Genshin Impact: The Undefeata...

Bởi HarshaJirou

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Awoken 2months earlier than expected, confused at his situation and frustrated due to the feeling of weakness... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Awoken from a long sleep.
Chapter 2: Monstadt and new plan
Chapter 3: Start of a adventurer Life.
Chapter 4:The day arrives!
Chapter 5: Start of Jean's vacation.
Chapter 7: The gathering of Knights.

Chapter 6: Disaster strikes.

570 16 1
Bởi HarshaJirou

{ blah blah }= me explaining some stuff

(its that way!)=thoughts

"could you help me put up some missing posters?"= speech

" I will have order"= speaking with authority or anger or seriousness


Narrator POV:

Its been a month and a couple weeks since Diluc Ragnvindr, The owner of Dawn Winery was appointed as a temporary Acting Grandmaster of Mondstadt just as Varka, the grandmaster, left with a few knights for another expedition. There has not been any major changes but the knight's training and schedule has become tighter, enhancing the security. Lisa was appointed as Diluc's secretary much to the horror of Diluc while Lisa had a big grin on her face.

Many of Jean's friends cried to her complaining about the new strict rules for the knights as Amber was literally bawling while begging Jean to come back. Jean comforted them by promising that she will be back in a couple years and that the new rules are good for them. 

Both Jean and Aether forming a duo became pretty famous amongst Monstadt for their high efficiency and Aether's recent popularity due to saving the kids and exposing the fatui activities. Jean had trouble actually relaxing at the start since her body would automatically wake up early as if she has to go work but a few days in, she got used to it.

Now, we are in Diluc's office as he stared at the 5 people in front of him. Diluc started " Now, I am sure you five have heard about Dvalin, one of the four winds, attacking a few villages around the land of wind right?". Aether nodded his head as Jean said " I have also heard that no one died luckily but there was a lot of property damage.". Lisa sighed as she said " Oh dear.. What happened to lord Dvalin.. the dragon used to just fly in the sky like a guardian but suddenly this is happening.". 

Amber and Kaeya looked at each other as Amber came forward and spoke " Acting Grandmaster! As the Outrider, I have helped those villages but I noticed that the attacks have been getting stronger as well, many villagers are injured but thanks to Barbara and other sisters, no casualties occurred.".

Diluc grimly nodded as he said " The villages and citizens are all scared of what is happening. They began calling our guardian 'the Stormterror'. And I have a feeling that our city might be its target soon. I want you five to stay vigilant and Kaeya, strengthen the patrol and begin securing an evacuation route. Amber, I want you to stay on lookout near Dvalin's lair and keep us informed of any moves. 

Lisa, I want you to figure out why this is happening?

Jean and Aether, as our current strongest, I hope for your assistance in repelling the threat if it emerges.".

"YES SIR!". A collective response was heard as everyone was dismissed except for Lisa. 

Arriving outside the headquarters, Amber turns to the rest as she says " Alright guys, duty calls so see you later!.". Amber runs off to pack necessities as Kaeya says " As much I don't want to admit, Diluc is doing a rather good job.". Jean nodded as Kaeya waved and went away.

Jean turned to Aether as she said " What should we do today Aether?". Aether was in thought as he answered "Why don't you visit your sister, I am sure Barbara would be delighted, I will try to gain more info on this matter.". Jean nodded happily as she walked towards the church.

Aether connected to his energy in the Statue of the Seven in Windrise as he disappeared.

Appearing in front of the statue, He spotted the Anemo archon just staring at the huge tree as he said " Hello, my friend. I think I know why you are here for.". Aether nodded as he asked " So what is happening to Dvalin?". 

A frown appeared on the bard's face as he said " Even thought he was fine the previous time I visited, but a few months ago, my communication with him was suddenly cut. I was worried so I went to his home but he roared at me angrily and flew away. But I do know that I saw a strange purple crystal lodged on his back. The power was similar to what the abyss mages use. I suspected them but how can monsters plan something like this is what is puzzling me.".

Aether stared at Venti as he asked " Why did you not order him, as far as I know, he is still your familiar. Couldn't you forcefully make him obey and remove the crystal?". Venti laughed as he said " But that would be going against my very being, I am the god of freedom, I can't restrict my own familiar as I have already granted them freedom.".

Aether stared at Venti as he said " You do know if it attacks Monstadt, I will put it down.". Venti smiled as he said " Just promise me not to hurt him severely. And if you can, just lure it away from city and I will handle it from there.". Aether nodded his head as he then asked " About the fatui? have they completely left?". 

