From under the rose - Valoran...

By OscarTheCripples

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Content warning: (Contains elements depicting trauma and PTSD) Y/N L/N Codename: Hanjin Hailing from a dimens... More

Agent: Hanjin (Abilities updated)
Chapter 1 - The devil and the damned
Chapter 2 - from the ashes
Chapter 3 - Valorant protocol (With character updates)
Chapter 5 - Meeting her again
Character update:
Chapter 6 - KJ and Y/N (a little lighthearted)
Chapter 7 - Mi Florecita
Chapter 8 - The little prince and his flower
K-TAC Phantom design for Y/N

Chapter 4 - Haunted by the past and present

217 9 1
By OscarTheCripples

The Vulture transport landed on the deck, commanding us to clear the pad.

We felt a rumble and a bump as the Bird touched down on the pad. The ramp opened to reveal another somewhat recognizable face—green bodysuit, mask, and all. When she spoke, confirming our suspicions, yep, it's her.

Viper: "Welcome to Valorant protocol." She stood there in a dignified stance, hands held behind her back.

Me: "Doctor Callas" I nodded. Calling her by name seemed to surprise her as she looked up at me confused. "Forgive me, If i'm wrong" I tried to shift my tone.

Viper: "I'm guessing you're like KAY/O, An intruder from another world" (A/N: SHE SAID IT!) She Guessed correctly wow who would've thought. "I hope for certain you would be an asset"

Me: "Another factor to be added to the equation." I replied.

She nods and then proceeds to walk away, well that was weird she didn't even...She stopped and looked behind us and gestured for us to follow.

Phoenix: "Well then boy girls and robots Follow lady" Phoenix follows suit, and we began following them. Jett just facepalms and begins walking with us she mutters something about idiots in korean but...i couldn't quite hear that.

KAY/O and I lagged behind as i want to talk to him about, his AWOL.

Me: "As much as i love you KAY/O much like a father would his son but May i ask what's your aim when travelling here."

KAY/O: "Finding a way to stop the war from happening."

Me: "But this isn't our timeline, and this isn't our world." I countered

KAY/O: "Teleporter problems." He said. "that was my official mission, but the teleporter didn't work as intended"

Me: "I see, There's no point in that now, most of CTAC is dead and buried and the war is at a stalemate now" I told him, sounding devastated and defeated, I looked down watching my own footsteps. "Am i the only one you found in the ruble?"

KAY/O: "Yeah"

I see, Ash didn't make it. at least Reyna didn't make the jump. Viper showed us around the facility, But before she dismissed us she called me in to her lab, which i followed. Viper showed me all of my equipment on the table some were broken but specifically my tempest stim unit, and some of my weapons, but the bracelet looks okay.

Viper: "We were able to recover this from the site, I assume these are yours?"

Me: "Yeah, But i have to repair most of them except the bracer" I picked it up and snapped it unto my wrist. "Fox, status report" Orderer as my eyes briefly glowed green before disappearing back to its normal red color.

Fox: "Welcome back dear, All systems are functioning." she replies. "The stim pack has suffered heavy damage and need repairs." she follows up.

Viper: "An Artificial intelligence Helper, Who made that?" she asked.

Me: "I did, Most of the equipment you see here were made by me, except this bracer here." I swiped my hand on it and activates displaying a wheel with all my weapons on it, Viper recognizes that style. down to the purple and blue holo display. "It was made by my fiance." I said my tone shifting from pride to sorrow. I activated my operator and swiping my hands together it generated my personal sniper rifle.

(Here's the reveal, yes the gold variant of the glitch pop weapons are Y/N's personal weapons)

Viper: "These are very impressive tech" she commented, examining the operator on my hands. "and The cybernetics?"

Me: "The cybernetics on my body were also made by me, KAY/O's weapon systems were developed by me as well"

Viper seemed to be fascinated by my creations, she had the same reaction as my viper when i first made polarized radianite.

Viper: "That's good to hear as KAY/O's weapon systems require repair and none of us know how to work with the material used." ; "You may take all of these back with you, when you settle down."

Me: "Is it okay if i keep the bracer?" I asked her, and she nods in approval. "Thank you" I leave Viper's lab and continued on to the hallway, where Neon was waiting for me.

