You're My Always//Logan Reese

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Bella Parker and Logan Reese have been inseparable since the day they were born. What happens when PCA finall... Mer

Welcome to PCA
New Roomies
Defending Dustin
Prank Week
Jet X
The Play
Quinns Date
Disc Golf
School Dance
Little Beach Party
Back to PCA
Time Capsule
The Election
Haunted House
Bad Girl
Broadcast Views
Girls Will Be Boys
Robot Wars
Lola Likes Chase
Spring Break-Up Part 1
Spring Break-Up Part 2
People Auction
Quinns Alpaca
Chases Girlfriend
Hot Dean
Zoeys Tutor
The Great Vince Blake
Silver Hammer Society
Logan Gets Cut Off

Curse of PCA

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Bella's POV

The group and I were all in our ECON class listening to Michael try and spit out the information we were supposed to know, while our very strict teacher was yelling at him. I felt so bad for the kid, I get straight A's and even I'm struggling in this class, I can't imagine what the rest of the group is feeling like.

After Michael couldn't give the correct answer, our teacher started calling on random students, first Zoey then the weird girl who makes sculptures out of cotton swabs and then Chase, Chase being the only one able to answer the question

"Reese, the true main branches of economics" I looked at Logan who was sitting next to me, who's eyes suddenly widened when he heard his name get called

"Uhhh" he stuttered trying to find an answer, but ultimately ended up getting yelled at while Zoey asked if she could go get medicine from the nurse

After the weird girl ran out of the class screaming due to the bullying of our oh so wonderful teacher, the bell finally rang. None of us wasting any time on packing up our stuff, all of us wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible, but that stopped the second our teacher yelled us making us all scream and sit back down, only to find out we have an exam on Friday, great two days to study which means two days of straight hell

"Can you tell us anything about this test" Zoey asked nervously

"Yes, it'll be extremely difficult" our teacher responded, being no help whatsoever

"Well that was helpful" I muttered under my breath, causing Logan to snicker from next to me

"What was that Parker" everyone turned to me with wide eyes, as the horrible man in front of us singled me out

"Nothing at all sir" I sweetly responded like the innocent child I was, luckily he didn't question it again and moved on with his life, making me sigh in relief

"You got lucky" Logan was the first to speak as we made our way to the quad for lunch

"Trust me I know, I thought for sure I was dead" I responded, grabbing his hand as we walked, while the rest of our friends nodded in agreement

"I thought you were for sure gonna get yelled at" Chase looked at me, with slightly wide eyes as we all thought of how much I could have been yelled at

"Yeah but I'm just an innocent little kid, so there's no need to yell at me" I sarcastically said, everyone laughing at my comment as we finally made it to our table, Quinn joining us a few seconds later

The conversation quickly became about how Quinn warned us to not take Mr. Hodges class and how none of us listened

"We all know the legend of Charles Galloway" Quinn spoke, everyone nodding in agreement, while Zoey and I looked at each other confused

"I don't"
"Who's Charles Galloway" Zoey and I spoke our confusion in unison

"You know who he is Bells, I have told you all about him" Logan spoke, wrapping his arm around my chair and stealing a fry off of my plate as he did so

"Was I listening when you told me" I looked at him, still not knowing who this guy was

"Probably not" He shrugged his shoulders in response, as the boys and Quinn quickly filled us in on how Mr. Hodges gave a test so hard that Charles fled PCA and ran up a hill near campus never to be found again

"It's just an urban legend though" Chase said, slightly easing the nerves that had entered my body. Only for them to re-enter when Michael said he believed the legend

The conversation ended when Quinn got a call from Lola, and left to go watch guys eat apples in the lounge and rate their kissability

"Maybe I should have done that before I chose a boyfriend" I teased Logan, as the group snickered and he looked offended

"I'm a great kisser" he defended himself, making everyone laugh more

"Sure you are love" I kept the joke going as the rest of us grabbed our food and walked off leaving Logan at the table by himself

