A missing piece... The other...

By 3HaNaNa3

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Salvatore Smith meets a woman with whom he shared few nights after loosing his wife. It was 12 years ago, sh... More

Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...
Chapter 2 - Make a choice...
Chapter 3 - I am your father...
Chapter 4 - Strangers...
Chapter 5 - Give me a chance...
Chapter 6 - She was murdered...
Chapter 7 - Time to say Goodbye...
Chapter 8 - Make your choice...
Chapter 9 - One day after another...
Chapter 10 - New School...
Chapter 11 - New friend...
Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???
Chapter 13 - Onii-san...
Chapter 14 - School bully...
Chapter 15 - OtΓ΄-san...
Chapter 16 - Normal days...
Chapter 17 - A day with you...
Chapter 19 - Takeshiro Tanaka...
Chapter 20 - Happy birthday Mom...
Chapter 21 - Unexpected visit...
Chapter 22 - Gianni's training...
Chapter 23 - Weird...
Chapter 24 - Fight at school...
Chapter 25 - Valentina...
Chapter 26 - Uncle's attack...
Chapter 27 - Feelings...
Chapter 28 - Long night...
Chapter 29 - Mr Rossi...
Chapter 30 - The package...
Chapter 31 - Back to school...
Chapter 32 - School Festival?

Chapter 18 - Paparazzi...

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By 3HaNaNa3

Suki followed Enzo upstairs without saying anything. She was curious about that video and about why her brothers and her father were so pissed off. When she began to become closer with some members of her family, the little girl looked online to see if there was information about them and she saw a lot of articles about her father. There was also some about her eldest brothers but not that much about the three youngest.

Enzo: Try to rest before diner.

Suki: Enzo...

Enzo: I have work to do, so rest... we can talk later.

Enzo's tone was a bit colder than he wanted but it was only because he was worried and annoyed by that video. When her brother closed the door, Suki took her phone from her bag and searched on Internet her name. Her hands started to tremble when the video began.

The man commenting the video was talking about Suki's mother, showing photos of Fumiko and her. He knew most of the things that happened the last few weeks in her life. Then, other photos of the little girl with her brothers and her father in front of the school were showed. The video was almost over with a clip of today's outgoing with Gabriel when the door opened, and someone snatched the phone of her hand.

Enzo: I told you to rest! What the fu** are you doing, looking at that piece of shit! (The little girl startled and stared at her brother with teary eyes.) Ah... Fu**!! Don't... don't cry... Daddd!!!!

Enzo yelled to call his father upstairs and Suki stepped back. The young man didn't know how to deal with his little sister at this moment. The head of the family quickly joined them. Gabriel came too, sure that his brother called because of Suki. And when Salvatore entered his daughter's room and saw the phone on Enzo's hand, he understood.

Salvatore: Suki...

Suki: Otô-san... why that man is talking about Mom...

Salvatore: (He kneeled in front of her.) I am sorry, that journalist was too curious about the only daughter of the Smith family, and we couldn't find out before he published that... video. But Dad will do the necessary to delete it... so, please, don't be sad and don't cry.

Suki: (She wiped her eyes.) Sorry...

Salvatore: You don't have to be sorry for showing your feelings...

Gabriel: Suki, try to forget that video, we will take care of everything, no one will bother you. Instead, think about the good day we had together, when you were looking for all those delicacies for your mother's birthday. (He patted her head and she nodded.) You are a strong little girl.

Salvatore: Refresh yourself first and then, you can join us downstairs. Is it finefor you?

Suki nodded once again, and the three men left her bedroom. She quickly went to shower and under the water, she cried a little.

Downstairs, the boys were still in the living room, waiting for their father's instructions. Salvatore told the youngest to be more careful, for the next few days and asked Dante to check which of their men were in duty when those photos were taken.

Then, he left to his office to call his lawyer. He needed that video to be taken down and to sue the publisher. Gabriel worked with Dante and Enzo in the meeting room to review the schedules of their men since Suki came to live with them.

When the little girl came downstairs, there was only Gianni, Davide and Vito present. She hesitated to go back to her room, not ready to face critics or mean words from them.

Gianni: I was sure that you would cry... (She looked down.)

Vito: Eh you... (She hesitantly looked at him.)... Someone asked you question at school about you of your family? (She shook her head.)

Vito: And outside?

Suki: Today... was the first time I was going out.

