures not only provided for my brother and me but also contributed to the city's bustling economy. In his twenties, my brother dedicated his intellect to scientific pursuits, serving as a valuable asset to Nord Science Development. His focus centered on developing an antidote for the Ellac threat, a crucial endeavor undertaken alongside a dedicated team. Additionally, his research delved into the mysteries surrounding artifacts, an intriguing field that hinted at untold potentials and dangers within the city walls. Together, as a united front, my family wove a tapestry of resilience, commerce, and scientific exploration within the protective embrace of Nord City.

While my parents navigated the vibrant trade of Nord City, I spent my days in the comforting solitude of our home, occasionally engaging with neighborhood kids. However, my greatest joy awaited the return of my older brother, Marlon. His homecomings were marked by shared laughter and the promise of treats he'd bring from his expeditions. Marlon's presence infused our home with excitement as he indulged me with sweets, engaged in video games, and regaled me with tales of his scientific pursuits at Nord Science Development. His stories wove a tapestry of wonder, connecting our worlds and creating a sanctuary within the bustling life of Nord City.

At that time, my only true friend was Julia. Despite my initial yearning to play with other kids, their rejection only deepened my appreciation for the genuine companionship Julia offered. What began as casual conversations evolved into a profound bond that surpassed the superficiality of childhood friendships. Julia's sincerity and unwavering support became a constant in my life, a reassuring presence that never faltered. She stood by me when others turned away, making me feel valued and lifting my spirits in moments of solitude. Every shared moment with her became a treasure, ensuring that, in the warmth of her friendship, I experienced the joy of a truly meaningful connection.

One day, as the sun cast a warm glow in the late evening, Julia and I spent some time together.

"So you're telling me that the Flash can beat Superman if he wasn't family-friendly?" she asked, her curiosity sparking a lively debate.

"Yeah, I think he would take him out in many ways," I responded with confidence.

"Such as?"

"Going back in the past and, you know..."

She seemed not to get it and looked at me, her gaze piercing into my eyes. I could see the gears turning in her mind, processing the hypothetical scenario I painted. The quiet pause hung in the air, creating a moment of shared contemplation under the comforting embrace of the warm sun.

"Prevent Superman from landing on Earth."

"But he didn't beat him, though," said Julia.

"True, but he technically won the fight by running away and preventing him from beating him. If the other opponent is nowhere to be found, then the fighter that is present is the winner."

"But how will people know that he won if the fight never happened in the first place?"

"Huh?" I blinked in confusion, caught off guard by Julia's logical twist. Scratching my head, I pondered her question, my brows furrowing as I searched for a response. Julia, with an amused grin, enjoyed the momentary victory of leaving me stumped. Her eyes sparkled with playful triumph, relishing the intellectual banter beneath the warm evening sun.

"If Superman never landed on Earth, then the fight never happened."

I winced and pressed my fingers against my temples, trying to soothe the headache induced by the twists and turns of our conversation.

"Hmmm, I think I'm done talking."

Julia giggled a melodious sound that echoed in the warm air and gracefully rose from the ground. I followed suit, my limbs feeling a bit heavier from the mental gymnastics we had just engaged in.

"Well, this means goodbye then."

"Yeah, yeah, smartass. Goodbye."

"See ya later."

With a playful wave, she turned on her heel and strolled homeward. The fading sunlight painted a golden glow on her figure as she walked away. I mirrored her departure, each step a beat in the rhythm of a settling evening. The air hummed with the residue of our banter, and I couldn't help but smile at the lighthearted exchange.

As I made my way home, the question of whether Big Brother Marlon had returned lingered in my mind, the tranquility of the evening now tinged with the anticipation of a familiar presence.

I staggered home, my weariness accompanied by a ravenous hunger that clouded my senses. As I pushed open the familiar door, anticipation for a comforting meal was replaced by an eerie silence. The air turned dense, thick with dread, as I beheld blood stains marking the walls and floor.

A chilling trail led me to the kitchen, where an unsettling sight awaited behind the counter: a solitary foot lying lifeless on the floor. My heart raced, the thud echoing in my ears. Slowly, dread clenching my gut, I approached, only to confront the lifeless bodies of my parents.

Shock held me in its icy grip, and in a visceral reaction, I retched on the floor. As the world spun around me, a presence emerged—my brother, his dead eyes casting a haunting gaze upon the gruesome scene.

"Brother, what happened to Mom and Dad?"

"I killed them."

The words cut through the air, devoid of remorse. The radiant image I'd painted of my brother, full of warmth and familiarity, crumbled in an instant, leaving behind the harsh reality of a shattered family.

"Why?" I demanded, my voice shaky with disbelief.

"They possessed artifacts that required my attention," he replied calmly, his tone detached from the gravity of the situation.

He walked out of the door and stood outside, the threshold between us symbolizing an insurmountable divide. Anguish propelled me forward, and with hesitant steps, I followed him into the cold night.