"I am!" We heard him scream, everyone on campus looking at him weirdly as we all died of laughter


Zoey, Chase and I were all in my room studying to this upcoming exam. Well they were studying, I was laying on my bed with my eyes closed trying to sleep, when Logan and Michael busted through the door laughing and setting a yearbook down on the table. I decided to ignore them and try to go back to sleep

The boys told Chase to open the yearbook, to show him that Charles Galloway did go to school here

"So this just proves he went to school here, not that he went crazy and ran away" Chase looked at the boys confused. I didn't even have to open my eyes to see the look of confusion go across Logan's face, I just listened to them try and prove themselves right but ultimately couldn't think of anything so they just decided to hit Chase and leave the room.

Logan quickly walked back in and leaned over my body, making me open my eyes for the first time since they got here

"You should be studying" he pretended to scold me, as I rolled my eyes

"So should you" I counteracted his comment, reaching up to play with his hair as I spoke

"I love you goodnight" he ignored my comment and instead chose to kiss me on the forehead and run out of the room again. I giggled to myself and buried myself back into my blankets quickly falling asleep

It was a couple hours later and I was still peacefully sleeping, until my door bust open and all of the girls entered, disrupting my peaceful slumber

"C'mon Bells wake up" Lola pulled the covers off my body making me instantly shiver and groan

"I'm sleeping" I tried to search for the covers without opening my eyes but I couldn't find them, so I unfortunately had to open them

"What do you want" annoyance filled my voice as I finally sat up and looked at all of my friends who looked like they were ready to hike a mountain

"Were hiking up to Red Stone Gulch to prove Charles Galloways legend" Quinn spoke with excitement in her voice

"Do I have to go" I whined flopping back onto my bed

"Yes you do. Here's a hoodie and some shoes let's get going" Zoey threw some stuff at me and pulled me out of my warm bed. I annoyingly got dressed and followed my friends out the door and to the field where we were meeting the boys and Lola's new friend Leaf

"Hey here comes the girls" Michael spoke up, when we walked up to them

I instantly made my way over to Logan and buried myself into his chest, while the girls surrounded the new guy

"What's up pretty girl" Logan asked rubbing his hands up and down my back

"I don't want to do this" I groaned out, I wanted to sleep in my very comfortable bed. Not climb up the side of a damn mountain

"It'll be fun Bells, please try and enjoy it" Logan pleaded with me, I wanted to scream at how quickly this boy can make me change my mind

"Fineeeeee" I agreed and focused my attention back towards the group as they all talked through the checklist of stuff in their bags

"Uhhh, nobody told me I needed to bring anything" I spoke up, everyone turning their attention to me

"I got all of your stuff in my bag Bells" Logan responded making me sigh in relief, and grabbing his hand in appreciation before we all began to our walk towards the mountain


We've been hiking for three hours and still haven't found what we were looking for, so we all decided to stop walking for a second and regroup, only to find out the amazing Leaf that was in charge of leading us to Red Stone Gulch has no idea where we are or where we're going

"Can we just go back to PCA, I really need to study for this test" Zoey asked as we all nodded in agreement

"Of course..." Leaf started whispering stuff to himself as we all waited for him to tell us which way to go

"You don't know the way back do you" Zoey asked once again, as Leaf looked at us all sheepishly

"No I do not, although I do have some mustard" he chuckled to himself, as we all angrily stared at him

"I'm gonna kill you" I threatened, lunging forward to strangle the kid but Logan grabbed me mid-air and stopped me, smiling at everyone awkwardly as I thrashed around in his arms


You know how we said we were going to find the way back towards PCA, yeah no that didn't happen because now we are at the top of Red Stone Gulch with a metal detector trying to search for any evidence of Charles Galloway. Suddenly Quinn's metal detector went off, causing her to quickly dig up an old necklace, while Michael grabbed it and examined it

"I think there's a name engraved on the back of this but I can't make out the letters" Michael kept squinting his eyes trying to find out what it said

