45.5K 1.5K 317

She was careful He was careless she was uptight him, the opposite she was serious he was playful like fire an... More



1.2K 51 5



With the title around her waist Leanne walks onto the stage getting a pop from the crowd.

Standing at the beginning of the isle she stands there calmly wrapping her title and lifting it up high.

The crowd cheers for her making her smirk at them.

"The Women's Champion gearing up for her first title defense." Micheal says.

Standing there proudly she winks at the camera when her music changes.


The crowd pops, everyone in shock. "Jey Uso?!" Micheal shouts.

Mainevent Jey Uso is now is your city's!
It's just me Uce

The Samoan ran out hype as ever slapping hands with the fans.

Leanne keeps a smirk on her face as she stands next to her looking at her with a grin.

Nodding her head she begins walking down the isle as Jey continues interacting with the crowd.

"Leanne told Jey he had one opportunity to be out here with her." Micheak states.

"Jey taking that opportunity here tonight and I'm surprised Cole that Leanne is even fine with it." Corey adds.

"Never in my years of commentary would I think that Leanne Fox and Jey Uso would be out here together." Micheal says dumbfounded.

As they approach the ring, Leanne walks first onto the steps up to the apron.

Jey goes to the stop rope but still himself coming back down and sitting between the ropes.

Wiping her feet on the apron she slips through the ropes that Jey opened, bending down slowly, her eyes locked onto Jey's the entire time.

With the red gear she wore tonight, whistles and cheers were making its way through the crowd as Jey started back at her in awe.

Snapping out of the temporary trance Jey blow out his cheeks and climbed up the ropes to do his signature waves to hype up the crowd.

The energy and atmosphere of the arena was through the roof, Leanne looks up at jey seeing the smile and joy on his face.

One thing that Leanne always loved to see is when fans connected with a wrestler and loved them, the energy they bring when they do was one that could never be matched.

Leaning on the ropes in her corner, Jey climbed up the ropes on her side waving again before coming down and standing on the apron.

His entrance changed and Liv Morgan's played.

The blonde got a positive reaction from the fans, flipping her hair off her shoulder.

She climbed into the ring sitting between the ropes waving her fingers gingerly at the crowd.

Leanne walked her like a hawk from her corner, a focused and powerful glare that drilled through Morgan's head.

As Samantha Irvin climbed in the ring, Liv's music cut, and the lights went low focusing the spotlight on the ring.

"You got this mama, get her, one and done." Jey spoke encouraging words in Leanne's ear.

"One and done." Leanne nods, she turns her head to look at him, a grin spread on his face.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing, I'm growing on you, aren't I?" She raises his eyebrows looking at her.

Sucking her teeth, she cut eyes him playfully, "whatever. Get out of here." She shoos him.

With a laugh he hops down after saying "you ain't said no."

She rolls her eyes shaking her head as Samantha announces the match.

When the bell rang Liv glares at Leanne who matches the intensity, circling each other before locking up aggressively.


The match was coming to a close, both women have been fighting for about ten minutes, the crowd were on their feet as both women were currently down.

"Let's go Foxy!" Jey shouts riling up the crowd as he tries to get Leanne back into the fight.

As both women stagger to their feet Leanne whipped off the ropes hitting Liv with a running knee.

Heading up to the top rope, Leanne sticks her tongue out with a smile as she spread her arms, "Its done!"

"Leanne said its done, SHOOTING STAR PRESS!"




With a smile on her face, she leaned back on her knees looking at Jey who matched her smile.

"Here is your winner and still the WWE Undisputed women's champion, Leanne Fox!"

Climbing in the ring, Jey took the title from the ref giving it to Leanne raising her hand in victory.

"That's what I'm talking about let's go!" He cheers as she laughs.

Their celebration however wouldn't last long as the former champion's theme song rung out.

Rhea came out with the rest of Judgement Day with a mic in her hand.

Clapping sarcastically, she held the mic up speaking, "Congratulations Leanne, you're not a total failure as champion."

Leanne glares at her, lifting her title onto her shoulder.

"But I want you to know," rhea climbs in the ring by herself. "Face to face, woman to woman, that when I get the chance to, I am going to beat you and win back my woman's championship, because mami is always on top."

Standing face to face, Leanne looks off with a smirk before smacking the mic out of Rhea's hand.

This incites the too as they step forward trash talking each other.

Jey steps forward putting his hand between the two, resting his palm against Leanne stomach.

The two women however still went at it getting riled up still.

Dom and Judgement then make their way into the ring pulling Rhea back, Jey pulls Leanne to the side by the left turn buckle by the isle, standing slightly in front of her protectively.