"That doesn't make any sense! How could you do this to them?!" I pleaded, my words carrying the weight of betrayal.

He turned around slowly, his eyes meeting mine with an unsettling smile that seemed to dance on the edge of madness. The flicker of malevolence in his expression shattered any lingering illusion of the brother I once knew.

"Sacrifices are made for the greater good, brother," he declared with a cold conviction that cut through the air. Tears welled in my eyes, a torrent of emotions cascading down my face — anger, loss, and a profound sense of betrayal intertwining in a heart-wrenching dance.

Before my eyes, he conjured a portal, an ethereal gateway to a realm where his heinous acts might find justification.

"You will hate me now, but soon you will understand," he declared as the portal beckoned him.

Unable to contain the tempest of emotions within me, I erupted. The person I loved and revered had callously taken the lives of our parents. A tidal wave of fury and grief surged through me, distorting the very fabric of the environment. Lights flickered erratically, a lightning aura crackled around my body, and my heart thundered in my chest.

Marlon turned around, catching a glimpse of the unleashed power. I launched myself towards him with a punch, inches away from making contact. In response, he calmly froze time, sidestepping the impending blow with eerie composure. The world stood still, a chilling pause in the face of my unleashed fury.

"What a fascinating development," he mused, circling my electrified form with a mixture of surprise and curiosity etched across his face.

"I never knew my little sweet brother was a meta-human." He exclaimed, a spark of revelation glinting in his eyes as he regarded me with newfound interest. A condescending pat on my head followed, his tone laced with an unsettling mix of admiration and condescension.

"That makes you one of a kind. I always knew you were special, but I never thought you were extraordinary."

Frozen in my charged state, I could only track his movements with my eyes, unable to break free from the paralyzing effect of the surge of power within me. 

"The fact that your eyes can follow me means that you have gained super speed that hasn't fully developed yet."

He nonchalantly entered the portal, leaving me in a state of heightened vulnerability.

"Something tells me we will meet each other again. If you need anything, I left a ton of money for you in the house. Take care and stay safe."

With a sinister smile, he waved at me, and the portal sealed shut. The temporal suspension lifted, returning me to the stark reality. I crumpled to the ground, a defeated and pathetic figure in the wake of his departure.

For a while, time seemed to stand still as I lay there, tears staining my face. Eventually, a determination arose from the wreckage of my emotions. I rose from the ground, my spirit unbroken despite the overwhelming weight of grief and betrayal.

All that resonated in my mind was the burning vow for retribution.

"I PROMISE YOU, MARLON. I WILL GET STRONGER AND HUNT YOU DOWN UNTIL YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN. THEN I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, MARLOOOOON!" The echoes of my fierce declaration reverberated in the desolate space, a testament to the indomitable spirit that had risen from the ashes of betrayal.

"Shut the fuck up, kid! I'm trying to sleep over here!" bellowed the neighbor next door.

I paid no heed to his abrasive words, determined to drown out the outside world. Turning away, I returned to the house, a silent witness to the aftermath of Marlon's destructive visit. The mess he left behind was a haunting testament to the shattered remnants of my family.

With heavy steps and a heart burdened by grief, I began the somber task of cleaning up the traces of violence within the walls of our home. As I gathered the strength to face the grim reality, another daunting responsibility awaited me – the solemn duty of burying my mom and dad in the quiet solitude of our backyard.

For the past five years, my existence has been consumed by relentless training, day in and day out, an unyielding pursuit to master the power that surged within me. With every passing day, I grew more distant from Julia, the once-constant companion in my life. The singular focus on my goal to avenge my parents and eliminate that bastard overshadowed everything else.

Julia occasionally visited, attempting to bridge the growing gap between us and provide solace. However, my mind remained fixated on the rigorous training regimen and the burning desire for retribution. Amid my solitary pursuit, Julia forged her path, evolving into a doctor, and working tirelessly at a hospital.

The divergence in our lives became more apparent, a testament to the diverging paths carved by tragedy and determination.

During my intensive training, I delved deep into the intricacies of my newfound speed. It wasn't merely about running fast; I discovered a multitude of ways to harness this extraordinary ability. My thoughts quickened, outpacing the minds of most, and my words became a rapid torrent, leaving others struggling to keep up. The most astonishing revelation was my capacity to phase through objects, a surreal ability that added a layer of mystique to my powers.

Manipulating lightning became a signature skill. While I couldn't unleash bolts like the fantastical displays in comic books, I could redirect and manipulate the electrical energy, rendering myself immune to its harmful effects. Activation of my speed seemed to create a temporal bubble, slowing down the world around me, and enabling me to perceive everything at an accelerated pace.

A faster metabolism became a side effect, demanding an increased intake of sustenance. Simple tasks now unfolded at the speed of light under my practiced hands.

With these skills honed, the time had come to put my training to the ultimate test. The goal was clear—to confront Marlon and exact the revenge that had fueled my every waking moment. I geared up, a sense of purpose guiding my steps as I prepared to venture beyond the walls, where the shadows of the past awaited.