"Here let me try and read it" Quinn walked over to her backpack to get her homemade super binoculars as Michael held up the necklace for her to read

"Charles... L... Galloway" she excitedly read as Logan and Michael cheered in excitement

"So it's true" Zoey said shocked

"Wow" Chase muttered also in shock

"Which I guess means we're standing right where he you know.. died" Logan's voice trailed off at the end of his sentence as we all took a couple steps back and stared at the necklace dangling in Logan's hand

Zoey was quick to tell Logan to put the necklace back in its stop, as everyone else agreed. Michael saying that we don't mess with man's eternal resting place, but Logan was adamant we take it so that we can become famous for proving the legend to be true

"Guyssss" Logan whined, looking at me to back him up

"Logan, we leave it. It's not ours to take" I sternly told him, making him huff in annoyance, and put the necklace back in the ground. Or so we thought, when we walked away he took that as his chance to hide it in Zoey's backpack

All of a sudden dark clouds rolled in, the wind picked up insanely and it started thundering like crazy

"Wow that storm is moving in fast" Michael looked at us all nervously

"Yeah let's go" I said as we all took off sprinting down the mountain trying to outrun a literal storm

We were halfway down the mountain when lighting almost hit us causing us all to fall down and stare at the sky to see green mist starting to follow us. Screaming we all started running in different directions a couple of us getting split up, but no matter where we ran the green mist still followed us

After about an hour of running down the mountain we finally got to the end and could see campus so we ran as quickly as could to get inside. Logan and I got there a little after Quinn and Michael and ran in to see Quinn strangling Leaf

"Okay that was a little freaky" Logan yelled out of breath, as we sat down in a chair. I nodded in agreement trying to catch my breath as I leaned onto his chair for support. It was then that we realized that Zoey and Chase were nowhere to be found

We were now all spread out around the lounge trying to figure out what just happened, and still wanting for Chase and Zoey to show up. After ruling out of the potential of it being a tornado, or in Leafs opinion a swarm of radioactive fireflies. Michael decided it was the ghost of Charles Galloway which caused Logan to scream in fear and cover his ears, while I quickly sat next to him and rubbed his neck trying to calm him down, and also trying not to laugh at his reaction, but that calmness quickly went out the window as Logan, Michael and Quinn started yelling at each other, while Lola and Leaf started kissing again. I just sat there in shock, staring at the events in front of me

After everyone had calmed down, we were just talking when the phone started to ring. Michael ran to answer it, only to find out Chase and Zoey were in the infirmary because they think Zoey has a broken ankle. We all shot out of our seats ready to go see our friend, while Lola and Leaf sat there and flirted and then started kissing again

"Ewww barf" I pretended to throw up, while Quinn looked at me in shock

"Don't act like you and Logan don't do the same thing" she said, causing Logan and my jaws to drop at her comment

"Not in public" I quickly defended myself as she just muttered "sureeee" to herself, clearly not convinced.

"Ok it's getting gross let's go" Quinn grabbed Lola dragging her away from Leaf

We were walking towards the nurse rather quickly trying to get to our injured friend, when we saw green smoke surrounding the building and Chase and Zoey's screams coming from inside the building

"Ok, that's not normal" Logan nervously spoke, as I grabbed his arm anxiety filling my body. We all stared screaming at the top of our lungs, not having any idea what was going on. Our screaming was cut off when the face of Charles Galloway litearlly appeared right in front of our eyes. Michael tried to get us all to go in with him to help Chase and Zoey, but ain't no way in hell was I going in that room. So we all just made Michael go in by himself to save the two. After a couple minutes the door busted open, to reveal Zoey on a gurney with a bucket on her head

"Come with me, I know what to do" Quinn yelled at us, pulling us with her as Chase ran after a run away Zoey. We were now in our room, while Quinn tried to make some anti-ghost thing and Michael read her everything about ghosts off of the internet