As judgement day pulls back Rhea, they take notice that only Jey and Leanne were in the ring.

With smirks on their faces, they began to circle them.

Not backing down Leanne throws her title aside as Jey took a stance to fight.

"Jey and Leanne might wanna think about getting out of there." Corey warns.

"This is a bad situation for these two." Micheal adds.

Adrenaline, in my soul
Every thought out or control
Do it all to get them off their feeeeet

Cody's music hit, erupting a loud pop with a chair in hand.

He slides into the ring facing off with Judgement Day standing by Leanne and Jey's side.

"What y'all wanna do!" Jey shouts.

"You wanna go, come on!" Cody yells.

"Let's run that fade, Rhea!" Leanne tells her.

Judgement steps forward closing in as the crowd cheers.

"Cody Rhodes and company are still outnumbered but Cody has an equalizer." Micheal states.

"Wait, wait." Damien puts his hand out backing up Judgement Day.

"Not today, not today." Mr. Priest in the bank says, slowly the factions back up outside the ring.

"And for now, with Judgement Day making a wise decision not to interact so for the time being we have peace." Micheal says with relief in his voice.


The trio makes it backstage walking in unison to their locker rooms.

"Not gonna lie, this is kind of fun." Leanne says first.

"What's that?" Cody asks.

"Being a good guy, I forgot what it's like to have the fans actually cheer you." She laughs.

"Man, for real, after I split from Bloodline, it felt like a weight off my shoulders." Jey says.

"I could see it all that stress had you growing grey hairs in your beard." She looks at him.

"Real talk! Now I get to be a free man." He spread his arms out with a smile.

"You were great out there Leanne," Cody tells her, "Baby face on you don't look too bad."

"Thanks Cody." The shorter woman looks at the blonde man.

Nodding, Cody daps up Jey saying, "I'm gonna go freshen up, I'll see you guys later."

Saying their goodbye the pair still aimlessly walk down the halls talking.

"He's not wrong, you don't look too bad as a babyface." Jey tells her.

"I guess, but I can't officially turn baby face until the girls get back." She tells him.

"You practically are since you been with me, you been all smiles too." He playfully pokes her side.

"Stop! You're just too much out there, got people waving around they hands like some damn blow-up doll outside grocery stores." She retorts.

Jey laughs, "I didn't even expect to blow up like this to be honest."

"For real?" Leanne looks at him.

"Yeah, everyone just started chanting Uso and going crazy when I was feuding with Roman, it's been following me ever since." Jey answers.

"Wow, when the story is done right the people love it." She says.

Jey nods in agreement to her words, "When did you get into wrestling?"

"Why do you wanna know?" She questions him.

"I'm just curious, everyone shares their story around here, never heard yours before." He replies.

"Doesn't mean you need to." She remarks.

"True but it's what friends do." Jey answers.

"Friends?" Leanne echos with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, we've been working together for months now, I know you're strict on the work thing, but you don't not like me so, friends." Jey answers.

Jey was right about one thing; Leanne didn't not like him. She was actually quite fond of him, she didn't mind his presence at all, a matter of fact it was quite comforting, and since they travel together now, she found herself getting comfortable around him.

Not comfortable to where she's gonna call him up when having a mental breakdown but comfortable enough to where she won't feel awkward if they stopped talking or the conversation died out.

She nods her head slowly looking up at the Samoan, "Alright, friends it is."

A smile formed on Jey's face as he looks down at her. "So, you gonna tell me how you got into wrestling?"

"Hmm, maybe later, we got another drive ahead of us and I am in desperate need of a shower I look like crap." She motions to herself.

"Girl please you look gorgeous." Jey smacks his lips telling her.

"Jey I was sweating my makeup off out there and my hair is a mess," she deadpans at him.

"And you still look gorgeous, it would be bad if your eyelash was coming off, but it's still glued, so you good girl." He answers.

"What do you know about eyelashes being glued on." She shook her head at him.

"The same way I know coffin nails are better than almond ones." He replies.

Surprised that he even knew this Leanne laughs, her eyes widening as she stared at him.

"Yeah, I know a thing or two, don't let me get started on hair." He retorts.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna go now," she walks away slowly looking back at him laughing.

"What? A man can't know about female stuff, you want me to tell you about your foundation shade while I'm at it. What do you use? Fenty? Rare beauty? Pick a brand girl I got it." He calls after her laughing.

"Go away! I'll see you later." Leanne laughs as she goes.

"Word, meet me in catering when you're done." He calls back.

Raising her hand for a thumbs up she continues walking back to the lockeroom.

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