Gianni: Vito, you never noticed someone suspect outside your school?

Vito: No but it's not the first time that paparazzies spy on us.

Davide: But that guy knows too much things. (He had his dark gaze on Suki the entire time.) Are you sure that you have nothing to do with that story? You maybe thought that it could be an easy way to be recognized as my father's daughter by doing that.

Suki: No... I never...

Gianni: Davide, don't be stupid, that kid can't form a plan like that... but you're right about the fact that he knows too much personal information. 

The three young men exchanged an accomplice gaze. They were sure, just like Salvatore and their brothers, that a mole informed that journalist. The story about Fumiko's murder was not published to not attract people's attention and to not tarnish the hospital's image.  

Suki: I swear... I never said anything to anyone... (Her tears were about to fall again.)

Gianni: Kid, go to the kitchen and bring me water!

Suki quickly went to the kitchen, glad to be able to escape Davide's piercing gaze.  

Gianni: Reassure me, that story doesn't come from one of you, right? It's not one of your stupid plan, to make her leave our house? (He was staring at the two youngest seriously.)

Davide: Are you kidding? We don't recognize her as part of our family. What makes you think that we will help someone to publish an article to say to the entire world that our father had an illegitimate child!

Vito: You really look like a devoted big brother...

Gianni: Is it not what I am?

Suki came back to the living room with the bottle of water requested by Gianni. Davide shook his head. His brother had a soft spot for that girl. She sat on the opposite couch and waited silently. Vito was rewatching that video. 

Vito: That guy you're hanging with at school...

Suki: Haru? (She asked with a little voice.) 

Vito: He knows about your story? He maybe sold information to gain some bucks!

Suki: Haru is not like that!

Vito: How are you so sure? You're dating him? You sl...

Gianni: Vito! She is a fu** 11 years old kid! (He glared at Suki.) You are not dating him, right?!

Suki: (She blushed, embarrassed.) No! Haru is... my friend...

Davide: Probably the only one... (He chuckled.)

Suki looked down. Salvatore entered the living room and noticed his daughter's red cheeks and Davide's amused gaze.

Salvatore: What's going on?

Davide: We were wondering if that thing could be the source of the video of that shit searcher of journalist!

Salvatore: (In Italian.) Are you completely stupid? She feels bad because of that fu** jerk. Do you think that she would offer her mother's death as a scoop to a stranger?! 

The boys stayed silent, and Suki didn't understand her father's words, even if she has got the feeling that she was the principal topic of his talk.

The weird atmosphere was interrupted by Aldo that informed the head of the family that diner was ready. Salvatore asked Vito to bring his brothers from the garden house.

They were all busy because of that video but Salvatore insisted to have a family diner, to dedramatize everything and reassure the little girl.

Salvatore: Suki, if you want to stay at home tomorrow instead of going to school, tell me.

Suki: No,... I'm fine... and maybe, no one at school saw that video.

Vito: You're dreaming!

Enzo: I hacked the website so no one can see it for now but it's only temporary!

Salvatore: Our lawyers will manage that matter.

Gabriel was silent during the dinner, lost in his thoughts. After the dinner, Suki went to her bedroom, prepared her bag and her uniform for the next day and after a night routine, she laid down to sleep. She needed around an hour to eventually fall asleep.

Later that night, Gabriel and Salvatore shared a drink. They needed a quiet moment to relax, and the eldest son found his peace of mind by talking to his father about the enjoying day he had with his little sister. Salvatore confessed to his son that he would have love to spend that day with his daughter too. They separated around midnight for a good rest.

The next morning, Suki was surprised to see Vito at the breakfast table. It was really rare for him to eat before school. When time came, she got in the car with Salvatore to go to school.

Alaric was ready to drive them, and a new bodyguard was in the passenger seat. The back door opened and surprisingly, Vito got in too. Something was definitively not normal. Justlike the previous day, a black van with bodyguards followed.

The car was a fancy van with 2 row of 2 seats facing each others at the back. The little girl was sitting near her father, Vito was in front of her.

Suki was discreetly staring at her youngest older brother. Why did he come in the car with them instead of taking his own car, as usual? But the dark gaze that he gave her was enough to make her look outside. Salvatore noticed it and hefrowned, giving at the same time, a little kick to his son's leg.

Vito: Aiee!!! Why did you kick me?! (Suki looked at his father.)

Salvatore: Change your attitude. You are not a kid!