After Quinn made the orbs that would apparently help save us we sprinted outside to find Chase and Zoey and after quickly going over the plan we sprinted inside to the nearest classroom, where Quinn once again quickly told us what to do. I got as close to Logan as I could, I know he was scared shitless right now, but I needed someone to make me feel safe and he was the only one who knew how

"Logs, I'm scared" I whispered to him, grabbing on to his arms tightly while trying to hide myself in his chest

"Me too baby, me too. Buts it okay, nothing is going to happen to you" he reassured me, releasing my grip on one of his arms so he could rub my back comfortingly

"What about you?" I asked, once again nervous. He said nothing was going to happen to me, what about him?

"I'll let something happen to me, before anything happens to you" if we weren't in a life or death situation, I would have kissed the dude. But I instead chose to hug him tightly, our moment being cut off when the ghost started coming through the vents making us run to the opposite wall, while Quinn and Zoey threw the orbs at the ghost, because Michael chickened out and couldn't do it

The ghost disappeared for a second before coming back even bigger

"Quinn what do we do now" Zoey asked frantically

"Speaking scientifically.... RUN" Quinn yelled sprinting outside, all of us quickly following. We found a nearby wall and hid behind it

"Why does the ghost of Charles Galloway hate us" Michael asked out of breath

"Maybe because we disturbed his place" Quinn said trying to find any reason as to why this was happening

"Yeah but we left everything the same, we put the necklace back..." Zoey's voice trailed off and it went silent as we all looked at Logan who had a worried look on his face and said nothing

"You did put the necklace back" Zoey looked at Logan who once again said nothing

"Didn't you!!" We all yelled at him

"Hand me your backpack" Logan said to Zoey instead of answering our questions, and suddenly pulled out the necklace we found earlier

"Are you serious!"
"I can't believe you!"
"Logan Matthew Reese, I am going to kill you!" We all yelled at him in unison

"We gotta put that necklace back" Chase said, cutting off all of our yelling

"I think we should beat the snot outta Logan first" Michael yelled while Zoey said no, all of us looking at her shocked

"We put the necklace back and then we beat the snot outta Logan" She confirmed as we all jumped up frantically

"I have a problem with this plan" Logan yelled before looking at me "Bells you're my girlfriend you gonna let them do this"

"Absolutely and I'm helping them. You almost got us killed!!" I yelled at him before sprinting after my friends desperate to get to the top of this mountain

It was daylight by the time we got to the top of the mountain and put the necklace back

"So should we um say some words" Chase asked as we all looked down awkwardly

"Umm well Charles, we're sorry for disturbing you, we're sorry for taking your necklace. We put it back so please stop scaring us" Zoey said unsure of what to say to a literal ghost

"Amen" we all agreed, almost immediately the green ghost appeared again this time going back into the hole where we found the necklace

"Oh my god, our ECON exam" Zoey yelled looking at her watch as we all quickly sprinted down the mountain and got to our class as quickly as possible, only to get there late and find our teacher yelling about his messed up classroom

"I'm trying to figure out who did this to my classroom" Mr. Hodges yelled at us, as we all shared awkward glances

"Oh um, that was kinda us" Michael said while Chase tried to back him up by saying it wasn't totally our fault

"Yeah um it was actually the ghost of Charles Galloway" Zoey spoke up. I looked at Logan not sure how the rest of this conversation was going to play out

"Is this some kind of joke" our teacher yelled at us once again. I swear this man doesn't know how to use his inside voice

Hodges wouldn't let us explain ourselves and instead chose to say that "there is no such thing as ghosts" I don't think Charles appreciated that very much because next thing we know the green mist is back and spinning Mr. Hodges in circles, while we all looked at each other worriedly

"Your exam is cancelled. Class dismissed!" Mr. Hodges yelled after the ghost let him go and he stormed out of the classroom

"Yes!!" We all cheered in excitement as Zoey thanked Charles.

Who knew a ghost could be so terrifying and helpful

AN:this is a long one. Hope y'all enjoy!!!

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