Before venturing beyond the walls, I felt the need to check on Julia. Spying her near the gate, I raced toward her at the speed of light, standing behind her for a fleeting moment. A subtle breeze accompanied my presence, leaving her momentarily perplexed.

"I'll be going out and testing something out," I informed her.

She stood frozen, her back still turned toward me.

"Beyond the wall? Are you crazy, Johnny?" she exclaimed, recognizing my voice and registering her disagreement.

"I have to perfect this ability if I want to be stronger," I explained, my determination unwavering.

"But... what if you get hurt?"

"That's why I have you."

A hint of blush colored her cheeks, but words eluded her.

"Be safe for now, okay? You don't need to worry about me."

"Fine, but you b—"

Before she could finish, I vanished.

"...promise to come back alive," her unfinished words lingered in the air, a silent plea echoing in the quiet space.

I propelled myself up the wall, descended its exterior, and continued running further away from Nord City. Coming to a sudden stop, I surveyed the desolate wasteland before me.

Word had it that meta-humans, like myself, were impervious to the radiation that plagued the wasteland. Fortunately, Nord City had a built-in ventilation system and a protective dome, shielding its inhabitants from the radioactive fallout. According to the Nord Science Development, the radiation was expected to subside in a couple of months.

I scanned the area, anticipating the emergence of Ellacs, nocturnal creatures that roamed the wasteland. My expectations were met as I stumbled upon a group devouring a lone figure, abandoned by his team.

Without warning, I blitzed in, delivering a devastating punch that decapitated one of the Ellacs. The abrupt display of strength, augmented by my speed, caught even me off guard. The remaining Ellacs alerted and more cautious, looked around. Undeterred, I charged again, swiftly eliminating another with a precise headshot. As they scattered, attempting to flee, I relentlessly pursued, taking them out in a flurry of movements. Victorious, I stood amidst the scattered bodies, realizing that my initial estimation of their challenge was perhaps overblown.

As complacency settled in, a new threat materialized—a sudden flock of Ellacs charging at me.

"Well, I needed a challenge," I remarked with a smirk, prepared for the impending confrontation.

The night air crackled with tension as the flock of Ellacs charged at me, a relentless force in the desolate wasteland. My super speed became my weapon, a dance of unparalleled agility and precision. As they closed in, I blurred into motion, a streak of indigo light against the darkness.

In the blink of an eye, I darted between them, delivering swift punches and kicks that left trails of afterimages. The Ellacs caught off guard, struggled to react as my movements defied their understanding of speed. Each strike was a calculated onslaught, exploiting the vulnerability of their grotesque forms.

A quick turn and I phased through an Ellac, leaving it bewildered as its comrades stumbled into confusion. My heightened reflexes allowed me to perceive their movements in slow motion, granting me the advantage of preternatural anticipation.

With a sudden burst of speed, I incapacitated multiple Ellacs in the blink of an eye, creating a vortex of motion around me. Time seemed to bend to my will, and the battleground became an intricate canvas of calculated chaos.

In a final, breathtaking move, I phased through the entire flock, leaving a wave of disoriented Ellacs in my wake. The air shimmered as I came to a standstill, surrounded by defeated adversaries.

Breathing heavily, I surveyed the aftermath of the intricate ballet of combat. The wasteland echoed with the fading whispers of danger, and I stood victorious, a testament to the lethal elegance of my superhuman abilities.

The night unfolded as a testament to the potential of a metahuman. Empowered by newfound abilities, I reveled in the belief that I could conquer anything. Most of the night was spent honing my skills, a relentless pursuit of perfection amidst the desolation.

As dawn approached, I decided to return to Nord City. However, my journey was abruptly interrupted by a distressing sight. A group of scavengers, desperately trying to survive, found themselves in a perilous struggle against the formidable King Ellac and its underlings.

Unable to stand idly by, I intervened with a speed that defied comprehension. In an instant, the underlings were eradicated, leaving the scavengers in a state of bewilderment.

"What the hell was that?" exclaimed one of the scavengers, their faces a blend of awe and confusion.

In response, I made a swift move towards King Ellac, running through its body effortlessly. The creature convulsed and fell lifeless, leaving me covered in a grotesque mixture of guts and blood. The scavengers stared at the macabre scene, a blend of horror and fascination etched on their faces.

"Who are you?" one of the scavengers asked, their voices tinged with both gratitude and uncertainty.

I gazed at them, my expression unreadable, and uttered in a solemn tone, "I am not a hero or a savior. The speed I have is nothing more than a gift from God."

Their puzzled expressions begged for clarification.

"My only purpose in life is simply to be his..." I paused, the weight of my existence settling into the silence.


To be continued.... For this side chapter


He is 18 years by the way

And I wanna continue this story 🤩 I personally love it

Marlon is inspired by Dio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Johnny is inspired by the Flash from DC comics

Here is an unedited picture

And the draft picture for the king Ellac

And finally an extra picture for kid Johnny

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