Vito: I'm wondering sometimes...

Salvatore: Anyway, for the next few days, a team of our bodyguards is going to stay near your school, just for safety, in case that video would have attracted the attention of other journalists or curious people. 

Vito: I miss my car... my music... her, far away from me...

Salvatore: Continue and you won't see your car so soon!

Vito putted his headphones for the rest of the drive. After few minutes, the driver parked in front of the school and as anticipated by the head of the family, there was some journalists waiting for the Smith children.

The second van with the bodyguards parked behind Salvatore's one and they kept the reporters at a reasonable distance.

Bodyguard: We will sue anyone who will take photos of the children or even approached them! (He yelled at the audience's attention, and it seemed to work, some stepped back.)

Salvatore: Let's go. (He got off the car and offered his hand to his daughter.) I have an appointment inside.

Suki was not at ease with the situation and everyone's gaze on her. Her father putted his hand on her back, and they entered the school. Vito followed, few steps behind, hands in his pockets.

Suki: Have a good day Otô-san... (She smiled with a little hand wave.)

Salvatore: You too. And don't stress yourself with that video. If someone says something to you, tell your brother or call one of us and in few days, everyone would have forgotten it. And the only thing that they will remember will be that you are the Smith family only daughter and certainly not someone to mess with. 

Suki quickly left to her classroom, avoiding to cross the gaze of the other students. Salvatore watched her with a little smile. Before taking the path of the director's office, he stopped Vito who was about to join his section.

Salvatore: Vito, I want you to keep an eye on Suki at school. (His son sighed.) I know, it's bothering for you, but I ask you that favor as your father.

Vito: Now you are my father too, not only that girl's father?!

Salvatore: You really act like a little kid since Suki joined our family. You wanted to be treated like a grown man but now...

Vito: Okay, okay... I will make sure that your precious little thing is safe and if someone bothers her, I call you or her dear big brother! Happy?!

Salvatore: Thank you. And be careful about yourself too. We don't know yet if one of our enemies is behind that story or not!

Vito: Hum... I'm not a kid, I know how to protect myself, bye! 

Salvatore shook his head at his son's bad character. He had a though to his late wife. His sons definitively missed their mother's love and education after she passed away and it was clear in their behaviors.

Salvatore walked to the director office for his meeting with him and Suki's teacher. That encounter was even more important after the video was published. The teacher had only compliments about Suki and Salvatore was not surprised but also proud.

They talked for 20 minutes then, after reminded the director that his daughter well-being and safety was the priority, he left.

At lunch time, Suki joined Haru, and she was happy to have him as her friend. He was a good listener. They quickly had their meals then the young boy proposed to the little girl to stop by the Arts' room.

When Vito saw Suki and that boy leaving the cafeteria early, he stood up and went to see where they were going. He didn't want to ask her directly. When he saw them entering the room, he waited few seconds then looked through the window what they were doing inside. A girl and a boy alone together, for him, it was obvious. But no, the two kids only started to draw on large papers that the young boy had placed on the floor. It was really an innocent friendship. Vito shook his head at his own stupid thoughts and left.

The day at school passed pretty quietly. The fact that Suki arrived in the same car as Vito and with Mr Smith, was enough to scare any students, to act stupidly. Only Amanda badly glared at the little girl when she saw her, still angry about her break-up.

At the end of the classes, the bodyguard of the morning waited for the children at the entry of the school. There was still 2/3 reporters, but they were handled by the other bodyguards. It was not Alaric behind the wheels, he was busy driving Salvatore.

Just like in the morning, Suki walked without looking to people around and she didn't notice that one man was very closed to them, holding something in his hand, it was a recorder. 

Reporter: Miss Smith... please a word about your new life for the daily... (He couldn't finish his phrase, receiving a punch form Vito.)

Vito: What the fu** do you think you're doing?! 

Vito had grabbed the device and crashed it on the ground. Suki was frozen, startled by that man but also by Vito's reaction. He saw that she had stopped moving so he grabbed her by her bag and dragged her to the car.

Vito: Stop daydreaming and get inside that fu** car! 

Vito closed the door, but he stayed outside. The two bodyguards in surveillance came closer and the one that was supposed to "escort" them controlled the reporter on the ground.

Reporter: Let... let me go! How dare you hit me?!! I'm a journalist! I'm only doing my job!