Venti shook his head " I can only sense my people and those who bear my vision, I may be able to hear what the wind hears but with my weakened form, I can't pinpoint anything.". Aether shook his head as he said " I would recommend you getting back to shape, Venti. You might be the god of freedom but sometimes, we have no choice but to fight for it. It can be in near future or far future. I hope you will be prepared for it then, for you have to protect your nation.".

Aether's words left Venti to think deeply as Aether teleported away to the city. Venti chuckled as he stretched his body " Maybe I shouldn't have slacked off so much. Oh Aether my friend, You have peaked a flame in me and I shall respond willingly.". Venti vanished in the wind.

At Church:

It was almost a dream to Barbara, ever since she was a toddler, she loved her elder sister but the conflict between their parents had split them up, with her Father taking her away while Jean was with her mother. Both were part of the nobility of Monstadt and Barbara after becoming the Deaconess didn't want to become a burden to Jean who was also in an extremely high position. 

Jean always wanted to dote on and cherish her younger sister. But with their responsibilities, they had to stay as Stranger which could be true with how they were split apart for more than 10 years but now relieved of her duties for a bit, Jean was able to make time to spend with her sister. 

Even though a strange sense of tension was there at the beginning. But with the help of Aether and Amber, The sisters gradually warmed up to each other. Jean visits Barbara once every three days as they talk about the time they missed. Now we see Jean helping the injured victims of the stormterror's attacks. While not as great of a healer as her younger sister, Jean was taught a few things by her father so she opted herself to help.

The church doors opened as Aether walked in and heard the commotion at the infirmary room as he made his way there. Looking at the vast number of patients as even the beds weren't enough, Aether sighed to himself ( Venti better know what he is doing, we have to stop Dvalin before he becomes more deranged.).  Aether goes up to the sisters " Hey, this looks like a mess.". 

Barbara gave a small smile before going to her office as Jean said " It is. There are 200 patients in total since yesterday. We just got done with the numbers and I sent Barbara to take a rest.". Aether grimaced a bit as he said " must have taken a toll on you both.". Jean shook her head " I am fine but it took a lot out of Barbara.".  nodded his head, Aether and jean walked out of the church.

Aether looks as the sky was covered by clouds. Suddenly a bell rang as Jean looked alarmed. " It's a evacuation order, Aether. lets help the civilians!.". Aether nodded as he dashed off towards the crowded part. 

Arriving at the city center, Aether looked to see Diluc overlooking the evacuation. Approaching Diluc, he asked " What's the situation.". 

Diluc turned back, his face grim as he said " Turns out, Dvalin made a move faster than we thought, he was already headed towards us when Amber was on her way, she teleported back and reported to me and here we are.".

Aether nodded as suddenly, tornadoes appeared around the city center, Aether vanished catching the kids who were about to be thrown up as he appeared back to Diluc and yelled" YOU ALSO HELP WITH THE EVACUATION, I WILL TAKE CARE OF DVALIN.". Diluc grit his teeth in frustation, they were too unprepared for this, he had no choice but to trust the traveler. Diluc nodded as he grabbed the kids and ran to the evacuation line.

Suddenly a rumble was heard as a building tumbled down to the ground. Aether heard a female scream " BENNETT!!!!!". Aether  appeared next to the rubble and used his strength to lift the heavy walls. He spotted a white haired young man with adventurer's gear curled up holding something. Aether grabbed the guy and vanished, appearing next to the lady. 

Bennett opened his eyes, shocked that he wasn't dead as he released the baby in his hands. Suddenly, Fischl appeared as she hugged bennett while tearing up as a women hugged the baby as she thanked them. Aether then yelled " FISCHL, TAKE BENNETT AND THIS FAMILY TO EVACUATE NOW!.". 

Flinching at the voice, Fisch nodded as she grabbed Bennett and the lady as they all ran. His mind raced (if Bennet wasn't here, that baby would have definitely died. The situation is getting out of hand, VENTI!). he then heard a roar as he looked up, spotting the huge dragon in the sky as it roared as the tornadoes became bigger.

Aether squatted as huge amount of Anemo energy gathered around him. He opened his eyes and jumped. 


The ground was torn apart as a shockwave was created in air due to speeds at which Aether shot off towards the dragon. Aether appeared as he punched the underside of the dragon with heavily concentrated Anemo energy. A huge sound of wind clashing was heard as Dvalin was punched away from the city center. 

The dragon regained his balance mid-air as Aether could see his that attack made a big impact. He saw the part where he punched formed a huge bruise and the area was lodged in. He heard the dragon cry in pain as it looked upon him with rage-filled eyes. Aether was standing on a small platform of anemo particles.