Neon: "Hey! Everyone else went to the Cafeteria since it's lunchtime, but i decided to wait for you" she laughed wryly.

Me: "Thanks kid" I gave her another head pat. which she seems to like. the two of us walked down the hall to the cafeteria to find KAY/O and Phoenix already sitting on the tables. "We stood in line for the mess hall."

Phoenix: "warning for you fam, Don't touch he meatloaf aight." Phoenix shouted from the table before going back to his meal. "oh and once you're done there sit with us, the squads gotta stick together yeah"

I asked if they have Creamed Chipped Beef a staple when back in the fields, are as we like to call it shit on a shingle, when added on to toast. and they did, so i decided to get that instead. I sat down with phoenix and the others.

Phoenix: "What the heck is that?" He pointed at my meal.

Me: "S.O.S" I answered "Out of all the things in the meal tent back in my world, This is probably the most palatable one"

KAY/O: "Shit on a shingle" the robot added.

Phoenix waved his hand at someone behind me and I felt someone sit next to me he had blue highlighted black hair swept back and a blue jacket, he sets down his food on the table.

Yoru: "Don't mind me All the other tables are full" he chuckled and poured opened a can of soda.

Phoenix: "No prob bruv just avoid the shading the others on the table especially the new guy" I simply waved as i continued to eat my S.O.S

Yoru: "Good to meet you, I like your style, like the frenchie but better looking"

???: "Hey Mind if me and my bonita sit with you", we heard from behind. I know who that is, I know that voice.

???: "Don't wear out the label raze, let's keep it PG ja?" I refused to look behind me as my feet began to tap. I felt weight and pressure on to the empty spot next to me, It can't be it, Can't.

KAY/O: "Boss?" I looked to the side to KAY/O who sitting across from me as neon was seated right in front of me. i caught a glimpse of them.

Tayane...Klara...I tried to look away from them but I couldn't, I saw flashes of my Raze being obscured by flames and Killjoy's bloodied corpse. but i was snapped out of it when they started talking to me.

Killjoy: "Hey are you the new guy?" She's alive and she's smiling right here, I can't believe it...I can't help but feel my face lift into a simple smile.

Raze: "You look a bit dazed there big guy, hehe" Yep that's raze alright, I chuckled to myself.

Me: "S-Sorry it's just" I looked at both of them Raze looks exactly like my raze, just younger, same braids, same baseball cap, and tattoos, she still looks like the cool hyperactive girl i've grown to love.

Killjoy: "It's like you've seen a ghost." she finished my sentence, just like my Klara...she's as beautiful as i remembered, even without the battlescars. her eyes were just as topaz, just as i remember...she just looks a bit younger. she looks exactly like my fiance.....but no this isn't her, they aren't my raze and my killjoy.

Me: "I-I'm sorry, My name's Y/N" I hesitantly offered my hand and both of them shook it. "The commander still rambling about not getting too much sleep, I know he's a bit a nagging dad but still"

Killjoy: "You know how he is." she chuckled. "Wait how did you know how he is?" She looked at me surprised and confused, attracting the other's eyes. I realized my slip up and i stood up.

KAY/O began to spaz out and began to play a video of my killjoy in front of a camera. she was tinkering with KAY/O's arm.


Klara: "Okay time to test" but before she can begin the test. fox began to speak.

Fox: "Sir L/N is back, and miss alves is also here should i send them down to the lab?"

End video

Me: "End video" I ordered causing the video to prematurely end "I need to get out for a bit, Raze don't do anything stupid with KAY/O" and I stood up and walked away to try and get a breather.

-Third person-

Raze: "Hold on how come me and Kj are in that video." ; "Well technically only my name is but still!"

Killjoy: "And why do we look slightly older"

Phoenix: "How the hell were you able to tell that? i see no difference" he asked confused

KAY/O: "I'm just as clueless as- " KAY/O began to spaz out again "Activate recap protocol?" The robot asked in a monotone voice.

KJ and Raze looked at each other and hesitantly nodded, before turning back to KAY/O.

Killjoy: "Yes do it" she ordered, KAY/O's chest began to project a holographic screen playing the same video as before.