Vito: I don't give a shit about your fu** job! Take his name and his journal's information! (He looked at the reporter.) You will receive the complain very soon! (The bodyguard freed the reporter who quickly left.) And you, what were you doing? You are paid to be there and prevent that type of situation! I'm not supposed to do your damn job!

Bodyguard: Sorry Sir.

Vito: Keep your sorry to whenyou will have to face my father!

Vito get inside the car under the students' startled gazes following what just happened. When he sat, Suki stared at his fist.

Suki: Are... you alright? (He stared at her.) It must hurt a lot...

Vito chuckled and Suki blushed, embarrassed and still a bit startled.

Vito: Who do you take me for?! A kid? You want to taste my fist and see by yourself if it hurts or not?! (He lifted his arm, and she closed her eyes.) You're really stupid, like, for real! (He laughed and bent down his arm.)

Suki: (She opened her eyes.) Sorry...

Vito: (He bent toward her.) Never forget that I can destroy you with one hit... just like I did with that jerk... Understood?

Suki nodded without saying a word and he smirked. She focused her attention on the landscape, but she felt her brother's gaze from time to time. When they reached home, Suki directly went to her bedroom to shower, then she started her homework. Maria brought her a snack with a tea before leaving the house.

A bit before diner time, Salvatore knocked at her door. Vito informed him about the incident and when he came back home, Salvatore wanted to check on his daughter's state of mind. 

Suki talked about what happened with her father and how she felt about that. She reassured him, she was fine now, and she was thankful to Vito for helping her, even if she confessed to Salvatore that the young man was still super scary.

The head of the family was glad that his youngest son kept his promise and that he protected his little sister, even if he didn't yet see her like a member of that family.

The evening was quiet and the next few days, things calmed down just as expected by Salvatore. Gabriel changed the bodyguard in charge of his little sister's safety after the incident. Just like the one who worked during their outgoing at the market, he sent this one to a tough training with Gianni's team. It was their last chance to keep their jobs.

After 2 days, Vito took back his car to go to school. One day, Amanda tried to get him back using her charms, but the young man didn't show any interest and she felt even more humiliated.


The weekend began quietly at home for Suki. She was reading a book in the library, waiting to be sure that her brothers were all awaken before playing piano. She didn't want to bother them even if from upstairs, no one would hear her.

Salvatore and his 3 eldest sons were at their company this morning. A bit before noon, Davide and Vito were having their breakfast in the living room, in front of a European soccer game. Enzo was still asleep; he spent his night on a game tournament. Suki was preparing a Japanese dish in the kitchen with Aldo. Her mother's birthday was the next day and she wanted to prepare some of the food in advance.

The ambiance was pleasant but unfortunately, the calm was interrupted when one of the guard of the gate propriety entered. Unannounced visitors were there. He informed Davide.

Guard: Sir, there is visitors that request an audience with your father. They... they say to be of Miss Suki's family. 

Davide: What? That kid's family? They are Japanese?

Guard: Yes, Sir. A man in his sixties and one younger. They are accompanied by two bodyguards.

Vito: Ehh... kid come hereee!!! (He yelled to call Suki.)

Davide: You didn't check their identity? Or call my dad?

Guard: I came to inform you first and the old man's name is Takeshiro Tanaka.

Suki: Tanaka??? (She had just entered the living room.)

Davide: Eh, useless thing, you know that man?

Suki: No... (She shook her head.)

Vito: Excited? That old man says to be a member of your family? Ready to pack your things?

Suki: What... (She was shocked by the news.) You...

Davide: Call my father and let them get in.

The guard nodded and left. Suki looked at her brothers with interrogation. Who was that man? How did he find her? What her brothers had in mind with that man arrival? Would they send her away during their father's absence?

Her questions will find answers very quickly, the steps for 3 men coming became louder. The guard let the old man and the younger one enter the living room. The two bodyguards were not allowed to come inside.

The two brothers stood up, but they kept distance. Davide's attitude changed for a serious one, just like Vito. Suki was observing silently. The old man looked at her with an impassible gaze. The second man seemed more hostile.

Davide: So? Who are you?

Takeshiro Tanaka: Young man, your father is not at home?

Davide: No, he is not. Who are you?

Takeshiro Tanaka : My name is Tanaka. My daughter was Fumiko Tanaka. I found out that she, unfortunately, passed away. (He showed not emotions.) I'm looking for her daughter...

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