With Jean's POV:

I was quickly evacuating the citizens, I suddenly heard a huge blast. I looked to see a huge amount of anemo energy smashed against Dvalin. 

There is only 2 possibilities, either Barbatos has arrived to rescue us or Aether could be taking action. THAT FOOL!. WE AGREED TO FIGHT THE DRAGON TOGETHER WITH SIR DILUC. HE IS TOO RECKLESS! I bit back my thoughts. I first need to evacuate them!

Narrator's POV

With Kaeya:

The dark-skinned male just finished evacuating as he heard the noise of explosion. He looked to see heaps of anemo energy colliding against the dragon. Kaeya looked ahead as he saw the acting grandmaster run with heaps of citizens and 2 kids in his arm.  

He rushed as he took the kids and said " SIR! what is happening, who is fighting the dragon alone!". Diluc rushed his answer" Its Aether! Kaeya, take them! I need to help him.". Kaeya nodded as Diluc ran back to the fight.

With Aether:

The dragon roared in anger as it shot a huge laser of anemo towards Aether. Disappearing just in time, Aether appeared next to the dragon's face as he transferred huge amount of anemo to his legs and kicked hard. 

Dvalin was blown back as it lost control and crashed against the city center.  Aether then took out his blade but he heard (Aether don't!, Let him go! He will run away now!) Gritting his teeth, Aether sealed back his sword as he landed on the ground. The dragon roared in tremendous as it was highly affected by the blow to the head. 

Suddenly the dragon flew away. Aether watched it fly as he looked around him. The city center was half destroyed. The road has a huge gap from when he kicked the dragon. He started swaying around as he completely fell to the ground. 

Diluc jumped from the building as he saw the dragon fly away, he then looked for the traveler to see on motionless on the ground. Quickly dropping down, Diluc checked Aether's pulse. seeing that he was just unconscious, Diluc let out a breath of relief.

Hearing a rushed footsteps, he looks to see Jean running towards them with Kaeya behind her.

" AETHER!". Jean skid to a halt beside Diluc as she took Aether in her arms. " Don't worry, he is just unconscious, he must have fully exhausted his elemental energy. Those blows he did to Dvalin contained more concentrated energy than anything I have ever seen.". Jean nodded as she took Aether and teleported away to the church.

Diluc sighed as he sat on the ground as Kaeya stood next to him. " Any report?". Kaeya shook his head as he said " There were no casualties, there are a few injured and a few serious cases but no one died.". Diluc stared at the sky as he said " The traveler is the sole reason we got out unscathed. If he wasn't here, I fear we would have seen another level of destruction.".

Kaeya looked around as he nodded. The step-brothers both went to inform the situation to the citizens. 

Jean barged into the Barbara's office seeing that it was empty, she placed the traveler on the couch. Jean let out a sigh of relief seeing him breathe stable. Jean clenched her fist as she thought ( I couldn't reach to him in time at all. He was all alone against Dvalin.. I must train harder. I can't always have him protect us. W-We are partners! I will be stronger Aether! I will make sure we will face any disaster together.).

Suddenly winds gathered in the room shocking Jean as Venti materialized, He looked at Jean as she was vigilant and took out her sword. Venti chuckled as he said " Calm down Jean, I am only here to help my friend Aether.".  Venti glowed as he tapped into his divine form. Jean in shock dropped her weapon as she cried " L-LORD BARBATOS!". Jean bowed her head as Venti chuckled " Don't bow down child, I am here to share my energy with Aether. If he wakes up then tell him to meet me at our spot. You can join as well.".

Still wearing a dumb expression, Jean nodded as Venti let out energy into Aether. Glowing green for a second, Venti stopped as he looked at Jean and said " Normally he would have taken a month to wake up but he will be back with you in 2 days. So don't worry my child!". 

Jean gave a smile of relief as she said " Thank you lord Barbatos!, I always knew you were watching over us.". Venti shook his head as he said " It is due to my mistake that today happened. I will correct it and I need your help so like I said, when Aether wakes up, inform him what I told you.". Jean nodded as Venti transformed back to his bard form as he vanished in the wind.

Jean sat down on the couch in relief as she lifted Aether's head and placed it on her lap. She stoked his long hair as various thoughts went through her but she found herself at peace as she slowly feel asleep.



I don't know why it is 2708 words, I just was in a trance and suddenly realized that I went over my count. 

ANYWAYS! hope you liked the chapter and SEE YA LATER!

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