Klara: "Yes please send them down here." she ordered, a few minutes has passed and the door finally slid open to reveal Y/N, wearing the same lab coat as Klara was wearing in the video. He and raze were carrying a large ball contained in a cell.

Me: "Tayane don't drop it or we'll be dead and explodead" It was weird though, Y/n's eyes were natural and he had none of the cybernetics that the Y/N they met earlier sported.

Raze: "I'm not that stupid."

Klara: "Let me prepare the core." she walked off the screen and Raze and Y/N followed her with the core. KAY/O sped up the video and it shows Raze leaving the lab early, Soon after skipping ahead for a few more frames Y/N and Killjoy walked back into frame. "if something wrong happens we can have this"

Me: "It's good to be prepared but i don't see us breaking up anytime soon hun" He sat down on the couch a bit worn out. "contingency plans don't always work out."

Klara: "Nothing is for certain as much as i hate it, we might have a fight" She sat down next to me and lays her head down on my shoulder, and we held hands

Me: "Fighting you is hopeless, no one argues with you and wins." causing both KJ and Klara to laugh

Klara: "You really are a genius" she jokes, and transitioned to a gentle loving smile, as she leans in to give me a kiss. "I love you, Y/N" the recording ended prematurely as KAY/O came back to consciousness.



just then another video opens up, and it's in the same lab just as the sprinklers activate and on floor was Y/N and Klara in his arms, bloodied and dying. while Y/N's back was riddled with knives.

the door burst open to phoenix and Raze rushing inside only to stop in their place as they find Y/N and Klara, Raze immediately rushed to their side.

Raze: "Check to see if the lab is clear!" She knelt to next to the pair and took out a first aid kid from her pack. "Y/N" She held Y/N's face and turned it to face her. "You're still alive." She began to treat his wounds. and the camera cuts out before restarting again, to show an operating room.

they begin to hear voices from outside the camera's view as Raze Hurriedly rushed into the medical ward, and KAY/O walking towards her. She seemed to been gripped with unease as the robot approached but she pressed forward.

KAY/O: "Raze"

Me: "Where is he?"

He said nothing, only turning to the operating room, what has he done this time? She ran to the door as quickly and pushed it open. and saw him, holding on to the operating chair to keep himself up. The sight was horrifying for the others, when his eyes opened they were unrecognizable, all over his right arm was riddled with fault lines. He augmented his body.

He tried to walk forward, she rushed to him when he stumbled, she held him and gently let him sit down. His breathing was soft and he seemed weak. Raze looked at her hand and immediately looked at Y/N's back horrified to find that his spine was comepletely replaced with a cybernetic

Y/N: "i'm sorry irmã, I did something stupid" His voice tinged with sorrow.

Raze: "You promise klara that you would never-"

Y/N: "She's not here anymore, I have nothing left"

Raze: "nothing left? what am I to you irmão!?" She yelled. "Why would you say that, sua família, os outros, Me, I told you before that you aren't alone" She sighed and sat down in front of him. "I know you are devastated with what happened to klara, but it doesn't mean you should throw what you had away" Raze took his hand unto her own. "você é minha família, Please stop doing this to yourself" She pressed her forehead against his own.





The video skips ahead to Raze And Y/N around a burning Building. it was through Y/N's eyes that, and what they saw as Y/N busts open a door to an underground passage way.

Raze: "You need someone to cover you and the others." She told Y/N, Y/N's eyes snapped to her and raze was completely different she had the same eyes as Y/N it seems she had herself augmented.

Y/N: "You're joking, You're not staying here, I'm not loosing you, not now not ever." But Raze just walked towards him and embraced him in a hug.

Raze: "It's better if it's me, than you, everyone needs you" she plants a kiss on Y/N's lips and presses her forehead against his "I love you even if you don't feel the same way, I'll make sure to tell Klara that you love her still"

Y/N: "Raze..."

Raze: "Please Don't say it now" she smiled softly. before the camera cuts out.


Everyone was shocked to say the least as all the things that Y/N's saw and Recap protocol managed to record played out in front of them.

Phoenix: "Woah that was some heavy shit."

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